This research deals with the importance of the components of the management
system according to the phases of organizational life cycle. The goal of our
research is to provide the theoretical reflection on the life cycle of the organization
and to shed light on the components of the management system for each phase.
The conceptual analysis shows that the management system is made up of its
three components: ethics, mode of functioning and procedure of regulation. The
organizational life cycle is studied according to its phases.
The qualitative study of Tunisian companies operating in the food sector shows
that components of the management system vary with the phases of the life cycle
of the organization.
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Roussel, Patrice and Wacheux Frédéric (2005), Management des ressources humaines, De Boeck, 440p.
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L’Harmattan, France, 188p. Silvola, Hanna (2008a) “ Design of Macs in growth and revival stages of the organizational life cycle”, Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, Vol.5, No.1, pp27-47.
Silvola, Hanna (2008b) “Do organizational life-cycle and venture capital investors affect the management control systems used by the firm?”, Advances in Accounting, incorporating Advances in International Accounting, Vol.24, pp128-138.
Smith, Ken, Mitchell Terence R and Summer Charles E (1985) “Top level management priorities in different stages of the organizational life cycle”, Academy of
Management Journal, Vol.28, No.4, pp799-820. Supizet, Jean (2002), Le management de la performance durable, Editions d’organisations, Paris, 543p.
Tabatoni, Pierre and Jarinou Pierre (1975), Les systèmes de gestion : politiques et structures, 1ère Edition, Presses universitaires de France, 233p.
Thiétart, Raymond-Alain et coll. (2003), Méthodes de recherche en mangement, Dunod, 2ème édition, 537p.
Year 2013,
Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 448 - 460, 01.06.2013
Beer, Stafford (1979), Neurologie de l’entreprise : cybernétique appliquée à la gestion des organisations, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 259p.
Beverland, Michael and Locksbin Lawrence S. (2001) “ Organizational life cycles in small New Zealand Wineries”, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol.39, No.4, pp354-362.
Cauvin, Eric and Bescos Pierre-Laurent (2002) “ L’évaluation des performances : une comparaison entre les pratiques des start-ups et des entreprises traditionnelles françaises et américaines ”, Congrès de l'Association Française de Comptabilité de Toulouse, 16-17 mai 2002.
Christensen, Roland and Scott Bruce (1964), Review of course activities, Lausanne, IMEME, 321p.
Churchill, Neil and Lewis Virginia L. (1983) “ Les cinq stades de l’évolution d’une
PME ”, Harvard L’expansion, Automne, pp51-63. Darbelet, Michel, Izard Laurent, and Scaramuzza Michel (2007) “L’essentiel du management”, 5ème edition, BERTI Edition, Foucher, Alger.
Dodge, Robert H, Fullerton Sam, and Robbins John E. (1994) “ Stage of the organizational life cycle and competition as mediators of problem perception for small businesses”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.5, pp121-134.
Frioui, Mohamed (2006), Le cadre institutionnel et la problématique managériale :
Cas vivants de management, Tunis, Yamama, 164p. Greiner, Larry E. (1977) “ De l’utilité des crises dans l’entreprise ”, Harvard L’Expansion, été 77, pp22-29.
Hanks, Steven H, Waston, Collin J, Jansen, Erik and ChandlerGaylen N (1993)
“Tightening the life cycle construct: a taxonomic study of growth stage configurations in high-technology organizations”, Entrepreneurship: Theory and practice, winter, Vol.8, Issue 2, pp5-30. Igalens, Jacques and Roussel Patrice (1998), Méthodes de recherche en gestion des ressources humaines Economica, 207p.
Jawahar, I.M and Mclaughlin Gary L. (2001) “Toward a descriptive stakeholder theory: An organizational life cycle approach”, Academy of Management Review, Volume 26, n°3, pp397-414.
Katz, D and Kahn R.L. (1978), the social psychology of organizations, New York, Wiley.
Kimberley, J.R (1979) “Issues in the creation of organization: initiation, innovation and institutionnalization”, Academy Management Journal, Vol.22, pp437-457.
Laflamme, Marcel (1981), Le management approche systémique : Théorie et cas,
Gaëtan morin éditeur, Québec, 397p. Lester, L.Donald, Parnell A.John and Carraher Shawn (2003) “Organizational life cycle: a five stage empirical scale”, The International Journal of Organization Analysis, Vol.11, No.4, pp339-354.
Lippitt, G. and Schmidt (1967) “ Crisis in a developing organization”, Harvard
Business Review, Novembre-Décembre, 1967.
Marchesnay, Michel (1995), Management stratégique, Les éditions Eyrolles Université, 284p.
Mélèse, Jacques (1979), L’analyse modulaire des systèmes de gestion : une méthode efficace pour appliquer la théorie des systèmes au management, 2ème édition, Editions
Hommes et Techniques, 235p. Miller, Danny and Friesen Peter H (1984) “ A longitudinal study of the corporate Life cycle”, Management Science, Vol.30, n°10, pp 1161-1183.
Quinn, E. Robert and Cameron Kim (1983) “Organizational life cycles and shifting criteria of effectiveness: some preliminary evidence”, Management Science, Vol.29, No.1, Janvier 1983, pp33-51.
Roussel, Patrice and Wacheux Frédéric (2005), Management des ressources humaines, De Boeck, 440p.
Sammut, Sylvie (1998), Jeune entreprise : La phase cruciale du démarrage,
L’Harmattan, France, 188p. Silvola, Hanna (2008a) “ Design of Macs in growth and revival stages of the organizational life cycle”, Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, Vol.5, No.1, pp27-47.
Silvola, Hanna (2008b) “Do organizational life-cycle and venture capital investors affect the management control systems used by the firm?”, Advances in Accounting, incorporating Advances in International Accounting, Vol.24, pp128-138.
Smith, Ken, Mitchell Terence R and Summer Charles E (1985) “Top level management priorities in different stages of the organizational life cycle”, Academy of
Management Journal, Vol.28, No.4, pp799-820. Supizet, Jean (2002), Le management de la performance durable, Editions d’organisations, Paris, 543p.
Tabatoni, Pierre and Jarinou Pierre (1975), Les systèmes de gestion : politiques et structures, 1ère Edition, Presses universitaires de France, 233p.
Thiétart, Raymond-Alain et coll. (2003), Méthodes de recherche en mangement, Dunod, 2ème édition, 537p.
Ahmed, S. Z. F. (2013). MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE CYCLE: A QUALITATIVE STUDY. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 5(1), 448-460.
Ahmed, Selma Zone Fekih. “MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE CYCLE: A QUALITATIVE STUDY”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 5, no. 1 (June 2013): 448-60.
Ahmed SZF (June 1, 2013) MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE CYCLE: A QUALITATIVE STUDY. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 5 1 448–460.
Ahmed, Selma Zone Fekih. “MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE CYCLE: A QUALITATIVE STUDY”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 5/1 (June 2013), 448-460.
Ahmed, Selma Zone Fekih. “MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE CYCLE: A QUALITATIVE STUDY”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, 2013, pp. 448-60.