Writing Rules

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· The title page must be upper case in Times New Roman font size 14, and bold.

· All authors listed as the first name, and last name (i.e., Ahmet Ali Süzen1) without the highest academic or medical degree first.

· Authors names must be center as follows: (Times New Roman font size 10)

e.g., Ahmet Ali Süzen

· Institutional affiliation for each author must be as follows: (Times New Roman font size 10)

e.g., Xxxx Engineering Faculty, Xxxx University, Turkey

· The abstract of the manuscript must be upper case as follows: (Times New Roman font size 10 and bold)


· The abstract of manuscript text must be in Times New Roman font size 11. If the abbreviation is used, the abbreviated of the name must be specified in parentheses.

· The aim of the study and method must be briefly stated, the findings must be summarized with sufficient numerical details and the results must be explained within the framework the presented findings.

· Introduction (clearly stating an objective or hypothesis), Methods (describing the study design and methods applied), Discussion and Results (describing the results of the study in context with the published literature and addressing study limitations) can be used within a structured abstract if desired.

· The abstract must not exceed 250 words.

· Please keep the confirmation messages to your e-mail address after the manuscript submission process.

· Please tell us the technical support and questions about the submission korayozsoy@sdu.edu.tr


B.1. Principles of Writing

· The manuscript must be up to 25 pages including references.

· No corrections will be made by the journal boards in the manuscript. For this reason, authors are responsible for the mistakes in spelling and meaning.

· Set your document as A4 (International Standard: ISO 216) paper, use single line spacing, Times New Roman font size 12, number all pages, do not justify the right margin, and use line numbers. Save your manuscript as a Word document (.doc, .docx, or previous) and the margins must be set to be 2.5 cm for all edges.

B.2. Writing rules

The manuscript must be structured as follows.

I. Abstract

At the beginning of the manuscript must be English Abstract. The abstract of text is Times New Roman size 10 and must not exceed 250 words. Besides, the abstract of the manuscript must not only be sufficient to explain the aim of the study, but fully represent the content of the study briefly written and emphasize the important points or conclusions of the manuscript.

II. DIVISIONS and Subdivisions

The names of division must be the upper case but subdivisions must be written lower case. The text of divisions and subdivisions Times New Roman size 12, and bold.


2.1. Used in the Study ….

Ill. Figures and Tables

· The text of figures must be written in the top, whereas the text of the table must be written on top, and the content of Figure/Table must be described as title next to the number. Figures/Tables must be placed in the text.

· The content of Figure / Table must be written Times New Roman size 10. It should only be bold as Figure 1. and Table 1.

lV. References

· References must follow the text and begin on a separate page.

· References must be double line spaced and numbered consecutively in order of appearance within the text, using the automated numbering tool of Word.

· All the references must be Times New Roman size 10 and take place inside the references.

· Identify references in text, tables, and legends in Arabic numerals in parentheses, i.e. (7).

· List all authors when six or fewer; when seven or more, list only the first three and add et al.

· References used within tables or figure legends should be included in the reference list and numbered in consecutive order according to the table/figure citation in the text.

Last Update Time: 6/27/24, 1:28:56 PM


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