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Sağlık Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Euro Ülkeleri Üzerine Panel Veri Analizi

Year 2021, , 191 - 210, 31.03.2021


İçsel büyüme teorilerinde beşeri sermaye gelişiminin önemli bir bileşeni sağlık harcamalarıdır. Ayrıca, sağlık, insani gelişmişliğin ve toplumsal refahın bir ölçüsüdür. Bireylerin yaşam süresini, yaşam beklentilerini ve yaşam kalitesini yükselterek hem insani gelişime hem de ülkelerin kalkınma sürecine katkıda bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, 2000-2018 döneminde 16 Euro ülkesi için sağlık harcamaları, ekonomik büyüme ve insani gelişme arasındaki ilişki panel eşbütünleşme ve nedensellik testleri ile araştırılmıştır. Bulgularımız, kişi başına sağlık harcamaları ile kişi başına GSYH arasında uzun dönemli bir ilişkinin varlığını ortaya koymaktadır. Bununla birlikte yapılan nedensellik araştırması, incelenen değişkenler arasında çift yönlü nedensellik ilişkisinin olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Akar, S. (2014). Türkiye’de sağlık harcamaları, sağlık harcamalarının nisbi fiyatı ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 21(1), 311-322.
  • Ay, A., Kızılkaya, O., Koçak, E. (2013). Sağlık Göstergeleri ile Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişki: Türkiye Örneği. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(1), 163-172.
  • Baltagi, B., Moscone, F., (2010). Health Care Expenditure, Income and Welfare in The OECD Reconsidered: Evidence From Panel Data. OECD Discussion Paper Series, 4851.
  • Barro, R. J., (1996). Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country. NBER Working Paper No. 5698.
  • Başar, S., Künü, S., Bozma, G. (2016). Eğitim ve Sağlık Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10, 189-204.
  • Bloom, D. E., Canning, D., (2000). The Health and Wealth of Nations. Science’s Compas, Policy Forum: Public Health, 207: 1207-1209.
  • Bloom, D. E., Canning, D., (2003). The Health and Poverty of Nations: From Theory to Practise. Journal of Human Development, 4(1): 47-71.
  • Brady, D., Kaya, Y., Beckfield, J., (2007). Reassessing the effect of economic growth on well-being in less-developed countries, 1980-2003. Studies in Comparative International Development, 42: 1–35.
  • Brenner, M. H., (2005). Commentary: economic growth is the basis of mortality rate decline in the 20th century—experience of the United States, 1901-2000. International Journal of Epidemiology, 35: 1214–1221.
  • Cima, J., Almeida, S.Á., (2018). Health Expenditure, GDP Growth and The Financial Crisis: A Panel Data Analysis for OECD European Countries. FEP Working Paper, 602: 1-23.
  • Çelik A. (2020). G20 Ülkelerinde Sağlık Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkisinin Analizi. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 27(1), 1-20.
  • Doğanay, M. A., Değer, M. K. (2017). Yükselen Piyasa Ekonomilerinde Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar ve İhracat İlişkisi: Panel Veri Eşbütünleşme Analizleri (1996-2014). Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2), 127-145.
  • Elmi, Z. M., Sadeghi S. (2012). Health Care Expenditures and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Panel Co-Integration and Causality. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 12 (1), 88-91.
  • Erdem, E., Çelik, B. (2019). İnsani Gelişme ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Bazı Afrika Ülkeleri Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(17), 13-36.
  • Firebaugh, G., Beck, F. D. (1994). Does economic growth benefit the masses? Growth, dependence, and welfare in the third world. American Sociological Review, 59, 631–653.
  • Foon tang, C. (2011). Multivariate Granger Causality and the Dynamic Relationship Between Health Care Spanding, Income and Relative Price of Health Care in Malaysia. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 52(2): 199-214.
  • Gertdham, ULF-G., Jonsson B. (1992). International comparisons of health care expenditure — conversion factor instability, heteroscedasticity, outliers and robust estimators. Journal Of Health Economics, 11(2): 189-197.
  • Grossman, M., (1972). On The Concept Of Health Capital And The Demand For Health. Journal of Political Economy, 80(2): 223-255.
  • Grossman, M., (1999). The Human Capital Model of The Demand For Health. NBER Working Paper Series, 7078: 2-6.
  • Hartwig, J. (2010). Is Health Capital Formation Good for Long-term Economic Growth?-Panel Granger-causality Evidence for OECD Countries. Journal of Macroeconomics, 32, 314-325.
  • Howith, P. (2005). Health, Human Capital and Economic Growth: A Schumpeterian Perspective. Econ Brown, 1-29,, (02.11.2019).
  • Kar, M., Ağır, H. (2006). Türkiye’de beşeri sermaye ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Eşbütünleşme yaklaşımı ile nedensellik testi, 1926-1994. Selçuk Üniversitesi İİBF Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11, 51-68.
  • Kıymaz, H., Akbulut, Y., Demir, A. (2006). Tests of stationarity and cointegration of health care expenditure and gross domestic product. The European Journal of Health Economics, 7(4), 285-289.
  • Lipsey, R. G., Peter O. S., Douglas D. P., (1984), Economics, 9. Edition, Harper and Row Publishers, New York.
  • Mehrara, M., Musai, M. (2011). Health expenditure and economic growth: An ARDL approach for the case of Iran. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 3(4), 249-256.
  • Mushkin, S. J. (1962). Health as an Investment. Journal of Political Economy, 5(70): 128-130.
  • Ng’habi, N. B. (2012). Economic Growth and Human Development;Alink Mechanism An Empirical Approach. Munich Personal REPEC Archive: 1-48.
  • Rejeshkumar, N., Nalraj, P. (2014). Public Expenditure on Health and Economic Growth in Selected Indian States. International Journal of Science and Research, 3(3), 468-472.
  • OECD (2019). Health at a Glance 2019: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • Opreana, A., Mihaiu D.M., (2011).Correlation Analysis Between The Health System and Human Development Level Within The European Union. International Journal of Trade Economics and Finance, 2(2), 99-102.
  • Öztürk, S., Topçu, E. (2014). Health expenditures and economic growth: Evidence from G8 countries. International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, 2(6), 256- 261.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A Simple Panel Unit Root Test in the Presence of Cross-Section Dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics(22), 265-312.
  • Preston, S. H., (1975). The changing relation between mortality and level of economic development. Population Study, 29 (2), 231–248.
  • Sab, R., Smith, S. C., (2001). Human Capital Convergence: International Evidence. IMF Working Paper, 32: 1-34.
  • Şiriner, İ., Doğru, Y., (2008). Türkiye’de Büyümenin Ekonomi Politiği: 1980 Sonrası Türkiye Ekonomisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme, 2. Baskı, Dipnot Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2018). Panel Zaman Serileri Analizi, Beta Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Todaro, M. P., Smith, S. C. (2012). Economic Development, Addison-Wesly, Boston.
  • UNDP (2005), Human Development Report, Oxford University Press, New York.

The Relationship between Health Expenditures and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis on Euro Countries

Year 2021, , 191 - 210, 31.03.2021


An important component of the development of human capital in internal growth theories is health expenditures. Also, health is a measure of human development and social well-being. It increases the life expectancy, life expectancy and quality of life of individuals and contributes to both human development and the development process of the countries. In this study, the relationship between health spending, economic growth and human development has been investigated by panel cointegration and causality tests for the 16 Euro country between 2000-2018. Our findings reveal a long-term relationship between per capita health spending and per capita GDP. However, conducted the causality research shows that there is a two-way causality relationship between examined the variables.


  • Akar, S. (2014). Türkiye’de sağlık harcamaları, sağlık harcamalarının nisbi fiyatı ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 21(1), 311-322.
  • Ay, A., Kızılkaya, O., Koçak, E. (2013). Sağlık Göstergeleri ile Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişki: Türkiye Örneği. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(1), 163-172.
  • Baltagi, B., Moscone, F., (2010). Health Care Expenditure, Income and Welfare in The OECD Reconsidered: Evidence From Panel Data. OECD Discussion Paper Series, 4851.
  • Barro, R. J., (1996). Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country. NBER Working Paper No. 5698.
  • Başar, S., Künü, S., Bozma, G. (2016). Eğitim ve Sağlık Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10, 189-204.
  • Bloom, D. E., Canning, D., (2000). The Health and Wealth of Nations. Science’s Compas, Policy Forum: Public Health, 207: 1207-1209.
  • Bloom, D. E., Canning, D., (2003). The Health and Poverty of Nations: From Theory to Practise. Journal of Human Development, 4(1): 47-71.
  • Brady, D., Kaya, Y., Beckfield, J., (2007). Reassessing the effect of economic growth on well-being in less-developed countries, 1980-2003. Studies in Comparative International Development, 42: 1–35.
  • Brenner, M. H., (2005). Commentary: economic growth is the basis of mortality rate decline in the 20th century—experience of the United States, 1901-2000. International Journal of Epidemiology, 35: 1214–1221.
  • Cima, J., Almeida, S.Á., (2018). Health Expenditure, GDP Growth and The Financial Crisis: A Panel Data Analysis for OECD European Countries. FEP Working Paper, 602: 1-23.
  • Çelik A. (2020). G20 Ülkelerinde Sağlık Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkisinin Analizi. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 27(1), 1-20.
  • Doğanay, M. A., Değer, M. K. (2017). Yükselen Piyasa Ekonomilerinde Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar ve İhracat İlişkisi: Panel Veri Eşbütünleşme Analizleri (1996-2014). Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2), 127-145.
  • Elmi, Z. M., Sadeghi S. (2012). Health Care Expenditures and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Panel Co-Integration and Causality. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 12 (1), 88-91.
  • Erdem, E., Çelik, B. (2019). İnsani Gelişme ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Bazı Afrika Ülkeleri Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(17), 13-36.
  • Firebaugh, G., Beck, F. D. (1994). Does economic growth benefit the masses? Growth, dependence, and welfare in the third world. American Sociological Review, 59, 631–653.
  • Foon tang, C. (2011). Multivariate Granger Causality and the Dynamic Relationship Between Health Care Spanding, Income and Relative Price of Health Care in Malaysia. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 52(2): 199-214.
  • Gertdham, ULF-G., Jonsson B. (1992). International comparisons of health care expenditure — conversion factor instability, heteroscedasticity, outliers and robust estimators. Journal Of Health Economics, 11(2): 189-197.
  • Grossman, M., (1972). On The Concept Of Health Capital And The Demand For Health. Journal of Political Economy, 80(2): 223-255.
  • Grossman, M., (1999). The Human Capital Model of The Demand For Health. NBER Working Paper Series, 7078: 2-6.
  • Hartwig, J. (2010). Is Health Capital Formation Good for Long-term Economic Growth?-Panel Granger-causality Evidence for OECD Countries. Journal of Macroeconomics, 32, 314-325.
  • Howith, P. (2005). Health, Human Capital and Economic Growth: A Schumpeterian Perspective. Econ Brown, 1-29,, (02.11.2019).
  • Kar, M., Ağır, H. (2006). Türkiye’de beşeri sermaye ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Eşbütünleşme yaklaşımı ile nedensellik testi, 1926-1994. Selçuk Üniversitesi İİBF Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11, 51-68.
  • Kıymaz, H., Akbulut, Y., Demir, A. (2006). Tests of stationarity and cointegration of health care expenditure and gross domestic product. The European Journal of Health Economics, 7(4), 285-289.
  • Lipsey, R. G., Peter O. S., Douglas D. P., (1984), Economics, 9. Edition, Harper and Row Publishers, New York.
  • Mehrara, M., Musai, M. (2011). Health expenditure and economic growth: An ARDL approach for the case of Iran. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 3(4), 249-256.
  • Mushkin, S. J. (1962). Health as an Investment. Journal of Political Economy, 5(70): 128-130.
  • Ng’habi, N. B. (2012). Economic Growth and Human Development;Alink Mechanism An Empirical Approach. Munich Personal REPEC Archive: 1-48.
  • Rejeshkumar, N., Nalraj, P. (2014). Public Expenditure on Health and Economic Growth in Selected Indian States. International Journal of Science and Research, 3(3), 468-472.
  • OECD (2019). Health at a Glance 2019: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • Opreana, A., Mihaiu D.M., (2011).Correlation Analysis Between The Health System and Human Development Level Within The European Union. International Journal of Trade Economics and Finance, 2(2), 99-102.
  • Öztürk, S., Topçu, E. (2014). Health expenditures and economic growth: Evidence from G8 countries. International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, 2(6), 256- 261.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A Simple Panel Unit Root Test in the Presence of Cross-Section Dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics(22), 265-312.
  • Preston, S. H., (1975). The changing relation between mortality and level of economic development. Population Study, 29 (2), 231–248.
  • Sab, R., Smith, S. C., (2001). Human Capital Convergence: International Evidence. IMF Working Paper, 32: 1-34.
  • Şiriner, İ., Doğru, Y., (2008). Türkiye’de Büyümenin Ekonomi Politiği: 1980 Sonrası Türkiye Ekonomisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme, 2. Baskı, Dipnot Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2018). Panel Zaman Serileri Analizi, Beta Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Todaro, M. P., Smith, S. C. (2012). Economic Development, Addison-Wesly, Boston.
  • UNDP (2005), Human Development Report, Oxford University Press, New York.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

H.nehrin Tunalı 0000-0002-1297-6196

Ecem Özkan 0000-0001-6455-3534

Salih Yıldırım 0000-0003-1237-8214

Publication Date March 31, 2021
Submission Date May 4, 2020
Acceptance Date June 19, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Tunalı, H., Özkan, E., & Yıldırım, S. (2021). Sağlık Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Euro Ülkeleri Üzerine Panel Veri Analizi. İzmir İktisat Dergisi, 36(1), 191-210.

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