Research Article
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Year 2022, , 294 - 301, 15.10.2022



  • Aggrey J & Bisnath S (2019). Improving GNSS PPP convergence: The case of atmospheric-constrained, multi-GNSS PPP-AR. Sensors, 19(3), 587.
  • Alcay S & Turgut M (2021). Evaluation of the positioning performance of multi-GNSS RT-PPP method, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14, 3, 155,
  • Alcay S, Ogutcu S, Kalayci I & Yigit C O (2019). Displacement monitoring performance of relative positioning and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) methods using simulation apparatus. Advances in Space Research, 63(5), 1697-1707.
  • Atiz O, Ogutcu S, Alcay S, Li P, Bugdayci I (2021). Performance investigation of LAMBDA and bootstrapping methods for PPP narrow-lane ambiguity resolution, Geo-spatial Information Science,
  • Bahadur B & Nohutcu M (2020). Impact of observation sampling rate on Multi-GNSS static PPP performance. Survey Review, 1-10.
  • Bertiger W, Bar-Sever Y, Dorsey A, Haines B, Harvey N, Hemberger D, ... & Willis P (2020). GipsyX/RTGx, a new tool set for space geodetic operations and research. Advances in Space Research, 66(3), 469-489.
  • Bierman G J (1977) Factorization methods for discrete sequential estimation. Academic, New York.
  • Cao Y, Huang G, Xie W, Xie S & Wang H (2021). Assessment and comparison of satellite clock offset between BeiDou-3 and other GNSSs. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 1-17.
  • Cao X, Shen F, Zhang S & Li J (2020). Satellite availability and positioning performance of uncombined precise point positioning using BeiDou-2 and BeiDou-3 multi-frequency signals. Advances in Space Research.
  • Hećimović Ž (2013). Relativistic effects on satellite navigation. Technical Gazette, 20(1), 195-203.
  • Erol S, Alkan R M, Ozulu İ M & Ilçi V (2020). Impact of different sampling rates on precise point positioning performance using online processing service. Geo-spatial Information Science, 1-11.
  • Glaner M & Weber R (2021) PPP with integer ambiguity resolution for GPS and Galileo using satellite products from different analysis centers. GPS Solut 25, 102
  • Ge Y, Chen S, Wu T, Fan C, Qin W, Zhou F & Yang X (2021a). An analysis of BDS-3 real-time PPP: Time transfer, positioning, and tropospheric delay retrieval. Measurement, 172, 108871.
  • Ge H, Li B, Wu T & Jiang S (2021b). Prediction models of GNSS satellite clock errors: evaluation and application in PPP. Advances in Space Research.
  • Ge H, Li B, Ge M, Zang N, Nie L, Shen Y & Schuh H (2018). Initial assessment of precise point positioning with LEO enhanced global navigation satellite systems (LeGNSS). Remote Sensing, 10(7), 984.
  • Ge Y, Ding S, Qin W, Zhou F, Yang X & Wang S (2020). Performance of ionospheric-free PPP time transfer models with BDS-3 quad-frequency observations. Measurement, 160, 107836.
  • Geng T, Su X, Fang R, Xie X, Zhao Q & Liu J (2016). BDS precise point positioning for seismic displacements monitoring: benefit from the high-rate satellite clock corrections. Sensors, 16(12), 2192.
  • Geng J, Jiang P & Liu J (2017). Integrating GPS with GLONASS for high‐rate seismogeodesy. Geophysical research letters, 44(7), 3139-3146.
  • Grinter T, Roberts C & Janssen V (2020). Ambiguity-resolved real-time precise point positioning as a potential fill-in service for sparse CORS networks. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 146(2), 04020007.
  • Guo F, Zhang X, Li X & Cai S (2010). Impact of sampling rate of IGS satellite clock on precise point positioning. Geo-spatial Information Science, 13(2), 150-156.
  • Krogh F T (1970). Efficient algorithms for polynomial interpolation and numerical differentiation. Mathematics of Computation, 24(109), 185-190.
  • Leick A, Rapoport L & Tatarnikov D (2015). GPS satellite surveying. 4th ed. Hoboken: Wiley.
  • Laurichesse D & Blot A (2016). Fast PPP convergence using multi-constellation and triple-frequency ambiguity resolution. In Proceedings of the 29th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2016) (pp. 2082-2088).
  • Liu X, Jiang W, Li Z, Chen H & Zhao W (2019). Comparison of convergence time and positioning accuracy among BDS, GPS and BDS/GPS precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution. Advances in Space Research, 63(11), 3489-3504.
  • Ma H & Verhagen S (2020). Precise point positioning on the reliable detection of tropospheric model errors. Sensors, 20(6), 1634.
  • Mendoza L, Kehm A, Koppert A, Dávila J M, Gárate J & Becker M (2012). The Lorca Earthquake observed by GPS: a test case for GPS seismology. Física de la Tierra, 24(2012), 129-150.
  • Montenbruck O, Gill E & Kroes R (2005). Rapid orbit determination of LEO satellites using IGS clock and ephemeris products. GPS Solutions, 9(3), 226-235.
  • Mühlbach G (1978). The general Neville-Aitken-algorithm and some applications. Numerische Mathematik, 31(1), 97-110.
  • Ogutcu S (2020). Assessing the contribution of Galileo to GPS+ GLONASS PPP: Towards full operational capability. Measurement, 151, 107143.
  • Paziewski J, Sieradzki R & Baryla R (2018). Multi-GNSS high-rate RTK, PPP and novel direct phase observation processing method: application to precise dynamic displacement detection. Measurement Science and technology, 29(3), 035002.
  • Psychas D, Verhagen S & Teunissen P J (2020). Precision analysis of partial ambiguity resolution-enabled PPP using multi-GNSS and multi-frequency signals. Advances in Space Research, 66(9), 2075-2093.
  • Takasu T (2006). High-rate precise point positioning: observation of crustal deformation by using 1-Hz GPS data. In GPS/GNSS Symposium 2006.
  • Xiao G, Li P, Sui L, Heck B & Schuh H (2019). Estimating and assessing Galileo satellite fractional cycle bias for PPP ambiguity resolution. GPS Solutions, 23(1), 1-13.
  • Vazquez-Ontiveros J R, Vazquez-Becerra G E, Quintana J A, Carrion F J, Guzman-Acevedo G M & Gaxiola-Camacho J R (2020). Implementation of PPP-GNSS measurement technology in the probabilistic SHM of bridge structures. Measurement, 108677.
  • Ye Z, Li H & Wang S (2021). Characteristic analysis of the GNSS satellite clock. Advances in Space Research.
  • Yigit C O, El-Mowafy A, Anil Dindar A, Bezcioglu M & Tiryakioglu I (2021). Investigating Performance of High-Rate GNSS-PPP and PPP-AR for Structural Health Monitoring: Dynamic Tests on Shake Table. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 147(1), 05020011.
  • Yigit C O, Gikas V, Alcay S & Ceylan A (2014) Performance evaluation of short to long term GPS, GLONASS and GPS/GLONASS post-processed PPP, Survey Review, 46(3), 155-166
  • Yousif H & El-Rabbany A (2007). Assessment of several interpolation methods for precise GPS orbit. The journal of navigation, 60(3), 443.
  • Wang J, Huang G, Zhou P, Yang Y, Zhang Q & Gao Y (2020). Advantages of Uncombined Precise Point Positioning with Fixed Ambiguity Resolution for Slant Total Electron Content (STEC) and Differential Code Bias (DCB) Estimation. Remote Sensing, 12(2), 304.
  • Xu P, Shi C, Fang R, Liu J, Niu X, Zhang Q & Yanagidani T (2013). High-rate precise point positioning (PPP) to measure seismic wave motions: an experimental comparison of GPS PPP with inertial measurement units. Journal of Geodesy, 87(4), 361-372.
  • Zhang H, Gao Z, Ge M, Niu X, Huang L, Tu R & Li X (2013). On the convergence of ionospheric constrained precise point positioning (IC-PPP) based on undifferential uncombined raw GNSS observations. Sensors, 13(11), 15708-15725.
  • Zheng Y & Zhang J (2020). Satellite Orbit Interpolation Algorithm Analysis for GNSS Terminals. In China Satellite Navigation Conference (pp. 310-321). Springer, Singapore.
  • Zhu Y, Zheng K, Cui X, Zhang Q, Jia X, Zhang M & Fan S (2021). Preliminary analysis of the quality and positioning performance of BDS-3 global interoperable signal B1C/B2a. Advances in Space Research.
  • Zuoya Z, Xiushan L, Fanlin Y & Xiaoqiang Z (2010). Effect Analysis of GPS Observation and Satellites Clock Bias Sample Rates on Convergence Behavior in PPP. In 2010 International Conference on Multimedia Technology.
  • Zumberge J F, Heflin M B, Jefferson D C, Watkins M M, & Webb F H (1997). Precise point positioning for the efficient and robust analysis of GPS data from large networks. Journal of geophysical research: solid earth, 102(B3), 5005-5017.

Investigating the effect of observation interval on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou static PPP

Year 2022, , 294 - 301, 15.10.2022


GNSS observation intervals can be tuned from low rate to high rates (such as 300 to 1 s) for the specific applications. In this study, the effect of sampling intervals of 1, 5, 15, and 30 s on the convergence time and positioning accuracy of static precise point positioning is investigated using high-rate data from 26 IGS (International GNSS Service)-MGEX (Multi-GNSS Experiment) stations over a three-week period in 2020. Six different GNSS constellations – namely, GPS-only, GLONASS-only, Galileo-only, BeiDou-2-only, BeiDou-3-only, and multi-GNSS (GPS+GLONASS+Galileo+BeiDou-2+BeiDou-3) – are processed for static PPP. The results show that the use of higher rate of observation intervals significantly reduces the PPP convergence time for each GNSS constellation. Maximum improvements between 30 s and 1 s are found to be 55%, 60%, and 55% for north, east, and up components, respectively, for Galileo PPP. However, the results of positioning accuracy indicates that the use of higher rate of observation intervals slightly degrades the PPP converged positioning accuracy for each GNSS constellation except for BDS-3 and multi-GNSS PPP modes. The results demonstrate that the satellite clock interpolation error is mainly responsible for the degradation in accuracy at the higher rate of observation intervals compared with the orbit interpolation error.


  • Aggrey J & Bisnath S (2019). Improving GNSS PPP convergence: The case of atmospheric-constrained, multi-GNSS PPP-AR. Sensors, 19(3), 587.
  • Alcay S & Turgut M (2021). Evaluation of the positioning performance of multi-GNSS RT-PPP method, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14, 3, 155,
  • Alcay S, Ogutcu S, Kalayci I & Yigit C O (2019). Displacement monitoring performance of relative positioning and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) methods using simulation apparatus. Advances in Space Research, 63(5), 1697-1707.
  • Atiz O, Ogutcu S, Alcay S, Li P, Bugdayci I (2021). Performance investigation of LAMBDA and bootstrapping methods for PPP narrow-lane ambiguity resolution, Geo-spatial Information Science,
  • Bahadur B & Nohutcu M (2020). Impact of observation sampling rate on Multi-GNSS static PPP performance. Survey Review, 1-10.
  • Bertiger W, Bar-Sever Y, Dorsey A, Haines B, Harvey N, Hemberger D, ... & Willis P (2020). GipsyX/RTGx, a new tool set for space geodetic operations and research. Advances in Space Research, 66(3), 469-489.
  • Bierman G J (1977) Factorization methods for discrete sequential estimation. Academic, New York.
  • Cao Y, Huang G, Xie W, Xie S & Wang H (2021). Assessment and comparison of satellite clock offset between BeiDou-3 and other GNSSs. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 1-17.
  • Cao X, Shen F, Zhang S & Li J (2020). Satellite availability and positioning performance of uncombined precise point positioning using BeiDou-2 and BeiDou-3 multi-frequency signals. Advances in Space Research.
  • Hećimović Ž (2013). Relativistic effects on satellite navigation. Technical Gazette, 20(1), 195-203.
  • Erol S, Alkan R M, Ozulu İ M & Ilçi V (2020). Impact of different sampling rates on precise point positioning performance using online processing service. Geo-spatial Information Science, 1-11.
  • Glaner M & Weber R (2021) PPP with integer ambiguity resolution for GPS and Galileo using satellite products from different analysis centers. GPS Solut 25, 102
  • Ge Y, Chen S, Wu T, Fan C, Qin W, Zhou F & Yang X (2021a). An analysis of BDS-3 real-time PPP: Time transfer, positioning, and tropospheric delay retrieval. Measurement, 172, 108871.
  • Ge H, Li B, Wu T & Jiang S (2021b). Prediction models of GNSS satellite clock errors: evaluation and application in PPP. Advances in Space Research.
  • Ge H, Li B, Ge M, Zang N, Nie L, Shen Y & Schuh H (2018). Initial assessment of precise point positioning with LEO enhanced global navigation satellite systems (LeGNSS). Remote Sensing, 10(7), 984.
  • Ge Y, Ding S, Qin W, Zhou F, Yang X & Wang S (2020). Performance of ionospheric-free PPP time transfer models with BDS-3 quad-frequency observations. Measurement, 160, 107836.
  • Geng T, Su X, Fang R, Xie X, Zhao Q & Liu J (2016). BDS precise point positioning for seismic displacements monitoring: benefit from the high-rate satellite clock corrections. Sensors, 16(12), 2192.
  • Geng J, Jiang P & Liu J (2017). Integrating GPS with GLONASS for high‐rate seismogeodesy. Geophysical research letters, 44(7), 3139-3146.
  • Grinter T, Roberts C & Janssen V (2020). Ambiguity-resolved real-time precise point positioning as a potential fill-in service for sparse CORS networks. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 146(2), 04020007.
  • Guo F, Zhang X, Li X & Cai S (2010). Impact of sampling rate of IGS satellite clock on precise point positioning. Geo-spatial Information Science, 13(2), 150-156.
  • Krogh F T (1970). Efficient algorithms for polynomial interpolation and numerical differentiation. Mathematics of Computation, 24(109), 185-190.
  • Leick A, Rapoport L & Tatarnikov D (2015). GPS satellite surveying. 4th ed. Hoboken: Wiley.
  • Laurichesse D & Blot A (2016). Fast PPP convergence using multi-constellation and triple-frequency ambiguity resolution. In Proceedings of the 29th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2016) (pp. 2082-2088).
  • Liu X, Jiang W, Li Z, Chen H & Zhao W (2019). Comparison of convergence time and positioning accuracy among BDS, GPS and BDS/GPS precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution. Advances in Space Research, 63(11), 3489-3504.
  • Ma H & Verhagen S (2020). Precise point positioning on the reliable detection of tropospheric model errors. Sensors, 20(6), 1634.
  • Mendoza L, Kehm A, Koppert A, Dávila J M, Gárate J & Becker M (2012). The Lorca Earthquake observed by GPS: a test case for GPS seismology. Física de la Tierra, 24(2012), 129-150.
  • Montenbruck O, Gill E & Kroes R (2005). Rapid orbit determination of LEO satellites using IGS clock and ephemeris products. GPS Solutions, 9(3), 226-235.
  • Mühlbach G (1978). The general Neville-Aitken-algorithm and some applications. Numerische Mathematik, 31(1), 97-110.
  • Ogutcu S (2020). Assessing the contribution of Galileo to GPS+ GLONASS PPP: Towards full operational capability. Measurement, 151, 107143.
  • Paziewski J, Sieradzki R & Baryla R (2018). Multi-GNSS high-rate RTK, PPP and novel direct phase observation processing method: application to precise dynamic displacement detection. Measurement Science and technology, 29(3), 035002.
  • Psychas D, Verhagen S & Teunissen P J (2020). Precision analysis of partial ambiguity resolution-enabled PPP using multi-GNSS and multi-frequency signals. Advances in Space Research, 66(9), 2075-2093.
  • Takasu T (2006). High-rate precise point positioning: observation of crustal deformation by using 1-Hz GPS data. In GPS/GNSS Symposium 2006.
  • Xiao G, Li P, Sui L, Heck B & Schuh H (2019). Estimating and assessing Galileo satellite fractional cycle bias for PPP ambiguity resolution. GPS Solutions, 23(1), 1-13.
  • Vazquez-Ontiveros J R, Vazquez-Becerra G E, Quintana J A, Carrion F J, Guzman-Acevedo G M & Gaxiola-Camacho J R (2020). Implementation of PPP-GNSS measurement technology in the probabilistic SHM of bridge structures. Measurement, 108677.
  • Ye Z, Li H & Wang S (2021). Characteristic analysis of the GNSS satellite clock. Advances in Space Research.
  • Yigit C O, El-Mowafy A, Anil Dindar A, Bezcioglu M & Tiryakioglu I (2021). Investigating Performance of High-Rate GNSS-PPP and PPP-AR for Structural Health Monitoring: Dynamic Tests on Shake Table. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 147(1), 05020011.
  • Yigit C O, Gikas V, Alcay S & Ceylan A (2014) Performance evaluation of short to long term GPS, GLONASS and GPS/GLONASS post-processed PPP, Survey Review, 46(3), 155-166
  • Yousif H & El-Rabbany A (2007). Assessment of several interpolation methods for precise GPS orbit. The journal of navigation, 60(3), 443.
  • Wang J, Huang G, Zhou P, Yang Y, Zhang Q & Gao Y (2020). Advantages of Uncombined Precise Point Positioning with Fixed Ambiguity Resolution for Slant Total Electron Content (STEC) and Differential Code Bias (DCB) Estimation. Remote Sensing, 12(2), 304.
  • Xu P, Shi C, Fang R, Liu J, Niu X, Zhang Q & Yanagidani T (2013). High-rate precise point positioning (PPP) to measure seismic wave motions: an experimental comparison of GPS PPP with inertial measurement units. Journal of Geodesy, 87(4), 361-372.
  • Zhang H, Gao Z, Ge M, Niu X, Huang L, Tu R & Li X (2013). On the convergence of ionospheric constrained precise point positioning (IC-PPP) based on undifferential uncombined raw GNSS observations. Sensors, 13(11), 15708-15725.
  • Zheng Y & Zhang J (2020). Satellite Orbit Interpolation Algorithm Analysis for GNSS Terminals. In China Satellite Navigation Conference (pp. 310-321). Springer, Singapore.
  • Zhu Y, Zheng K, Cui X, Zhang Q, Jia X, Zhang M & Fan S (2021). Preliminary analysis of the quality and positioning performance of BDS-3 global interoperable signal B1C/B2a. Advances in Space Research.
  • Zuoya Z, Xiushan L, Fanlin Y & Xiaoqiang Z (2010). Effect Analysis of GPS Observation and Satellites Clock Bias Sample Rates on Convergence Behavior in PPP. In 2010 International Conference on Multimedia Technology.
  • Zumberge J F, Heflin M B, Jefferson D C, Watkins M M, & Webb F H (1997). Precise point positioning for the efficient and robust analysis of GPS data from large networks. Journal of geophysical research: solid earth, 102(B3), 5005-5017.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Sermet Öğütcü 0000-0002-2680-1856

Abbas Shakor This is me 0000-0003-3032-9694

Haıtham Farhan This is me 0000-0002-1530-5283

Publication Date October 15, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Öğütcü, S., Shakor, A., & Farhan, H. (2022). Investigating the effect of observation interval on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou static PPP. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 7(3), 294-301.
AMA Öğütcü S, Shakor A, Farhan H. Investigating the effect of observation interval on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou static PPP. IJEG. October 2022;7(3):294-301. doi:10.26833/ijeg.980148
Chicago Öğütcü, Sermet, Abbas Shakor, and Haıtham Farhan. “Investigating the Effect of Observation Interval on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou Static PPP”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 7, no. 3 (October 2022): 294-301.
EndNote Öğütcü S, Shakor A, Farhan H (October 1, 2022) Investigating the effect of observation interval on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou static PPP. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 7 3 294–301.
IEEE S. Öğütcü, A. Shakor, and H. Farhan, “Investigating the effect of observation interval on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou static PPP”, IJEG, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 294–301, 2022, doi: 10.26833/ijeg.980148.
ISNAD Öğütcü, Sermet et al. “Investigating the Effect of Observation Interval on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou Static PPP”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 7/3 (October 2022), 294-301.
JAMA Öğütcü S, Shakor A, Farhan H. Investigating the effect of observation interval on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou static PPP. IJEG. 2022;7:294–301.
MLA Öğütcü, Sermet et al. “Investigating the Effect of Observation Interval on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou Static PPP”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, vol. 7, no. 3, 2022, pp. 294-01, doi:10.26833/ijeg.980148.
Vancouver Öğütcü S, Shakor A, Farhan H. Investigating the effect of observation interval on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou static PPP. IJEG. 2022;7(3):294-301.