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Year 2013, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 307 - 317, 01.06.2013


The changing nature of work has resulted in major transition in the shape of careers and their management within and outside organizations. Scholars, though, tend to suggest that the changes are overwhelming and colossal, whereas in reality much has remained stable. In this paper, I bring a balanced view of the management of careers in organizations and beyond. This paper takes into account recent developments in the nature of the business environment, and at the same time acknowledges that much of the basics in career development theory. This research will provide an important contribution to career literature in the formation of career criteria results on a model handled in 50 recently published articles


  • Arthur,M.B., and Rousseau,D.M. (1996). The Boundaryless Career:A new Employment Principle for a new Organizational Era, Oxford University Press,New York,NY.
  • Arthur,M.B. (1994). “The boundaryless career: A New Perspective for Organizational Inquiry”,
  • Journal of Organizationa Behavior,No.15,295-306. Baruch,Y. (2004).”Transforming careers:from linear to multidirectional career paths ,Organizational International and ındividual perspectives”, Career Development International, Vol.9,No.1,58-73.
  • Baruch,Y. (2001). “Career Development in Organizations and Beyond: Balancing Traditional and Contemporary Viewpoint”, Human Resource Management Review,16,125-138.
  • Baruch,Y. (2001a).”Employability-substitute to loyalty?”, Human Resource Development International, 4(4),543-566.
  • Briscoe,J.P., and Hall,D.T. (2006).”The interplay of boundaryless and protean careers:
  • Combinatiıonsand implications”,Journal of Vocational Behavior,Vol.69,4-18. Briscoe,J.P. and Hall,D.T. (2002).The protean orientation:Creating the adaptable workforce necessary for flexibility and spees, Paper given at the Academy Management, Denver, Aug 13.
  • Briscoe;J.P., Hall,D.T., DeMuyth,R.L.F. (2006). “Protean and Boundaryless Careers: An
  • Empirical Exploration”, Journal of Vocational Behavior,No.69,30-47. Briscoe,J.P.,Stephanie,C., Henagan,Burton,J.P., Murphy,W.M. (2012). “Coping with an insecure employment environement: The differing roles of protean and boundaryless career orientations”,Journal of Vocational Behavior,No.80,308-316.
  • Burke,R.J., Greenglass,E.R. and Schwanzer,R. ( 1993).Work Stress, Role Conflict, Social Report, and Psychological Bumout Among teachers”, Psychological reports, 73(2),371-380.
  • Cartwright,S. and Cooper,C.L. (1997). Maneging Workplace Stress, London: Sage.
  • Cooper,C.L., Dewe,P.J.A., O’Driscoll,M.P. (2002). Organizational Stress: A Review and Critique of Theory, Reserach and Applications”, Thousand Oakas:Sage.
  • De Fillippi,J. and Arthur,M.B. ( 1994).”The Boundaryless Career:A Competency-Based
  • Perspective”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15(4),307-324. Drucker,P.F. (1999).Management Challenges fort he 21 st Century,Oxford:Butterworth- Heinemann.
  • Gregory,R.F. (2001).Women and Workplace Discrimination:Overcoming Barriers to Gender
  • Equality,Rutgers University Press,New Brunswick,NJ. Greenhaus,J.H., and Folley,S. (2007).The Intersection of Work and Family Lives,İn Gunz,H. And Peiperl,M. (Eds.),Handbook of Career Studies,Sage, Los Angeles,CA,131-152.
  • Goleman,D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can matter more than IQ,New York,Bantam Books.
  • Granrose,C.S. and Bacalli,P.A. ( 2006).”Do psychological Contracts include boundaryless or Protean Careers?”,Career Development International, 163-182.
  • Handy,C. (1989). The Age of Unreason, Boston,MA:Harvard Business School Press.
  • Hall,D.T.(2002).Careers in and out of organizations, Sage Publications,Thousand Oaks,CA.
  • Hall,D.T. (2004).”The Protean Career:A Quarter- Century journey”,Journal of Vocational Behavior, 65,1-13.
  • Hall,D.T.(1996).”Protean Careers of the Twenty-First Century”,The Academy of Management Executive,Vol.10,No.4,8-16.
  • Hall,D.T. (1976). Careers in Organizations, Glenview, IL:Scott,Foresman.
  • Hall,D.T. and Associates. (1996). The Career is Dead-Long Live the Career:A Relation Approach to careers,San Francisco,CA:Jossey-Bass.
  • Inkson,K.(2006).”Protean and boundaryless careers as metaphors”, Journal of Vocational Behavior,Vol.69,48-63.
  • Inkson,K. (2002). Thinking creatively about careers: The use of metaphor,In M. Peiperl, M.Arthur and N.Anand (Eds.), Career creativity: Explorations in the Remarking of Work (pp.15-31), New
  • York: Oxford University Press. Jones,C. and De Fillippi,R.J. (1996). “Back to the future in film: Combining ındustry and self- knowledge to meet career challenges of the 21 st Century”, Academy of Management Exucutive, (4),89-104.
  • Kottke,J.L., and Agars,M.D. (2005).”Understanding the processes that facilitate and hinder efforts to advance women in organizations”, Career Development International, Vol.10,No.3,190-202.
  • Levinson,D.J.,Darrow,C.N.,Klein,E.B.,Levinson,M.H.,and McKee,B. (1978).The Seasons of a
  • Man’s Life, Ballantine,New York,NY. Lömsö,A.S., and Hiillos,M.(2008).” Career counselling for women managers at mid- career:devoloping an autobiographical approach: Gender in management”,An International Journal, Vol.23,No.6,395-408.
  • Mirvis,P.H. and Hall,D.T ( 1996).”Psychological success and The boundaryless career”, Journal of Organizational Behavior,15,365-380.
  • Mainiero,L.A. and Sullivan,S.E. (2005). “Kaleidoscope Careers:An Alternative Explanaition fort he opt-out revolution”, Academy of Management Exucutive, 19(1),106-123.
  • Omair,K.(2010).”Typology of Career Development for Arab Women Manegers”, Career
  • Development International,Vol.15,No.2,121-143. Otluoğlu,Çakmak,K.Ö. (2012).”Protean and Boundaryless Career Attitudes and Organizational
  • Commitment: The Effects of perceived Supervisor Support”,Journal of Vocational, No.80,638- Pringle,J.F. and Mallon,M. (2003). “Challenges fort he boundaryless career Odyssey”,
  • International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14,839-853. Peiperl,M.A. and Barunch,Y. (1997). “Back to square zero: The post-corporate career”,
  • Organizational Dynamics, 25 (4),7-22. Rouesseau,D.M.(1995).Psychological Contracts in Organizations,Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage Publications.
  • Quick,J.C.and Tetrick,L. (2002).(Eds.), Handbook of occupational health psychology,Washington,DC: American Psychological Association
  • Super,D.E. (1957). The Psychology of Careers:An Intruduction to Vocational Development, Harper, New York,NY.
  • Schein,E.H. (1978).Career Dynamics:Matching Individual and Organizational Needs,Addison
  • Wesley Publishing Company,Reading,MA. Sturges,J.(1999). “What it means to succeed: personal conceptions of career success held by male and female managers at different ages”, British Journal of Management, Vol.10,No.3,239-252.
  • Sullivan,S.E. and Arthur,M.B. (2006). “The evaluation of Boundaryless Concept: Examining
  • Physical and Psychological Mobility”,Journal Vocational Behavior, No.69,19-28. Sonnenfekl,J.A. and Peiperl,M.A. (1984).”Staffing policy as a strategic response: A Typology of
  • Career Systems”,Academy of Management Review, 13(4),568-600. Savickas,M.L. (1977). Renovating the Psychology of Careers fort he Twenty-First Century,In
  • Collin,A. And Young,R. (Eds.), The Future of Career, (pp.53-68),Cambridge University Press,New York: NY Sullivan,S.E. and Baruch,Y. (2009).”Advances in Career Theory and Research: A Critical Review and Agenda for Future Exploration”,Journal of Management, 35(6),1542-1571.
  • Waterman,Jr.R.H.; Waterman,J.A., and Colland,B.A. ( 1994). “Toward a career-resilient workforce”, Harvard Business Review,72(4),87-95.
Year 2013, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 307 - 317, 01.06.2013



  • Arthur,M.B., and Rousseau,D.M. (1996). The Boundaryless Career:A new Employment Principle for a new Organizational Era, Oxford University Press,New York,NY.
  • Arthur,M.B. (1994). “The boundaryless career: A New Perspective for Organizational Inquiry”,
  • Journal of Organizationa Behavior,No.15,295-306. Baruch,Y. (2004).”Transforming careers:from linear to multidirectional career paths ,Organizational International and ındividual perspectives”, Career Development International, Vol.9,No.1,58-73.
  • Baruch,Y. (2001). “Career Development in Organizations and Beyond: Balancing Traditional and Contemporary Viewpoint”, Human Resource Management Review,16,125-138.
  • Baruch,Y. (2001a).”Employability-substitute to loyalty?”, Human Resource Development International, 4(4),543-566.
  • Briscoe,J.P., and Hall,D.T. (2006).”The interplay of boundaryless and protean careers:
  • Combinatiıonsand implications”,Journal of Vocational Behavior,Vol.69,4-18. Briscoe,J.P. and Hall,D.T. (2002).The protean orientation:Creating the adaptable workforce necessary for flexibility and spees, Paper given at the Academy Management, Denver, Aug 13.
  • Briscoe;J.P., Hall,D.T., DeMuyth,R.L.F. (2006). “Protean and Boundaryless Careers: An
  • Empirical Exploration”, Journal of Vocational Behavior,No.69,30-47. Briscoe,J.P.,Stephanie,C., Henagan,Burton,J.P., Murphy,W.M. (2012). “Coping with an insecure employment environement: The differing roles of protean and boundaryless career orientations”,Journal of Vocational Behavior,No.80,308-316.
  • Burke,R.J., Greenglass,E.R. and Schwanzer,R. ( 1993).Work Stress, Role Conflict, Social Report, and Psychological Bumout Among teachers”, Psychological reports, 73(2),371-380.
  • Cartwright,S. and Cooper,C.L. (1997). Maneging Workplace Stress, London: Sage.
  • Cooper,C.L., Dewe,P.J.A., O’Driscoll,M.P. (2002). Organizational Stress: A Review and Critique of Theory, Reserach and Applications”, Thousand Oakas:Sage.
  • De Fillippi,J. and Arthur,M.B. ( 1994).”The Boundaryless Career:A Competency-Based
  • Perspective”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15(4),307-324. Drucker,P.F. (1999).Management Challenges fort he 21 st Century,Oxford:Butterworth- Heinemann.
  • Gregory,R.F. (2001).Women and Workplace Discrimination:Overcoming Barriers to Gender
  • Equality,Rutgers University Press,New Brunswick,NJ. Greenhaus,J.H., and Folley,S. (2007).The Intersection of Work and Family Lives,İn Gunz,H. And Peiperl,M. (Eds.),Handbook of Career Studies,Sage, Los Angeles,CA,131-152.
  • Goleman,D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can matter more than IQ,New York,Bantam Books.
  • Granrose,C.S. and Bacalli,P.A. ( 2006).”Do psychological Contracts include boundaryless or Protean Careers?”,Career Development International, 163-182.
  • Handy,C. (1989). The Age of Unreason, Boston,MA:Harvard Business School Press.
  • Hall,D.T.(2002).Careers in and out of organizations, Sage Publications,Thousand Oaks,CA.
  • Hall,D.T. (2004).”The Protean Career:A Quarter- Century journey”,Journal of Vocational Behavior, 65,1-13.
  • Hall,D.T.(1996).”Protean Careers of the Twenty-First Century”,The Academy of Management Executive,Vol.10,No.4,8-16.
  • Hall,D.T. (1976). Careers in Organizations, Glenview, IL:Scott,Foresman.
  • Hall,D.T. and Associates. (1996). The Career is Dead-Long Live the Career:A Relation Approach to careers,San Francisco,CA:Jossey-Bass.
  • Inkson,K.(2006).”Protean and boundaryless careers as metaphors”, Journal of Vocational Behavior,Vol.69,48-63.
  • Inkson,K. (2002). Thinking creatively about careers: The use of metaphor,In M. Peiperl, M.Arthur and N.Anand (Eds.), Career creativity: Explorations in the Remarking of Work (pp.15-31), New
  • York: Oxford University Press. Jones,C. and De Fillippi,R.J. (1996). “Back to the future in film: Combining ındustry and self- knowledge to meet career challenges of the 21 st Century”, Academy of Management Exucutive, (4),89-104.
  • Kottke,J.L., and Agars,M.D. (2005).”Understanding the processes that facilitate and hinder efforts to advance women in organizations”, Career Development International, Vol.10,No.3,190-202.
  • Levinson,D.J.,Darrow,C.N.,Klein,E.B.,Levinson,M.H.,and McKee,B. (1978).The Seasons of a
  • Man’s Life, Ballantine,New York,NY. Lömsö,A.S., and Hiillos,M.(2008).” Career counselling for women managers at mid- career:devoloping an autobiographical approach: Gender in management”,An International Journal, Vol.23,No.6,395-408.
  • Mirvis,P.H. and Hall,D.T ( 1996).”Psychological success and The boundaryless career”, Journal of Organizational Behavior,15,365-380.
  • Mainiero,L.A. and Sullivan,S.E. (2005). “Kaleidoscope Careers:An Alternative Explanaition fort he opt-out revolution”, Academy of Management Exucutive, 19(1),106-123.
  • Omair,K.(2010).”Typology of Career Development for Arab Women Manegers”, Career
  • Development International,Vol.15,No.2,121-143. Otluoğlu,Çakmak,K.Ö. (2012).”Protean and Boundaryless Career Attitudes and Organizational
  • Commitment: The Effects of perceived Supervisor Support”,Journal of Vocational, No.80,638- Pringle,J.F. and Mallon,M. (2003). “Challenges fort he boundaryless career Odyssey”,
  • International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14,839-853. Peiperl,M.A. and Barunch,Y. (1997). “Back to square zero: The post-corporate career”,
  • Organizational Dynamics, 25 (4),7-22. Rouesseau,D.M.(1995).Psychological Contracts in Organizations,Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage Publications.
  • Quick,J.C.and Tetrick,L. (2002).(Eds.), Handbook of occupational health psychology,Washington,DC: American Psychological Association
  • Super,D.E. (1957). The Psychology of Careers:An Intruduction to Vocational Development, Harper, New York,NY.
  • Schein,E.H. (1978).Career Dynamics:Matching Individual and Organizational Needs,Addison
  • Wesley Publishing Company,Reading,MA. Sturges,J.(1999). “What it means to succeed: personal conceptions of career success held by male and female managers at different ages”, British Journal of Management, Vol.10,No.3,239-252.
  • Sullivan,S.E. and Arthur,M.B. (2006). “The evaluation of Boundaryless Concept: Examining
  • Physical and Psychological Mobility”,Journal Vocational Behavior, No.69,19-28. Sonnenfekl,J.A. and Peiperl,M.A. (1984).”Staffing policy as a strategic response: A Typology of
  • Career Systems”,Academy of Management Review, 13(4),568-600. Savickas,M.L. (1977). Renovating the Psychology of Careers fort he Twenty-First Century,In
  • Collin,A. And Young,R. (Eds.), The Future of Career, (pp.53-68),Cambridge University Press,New York: NY Sullivan,S.E. and Baruch,Y. (2009).”Advances in Career Theory and Research: A Critical Review and Agenda for Future Exploration”,Journal of Management, 35(6),1542-1571.
  • Waterman,Jr.R.H.; Waterman,J.A., and Colland,B.A. ( 1994). “Toward a career-resilient workforce”, Harvard Business Review,72(4),87-95.
There are 46 citations in total.


Other ID JA76FA28DF
Journal Section Articles

Meltem Onay This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Onay, M. (2013). MADAME BUTTERFLY’S CAREER PREFERENCE. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 5(1), 307-317.
Chicago Onay, Meltem. “MADAME BUTTERFLY’S CAREER PREFERENCE”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 5, no. 1 (June 2013): 307-17.
EndNote Onay M (June 1, 2013) MADAME BUTTERFLY’S CAREER PREFERENCE. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 5 1 307–317.
IEEE M. Onay, “MADAME BUTTERFLY’S CAREER PREFERENCE”, IJBMS, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 307–317, 2013.
ISNAD Onay, Meltem. “MADAME BUTTERFLY’S CAREER PREFERENCE”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 5/1 (June 2013), 307-317.
MLA Onay, Meltem. “MADAME BUTTERFLY’S CAREER PREFERENCE”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, 2013, pp. 307-1.