International Journal of Boron Science and Nanotechnology is an international peer-reviewed journal published regularly three times a year, in April, July and December.
International Journal of Boron Science and Nanotechnology is an OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL and no fee is charged from the author or institution under any name. Publishing articles in International Journal of Boron Science and Nanotechnology, downloading and reading of articles is free of charge and also no article processing and publishing charges.
Authors own the copyright of their work published in the journal and give the first publication right to the journal. Works published in Journal of Scientific Reports C are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Readers can read, download, search and link the full text of journal articles without permission from the publisher or author, except for commercial purposes.
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The writing languages of the journal are Turkish and English. Articles sent to the journal are evaluated by at least two referees who are experts in their fields and selected by the editorial board. All articles submitted to the journal are evaluated using the double-blind method. Articles sent to our journal for evaluation must not have been previously published, have not been accepted for publication, and must not be in the process of being evaluated in another journal for publication. All responsibility for the articles published in the journal belongs to the author(s).
e-ISSN:: 3062-1933