Year 2015,
, 9 - 18, 01.11.2015
Ahmet Cezmi Savas
Erkan Kosker
Selcuk Demir
Nurten Utar
- Aksoy, I. (2005). Ilkogretim Okullarinda Gorev Yapan Ogretmenlerin Okulda Degisim Yonetiminin Gerceklestirilmesinde Orgutsel Iletisimin Rolune Iliskin Algilari (Unpublished Master Thesis). Gazi University, Institude of Educational Science, Ankara.
- Anderson, D., & Anderson, L. A. (2010). Beyond change management: How to achieve breakthrough results through conscious change leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
- Armenakis, A.A., & Bedeian, A.G. (1999). Organizational change: A review of theory and research in the 1990’s. Journal of Management, 25, 293-315.
- Avolio, B. J., Bass, B. M., Riggio, R. E., Orr, S. S., Ciulla, J. B., Krishnan, V. R., ... & Riggio, R. E. (2008). Transformational leadership. Asia-Pacific Business Review, 4(1).
- Avolio, B.J., Zhu, W., Koh, W. and Bhatia, P. (2004). Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment: Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment and Moderating Role of Structural Distance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 951-968.
- Blau, G. (1985). The Measurement and Prediction of Career Commitment. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 58, 277-288.
- Burke, W. (2002). Organization Change: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Business Week (2005). Why the boss really had to say goodbye. July 4, 10.
- Caldwell, S. D., Roby-Williams, C., Rush, K., Ricke-Keily, T. (2009). Influences of Context, Process and Individual Differences on Nurses’ Readiness for Change to Magnet Status, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(7), 1412 – 1422.
- Carnoy, M., & Samoff, J. (2014). Education and social transition in the Third World. NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Cenker, B. (2008). Ilkogretim Okullarinda Gorev Yapan Ogretmenlerin Okulda Degisim Yonetiminin Gerceklestirilmesine Bakis Acilarinin Incelenmesi (Unpublished Master Thesis). Yedi Tepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul.
- Coskuner, S., Yertutan,C. (2009). Kurum Ev Adresi Alaninda Calisanlarin Orgutsel Bagliliklarinin Incelenmesi, H.U. Iktisadi and Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 27( 2), 1-18.
- Cavus S., Gurdogan A. (2008). Orgut Kulturu and Orgutsel Baglilik Iliskisi: Bes Yildizli Bir Otel Isletmesinde Arastirma,Ticaret and Turizm Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 1, 18-34.
- Cetin, S., Korkmaz, M. and Cakmakci, C. (2012). Donusumsel and Etkilesimsel Liderlik ile Lider-Uye Etkilesiminin Ogretmenlerin Orgutsel Vatandaslik Davranisi Uzerindeki Etkisi.Kuram and Uygulamada Egitim Yonetimi, 18(1), 7-36.
- Diker, O. (2014). Algilanan Liderlik Tarzlari, Orgut Kulturu Ve Orgutsel Baglilik Iliskisinin Turizm Endustrisinde Incelenmesi (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). Osmangazi University, Institute of Social Sciences, Eskisehir.
- Dincer, O. (1994). Orgut Gelistirme Teori and Uygulama Teknikleri. Istanbul : Iz Yayincilik.
- Emhan, A. and Gok, R. (2011). Bankacilik Sektorunde Personel Memnuniyeti and Orgutsel Baglilik Arasindaki Iliskilerin Arastirilmasi. Muhasebe and Finansman Dergisi, 51, 157-173.
- Geijsel, F., Sleegers, P., Leithwood, K., & Jantzi, D. (2003). Transformational leadership effects on teachers' commitment and effort toward school reform. Journal of Educational Administration, 41(3), 228-256.
- Gill, R. (2002). Change management--or change leadership?. Journal of change management, 3(4), 307-318.
- Gul, H., (2002). Orgutsel Baglilik Yaklasimlarinin Mukayesesi and Degerlendirmesi, Ege University Ege Akademik Bakis Dergisi, 2 (1), 42.
- Herold, D. M., & Fedor, D. B. (2008). Change the Way You Lead Change: Leadership Strategies That Really Work. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press
- Iverson, R. D. (1996). Employee acceptance of organizational change: the role of organizational commitment. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7(1), 122-149.
- Judson, A. S. (1991). Changing behavior in organizations: Minimizing resistance to change. NJ: Blackwell.
- Karahan, A. (2008). Hastanelerde Liderlik Ve Orgutsel Baglilik Arasindaki Iliskinin Incelenmesi, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 145-162.
- Kilincarslan, S. (2013). Okul Yoneticilerinin Liderlik Stilleri Ile Ogretmenlerin Orgutsel Baglilik Duzeyleri Arasindaki Iliskinin Incelenmesi (Unpublished Master Thesis). Okan University, Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul.
- Kotter, J. P. (1996). Leading change. MA: Harvard Business Press.
- Lewin, K. (1947). Group decision and social change. Readings in social psychology, 3, 197-211.
- Lines, R. (2004). Influence of participation in strategic change: resistance, organizational commitment and change goal achievement. Journal of Change Management, 4(3), 193-215.
- Liu, Y. (2009). When change leadership impacts commitment to change and when it doesn't: A multi-level multi-dimensional investigation.
- MacKinnon, E. (2008). Grasping at the Whirlwinds of Change: Transitional Leadership in Comparative Perspective. The Case Studies of Mikhail Gorbachev and FW de Klerk. Canadian Journal of History, 43(1), 69.
- Ozdamar, K. (2003). Modern Bilimsel Arastirma Yontemleri. Eskisehir: Kaan Kitabevi.
- Ozden, Y.(1997). Ogretmenlerde okula adanmislik yonetici davranislariile iliskili mi?. Milli Egitim Dergisi, 135, 35-41.
- Sezer, F. (2005). Ilkogretim okulu mudurlerinin sergiledikleri liderlik sitillerinin ogretmenlerin orgutsel bagliligina etkisi. Master Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
- Topaloglu, I.G. (2010). Isgorenlerin Adalet and Etik Algilari Acisindan Orgutsel Guven ile Orgutsel Baglilik Iliskisi (Unpublished Master Thesis). Ankara.
- Williams, L.J. and Hazer, J.T. (1986). Antecedents and Consequences of Satisfaction and Commitment in Turnover Models: A Re-Analysis Using Latent Variable Structural Equation Methods. Journal of Applied Psychology,12(1), 219-231.
- Yavuz, E. (2009). Donusumcu And Etkilesimci Liderlik Davranislarinin Orgutsel Bagliliga Etkisinin Analizi, Gazi University (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). Ankara.
Teachers’ perception on the Relationship between Change Leadership and Organizational Commitment
Year 2015,
, 9 - 18, 01.11.2015
Ahmet Cezmi Savas
Erkan Kosker
Selcuk Demir
Nurten Utar
The aim of this survey is to analyze the perception of teachers regarding the relationship between change leadership and organizational commitment. The study sample is 221 teachers working in the schools of Gaziantep, Sanliurfa and Mardin during the 2014-15 educational year since it is easier to reach them. The sample choice of our study has been made by applying the disproportionate cluster sampling method. According to the linear regression analysis results; change leadership predicts organizational commitment in a positive way. Also, multiple regression analysis results indicate that change-selling behaviors of change leadership predict organizational commitment significantly. It is beneficial for principals who want to increase the organizational commitment of teachers to exhibit change leadership behaviors in schools.
- Aksoy, I. (2005). Ilkogretim Okullarinda Gorev Yapan Ogretmenlerin Okulda Degisim Yonetiminin Gerceklestirilmesinde Orgutsel Iletisimin Rolune Iliskin Algilari (Unpublished Master Thesis). Gazi University, Institude of Educational Science, Ankara.
- Anderson, D., & Anderson, L. A. (2010). Beyond change management: How to achieve breakthrough results through conscious change leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
- Armenakis, A.A., & Bedeian, A.G. (1999). Organizational change: A review of theory and research in the 1990’s. Journal of Management, 25, 293-315.
- Avolio, B. J., Bass, B. M., Riggio, R. E., Orr, S. S., Ciulla, J. B., Krishnan, V. R., ... & Riggio, R. E. (2008). Transformational leadership. Asia-Pacific Business Review, 4(1).
- Avolio, B.J., Zhu, W., Koh, W. and Bhatia, P. (2004). Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment: Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment and Moderating Role of Structural Distance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 951-968.
- Blau, G. (1985). The Measurement and Prediction of Career Commitment. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 58, 277-288.
- Burke, W. (2002). Organization Change: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Business Week (2005). Why the boss really had to say goodbye. July 4, 10.
- Caldwell, S. D., Roby-Williams, C., Rush, K., Ricke-Keily, T. (2009). Influences of Context, Process and Individual Differences on Nurses’ Readiness for Change to Magnet Status, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(7), 1412 – 1422.
- Carnoy, M., & Samoff, J. (2014). Education and social transition in the Third World. NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Cenker, B. (2008). Ilkogretim Okullarinda Gorev Yapan Ogretmenlerin Okulda Degisim Yonetiminin Gerceklestirilmesine Bakis Acilarinin Incelenmesi (Unpublished Master Thesis). Yedi Tepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul.
- Coskuner, S., Yertutan,C. (2009). Kurum Ev Adresi Alaninda Calisanlarin Orgutsel Bagliliklarinin Incelenmesi, H.U. Iktisadi and Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 27( 2), 1-18.
- Cavus S., Gurdogan A. (2008). Orgut Kulturu and Orgutsel Baglilik Iliskisi: Bes Yildizli Bir Otel Isletmesinde Arastirma,Ticaret and Turizm Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 1, 18-34.
- Cetin, S., Korkmaz, M. and Cakmakci, C. (2012). Donusumsel and Etkilesimsel Liderlik ile Lider-Uye Etkilesiminin Ogretmenlerin Orgutsel Vatandaslik Davranisi Uzerindeki Etkisi.Kuram and Uygulamada Egitim Yonetimi, 18(1), 7-36.
- Diker, O. (2014). Algilanan Liderlik Tarzlari, Orgut Kulturu Ve Orgutsel Baglilik Iliskisinin Turizm Endustrisinde Incelenmesi (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). Osmangazi University, Institute of Social Sciences, Eskisehir.
- Dincer, O. (1994). Orgut Gelistirme Teori and Uygulama Teknikleri. Istanbul : Iz Yayincilik.
- Emhan, A. and Gok, R. (2011). Bankacilik Sektorunde Personel Memnuniyeti and Orgutsel Baglilik Arasindaki Iliskilerin Arastirilmasi. Muhasebe and Finansman Dergisi, 51, 157-173.
- Geijsel, F., Sleegers, P., Leithwood, K., & Jantzi, D. (2003). Transformational leadership effects on teachers' commitment and effort toward school reform. Journal of Educational Administration, 41(3), 228-256.
- Gill, R. (2002). Change management--or change leadership?. Journal of change management, 3(4), 307-318.
- Gul, H., (2002). Orgutsel Baglilik Yaklasimlarinin Mukayesesi and Degerlendirmesi, Ege University Ege Akademik Bakis Dergisi, 2 (1), 42.
- Herold, D. M., & Fedor, D. B. (2008). Change the Way You Lead Change: Leadership Strategies That Really Work. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press
- Iverson, R. D. (1996). Employee acceptance of organizational change: the role of organizational commitment. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7(1), 122-149.
- Judson, A. S. (1991). Changing behavior in organizations: Minimizing resistance to change. NJ: Blackwell.
- Karahan, A. (2008). Hastanelerde Liderlik Ve Orgutsel Baglilik Arasindaki Iliskinin Incelenmesi, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 145-162.
- Kilincarslan, S. (2013). Okul Yoneticilerinin Liderlik Stilleri Ile Ogretmenlerin Orgutsel Baglilik Duzeyleri Arasindaki Iliskinin Incelenmesi (Unpublished Master Thesis). Okan University, Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul.
- Kotter, J. P. (1996). Leading change. MA: Harvard Business Press.
- Lewin, K. (1947). Group decision and social change. Readings in social psychology, 3, 197-211.
- Lines, R. (2004). Influence of participation in strategic change: resistance, organizational commitment and change goal achievement. Journal of Change Management, 4(3), 193-215.
- Liu, Y. (2009). When change leadership impacts commitment to change and when it doesn't: A multi-level multi-dimensional investigation.
- MacKinnon, E. (2008). Grasping at the Whirlwinds of Change: Transitional Leadership in Comparative Perspective. The Case Studies of Mikhail Gorbachev and FW de Klerk. Canadian Journal of History, 43(1), 69.
- Ozdamar, K. (2003). Modern Bilimsel Arastirma Yontemleri. Eskisehir: Kaan Kitabevi.
- Ozden, Y.(1997). Ogretmenlerde okula adanmislik yonetici davranislariile iliskili mi?. Milli Egitim Dergisi, 135, 35-41.
- Sezer, F. (2005). Ilkogretim okulu mudurlerinin sergiledikleri liderlik sitillerinin ogretmenlerin orgutsel bagliligina etkisi. Master Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
- Topaloglu, I.G. (2010). Isgorenlerin Adalet and Etik Algilari Acisindan Orgutsel Guven ile Orgutsel Baglilik Iliskisi (Unpublished Master Thesis). Ankara.
- Williams, L.J. and Hazer, J.T. (1986). Antecedents and Consequences of Satisfaction and Commitment in Turnover Models: A Re-Analysis Using Latent Variable Structural Equation Methods. Journal of Applied Psychology,12(1), 219-231.
- Yavuz, E. (2009). Donusumcu And Etkilesimci Liderlik Davranislarinin Orgutsel Bagliliga Etkisinin Analizi, Gazi University (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). Ankara.