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Kamu Özel İşbirliği Modeli İncelemesi: Birleşik Krallık

Year 2020, , 457 - 468, 30.09.2020


Kamu özel işbirliğinin dünyadaki ilk uygulayıcılarından olan Birleşik Krallık’ın deneyimleri, bugün özellikle az gelişmiş ülkelerde daha fazla rağbet görmeye başlayan modelin kazandırdıkları ve kaybettirdiklerine ilişkin önemli bir veri oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada, kamu özel işbirliği ya da Birleşik Krallık’taki adıyla özel finansman girişimi kapsamında yürütülen tartışmalar, reform adımları ve uygulama örneklerine yer verilerek; kamu yararı çerçevesinden modelin günümüzde bir ihtiyaç olup olmadığına dair bir tartışma yürütülecektir. Tartışmalardan elde edilen bulgulara gore ise kamu özel işbirliği projelerinin yerine doğrudan kamu finansmanı ile yatırım yapmanın kamu yararı açısından daha işlevli olacağı sonucuna varılmaktadır.


  • Abolishing PFI ‘makes little difference’,(2020, Mayıs), Public Finance,
  • Billions being spent on wasteful legacy PFI contracts across the country, new investigation shows, (2020, Mayıs), iNews,
  • CORNER, D. (2006), “The United Kingdom Private Finance Inıtiative: The Challenge of Allocating Risk”, OECD Journal on Budgeting, 5(3), 37-55.
  • DUDKIN, G., VALILA, T. (2006), “Transaction Costs in Public-Private Partnerships: A First Look at the Evidence”, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries,1(2),307–330.
  • EDWARDS, P., SHAOUL, J. (2002), “Partnerships: for better, for worse?”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 16(3), 397-421.
  • EUROPEAN PPP EXPERTISE CENTRE. (2011), State Guarantees in PPPs, partnership/library/state-guarantees-ppps-guide-better- evaluation-design-implementation-and-management.
  • FROUD, J. (2003), “The Private Finance Initiative: risk, uncertainty and the state”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 28, 567-589.
  • HEMMING, R. (2006), “Public-Private Partnerships, Government Guarantees,and FiscalRisk”, International Monetary Fund, Private-Partnerships-Government-Guarantees-and- Fiscal-Risk.pdf.
  • HM TREASURY. (2012), A New Approach to Public Private Partnerships.
  • HM TREASURY. (2019), Private Finance Initiative and Private Finance Projects: 2018 Summary Data,, (03.12.2019).
  • HOUSE OF COMMONS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMİTTEE. (2018), Oral Evidence : Private Finance Initiatives, mittees-a-z/commons-select/public-accounts- committee/inquiries/parliament-2017/private-finance- initiatives-17-19/publications/, (01.03.2018).
  • HOUSE OF COMMONS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMİTTEE. (2018), Privat Finance Initiatives Forty-Sixth Report of Session 2017–19, select/cmpubacc/894/894.pdf, (19.12.2019).
  • JUBILEE DEBT CAMPAIGN. (2017), Double Standards: How the UK Promotes Rip-off Health PPPs Abroad, standards-uk-promotes-rip-off-health-ppps-abroad ,(09.02.2018).
  • JUBILEE DEBT CAMPAIGN. (2017), The UK’s PPPs Disaster: Lessons on Private Finance fort he Rest of the World, lessons-private-finance-rest-world, (03.03.2018)
  • KALKINMA BAKANLIĞI YATIRIM PROGRAMLAMA IZLEME VE DEĞERLENDIRME GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ. (2012), Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Kamu Özel İşbirliği Uygulamalarına İlişkin Gelişmeler.
  • KARAHANOĞULLARI, Y. (2012), “Kamu Özel Ortaklığı Modelinin Mali Değerlendirmesi”, SBF Dergisi, No: 67(2), 95-125.
  • MINASSIAN, T., ALLEN, M. (2004), “Public Investment and Fiscal Policy”, International Monetary Fund, p.pdf.
  • NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE. (2009), Performance of PFI Construction, construction/, (01.03.2018).
  • NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE. (2018), PFI and PF2 ,, (26.02.2018).
  • NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE. (2018), Investigation into the Government’s Handling of the Collapse of Carillion, content/uploads/2018/06/Investigation-into-the- governments-handling-of-the-collapse-of- Carillion.pdf, (03.12.2019).
  • OFFICE FOR BUDGET RESPONSIBILITY. (2017), Fiscal Risks Report,, (26.02.2018).
  • RBS chairman: PFI has been a fraud, (2020, Mayıs), BBC News
  • SHAOUL, J. (2005), “A critical financial analysis of the Private FinanceInitiative: selecting a financing methodor allocating economic wealth?”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 16, 441-471.
  • SHAOUL, J. (2005), “The Private Finance Initiative or the public funding of private profit?”, The Challenge of Public Private Partnerships: Learning from International Experiences, (Ed. G. Hodge, C. Greve), Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, 190-204.
  • Taxpayers to foot £200bn bill for PFI contracts–audit Office. (2018,Ocak18),TheGuardian, payers-to-foot-200bn-bill-for-pfi-contracts-audit- office
  • WORLD BANK OPEN LEARNING CAMPUS.(2019), Infrastructure, Public-Private Partnerships, and FiscalManagement, public-private-partnerships-and-fiscal-management- self-paced, (25.11.2019).
  • WAEYENBERGE, E. V., ve BAYLISS, K. (2017), “Unpacking the Public Private Partnership Revival”, The journal of Development Studies, 54, 577-593.
  • Written evidence submitted by the British Medical Association, (12.05.2020).

Analysis of Public Private Partnership: United Kingdom

Year 2020, , 457 - 468, 30.09.2020


As one of the world's first practitioners of public-private partnerships, the United Kingdom's experience is an important evidence of the gains and losses of the model, which is becoming more popular today. The article will include various debates, reform steps and examples of practices under public finance initiative in the UK. However, there will be a debate on whether the model is needed today from the public interest perspective. According to the findings obtained from the discussions, it is concluded that investing in direct public financing instead of public private partnership projects will be more functional in terms of public interest.


  • Abolishing PFI ‘makes little difference’,(2020, Mayıs), Public Finance,
  • Billions being spent on wasteful legacy PFI contracts across the country, new investigation shows, (2020, Mayıs), iNews,
  • CORNER, D. (2006), “The United Kingdom Private Finance Inıtiative: The Challenge of Allocating Risk”, OECD Journal on Budgeting, 5(3), 37-55.
  • DUDKIN, G., VALILA, T. (2006), “Transaction Costs in Public-Private Partnerships: A First Look at the Evidence”, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries,1(2),307–330.
  • EDWARDS, P., SHAOUL, J. (2002), “Partnerships: for better, for worse?”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 16(3), 397-421.
  • EUROPEAN PPP EXPERTISE CENTRE. (2011), State Guarantees in PPPs, partnership/library/state-guarantees-ppps-guide-better- evaluation-design-implementation-and-management.
  • FROUD, J. (2003), “The Private Finance Initiative: risk, uncertainty and the state”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 28, 567-589.
  • HEMMING, R. (2006), “Public-Private Partnerships, Government Guarantees,and FiscalRisk”, International Monetary Fund, Private-Partnerships-Government-Guarantees-and- Fiscal-Risk.pdf.
  • HM TREASURY. (2012), A New Approach to Public Private Partnerships.
  • HM TREASURY. (2019), Private Finance Initiative and Private Finance Projects: 2018 Summary Data,, (03.12.2019).
  • HOUSE OF COMMONS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMİTTEE. (2018), Oral Evidence : Private Finance Initiatives, mittees-a-z/commons-select/public-accounts- committee/inquiries/parliament-2017/private-finance- initiatives-17-19/publications/, (01.03.2018).
  • HOUSE OF COMMONS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMİTTEE. (2018), Privat Finance Initiatives Forty-Sixth Report of Session 2017–19, select/cmpubacc/894/894.pdf, (19.12.2019).
  • JUBILEE DEBT CAMPAIGN. (2017), Double Standards: How the UK Promotes Rip-off Health PPPs Abroad, standards-uk-promotes-rip-off-health-ppps-abroad ,(09.02.2018).
  • JUBILEE DEBT CAMPAIGN. (2017), The UK’s PPPs Disaster: Lessons on Private Finance fort he Rest of the World, lessons-private-finance-rest-world, (03.03.2018)
  • KALKINMA BAKANLIĞI YATIRIM PROGRAMLAMA IZLEME VE DEĞERLENDIRME GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ. (2012), Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Kamu Özel İşbirliği Uygulamalarına İlişkin Gelişmeler.
  • KARAHANOĞULLARI, Y. (2012), “Kamu Özel Ortaklığı Modelinin Mali Değerlendirmesi”, SBF Dergisi, No: 67(2), 95-125.
  • MINASSIAN, T., ALLEN, M. (2004), “Public Investment and Fiscal Policy”, International Monetary Fund, p.pdf.
  • NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE. (2009), Performance of PFI Construction, construction/, (01.03.2018).
  • NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE. (2018), PFI and PF2 ,, (26.02.2018).
  • NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE. (2018), Investigation into the Government’s Handling of the Collapse of Carillion, content/uploads/2018/06/Investigation-into-the- governments-handling-of-the-collapse-of- Carillion.pdf, (03.12.2019).
  • OFFICE FOR BUDGET RESPONSIBILITY. (2017), Fiscal Risks Report,, (26.02.2018).
  • RBS chairman: PFI has been a fraud, (2020, Mayıs), BBC News
  • SHAOUL, J. (2005), “A critical financial analysis of the Private FinanceInitiative: selecting a financing methodor allocating economic wealth?”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 16, 441-471.
  • SHAOUL, J. (2005), “The Private Finance Initiative or the public funding of private profit?”, The Challenge of Public Private Partnerships: Learning from International Experiences, (Ed. G. Hodge, C. Greve), Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, 190-204.
  • Taxpayers to foot £200bn bill for PFI contracts–audit Office. (2018,Ocak18),TheGuardian, payers-to-foot-200bn-bill-for-pfi-contracts-audit- office
  • WORLD BANK OPEN LEARNING CAMPUS.(2019), Infrastructure, Public-Private Partnerships, and FiscalManagement, public-private-partnerships-and-fiscal-management- self-paced, (25.11.2019).
  • WAEYENBERGE, E. V., ve BAYLISS, K. (2017), “Unpacking the Public Private Partnership Revival”, The journal of Development Studies, 54, 577-593.
  • Written evidence submitted by the British Medical Association, (12.05.2020).
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

Eda Ünalan 0000-0003-1447-1391

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Submission Date December 25, 2019
Acceptance Date May 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Ünalan, E. (2020). Kamu Özel İşbirliği Modeli İncelemesi: Birleşik Krallık. İzmir İktisat Dergisi, 35(3), 457-468.

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