Izmir Journal of Economics is a multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, international and double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal published quarterly online within the body of Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.
The main objective of the journal is to publish quality academic studies in the area of economics, econometrics, business, business economics, business analytics and business intelligence, tax applications and financial economics, public administration and international politics, that are based on empirical and/or theoretical research, comparative studies and case studies.
The journal prioritizes interdisciplinary, comparative and applied publications that address regional, national and international issues and problems. Manuscripts are evaluated for journal scope suitability upon submission. Out of scope manuscripts might be considered for publication depending on the field/discipline and overall suitability with a journal. The final decision rests with the Editor.
The publication language of articles published within the journal are Turkish, English and French.