Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 191 - 206, 30.12.2019


study aims to investigate the ability of social enterprises in Indonesia
(Village Government Enterprises/BUMDes) to maintain going concern and
commitment to the risk mitigation of business. The method used is quantitative
with a questionnaire as a tool to collect data. The respondent is the
enterprise social enterprise (BUMDes) located in the Regency aimed at 27 BUMDes
managers located in Lebak Regency, West Java. The outcomes of the
self-assessment questionnaire conducted by the BUMDes manager, that the going
concern aspect of BUMDes still needs to be improved. Efforts to amend aspects
of BUMDes going concern can be through employee empowerment through training
and knowledge updates so that the commitment of BUMDes managers can be
increased and become more professional in managing BUMDes.  Also, due to the low professionalism of
BUMDes managers and employees, the concern of BUMDes managers and employees
related to risk mitigation is still low.


Thanks to research center of Universitas Mercu Buana to support of research fund


  • Adhari, A., & Ismaidar. (2017). Analisis Hukum Pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Desa dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Desa di Kecamatan Babalan Kabupaten Langkat. Dialogia Iuridica: Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Dan Investas, 9(65), 13–28.
  • Agunggunanto, E. Y., Arianti, F., Kushartono, E. W., & Darwanto. (2016). PENGEMBANGAN DESA MANDIRI MELALUI PENGELOLAAN BADAN USAHA MILIK DESA (BUMDes). Jurnal Dinamika Ekonomi & Bisnis, 13(1), 67–81.
  • Anwar, M., & Jatmiko, B. (2012). Kontribusi dan peran pengelolaan keuangan desa belanja desa yang transparan dan akuntabel (Survey pada perangkat desa di Kecamatan Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta). Jurnal Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, 387–410. Retrieved from
  • Arafah, W., & Nugroho, L. (2016). Ethics Commitment in Microfinance and Shariah Microfinance Institution. International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management, 3(7), 7–11. Retrieved from
  • Bambang. (2017). Implementasi Badan Usaha Milik Desa Berbasis Ekonomi Islam : Suatu Kajian Elementer. Jurnal Iqtisaduna, 3(2), 109–131.
  • Beck, T., Kunt, A. D., & Merrouche, O. (2010). Islamic Vs . Conventional Banking : Business Model , Efficiency and Stability. Journal of Banking & Finance (Vol. 37).
  • Defourny, J., & Nyssens, M. (2008). Social enterprise in Europe: recent trends and developments. Social Enterprise Journal, 4(3), 202–228.
  • Defourny, J., Nyssens, M., Defourny, J., & Nyssens, M. (2010). Conceptions of Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship in Europe and the United States : Convergences and Divergences Conceptions of Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship in Europe and the United States : Convergences and Divergences. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 32–53.
  • Durant, R. F., & Paul F. Diehl. (1989). Agendas , Alternatives , and Public Policy: Lessons from the U.S. Foreign Policy Arena. Journal of Public Policy, 9(2), 179–205.
  • Faisal, M. N., Banwet, D. K., & Shankar, R. (2006). Supply chain risk mitigation: Modeling the enablers. Business Process Management Journal, 12(4), 535–552.
  • Furqon, M. A., & Qudbi, M. A. (2018). Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Masyarakat pada Bumdes Desa Rombasan Sumenep. Makro, Jurnal Manajemen & Kewirausahaan, 3(1).
  • Ghifary, A., & Nafis, R. (2018). BumDes Pay as a Catalyst for Village Economic Resilience [BumDes Pay sebagai Katalisator Ketahanan Ekonomi Desa]. In Proceeding of Community Development (Vol. 2, pp. 865–871).
  • Glewwe, P., & van der Gaag, J. (1990). Identifying the poor in developing countries: Do different definitions matter? World Development, 18(6), 803–814.
  • GHabib, A., Uddin Bhuiyan, B., & Islam, A. (2013). Financial distress, earnings management and market pricing of accruals during the global financial crisis. Managerial Finance, 39(2), 155–180.
  • Hayyuna, R., Pratiwi, R. N., & Mindarti, L. I. (2014). DALAM RANGKA MENINGKATKAN PENDAPATAN DESA (Studi pada BUMDES di Desa Sekapuk, Kecamatan Ujungpangkah, Kabupaten Gresik). Jurnal Administrasi Publik (JAP), 2(1), 1–5.
  • Hilgartner, S., & Bosk, C. L. (1988). The Rise and Fall of Social Problems: A Public Arenas Model. American Journal of Sociology, 94(1), 53–78.
  • Hynes, B. (2009). Growing the social enterprise-issues and challenges. Social Enterprise Journal, 5(2), 114–125.
  • Kerlin, J. A. (2006). Social Enterprise in the United States and Europe: Understanding and Learning from the Differences. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 17(3), 247–263.
  • Kerlin, J. A. (2012). Defining Social Enterprise Across Different Contexts. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 42(1), 84–108.
  • Kurniasih, D. (2014). Problem Pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Di Kabupaten Banyumas. Jurnal Administrasi Publik Dan Politik, I(III), 182–188.
  • Mondong, H. (2013). Peran Pemerintah Desa dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Desa. Ejournal Unstrat, 5(1), 1–18.
  • Nugroho, L. (2014). Role of Government Support to Micro Financing in Islamic Bank for Clean Water Connection to Low-Income Communities. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 5(4), 57–63.
  • Nugroho, L., & Anisa, N. (2018). Pengaruh Manajemen Bank Induk, Kualitas Aset, dan Efisiensi terhadap Stabilitas Bank Syariah di Indonesia (Periode Tahun 2013-2017). Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis, 6(2), 114–122.
  • Nugroho, L., & Bararah, H. N. (2018). Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance dan Biaya Operasional dan Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) terhadap stabilitas keuangan bank umum syariah di Indonesia Tahun 2012-2017. Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis, 6(2), 160–169.
  • Nugroho, L., & Chowdhury, S. L. K. (2016). Mobile Banking for Empowerment Muslim Women Entrepreneur: Evidence from Asia (Indonesia and Bangladesh). Tazkia Islamic Finance and Business Review, 9(1), 83–100.
  • Nugroho, L., Nurrohmah, S., & Anasta, L. (2018). FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI OPINI AUDIT GOING CONCERN. SIKAP, 2(2), 96–111. Retrieved from
  • Nugroho, L., Utami, W., Sanusi, Z. M., & Setiyawati, H. (2018). Corporate Culture and Financial Risk Management in Islamic Social Enterprises ( Indonesia Evidence). International Journal of Commerce and Finance, 4(January), 12–24.
  • Nursetiawan, I. (2018). Strategi Pengembangan Desa Mandiri Melalui Inovasi Bumdes. MODERAT: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan, 4(2), 72–81. Retrieved from
  • Pattinama, M. J. (2009). Poverty Reduction through Local Wisdom. Makara, Sosial Humaniora, 13(1), 1–12.
  • Purnamasari, H., Yulyana, E., & Ramdani, R. (2016). Efektivitas Pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bum Desa) Berbasis Ekonomi Kerakyatan Di Desa Warungbambu Kecamatan Karawang. JURNAL POLITIKOM INDONESIANA, 1(2), 31–42.
  • Ramadana, C. B., Ribawanto, H., & Suwondo. (2013). Keberadaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) sebagai Penguat Ekonomi Desa (Studi di Desa Landungsari, Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang). Jurnal Administrasi Publik (JAP), 53(9), 1689–1699.
  • Ridlwan, Z. (2015). Payung Hukum Pembentukan BUMDes. Fiat Justisia, 7(3), 355–371.
  • Rosman, R. I., Shafie, N. A., Sanusi, Z. M., Johari, R. J., & Omar, N. (2016). The Effect of Internal Control Systems and Budgetary Participation on the Performance Effectiveness of Non-profit Organizations : Evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Economics and Management, 10(S2), 523–539.
  • Rostiani, R., Paramita, W., Audita, H., Virgosita, R., Budiarto, T., & Purnomo, B. R. (2016). Understanding Social Enterprises in Indonesia: Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, 29(2), 183–191.
  • Samsir, A. (2016). STUDI KOMPERATIF MODEL BUMDes DI KABUPATEN BANTAENG. Jurnal Ad’ministrare, 3(2), 45–58.
  • Shafie, N. A., Sanusi, Z. M., Johari, R. J., Utami, W., & Ghazal, A. W. (2018). Effects of Organisational Structure on Social Value: Mediating Role of Financial Performance. MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 17(3), 131–158.
  • Shaughnessy, M. O., & Hara, P. O. (2016). Social Enterprise in Ireland – Why Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) Dominate the Discourse. The Emergence of Social Enterprise, 7(4), 461–485.
  • Shaw, E., & Carter, S. (2007). Social entrepreneurship: Theoretical antecedents and empirical analysis of entrepreneurial processes and outcomes. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 14(3), 418–434.
  • Soetomo. (2015). Efektivitas Kebijakan Sosial dalam Pemecahan Masalah Sosial. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, 15, 15–28.
  • Sofiyudin, A., & Nugroho, R. A. (2017). Implementasi Cyber Village dalam Mewujudkan Masyarakat Melek Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Berbasis Internet di Daerah Pegunungan (Studi Kasus di Desa Campurejo, Kecamatan Tretep, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Timur). Jurnal Wacana Public, 1(3), 1–15. Retrieved from
  • Suryawati, C. (2005). UNDERSTANDING MULTIDIMENSION OF POVERTY Chriswardani. Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, 08(03), 585–597.Swandari, N. K. A. S.,
  • Setiawina, N. D., & Marhaeni, A. A. I. N. (2017). Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penentu Kinerja Karyawan Bumdes di Kabupaten Jembrana. E-Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana 6.4, 6(4), 1365–1394.
  • Wulantari, N. L. Y., Atmadja, A. T., & Sulindawati, N. L. G. E. (2017). Efektivitas Sistem Pengendalian Internal Melalui Sanksi Adat Pada Bumdes Di Desa “Sukamaju” Kecamatan Kubutambahan Kabupaten Buleleng Dalam Upaya Mengatasi Kredit Bermasalah. E-Journal S1 Ak Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, 8(2).
  • Zahra, S. A., Gedajlovic, E., Neubaum, D. O., & Shulman, J. M. (2009). A typology of social entrepreneurs: Motives, search processes and ethical challenges. Journal of Business Venturing, 24(5), 519–532.
  • Zuleha, S. (2018). Model Mitigasi Risiko pada Lembaga Penjamin Kredit di Indonesia. Mimbar Hukum - Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada, 30(2), 291.
Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 191 - 206, 30.12.2019



  • Adhari, A., & Ismaidar. (2017). Analisis Hukum Pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Desa dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Desa di Kecamatan Babalan Kabupaten Langkat. Dialogia Iuridica: Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Dan Investas, 9(65), 13–28.
  • Agunggunanto, E. Y., Arianti, F., Kushartono, E. W., & Darwanto. (2016). PENGEMBANGAN DESA MANDIRI MELALUI PENGELOLAAN BADAN USAHA MILIK DESA (BUMDes). Jurnal Dinamika Ekonomi & Bisnis, 13(1), 67–81.
  • Anwar, M., & Jatmiko, B. (2012). Kontribusi dan peran pengelolaan keuangan desa belanja desa yang transparan dan akuntabel (Survey pada perangkat desa di Kecamatan Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta). Jurnal Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, 387–410. Retrieved from
  • Arafah, W., & Nugroho, L. (2016). Ethics Commitment in Microfinance and Shariah Microfinance Institution. International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management, 3(7), 7–11. Retrieved from
  • Bambang. (2017). Implementasi Badan Usaha Milik Desa Berbasis Ekonomi Islam : Suatu Kajian Elementer. Jurnal Iqtisaduna, 3(2), 109–131.
  • Beck, T., Kunt, A. D., & Merrouche, O. (2010). Islamic Vs . Conventional Banking : Business Model , Efficiency and Stability. Journal of Banking & Finance (Vol. 37).
  • Defourny, J., & Nyssens, M. (2008). Social enterprise in Europe: recent trends and developments. Social Enterprise Journal, 4(3), 202–228.
  • Defourny, J., Nyssens, M., Defourny, J., & Nyssens, M. (2010). Conceptions of Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship in Europe and the United States : Convergences and Divergences Conceptions of Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship in Europe and the United States : Convergences and Divergences. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 32–53.
  • Durant, R. F., & Paul F. Diehl. (1989). Agendas , Alternatives , and Public Policy: Lessons from the U.S. Foreign Policy Arena. Journal of Public Policy, 9(2), 179–205.
  • Faisal, M. N., Banwet, D. K., & Shankar, R. (2006). Supply chain risk mitigation: Modeling the enablers. Business Process Management Journal, 12(4), 535–552.
  • Furqon, M. A., & Qudbi, M. A. (2018). Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Masyarakat pada Bumdes Desa Rombasan Sumenep. Makro, Jurnal Manajemen & Kewirausahaan, 3(1).
  • Ghifary, A., & Nafis, R. (2018). BumDes Pay as a Catalyst for Village Economic Resilience [BumDes Pay sebagai Katalisator Ketahanan Ekonomi Desa]. In Proceeding of Community Development (Vol. 2, pp. 865–871).
  • Glewwe, P., & van der Gaag, J. (1990). Identifying the poor in developing countries: Do different definitions matter? World Development, 18(6), 803–814.
  • GHabib, A., Uddin Bhuiyan, B., & Islam, A. (2013). Financial distress, earnings management and market pricing of accruals during the global financial crisis. Managerial Finance, 39(2), 155–180.
  • Hayyuna, R., Pratiwi, R. N., & Mindarti, L. I. (2014). DALAM RANGKA MENINGKATKAN PENDAPATAN DESA (Studi pada BUMDES di Desa Sekapuk, Kecamatan Ujungpangkah, Kabupaten Gresik). Jurnal Administrasi Publik (JAP), 2(1), 1–5.
  • Hilgartner, S., & Bosk, C. L. (1988). The Rise and Fall of Social Problems: A Public Arenas Model. American Journal of Sociology, 94(1), 53–78.
  • Hynes, B. (2009). Growing the social enterprise-issues and challenges. Social Enterprise Journal, 5(2), 114–125.
  • Kerlin, J. A. (2006). Social Enterprise in the United States and Europe: Understanding and Learning from the Differences. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 17(3), 247–263.
  • Kerlin, J. A. (2012). Defining Social Enterprise Across Different Contexts. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 42(1), 84–108.
  • Kurniasih, D. (2014). Problem Pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Di Kabupaten Banyumas. Jurnal Administrasi Publik Dan Politik, I(III), 182–188.
  • Mondong, H. (2013). Peran Pemerintah Desa dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Desa. Ejournal Unstrat, 5(1), 1–18.
  • Nugroho, L. (2014). Role of Government Support to Micro Financing in Islamic Bank for Clean Water Connection to Low-Income Communities. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 5(4), 57–63.
  • Nugroho, L., & Anisa, N. (2018). Pengaruh Manajemen Bank Induk, Kualitas Aset, dan Efisiensi terhadap Stabilitas Bank Syariah di Indonesia (Periode Tahun 2013-2017). Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis, 6(2), 114–122.
  • Nugroho, L., & Bararah, H. N. (2018). Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance dan Biaya Operasional dan Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) terhadap stabilitas keuangan bank umum syariah di Indonesia Tahun 2012-2017. Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis, 6(2), 160–169.
  • Nugroho, L., & Chowdhury, S. L. K. (2016). Mobile Banking for Empowerment Muslim Women Entrepreneur: Evidence from Asia (Indonesia and Bangladesh). Tazkia Islamic Finance and Business Review, 9(1), 83–100.
  • Nugroho, L., Nurrohmah, S., & Anasta, L. (2018). FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI OPINI AUDIT GOING CONCERN. SIKAP, 2(2), 96–111. Retrieved from
  • Nugroho, L., Utami, W., Sanusi, Z. M., & Setiyawati, H. (2018). Corporate Culture and Financial Risk Management in Islamic Social Enterprises ( Indonesia Evidence). International Journal of Commerce and Finance, 4(January), 12–24.
  • Nursetiawan, I. (2018). Strategi Pengembangan Desa Mandiri Melalui Inovasi Bumdes. MODERAT: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan, 4(2), 72–81. Retrieved from
  • Pattinama, M. J. (2009). Poverty Reduction through Local Wisdom. Makara, Sosial Humaniora, 13(1), 1–12.
  • Purnamasari, H., Yulyana, E., & Ramdani, R. (2016). Efektivitas Pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bum Desa) Berbasis Ekonomi Kerakyatan Di Desa Warungbambu Kecamatan Karawang. JURNAL POLITIKOM INDONESIANA, 1(2), 31–42.
  • Ramadana, C. B., Ribawanto, H., & Suwondo. (2013). Keberadaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) sebagai Penguat Ekonomi Desa (Studi di Desa Landungsari, Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang). Jurnal Administrasi Publik (JAP), 53(9), 1689–1699.
  • Ridlwan, Z. (2015). Payung Hukum Pembentukan BUMDes. Fiat Justisia, 7(3), 355–371.
  • Rosman, R. I., Shafie, N. A., Sanusi, Z. M., Johari, R. J., & Omar, N. (2016). The Effect of Internal Control Systems and Budgetary Participation on the Performance Effectiveness of Non-profit Organizations : Evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Economics and Management, 10(S2), 523–539.
  • Rostiani, R., Paramita, W., Audita, H., Virgosita, R., Budiarto, T., & Purnomo, B. R. (2016). Understanding Social Enterprises in Indonesia: Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, 29(2), 183–191.
  • Samsir, A. (2016). STUDI KOMPERATIF MODEL BUMDes DI KABUPATEN BANTAENG. Jurnal Ad’ministrare, 3(2), 45–58.
  • Shafie, N. A., Sanusi, Z. M., Johari, R. J., Utami, W., & Ghazal, A. W. (2018). Effects of Organisational Structure on Social Value: Mediating Role of Financial Performance. MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 17(3), 131–158.
  • Shaughnessy, M. O., & Hara, P. O. (2016). Social Enterprise in Ireland – Why Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) Dominate the Discourse. The Emergence of Social Enterprise, 7(4), 461–485.
  • Shaw, E., & Carter, S. (2007). Social entrepreneurship: Theoretical antecedents and empirical analysis of entrepreneurial processes and outcomes. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 14(3), 418–434.
  • Soetomo. (2015). Efektivitas Kebijakan Sosial dalam Pemecahan Masalah Sosial. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, 15, 15–28.
  • Sofiyudin, A., & Nugroho, R. A. (2017). Implementasi Cyber Village dalam Mewujudkan Masyarakat Melek Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Berbasis Internet di Daerah Pegunungan (Studi Kasus di Desa Campurejo, Kecamatan Tretep, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Timur). Jurnal Wacana Public, 1(3), 1–15. Retrieved from
  • Suryawati, C. (2005). UNDERSTANDING MULTIDIMENSION OF POVERTY Chriswardani. Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, 08(03), 585–597.Swandari, N. K. A. S.,
  • Setiawina, N. D., & Marhaeni, A. A. I. N. (2017). Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penentu Kinerja Karyawan Bumdes di Kabupaten Jembrana. E-Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana 6.4, 6(4), 1365–1394.
  • Wulantari, N. L. Y., Atmadja, A. T., & Sulindawati, N. L. G. E. (2017). Efektivitas Sistem Pengendalian Internal Melalui Sanksi Adat Pada Bumdes Di Desa “Sukamaju” Kecamatan Kubutambahan Kabupaten Buleleng Dalam Upaya Mengatasi Kredit Bermasalah. E-Journal S1 Ak Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, 8(2).
  • Zahra, S. A., Gedajlovic, E., Neubaum, D. O., & Shulman, J. M. (2009). A typology of social entrepreneurs: Motives, search processes and ethical challenges. Journal of Business Venturing, 24(5), 519–532.
  • Zuleha, S. (2018). Model Mitigasi Risiko pada Lembaga Penjamin Kredit di Indonesia. Mimbar Hukum - Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada, 30(2), 291.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Wiwik Utami 0000-0002-2313-3346

Lucky Nugroho 0000-0002-9613-1667

Publication Date December 30, 2019
Submission Date October 7, 2019
Acceptance Date December 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 5



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