Research Article
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A Model Proposal for the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Developing Countries from the Perspective of Technology-Organization-Environment

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 16, 142 - 156, 30.09.2024


While developed countries meet the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and fully digitize their industries with the disruptive technologies of Industry 4.0, it is essential for developing countries to adapt to this transformation to remain competitive. The literature on the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in developing countries is scarce. In this study, factors affecting the adoption of Industry 4.0 in developing countries were first identified through systematic literature review and content analysis methods, and then these factors were modeled using the Technology-Organization-Environment conceptual framework.

Supporting Institution

Bu çalışma, Atatürk Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Ofisi tarafından desteklenmektedir. Proje numarası SDK-2023-11763'tür.

Project Number

Bu çalışma, Atatürk Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Ofisi tarafından desteklenmektedir. Proje numarası SDK-2023-11763'tür.


  • Abdul-Hamid, A. Q., Ali, M. H., Osman, L. H., & Tseng, M. L. (2021). The drivers of industry 4.0 in a circular economy: The palm oil industry in Malaysia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 324, 129216.
  • Ahuett-Garza, H., Urbina Coronado, P. D., Noriega Velasco, J., Díaz de León López, E., Markert, B., & Kurfess, T. R. (2022). Train the trainers in industry 4.0: a model for the development of competencies in non-synchronous environments. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 16(2), 775-789.
  • Ali, K., Johl, S. K., Muneer, A., Alwadain, A., & Ali, R. F. (2022). Soft and hard total quality management practices promote industry 4.0 readiness: a SEM-neural network approach. Sustainability, 14(19), 11917.
  • Aligarh, F., Sutopo, B., & Widarjo, W. (2023). The antecedents of cloud computing adoption and its consequences for MSMEs’ performance: A model based on the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework. Cogent Business & Management, 10(2), 2220190.
  • Ana, A., Kustiawan, I., Ahman, E., Zakaria, S., Muktiarni, M., Dwiyanti, V., ... & Kahoerunnisa, I. (2020). Defining vocational teacher competencies in industry 4.0 from the perspective of policymakers. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 34(Special Issue).
  • Ávila Bohórquez, J. H., & Gil Herrera, R. J. (2022). Proposal and validation of an industry 4.0 maturity model for SMEs.
  • Avitia-Carlos, P., Candolfi-Arballo, N., Rodríguez-Verduzco, J. L., & Rodríguez-Tapia, B. (2022). Conditions for the Development and Certification of Industry 4.0 Technical Competencies. IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 17(4), 336-342.
  • Brodny, J., & Tutak, M. (2023). Assessing the level of digital maturity in the Three Seas Initiative countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 190, 122462.
  • Cordero, D., Altamirano, K. L., Parra, J. O., & Espinoza, W. S. (2023). Intention to adopt industry 4.0 by organizations in Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, and Peru. IEEE Access, 11, 8362-8386.
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS quarterly, 319-340.
  • Dinçbaş, T., & Yiğitbaşıoğlu, M. H. (2017). Sanayi Sektörü İçin “Teknoloji-Örgüt-Çevre Modeli” Temelli Yeni Bir Temiz Teknoloji Edinim Modeli Önerisi. Verimlilik Dergisi, (2), 39-74.
  • Dongfang, W., Ponce, P., Yu, Z., Ponce, K., & Tanveer, M. (2022). The future of industry 4.0 and the circular economy in Chinese supply chain: In the Era of post-COVID-19 pandemic. Operations Management Research, 15(1), 342-356.
  • Duman, M. C., & Akdemir, B. (2021). A study to determine the effects of industry 4.0 technology components on organizational performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 167, 120615.
  • Effoduh J. O., The fourth industrial revolution by Klaus Schwab, The Transnational Human Rights Review. (2016) 3.
  • Gadekar, R., Sarkar, B., & Gadekar, A. (2022). Investigating the relationship among Industry 4.0 drivers, adoption, risks reduction, and sustainable organizational performance in manufacturing industries: An empirical study. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 31, 670-692.
  • Gajdzik, B., Wolniak, R., & Grebski, W. W. (2023). Electricity and heat demand in steel industry technological processes in Industry 4.0 conditions. Energies, 16(2), 787.
  • Ganjavi, N., & Fazlollahtabar, H. (2021). Integrated sustainable production value measurement model based on lean and six sigma in industry 4.0 context. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(6), 2320-2333.
  • Grabowska, S., & Saniuk, S. (2022). Development of business models in the fourth industrial revolution: Conditions in the context of empirical research on worldwide scope companies located in Poland. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 8(2), 86.
  • Han, L., Hou, H., Bi, Z. M., Yang, J., & Zheng, X. (2021). Functional requirements and supply chain digitalization in industry 4.0. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-13.
  • Hwang, B. N., Huang, C. Y., & Wu, C. H. (2016). A TOE approach to establish a green supply chain adoption decision model in the semiconductor industry. Sustainability, 8(2), 168.
  • IMF. (2021, June). The future of emerging markets. Retrieved from (Accessed: February 22, 2024).
  • Kannan, K. S. P., & Garad, A. (2020). Competencies of quality professionals in the era of industry 4.0: a case study of electronics manufacturer from Malaysia. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 38(3), 839-871.
  • Khan, S. A. R., Umar, M., Asadov, A., Tanveer, M., & Yu, Z. (2022). Technological revolution and circular economy practices: a mechanism of green economy. Sustainability 14 (8): 4524.
  • Kowang, T. O., Bakry, M. F., Hee, O. C., Fei, G. C., Yew, L. K., Saadon, M. S. I., & Long, C. S. (2020). Industry 4.0 Competencies among Lecturers of Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 9(2), 303-310.
  • Kumar, M. S., Raut, R. D., Narwane, V. S., & Narkhede, B. E. (2020). Applications of industry 4.0 to overcome the COVID-19 operational challenges. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 14(5), 1283-1289.
  • Kuo, C. C., Shyu, J. Z., & Ding, K. (2019). Industrial revitalization via industry 4.0–A comparative policy analysis among China, Germany and the USA. Global transitions, 1, 3-14.
  • Kurniawan, T. A., Liang, X., O’Callaghan, E., Goh, H., Othman, M. H. D., Avtar, R., & Kusworo, T. D. (2022). Transformation of solid waste management in China: Moving towards sustainability through digitalization-based circular economy. Sustainability, 14(4), 2374.
  • Kwiotkowska, A., Wolniak, R., Gajdzik, B., & Gębczyńska, M. (2022). Configurational paths of leadership competency shortages and 4.0 leadership effectiveness: an fs/QCA study. Sustainability, 14(5), 2795.
  • León García, O. A., & Baez Landeros, E. R. (2020). Analysis of the relationship between IT and Industry 4.0 technologies with internationalization and business performance. Ingeniería e Investigación, 40(3), 89-99.
  • Makarov, R. I., & Khorosheva, E. R. (2019). Salient aspects of the implementation of digital economics in glass plants in Russia. Glass and Ceramics, 75, 438-440.
  • Miao, Z. (2022). Industry 4.0: technology spillover impact on digital manufacturing industry. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 35(4/5), 1251-1266.
  • Mokhtar, M. A., & Noordin, N. (2019). An exploratory study of industry 4.0 in Malaysia: A case study of higher education institution in Malaysia. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 16(2), 978-987.
  • Mubarak, M. F., & Petraite, M. (2020). Industry 4.0 technologies, digital trust and technological orientation: What matters in open innovation?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 161, 120332.
  • Mubarak, M. F., Tiwari, S., Petraite, M., Mubarik, M., & Raja Mohd Rasi, R. Z. (2021). How Industry 4.0 technologies and open innovation can improve green innovation performance?. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 32(5), 1007-1022.
  • Müller, J. M., Veile, J. W., & Voigt, K. I. (2020). Prerequisites and incentives for digital information sharing in Industry 4.0–An international comparison across data types. Computers & industrial engineering, 148, 106733.
  • Nagy, J., Oláh, J., Erdei, E., Máté, D., & Popp, J. (2018). The role and impact of Industry 4.0 and the internet of things on the business strategy of the value chain—the case of Hungary. Sustainability, 10(10), 3491.
  • Pattanapairoj, S., Nitisiri, K., & Sethanan, K. (2021). A gap study between employers’ expectations in thailand and current competence of master’s degree students in industrial engineering under industry 4.0. Production Engineering Archives, 27(1), 50-57.
  • Piwowar-Sulej, K. (2021). Human resources development as an element of sustainable HRM–with the focus on production engineers. Journal of cleaner production, 278, 124008.
  • Plawgo, B., & Ertman, A. (2021). Competency needs of industry 4.0 companies. Central European Management Journal, 29, 172-195.
  • Podgórska, M. (2022). Challenges and perspectives in innovative projects focused on sustainable industry 4.0—A case study on polish project teams. Sustainability, 14(9), 5334.
  • Puriwat, W., & Tripopsakul, S. (2020). Preparing for Industry 4.0--Will Youths Have Enough Essential Skills?: An Evidence from Thailand. International Journal of Instruction, 13(3), 89-104.
  • Rahamaddulla, S. R. B., Leman, Z., Baharudin, B. H. T. B., & Ahmad, S. A. (2021). Conceptualizing smart manufacturing readiness-maturity model for small and medium enterprise (sme) in malaysia. Sustainability, 13(17), 9793.
  • Ramos, L., Loures, E., Deschamps, F., & Venâncio, A. (2020). Systems evaluation methodology to attend the digital projects requirements for industry 4.0. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 33(4), 398-410.
  • Rehman, H. M., Yong, H. N. A., & Choong, Y. O. (2022). Facilitating the Malaysian manufacturing sector in readiness for Industry 4.0: A mediating role of organization innovation. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(1), 1-23.
  • Rogers, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of Innovations. Fourth Ed. New York, United States: Free Press.
  • Romanova, O. A., & Kuzmin, E. A. (2020). Industrial policy strategy: A case of changing national priorities in Russia. WSEAS Transactions on business and economics, 17, 879-888.
  • Salah, B., Khan, S., Ramadan, M., & Gjeldum, N. (2020). Integrating the concept of industry 4.0 by teaching methodology in industrial engineering curriculum. Processes, 8(9), 1007.
  • Santoso, W., Sitorus, P. M., Batunanggar, S., Krisanti, F. T., Anggadwita, G., & Alamsyah, A. (2021). Talent mapping: a strategic approach toward digitalization initiatives in the banking and financial technology (FinTech) industry in Indonesia. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 12(3), 399-420.
  • Sethakul, P., & Utakrit, N. (2019). Challenges and future trends for Thai education: Conceptual framework into action.
  • Simachev, Y., Fedyunina, A., Yurevich, M., Kuzyk, M., & Gorodny, N. (2021). New strategic approaches to gaining from emerging advanced manufacturing markets. Форсайт, 15(3 (eng)), 6-21.
  • Ślusarczyk, B., Tvaronavičienė, M., Haque, A. U., & Oláh, J. (2020). Predictors of Industry 4.0 technologies affecting logistic enterprises’ performance: International perspective from economic lens. Technological and economic development of economy, 26(6), 1263-1283.
  • Sony, M., Antony, J., Mc Dermott, O., & Garza-Reyes, J. A. (2021). An empirical examination of benefits, challenges, and critical success factors of industry 4.0 in manufacturing and service sector. Technology in Society, 67, 101754.
  • Tornatzky, L.G.; Fleischer, M.; Chakrabarti, A.K. Processes of Technological Innovation; Lexington Books: Lanham, MD, USA, 1990.
  • Voza, D., Szewieczek, A., & Grabara, D. (2022). Environmental sustainability in digitalized SMEs: comparative study from Poland and Serbia. Serbian Journal of Management, 17(1), 15-31.
  • Wang, J., Wu, H., & Chen, Y. (2020). Made in China 2025 and manufacturing strategy decisions with reverse QFD. International Journal of Production Economics, 224, 107539.
  • Węgrzyn, G. (2020). Structural changes in the manufacturing sector as an effect of implementing the concept of Industry 4.0. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 34(4), 114-125.
  • Zhong, Y., & Moon, H. C. (2023). Investigating the impact of industry 4.0 technology through a TOE-based innovation model. Systems, 11(6), 277.
  • Zhou, X., Song, M., & Cui, L. (2020). Driving force for China’s economic development under Industry 4.0 and circular economy: Technological innovation or structural change?. Journal of Cleaner Prod.

Teknoloji-Örgüt-Çevre Bakış Açısıyla Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Endüstri 4.0 Teknolojilerinin Benimsenmesine Dair Bir Model Önerisi

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 16, 142 - 156, 30.09.2024


Gelişmiş ülkeler 4. Sanayi devrimin gereklerini yerine getirip Endüstri 4.0’ın yıkıcı teknolojileri ile sanayilerini tamamıyla dijitalleştirirken gelişmekte olan ülkelerin de rekabet edebilmeleri için bu dönüşüme ayak uydurmaları zorunludur. Literatürde gelişmekte olan ülkelerde Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin benimsenmesini inceleyen çalışmaların sayısı azdır. Çalışmada öncelikle sistematik literatür taraması ve içerik analizi yöntemi ile gelişmekte olan ülkelerde Endüstri 4.0’ın benimsenmesine etki eden faktörler tespit edilmiş daha sonra bu faktörler Teknoloji-Organizasyon-Çevre kavramsal çerçevesi kullanılarak modellenmiştir.

Project Number

Bu çalışma, Atatürk Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Ofisi tarafından desteklenmektedir. Proje numarası SDK-2023-11763'tür.


  • Abdul-Hamid, A. Q., Ali, M. H., Osman, L. H., & Tseng, M. L. (2021). The drivers of industry 4.0 in a circular economy: The palm oil industry in Malaysia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 324, 129216.
  • Ahuett-Garza, H., Urbina Coronado, P. D., Noriega Velasco, J., Díaz de León López, E., Markert, B., & Kurfess, T. R. (2022). Train the trainers in industry 4.0: a model for the development of competencies in non-synchronous environments. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 16(2), 775-789.
  • Ali, K., Johl, S. K., Muneer, A., Alwadain, A., & Ali, R. F. (2022). Soft and hard total quality management practices promote industry 4.0 readiness: a SEM-neural network approach. Sustainability, 14(19), 11917.
  • Aligarh, F., Sutopo, B., & Widarjo, W. (2023). The antecedents of cloud computing adoption and its consequences for MSMEs’ performance: A model based on the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework. Cogent Business & Management, 10(2), 2220190.
  • Ana, A., Kustiawan, I., Ahman, E., Zakaria, S., Muktiarni, M., Dwiyanti, V., ... & Kahoerunnisa, I. (2020). Defining vocational teacher competencies in industry 4.0 from the perspective of policymakers. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 34(Special Issue).
  • Ávila Bohórquez, J. H., & Gil Herrera, R. J. (2022). Proposal and validation of an industry 4.0 maturity model for SMEs.
  • Avitia-Carlos, P., Candolfi-Arballo, N., Rodríguez-Verduzco, J. L., & Rodríguez-Tapia, B. (2022). Conditions for the Development and Certification of Industry 4.0 Technical Competencies. IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 17(4), 336-342.
  • Brodny, J., & Tutak, M. (2023). Assessing the level of digital maturity in the Three Seas Initiative countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 190, 122462.
  • Cordero, D., Altamirano, K. L., Parra, J. O., & Espinoza, W. S. (2023). Intention to adopt industry 4.0 by organizations in Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, and Peru. IEEE Access, 11, 8362-8386.
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS quarterly, 319-340.
  • Dinçbaş, T., & Yiğitbaşıoğlu, M. H. (2017). Sanayi Sektörü İçin “Teknoloji-Örgüt-Çevre Modeli” Temelli Yeni Bir Temiz Teknoloji Edinim Modeli Önerisi. Verimlilik Dergisi, (2), 39-74.
  • Dongfang, W., Ponce, P., Yu, Z., Ponce, K., & Tanveer, M. (2022). The future of industry 4.0 and the circular economy in Chinese supply chain: In the Era of post-COVID-19 pandemic. Operations Management Research, 15(1), 342-356.
  • Duman, M. C., & Akdemir, B. (2021). A study to determine the effects of industry 4.0 technology components on organizational performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 167, 120615.
  • Effoduh J. O., The fourth industrial revolution by Klaus Schwab, The Transnational Human Rights Review. (2016) 3.
  • Gadekar, R., Sarkar, B., & Gadekar, A. (2022). Investigating the relationship among Industry 4.0 drivers, adoption, risks reduction, and sustainable organizational performance in manufacturing industries: An empirical study. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 31, 670-692.
  • Gajdzik, B., Wolniak, R., & Grebski, W. W. (2023). Electricity and heat demand in steel industry technological processes in Industry 4.0 conditions. Energies, 16(2), 787.
  • Ganjavi, N., & Fazlollahtabar, H. (2021). Integrated sustainable production value measurement model based on lean and six sigma in industry 4.0 context. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(6), 2320-2333.
  • Grabowska, S., & Saniuk, S. (2022). Development of business models in the fourth industrial revolution: Conditions in the context of empirical research on worldwide scope companies located in Poland. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 8(2), 86.
  • Han, L., Hou, H., Bi, Z. M., Yang, J., & Zheng, X. (2021). Functional requirements and supply chain digitalization in industry 4.0. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-13.
  • Hwang, B. N., Huang, C. Y., & Wu, C. H. (2016). A TOE approach to establish a green supply chain adoption decision model in the semiconductor industry. Sustainability, 8(2), 168.
  • IMF. (2021, June). The future of emerging markets. Retrieved from (Accessed: February 22, 2024).
  • Kannan, K. S. P., & Garad, A. (2020). Competencies of quality professionals in the era of industry 4.0: a case study of electronics manufacturer from Malaysia. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 38(3), 839-871.
  • Khan, S. A. R., Umar, M., Asadov, A., Tanveer, M., & Yu, Z. (2022). Technological revolution and circular economy practices: a mechanism of green economy. Sustainability 14 (8): 4524.
  • Kowang, T. O., Bakry, M. F., Hee, O. C., Fei, G. C., Yew, L. K., Saadon, M. S. I., & Long, C. S. (2020). Industry 4.0 Competencies among Lecturers of Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 9(2), 303-310.
  • Kumar, M. S., Raut, R. D., Narwane, V. S., & Narkhede, B. E. (2020). Applications of industry 4.0 to overcome the COVID-19 operational challenges. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 14(5), 1283-1289.
  • Kuo, C. C., Shyu, J. Z., & Ding, K. (2019). Industrial revitalization via industry 4.0–A comparative policy analysis among China, Germany and the USA. Global transitions, 1, 3-14.
  • Kurniawan, T. A., Liang, X., O’Callaghan, E., Goh, H., Othman, M. H. D., Avtar, R., & Kusworo, T. D. (2022). Transformation of solid waste management in China: Moving towards sustainability through digitalization-based circular economy. Sustainability, 14(4), 2374.
  • Kwiotkowska, A., Wolniak, R., Gajdzik, B., & Gębczyńska, M. (2022). Configurational paths of leadership competency shortages and 4.0 leadership effectiveness: an fs/QCA study. Sustainability, 14(5), 2795.
  • León García, O. A., & Baez Landeros, E. R. (2020). Analysis of the relationship between IT and Industry 4.0 technologies with internationalization and business performance. Ingeniería e Investigación, 40(3), 89-99.
  • Makarov, R. I., & Khorosheva, E. R. (2019). Salient aspects of the implementation of digital economics in glass plants in Russia. Glass and Ceramics, 75, 438-440.
  • Miao, Z. (2022). Industry 4.0: technology spillover impact on digital manufacturing industry. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 35(4/5), 1251-1266.
  • Mokhtar, M. A., & Noordin, N. (2019). An exploratory study of industry 4.0 in Malaysia: A case study of higher education institution in Malaysia. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 16(2), 978-987.
  • Mubarak, M. F., & Petraite, M. (2020). Industry 4.0 technologies, digital trust and technological orientation: What matters in open innovation?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 161, 120332.
  • Mubarak, M. F., Tiwari, S., Petraite, M., Mubarik, M., & Raja Mohd Rasi, R. Z. (2021). How Industry 4.0 technologies and open innovation can improve green innovation performance?. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 32(5), 1007-1022.
  • Müller, J. M., Veile, J. W., & Voigt, K. I. (2020). Prerequisites and incentives for digital information sharing in Industry 4.0–An international comparison across data types. Computers & industrial engineering, 148, 106733.
  • Nagy, J., Oláh, J., Erdei, E., Máté, D., & Popp, J. (2018). The role and impact of Industry 4.0 and the internet of things on the business strategy of the value chain—the case of Hungary. Sustainability, 10(10), 3491.
  • Pattanapairoj, S., Nitisiri, K., & Sethanan, K. (2021). A gap study between employers’ expectations in thailand and current competence of master’s degree students in industrial engineering under industry 4.0. Production Engineering Archives, 27(1), 50-57.
  • Piwowar-Sulej, K. (2021). Human resources development as an element of sustainable HRM–with the focus on production engineers. Journal of cleaner production, 278, 124008.
  • Plawgo, B., & Ertman, A. (2021). Competency needs of industry 4.0 companies. Central European Management Journal, 29, 172-195.
  • Podgórska, M. (2022). Challenges and perspectives in innovative projects focused on sustainable industry 4.0—A case study on polish project teams. Sustainability, 14(9), 5334.
  • Puriwat, W., & Tripopsakul, S. (2020). Preparing for Industry 4.0--Will Youths Have Enough Essential Skills?: An Evidence from Thailand. International Journal of Instruction, 13(3), 89-104.
  • Rahamaddulla, S. R. B., Leman, Z., Baharudin, B. H. T. B., & Ahmad, S. A. (2021). Conceptualizing smart manufacturing readiness-maturity model for small and medium enterprise (sme) in malaysia. Sustainability, 13(17), 9793.
  • Ramos, L., Loures, E., Deschamps, F., & Venâncio, A. (2020). Systems evaluation methodology to attend the digital projects requirements for industry 4.0. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 33(4), 398-410.
  • Rehman, H. M., Yong, H. N. A., & Choong, Y. O. (2022). Facilitating the Malaysian manufacturing sector in readiness for Industry 4.0: A mediating role of organization innovation. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(1), 1-23.
  • Rogers, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of Innovations. Fourth Ed. New York, United States: Free Press.
  • Romanova, O. A., & Kuzmin, E. A. (2020). Industrial policy strategy: A case of changing national priorities in Russia. WSEAS Transactions on business and economics, 17, 879-888.
  • Salah, B., Khan, S., Ramadan, M., & Gjeldum, N. (2020). Integrating the concept of industry 4.0 by teaching methodology in industrial engineering curriculum. Processes, 8(9), 1007.
  • Santoso, W., Sitorus, P. M., Batunanggar, S., Krisanti, F. T., Anggadwita, G., & Alamsyah, A. (2021). Talent mapping: a strategic approach toward digitalization initiatives in the banking and financial technology (FinTech) industry in Indonesia. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 12(3), 399-420.
  • Sethakul, P., & Utakrit, N. (2019). Challenges and future trends for Thai education: Conceptual framework into action.
  • Simachev, Y., Fedyunina, A., Yurevich, M., Kuzyk, M., & Gorodny, N. (2021). New strategic approaches to gaining from emerging advanced manufacturing markets. Форсайт, 15(3 (eng)), 6-21.
  • Ślusarczyk, B., Tvaronavičienė, M., Haque, A. U., & Oláh, J. (2020). Predictors of Industry 4.0 technologies affecting logistic enterprises’ performance: International perspective from economic lens. Technological and economic development of economy, 26(6), 1263-1283.
  • Sony, M., Antony, J., Mc Dermott, O., & Garza-Reyes, J. A. (2021). An empirical examination of benefits, challenges, and critical success factors of industry 4.0 in manufacturing and service sector. Technology in Society, 67, 101754.
  • Tornatzky, L.G.; Fleischer, M.; Chakrabarti, A.K. Processes of Technological Innovation; Lexington Books: Lanham, MD, USA, 1990.
  • Voza, D., Szewieczek, A., & Grabara, D. (2022). Environmental sustainability in digitalized SMEs: comparative study from Poland and Serbia. Serbian Journal of Management, 17(1), 15-31.
  • Wang, J., Wu, H., & Chen, Y. (2020). Made in China 2025 and manufacturing strategy decisions with reverse QFD. International Journal of Production Economics, 224, 107539.
  • Węgrzyn, G. (2020). Structural changes in the manufacturing sector as an effect of implementing the concept of Industry 4.0. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 34(4), 114-125.
  • Zhong, Y., & Moon, H. C. (2023). Investigating the impact of industry 4.0 technology through a TOE-based innovation model. Systems, 11(6), 277.
  • Zhou, X., Song, M., & Cui, L. (2020). Driving force for China’s economic development under Industry 4.0 and circular economy: Technological innovation or structural change?. Journal of Cleaner Prod.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Information Systems (Other), Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (Excl. Textiles), Manufacturing Management, Technology Management and Business Models, Technology Management
Journal Section Research Article

Sayıl Saçak Düzgün 0000-0002-2890-2917

Üstün Özen 0000-0002-7595-4306

Derya Fındık 0000-0002-3002-4391

Project Number Bu çalışma, Atatürk Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Ofisi tarafından desteklenmektedir. Proje numarası SDK-2023-11763'tür.
Early Pub Date September 27, 2024
Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date July 7, 2024
Acceptance Date September 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 16


APA Saçak Düzgün, S., Özen, Ü., & Fındık, D. (2024). Teknoloji-Örgüt-Çevre Bakış Açısıyla Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Endüstri 4.0 Teknolojilerinin Benimsenmesine Dair Bir Model Önerisi. International Journal of Management and Administration, 8(16), 142-156.

Dergide aşağıdaki alanların kapsamına giren nitelikli çalışmalar yayımlanabilir;

İşletme, İktisat, Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri, Maliye, Kamu Yönetimi ve Siyaset Bilimi, Ekonometri, Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri, Eğitim Yönetimi, Sağlık Yönetimi, Turizm Yönetimi, Havacılık Yönetimi, Denizcilik İşletmeleri Yönetimi, Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Yönetimi, Enerji Yönetimi, Lojistik Yönetimi, Çevre Yönetimi, Medya ve İletişim Yönetimi, Afet Yönetimi, Multidisipliner Yönetim ve Ekonomi Çalışmaları.

 IJMA is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.