Research Article
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Year 2023, , 63 - 80, 01.01.2023



  • Aggul Yalcın, F. & Yalcın, M. (2018). Okul oncesi ogretmenlerin okul oncesi egitimin sorunlarıyla ilgili gorusleri: Agrı ili ornegi [Preschool teachers’ views of preschool educational problems: Agri city sample]. Elementary Education Online, 17(1), 367-383.
  • Akdag, Z. (2014). Beginning early childhood education teachers’ struggles in remote areas. Educational Research Association the International Journal of Educational Researchers, 5(3), 1-13.
  • Akgul, E., Yazici, D., & Akman, B. (2019). Views of parents preferring to raise a bilingual child. Early Child Development and Care, 189(10), 1588-1601.
  • Aksan, D. (2007). Her yonuyle dil ana cizgileriyle dilbilim. Ankara: TDK.
  • Aksoy, P. ve Baran, G. (2019). Dil gelisimi (Ed. Koksal Akyol, A.) Erken cocukluk doneminde gelisim I icinde (s. 267-296). Ankara: Anı.
  • Aktan Erciyes, A. (2019). İkinci Dil Ediniminin Okul Oncesi ve Okul Cagı Cocuklarında Anlatı Becerilerinin Kurgusal ve Dilbilgisel Sureclerine Olan Etkisi [The Effect of Second Language Acquisition on the Speech and Grammatical Processes of Narrative Skills in Pre-School and School-Age Children] Psychology Studies, 39(2), 369-399.
  • Atesal, Z. (2017).İki dillilik ve cift dil [Bilingualism and language couple].Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 21, 1-12.
  • Aydin, G. ve Gun, M. (2018). Cok uluslu aileye sahip iki dilli cocukların turkce sozlu dil becerilerinin yanlıs cozumleme yontemine gore incelenmesi [Examination of Turkish oral language skills of bilingual children with multinational families according to mis-analysis method]. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 6(2), 325-342.
  • Bal, C. B., Tona, F., & Akman, B. (2020). The Views of Parents and Teachers of Bilingual Children About Bilingualism. Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty, 21(3), 1695-1725.
  • Ball, J. (2010). Enhancing learning of children from diverse language backgrounds: Mother tongue-based bilingual or multilingual education in early childhood and early primary school years. Victoria, Canada: Early Childhood Development Intercultural Partnerships, University of Victoria.
  • Barac, R., & Bialystok, E. (2011). Cognitive development of bilingual children. Language Teaching, 44(1), 36-54.
  • Belet, S.D. (2009).İki dilli Turk ogrencilerin anadili Turkce’yi ogrenme durumlarına iliskin ogrenci, veli ve ogretmen gorusleri [Student, parent and teacher views on bilingual Turkish students' learning their mother tongue Turkish]. Journal of Selcuk University Institute of Social Sciences, 21.
  • Bialystok, E. (2011). Reshaping the mind: the benefits of bilingualism. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale, 65(4), 229.
  • Bican, G. (2017). İki dilliligin tanımlanması: Kuramsal tartısmalar ve guncel dilbilimsel yaklaşımlar [Defining bilingualism: Theoretical debates and current linguistic approaches]. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 5(2), 353-366.
  • Brown, C. L. (2011). Maintaining heritage language: Perspectives of Korean parents. Multicultural Education, 19(1), 31-37. Byers-Heinlein, K., & Lew-Williams, C. (2013). Bilingualism in the early years: What the science says. Learning landscapes, 7(1), 95.
  • Cabuk, B., Er B., Karageyik, S., & Tokgoz, K. (2018). Okul oncesi donemdeki iki dilli olan ve olmayan cocukların okuma yazmaya hazırlık becerileriyle ilgili ogretmen algılarının incelenmesi [An investigation of teachers’ perceptions on pre-literacy skills of bilingual and non-bilingual preschool children] Karabuk University Institute of Social Sciences Journal Special Issue 4, 12-43.
  • Castro, D. C., Páez, M. M., Dickinson, D. K., & Frede, E. (2011). Promoting language and literacy in young dual language learners: Research, practice, and policy. Child development perspectives, 5(1), 15-21.
  • Chilla, S. & Fox-Boyer, A. (2012). İki dillilik/çokdillilik anne baba el kitabı çev. E. Babur. Almanya: Das gesundheitsforum schulzkirchner verlag.
  • Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2008). Strategies for qualitative data analysis. Basics of Qualitative Research. Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Sage.
  • Deal, T. E. & Peterson, K. D. (1999). Shaping school culture: The heart of leadership. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass,, (22.10.2019).
  • Dominguez, S., & Trawick-Smith, J. (2018). A qualitative study of the play of dual language learners in an English-speaking preschool. Early Childhood Education Journal, 46(6), 577-586.
  • Erkan, S. (2011). Farklı sosyoekonomik duzeydeki ilkogretim birinci sınıf ogrencilerinin okula hazır bulunusluklarının incelenmesi [Examination of school readiness of first-year primary school students at different socioeconomic levels]. Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Education. 40, 186-197.
  • Genesee, F. (2008). Early dual language learning. Zero to three, 29(1), 17-23
  • Grosjean, F. (1994). Individual bilingualism. The encyclopedia of language and linguistics. (ed. R. Asher), 1656-1660, Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Jessner, U. (2008). Teaching third languages: Findings, trends and challenges. Language teaching, 41(1), 15-56.
  • Kabadayi, A. (2006). Analyzing preschoolers’ overgeneralizations of object labeling in the process of mother tongue acquisition in Turkey. Early Child Development and Care, 176(7), 723-734.
  • Kabadayi, A. (2008). Analysis of the socio-demographic structure and thoughts of the Turkish bilingual children on ‘bilingualism’in Germany. Education 3–13, 36(1), 15-26.
  • Kan, M. O. & Yesiloglu, F. (2017). İlk okuma yazma ogretiminde izlenen asamalarda iki dilli cocukların yasadıkları sorunlar ve bu sorunlara dair cozum onerileri [Problems experienced by bilingual children in the early reading and writing stages and suggestions to solve those problems]. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 5(3), 519-533.
  • Kan, M. O. ve Hatay, F. (2017) İki dilli ilkokul ogrencilerinin dikte ve yazma becerisi. Ana Dili Egitimi Dergisi, 5(2), 217-225. Kandir, A., Tezel -Sahin, F., Dilmac, B., Yazici, Elcin. (2010). İlkogretime gecis surecinde okuma yazmaya hazırlık calısmaları, 9th Grade Teacher Education Symposium (20- 22 May 2010), Elazig, p. 207-210
  • Karabenick, S. A., & Noda, P. A. C. (2004). Professional development implications of teachers' beliefs and attitudes toward English language learners. Bilingual Research Journal, 28(1), 55-75.
  • Karademir, A. (2019). Erken cocukluk egitimine giriş [Introduction to early childhood education]. A. Yıldırım (Ed.), Okul oncesi ogretmenlerinin ozellikleri [Characteristics of preschool teachers], (1. basım, ss. 167-190). Pegem.
  • Karademir, A., & Saatcioglu, O. (2021). Preschool teachers’ preparation programs in Turkey: A multi-level analysis of variables on classroom management models. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 5(1), 152-179.
  • Karademir, A., Ertor, E., & Karabekmez, S. (2020). Activity and workbooks of Ministry of National Education: Preschool teachers are evaluating. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(4), 7-33.
  • Karatas, K. & Cakan, S. (2018). Ogretmenlerin bakıs acısıyla egitim-ogretim sorunları: Bismil ilcesi ornegi [Problems of education and teaching through teachers' perspectives: The case of Bismil district]. Elementary Education Online, 17(2), 834-847.
  • Kardes, S. & Akman, B. (2018). Suriyeli multecilerin egitimine yonelik ogretmen gorusleri. Elementary Education Online, 17(3), 1224-1237
  • Kosan, Y. (2015). Okul oncesi egitimin iki dilli cocukların okula hazırbulunusluklarına etkisinin incelenmesi [An examination of the impact of early childhood education on bilingual children’s school readiness] (Unpublished MA thesis). Hacettepe University.
  • Kovács, Á. M. (2009). Early bilingualism enhances mechanisms of false‐belief reasoning. Developmental science, 12(1), 48-54.
  • Kovács, Á. M., & Mehler, J. (2009). Cognitive gains in 7-month-old bilingual infants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(16), 6556-6560.
  • Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1986). But is it rigorous? Trustworthiness and authenticity in naturalistic evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, (30), 73-84.
  • Marian, V., Shook, A., & Schroeder, S. R. (2013). Bilingual two-way immersion programs benefit academic achievement. Bilingual research journal, 36(2), 167-186.
  • Mercan Uzun, E. & Butun, E. (2016). Okul oncesi egitim kurumlarındaki Suriyeli sıgınmacı cocukların karsılastıkları sorunlar hakkında ogretmen gorusleri [Teachers' views on the problems faced by Syrian refugee children in preschool education institutions]. International Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies, 1(1), s. 72-83.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2018). A guide to qualitative research design and practice. (Trans. S. Turan). Ankara: Ani. Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook. 3rd. ed: Thousand Oaks, Sage.
  • Ministry of National Education. (2013). Okul oncesi egitim programı [Preschool education program].
  • Oruc, S. (2016). Ana dili, ikinci dil, iki dillilik, yabancı dil. International Journal of Social Science. 45, 279-290.
  • Ozdemir, M., Civelek, S., Cetin, Y. E., Karapinar, N. & Ozel, D.(2015). Ogretmenlerin egitimsel cevresel ve sosyal sorunları (Sırnak ili ornegi) [Educational and social problems encountered by teachers (The Case of Sırnak)]. Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gokalp Education Faculty26, 163-181.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2018). Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods (Trans. M. Butun & S. B. Demir). Ankara: Pegem. Poulin-Dubois, D., Blaye, A., Coutya, J., & Bialystok, E. (2011). The effects of bilingualism on toddlers’ executive functioning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 108(3), 567-579.
  • Pramling, N. & Samuelsson, P. I. (2013). Language play: The development of linguistic consciousness and creative speech in early childhood education. In I. Schousboe & D.W. Lindqvist (Eds), Children’s play and development: Cultural-historical perspectives (pp.127-139). London: Springer
  • Prevoo, M. J., Malda, M., Mesman, J., & van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2016). Within-and cross-language relations between oral language proficiency and school outcomes in bilingual children with an immigrant background: A meta-analytical study. Review of Educational Research, 86(1), 237-276.
  • Robertson, L. H., Drury, R., & Cable, C. (2014). Silencing bilingualism: a day in a life of a bilingual practitioner. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 17(5), 610-623.
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Teacher’s Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Bilingualism: Implications For Early Childhood Education

Year 2023, , 63 - 80, 01.01.2023


Bilingual children face various challenges when they start school. They have difficulty communicating with peers and adapting to school and have poor academic performance. This paper investigated teachers’ views of and solutions to problems experienced by bilingual preschoolers. This study adopted a phenomenological research design. The sample consisted of 11 preschool teachers from provinces in Eastern Anatolia and Southeastern Anatolia regions. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview questionnaire developed by the researchers. The data were analyzed using inductive content analysis and presented in Tables with direct quotations from participant opinions. Participants stated that bilingual children had difficulty implementing receptive and expressive language skills, communicating with teachers, and obeying the classroom rules. Participants also noted that they had difficulty with classroom management and educational planning because they could not communicate with bilingual students. However, they reported that their bilingual students developed language skills in the later stages of preschool education. Teachers remarked that parental involvement and collaboration were critical. They advised their colleagues to be mentally and cognitively prepared, perform word-based teaching, collaborate with parents, and make use of books, songs, and rhymes.


  • Aggul Yalcın, F. & Yalcın, M. (2018). Okul oncesi ogretmenlerin okul oncesi egitimin sorunlarıyla ilgili gorusleri: Agrı ili ornegi [Preschool teachers’ views of preschool educational problems: Agri city sample]. Elementary Education Online, 17(1), 367-383.
  • Akdag, Z. (2014). Beginning early childhood education teachers’ struggles in remote areas. Educational Research Association the International Journal of Educational Researchers, 5(3), 1-13.
  • Akgul, E., Yazici, D., & Akman, B. (2019). Views of parents preferring to raise a bilingual child. Early Child Development and Care, 189(10), 1588-1601.
  • Aksan, D. (2007). Her yonuyle dil ana cizgileriyle dilbilim. Ankara: TDK.
  • Aksoy, P. ve Baran, G. (2019). Dil gelisimi (Ed. Koksal Akyol, A.) Erken cocukluk doneminde gelisim I icinde (s. 267-296). Ankara: Anı.
  • Aktan Erciyes, A. (2019). İkinci Dil Ediniminin Okul Oncesi ve Okul Cagı Cocuklarında Anlatı Becerilerinin Kurgusal ve Dilbilgisel Sureclerine Olan Etkisi [The Effect of Second Language Acquisition on the Speech and Grammatical Processes of Narrative Skills in Pre-School and School-Age Children] Psychology Studies, 39(2), 369-399.
  • Atesal, Z. (2017).İki dillilik ve cift dil [Bilingualism and language couple].Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 21, 1-12.
  • Aydin, G. ve Gun, M. (2018). Cok uluslu aileye sahip iki dilli cocukların turkce sozlu dil becerilerinin yanlıs cozumleme yontemine gore incelenmesi [Examination of Turkish oral language skills of bilingual children with multinational families according to mis-analysis method]. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 6(2), 325-342.
  • Bal, C. B., Tona, F., & Akman, B. (2020). The Views of Parents and Teachers of Bilingual Children About Bilingualism. Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty, 21(3), 1695-1725.
  • Ball, J. (2010). Enhancing learning of children from diverse language backgrounds: Mother tongue-based bilingual or multilingual education in early childhood and early primary school years. Victoria, Canada: Early Childhood Development Intercultural Partnerships, University of Victoria.
  • Barac, R., & Bialystok, E. (2011). Cognitive development of bilingual children. Language Teaching, 44(1), 36-54.
  • Belet, S.D. (2009).İki dilli Turk ogrencilerin anadili Turkce’yi ogrenme durumlarına iliskin ogrenci, veli ve ogretmen gorusleri [Student, parent and teacher views on bilingual Turkish students' learning their mother tongue Turkish]. Journal of Selcuk University Institute of Social Sciences, 21.
  • Bialystok, E. (2011). Reshaping the mind: the benefits of bilingualism. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale, 65(4), 229.
  • Bican, G. (2017). İki dilliligin tanımlanması: Kuramsal tartısmalar ve guncel dilbilimsel yaklaşımlar [Defining bilingualism: Theoretical debates and current linguistic approaches]. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 5(2), 353-366.
  • Brown, C. L. (2011). Maintaining heritage language: Perspectives of Korean parents. Multicultural Education, 19(1), 31-37. Byers-Heinlein, K., & Lew-Williams, C. (2013). Bilingualism in the early years: What the science says. Learning landscapes, 7(1), 95.
  • Cabuk, B., Er B., Karageyik, S., & Tokgoz, K. (2018). Okul oncesi donemdeki iki dilli olan ve olmayan cocukların okuma yazmaya hazırlık becerileriyle ilgili ogretmen algılarının incelenmesi [An investigation of teachers’ perceptions on pre-literacy skills of bilingual and non-bilingual preschool children] Karabuk University Institute of Social Sciences Journal Special Issue 4, 12-43.
  • Castro, D. C., Páez, M. M., Dickinson, D. K., & Frede, E. (2011). Promoting language and literacy in young dual language learners: Research, practice, and policy. Child development perspectives, 5(1), 15-21.
  • Chilla, S. & Fox-Boyer, A. (2012). İki dillilik/çokdillilik anne baba el kitabı çev. E. Babur. Almanya: Das gesundheitsforum schulzkirchner verlag.
  • Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2008). Strategies for qualitative data analysis. Basics of Qualitative Research. Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Sage.
  • Deal, T. E. & Peterson, K. D. (1999). Shaping school culture: The heart of leadership. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass,, (22.10.2019).
  • Dominguez, S., & Trawick-Smith, J. (2018). A qualitative study of the play of dual language learners in an English-speaking preschool. Early Childhood Education Journal, 46(6), 577-586.
  • Erkan, S. (2011). Farklı sosyoekonomik duzeydeki ilkogretim birinci sınıf ogrencilerinin okula hazır bulunusluklarının incelenmesi [Examination of school readiness of first-year primary school students at different socioeconomic levels]. Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Education. 40, 186-197.
  • Genesee, F. (2008). Early dual language learning. Zero to three, 29(1), 17-23
  • Grosjean, F. (1994). Individual bilingualism. The encyclopedia of language and linguistics. (ed. R. Asher), 1656-1660, Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Jessner, U. (2008). Teaching third languages: Findings, trends and challenges. Language teaching, 41(1), 15-56.
  • Kabadayi, A. (2006). Analyzing preschoolers’ overgeneralizations of object labeling in the process of mother tongue acquisition in Turkey. Early Child Development and Care, 176(7), 723-734.
  • Kabadayi, A. (2008). Analysis of the socio-demographic structure and thoughts of the Turkish bilingual children on ‘bilingualism’in Germany. Education 3–13, 36(1), 15-26.
  • Kan, M. O. & Yesiloglu, F. (2017). İlk okuma yazma ogretiminde izlenen asamalarda iki dilli cocukların yasadıkları sorunlar ve bu sorunlara dair cozum onerileri [Problems experienced by bilingual children in the early reading and writing stages and suggestions to solve those problems]. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 5(3), 519-533.
  • Kan, M. O. ve Hatay, F. (2017) İki dilli ilkokul ogrencilerinin dikte ve yazma becerisi. Ana Dili Egitimi Dergisi, 5(2), 217-225. Kandir, A., Tezel -Sahin, F., Dilmac, B., Yazici, Elcin. (2010). İlkogretime gecis surecinde okuma yazmaya hazırlık calısmaları, 9th Grade Teacher Education Symposium (20- 22 May 2010), Elazig, p. 207-210
  • Karabenick, S. A., & Noda, P. A. C. (2004). Professional development implications of teachers' beliefs and attitudes toward English language learners. Bilingual Research Journal, 28(1), 55-75.
  • Karademir, A. (2019). Erken cocukluk egitimine giriş [Introduction to early childhood education]. A. Yıldırım (Ed.), Okul oncesi ogretmenlerinin ozellikleri [Characteristics of preschool teachers], (1. basım, ss. 167-190). Pegem.
  • Karademir, A., & Saatcioglu, O. (2021). Preschool teachers’ preparation programs in Turkey: A multi-level analysis of variables on classroom management models. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 5(1), 152-179.
  • Karademir, A., Ertor, E., & Karabekmez, S. (2020). Activity and workbooks of Ministry of National Education: Preschool teachers are evaluating. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(4), 7-33.
  • Karatas, K. & Cakan, S. (2018). Ogretmenlerin bakıs acısıyla egitim-ogretim sorunları: Bismil ilcesi ornegi [Problems of education and teaching through teachers' perspectives: The case of Bismil district]. Elementary Education Online, 17(2), 834-847.
  • Kardes, S. & Akman, B. (2018). Suriyeli multecilerin egitimine yonelik ogretmen gorusleri. Elementary Education Online, 17(3), 1224-1237
  • Kosan, Y. (2015). Okul oncesi egitimin iki dilli cocukların okula hazırbulunusluklarına etkisinin incelenmesi [An examination of the impact of early childhood education on bilingual children’s school readiness] (Unpublished MA thesis). Hacettepe University.
  • Kovács, Á. M. (2009). Early bilingualism enhances mechanisms of false‐belief reasoning. Developmental science, 12(1), 48-54.
  • Kovács, Á. M., & Mehler, J. (2009). Cognitive gains in 7-month-old bilingual infants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(16), 6556-6560.
  • Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1986). But is it rigorous? Trustworthiness and authenticity in naturalistic evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, (30), 73-84.
  • Marian, V., Shook, A., & Schroeder, S. R. (2013). Bilingual two-way immersion programs benefit academic achievement. Bilingual research journal, 36(2), 167-186.
  • Mercan Uzun, E. & Butun, E. (2016). Okul oncesi egitim kurumlarındaki Suriyeli sıgınmacı cocukların karsılastıkları sorunlar hakkında ogretmen gorusleri [Teachers' views on the problems faced by Syrian refugee children in preschool education institutions]. International Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies, 1(1), s. 72-83.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2018). A guide to qualitative research design and practice. (Trans. S. Turan). Ankara: Ani. Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook. 3rd. ed: Thousand Oaks, Sage.
  • Ministry of National Education. (2013). Okul oncesi egitim programı [Preschool education program].
  • Oruc, S. (2016). Ana dili, ikinci dil, iki dillilik, yabancı dil. International Journal of Social Science. 45, 279-290.
  • Ozdemir, M., Civelek, S., Cetin, Y. E., Karapinar, N. & Ozel, D.(2015). Ogretmenlerin egitimsel cevresel ve sosyal sorunları (Sırnak ili ornegi) [Educational and social problems encountered by teachers (The Case of Sırnak)]. Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gokalp Education Faculty26, 163-181.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2018). Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods (Trans. M. Butun & S. B. Demir). Ankara: Pegem. Poulin-Dubois, D., Blaye, A., Coutya, J., & Bialystok, E. (2011). The effects of bilingualism on toddlers’ executive functioning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 108(3), 567-579.
  • Pramling, N. & Samuelsson, P. I. (2013). Language play: The development of linguistic consciousness and creative speech in early childhood education. In I. Schousboe & D.W. Lindqvist (Eds), Children’s play and development: Cultural-historical perspectives (pp.127-139). London: Springer
  • Prevoo, M. J., Malda, M., Mesman, J., & van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2016). Within-and cross-language relations between oral language proficiency and school outcomes in bilingual children with an immigrant background: A meta-analytical study. Review of Educational Research, 86(1), 237-276.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Abdulhamit Karademir

Hatice Büşra Yılmaz

Publication Date January 1, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Karademir, A., & Yılmaz, H. B. (2023). Teacher’s Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Bilingualism: Implications For Early Childhood Education. International Journal of Educational Research Review, 8(1), 63-80.
AMA Karademir A, Yılmaz HB. Teacher’s Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Bilingualism: Implications For Early Childhood Education. IJERE. January 2023;8(1):63-80. doi:10.24331/ijere.1185809
Chicago Karademir, Abdulhamit, and Hatice Büşra Yılmaz. “Teacher’s Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Bilingualism: Implications For Early Childhood Education”. International Journal of Educational Research Review 8, no. 1 (January 2023): 63-80.
EndNote Karademir A, Yılmaz HB (January 1, 2023) Teacher’s Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Bilingualism: Implications For Early Childhood Education. International Journal of Educational Research Review 8 1 63–80.
IEEE A. Karademir and H. B. Yılmaz, “Teacher’s Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Bilingualism: Implications For Early Childhood Education”, IJERE, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 63–80, 2023, doi: 10.24331/ijere.1185809.
ISNAD Karademir, Abdulhamit - Yılmaz, Hatice Büşra. “Teacher’s Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Bilingualism: Implications For Early Childhood Education”. International Journal of Educational Research Review 8/1 (January 2023), 63-80.
JAMA Karademir A, Yılmaz HB. Teacher’s Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Bilingualism: Implications For Early Childhood Education. IJERE. 2023;8:63–80.
MLA Karademir, Abdulhamit and Hatice Büşra Yılmaz. “Teacher’s Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Bilingualism: Implications For Early Childhood Education”. International Journal of Educational Research Review, vol. 8, no. 1, 2023, pp. 63-80, doi:10.24331/ijere.1185809.
Vancouver Karademir A, Yılmaz HB. Teacher’s Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Bilingualism: Implications For Early Childhood Education. IJERE. 2023;8(1):63-80.

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