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Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 76 - 115, 23.03.2022


The paper re-examines neoliberal societies' essential characteristics and dignity exposition, arguing that
racial injustice represents and inaugurates a systemic culmination. By proceeding with the theoretical
framework of neoliberalism's impact on inequality, the study presents racism and its relevance in health
and cognate inequalities and association to human security- freedom from indignity. Racial inequality in
health and cognate inequities can not be transformed unless the power of neoliberalism is simultaneously
contested. The COVID-19 has exposed the adverse effects of a system that has dominated and
disproportionately impacted racialized US communities. It has refined confirmation of long-standing
structural variations pointing out inadequate policies, budget discrepancies, jeopardizing human security
conceptualization. Thus, opening ground for a neoliberalism reversal within the alternative hybrid order.
The phenomenon's roots and current issues lie in the realization of capitalism, the morphology of the nationstate, and the generative order of colonialism. The unequal access and comprehensive discrimination make
a paradoxical paradigm that the affluent US society is less prosperous. With an ideal approach to skepticism
and confusion regarding critical race theory, the legal history, doctrinal race development, and the
International Convention on Racial Discrimination, a contemporary racial foundation needs to be
developed, reaffirmed, improved, and protected to incorporate the democratic content of the US's principlesThe paper re-examines neoliberal societies' essential characteristics and dignity exposition, arguing that
racial injustice represents and inaugurates a systemic culmination. By proceeding with the theoretical
framework of neoliberalism's impact on inequality, the study presents racism and its relevance in health
and cognate inequalities and association to human security- freedom from indignity. Racial inequality in
health and cognate inequities can not be transformed unless the power of neoliberalism is simultaneously
contested. The COVID-19 has exposed the adverse effects of a system that has dominated and
disproportionately impacted racialized US communities. It has refined confirmation of long-standing
structural variations pointing out inadequate policies, budget discrepancies, jeopardizing human security
conceptualization. Thus, opening ground for a neoliberalism reversal within the alternative hybrid order.
The phenomenon's roots and current issues lie in the realization of capitalism, the morphology of the nationstate, and the generative order of colonialism. The unequal access and comprehensive discrimination make
a paradoxical paradigm that the affluent US society is less prosperous. With an ideal approach to skepticism
and confusion regarding critical race theory, the legal history, doctrinal race development, and the
International Convention on Racial Discrimination, a contemporary racial foundation needs to be
developed, reaffirmed, improved, and protected to incorporate the democratic content of the US's principles


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There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Faruk Hadžić This is me 0000-0003-1158-7858

Publication Date March 23, 2022
Submission Date February 7, 2022
Acceptance Date February 21, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 7 Issue: 1
