Manuscript Evaluation

The evaluation steps for the manuscript you uploaded to our journal as follows ;

1- The Peer Review Step

- The layout format of manuscript is examined and the orginality of study is checked by turnitin programme.

- The language and correlation of the abstract with Turkish part are checked.

- After the peer review of the manuscript, the correction/s ( if there is) should be examined and updated by the corresponding author in one month.Otherwise, the manuscript is considered as a withdrawal.

2- Manuscript Evaluation Process

Our journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. So, the uploaded manuscript does not contain the name, address and affiliation of the author/s. The manuscript Evaluation steps are as follows;

- Section Editor is assigned by the Editor in Chief

- The relevant reviewers are assigned by the Section Editor

- For the manuscript, the result of the reviewer's evaluation can be as a rejected/revised/accepted article.

- If the negative feedback is given by major number of the reviewers the process is terminated and the article is rejected.

- If major/minor revisions are required for the manuscript, the author is to do this revision according to the reviewers' comments in one month.

- If the revision is accepted by the reviewers, the article is accepted and passed to the editing section.

3- The Editing and Pagination Process

The author is required to correct any editing overlooked during the article editing process and 15 days are allowed for the process. 

4. The process ends.

** The referee evaluation period is conducted under the supervision of our editors and carried out with reference programs in maximum duration.

** An e-mail is sent to you to inform you of sending a copyright form depending on the issue that your article will be published.

Last Update Time: 11/21/22, 11:53:24 AM

ISSN 2548-1185
e-ISSN 2587-2176
Period: Quarterly
Founded: 2016