International Journal of Agriculture and Wildlife Science (IJAWS), Horticulture, Plant Protection, Biosystem Engineering (Agricultural Structures and Irrigation, Agriculture Machinery and Technologies Engineering), Poultry Farming, Agricultural Economics, Field Crops, Agricultural Biotechnology, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Wildlife Ecology and Management and Animal Science fields; the original articles created out of the studies which are carried out upon all agricultural fields and their compilation of up-to-date subjects are published as well.
International Agriculture and Wildlife Sciences Journal is published in June and December as two volumes. It publishes the original research articles done in agriculture and wildlife science areas or the writings in form of compilations that explain the scientific and technological methods and improvements. The responsible writer must upload the cover letter which includes the topic and the scope and declares that the article hasnot been issued before during the application into the system.
1. Articles submitted for publication in our journal should be prepared according to the journal writing rules. The study which are not in accordance with the writing rules will be returned to the authors and will not be accepted for peer-review. WRITING RULES AND TEMPLATE HERE.
2. Each study must use MS Word 2007 version or higher version using the A4 in the paper. The article should be listed as Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if any), References.
3. The authors can benefit from the issued articles on the website of the journal while preparing their own. The section titles must be written in upper case and bold and not numbered. Only the initial letters of subtitles need to be written in upper case. All pages and lines need to be numbered. Writing rules of Turkish Language Institution must be taken into consideration and a gap must be given after Turkish punctuation marks. If an abbreviation is to be used,the concept must be clearly explained where it is used and short form need to given in parantesis (live weight rise (LWR) as). The indent of all paragraphs must be 0.5.
4. SI should be used presented in the Journal article (Systeme International d'Units) units of measurement. Decimal fractions should be used as a point (eg 5.42 instead of 5,42). Units "/" should not be used and should be a space between units (kg m-3 instead of kg/m3, as m h-1 instead of m/h). A space should be left between the symbol and number (such as 155 kg m-3, 11%). Exceptions to this rule are degree angles used for the symbols in minutes and seconds (°, ′ and ′′). They should be placed immediately after the number (10°, 45′, 60′′, etc.). If they are not at the end of the sentence, a point should be placed to the end of the symbols (kg. not, kg).
5. Journal writing rules are
also print format. Therefore, the rules of writing should be prepared carefully
by the authors. Articles that do not comply with the writing rules will be sent
back to the author(s).
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