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Year 2017, , 365 - 384, 01.04.2017


It is crucial to analyze the deterrminants of domestic saving rates in developing countries since domestic saving rates are the main sources for domestic investment and are relatively low in these countries. On the other hand East Asian countries’ success in terms of high saving rates is striking. The aim of this study is to compare developing East Asian countries which have higher saving rates among the others and Turkey which is behind East Asian countries. In this context changes in and determinants of domestic saving rates are investigated by years in East Asia and Turkey comperatively and also the differences between the countries are revealed


  • Adams, F.G. & Prazmowski, P.A. (2003). Why are saving ratesin East Asia so high? Reviving the life cycle hypothesis. Empirical Economics, 28, 275-289.
  • Agenor, P.R. (2004). The economics of adjustment and growth, USA: La Editorial, UPR.
  • Agrawal, P., Sahoo, P. & Dash, R.K. (2009). Savings behaviour in South Asia. Journal of Policy Modelling, 31, 208-224.
  • Ando, A. & Modigliani, F. (1963). The “life cycle” hypothesis of saving: Aggregate implications and tests. The American Economic Review, 53(1), 55-84.
  • Aşırım, O. (1994). Enflasyon ve tasarruf ilişkisinin kesintisiz zaman modeli. Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası Tartışma Tebliği, No.9407, 233-248.
  • Athukorala, P. & Sen, K. (2004). The determinants of private saving in India. World Development, 32(3), 491-503.
  • Barro, R.J. (1974). Are government bonds net wealth?. Journal of Political Economy, 82(6), 1095-1117.
  • Callen, T. & Thimann, C. (1997). Empirical determinants of household saving: Evidence from OECD countries. IMF Working Paper, 1-26.
  • Ceritoğlu, E. & Eren, O. (2013). Türkiye’nin nüfus ve sosyal yapısındaki değişimlerin hanehalkı tasarrufları üzerindeki etkileri. TCMB Ekonomi Notları, 24, 1-14.
  • Collins, S.M. (1991). Saving behavior in ten developing countries. in B.Douglas Bernheim & J. Shoven (eds.),National Saving and Economic Performance, University of Chicago Press, 349-76.
  • Çolak, Ö.F. & Öztürkler, H. (2012). Tasarrufun belirleyicileri: Küresel tasarruf eğiliminde değişim ve Türkiye’de hanehalkı tasarruf eğiliminin analizi. Bankacılar Dergisi, 23(82), 1-43.
  • Deaton, A. S. & Paxson, C.H. (2000). Growth and saving among individuals and households. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(2), 212-225.
  • Deaton, A. S. (1989). Saving in developing countries: Theory and review. The World Bank, 61-96.
  • Doshi, K. (1994). Determinants of the saving rate: An international comparison. Contemporary Economic Policy, 12, 37-45.
  • Edwards, S. (1996). Why are Latin America’ s savings rates so low? An international comparative analysis. Journal of Development Economics, 51, 5-44.
  • Feldstein, M. (1974). Social security, induced retirement, and aggregate capital accumulation. Journal of Political Economy, 82(5), 905-926.
  • Hondroyiannis, G. (2006). Private saving determinants in European Countries: A panel cointegration approach. The Social Science Journal, 43, 553-569.
  • Horioka, C.Y. & Hagiwara, A. (2012). The determinants and long-term projections of saving rates in developing Asia. Japan and the World Economy, 24, 128-137.
  • Ismail, A. & Rashid, K. (2013). Determinants of household saving: Cointegrated evidence from Pakistan (1975-2011). Economic Modelling, 32, 524-531.
  • Jongwanich, J. (2010). The determinants of household and private savings in Thailand. Applied Economics, 42(8), 965-976.
  • Kim, S. & Lee, J.W. (2007). Demographic changes, saving and current account in East Asia. Asian Economic Papers, 6(2), 22-53.
  • Kim, S., Kim, S.H. & Wang, Y. (2007). Saving, investment and international capital mobility in East Asia. Japan and the World Economy, 19, 279-291.
  • Loayza, N., Schmidt-Hebbel, K. & Serven, L. (2000). Saving in developing countries: An overview. The World Bank Economic Review, 14(3), 393-414.
  • Masson, P.R., Bayoumi, T. & Hossein, S. (1998). International evidence on the determinants of private saving. The World Bank Economic Review, 12(3), 483-501.
  • Modigliani, F. (1986). Life cycle, individual thrift, and the wealth of nations. The American Economic Review, 76(3), 297-313.
  • Özatay, F. (2009). Finansal krizler ve Türkiye, İstanbul: Doğan Kitap.
  • Özcan, K., Günay, A., & Ertaç, S. (2003). Determinants of private savings in Turkey. Applied Economics, 35(12), 1405-1416.
  • Özcan, K.M. & Günay, A. (2012). Türkiye’de özel tasarrufları belirleyen unsurlar. Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu Tartışma Metni, 109.
  • Özlale, Ü. & Karakurt, A. (2012). Türkiye’de tasarruf açığının nedenleri ve kapatılması için politika önerileri. Bankacılar Dergisi, 23(83), 1-33.
  • Reinhart, C., Ogaki, M. & Ostry, J. (1996). Saving behavior in low and middle-income developing countries: A comparison. IMF Staff Papers, 43(1), 38-71.
  • Rossi, N. (1989). Dependency rates and private savings behavior in developing countries. IMF Staff Papers, 36, 166-181.
  • Sachs, J.D. & Larrain, F.B. (1993). Macroeconomics in the global economy. Prentice Hall Publishers.
  • Uygur, E. (2012). Türkiye’de tasarrufların seyri ve etkileyen bazı unsurlar. Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu Tartışma Metni, 108.
  • Wigger, B.U. (1999). Pay-as-you-go financed public pensions in a model of endogenous growth and fertility. Journal of Population Economics, 12, 625-640.
  • World Bank. (2011, December). Sustaining high growth: The role of domestic savings synthesis report (Report No.66301-TR). Turkey-Country Economic Memorandum.
  • World Bank. (2013). Capital for the future: Saving and investment in an interdependent world. Global Development Horizons.


Year 2017, , 365 - 384, 01.04.2017


Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde yurtiçi tasarrufların belirleyicilerinin analiz edilmesi,özellikle bu ülkelerde yurtiçindeki yatırımlar için elzem olan yurtiçi tasarruf düzeyinindüşük olması nedeniyle büyük önem taşımaktadır. Diğer yandan Doğu Asya ülkelerinin buanlamdaki başarısı dikkati çekmektedir. Mevcut çalışmanın amacı ise tasarruf düzeylerinispeten yüksek olan gelişmekte olan Doğu Asya ülkeleri ile tasarruf düzeyleri Doğu Asyaülkelerinin gerisinde olan Türkiye’de yurtiçi tasarrufların yıllar itibariyle değişiminin vebelirleyicilerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmesi, bu anlamda bahsi geçen ülkelerarasındaki farklılıkların ortaya konmasıdır.


  • Adams, F.G. & Prazmowski, P.A. (2003). Why are saving ratesin East Asia so high? Reviving the life cycle hypothesis. Empirical Economics, 28, 275-289.
  • Agenor, P.R. (2004). The economics of adjustment and growth, USA: La Editorial, UPR.
  • Agrawal, P., Sahoo, P. & Dash, R.K. (2009). Savings behaviour in South Asia. Journal of Policy Modelling, 31, 208-224.
  • Ando, A. & Modigliani, F. (1963). The “life cycle” hypothesis of saving: Aggregate implications and tests. The American Economic Review, 53(1), 55-84.
  • Aşırım, O. (1994). Enflasyon ve tasarruf ilişkisinin kesintisiz zaman modeli. Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası Tartışma Tebliği, No.9407, 233-248.
  • Athukorala, P. & Sen, K. (2004). The determinants of private saving in India. World Development, 32(3), 491-503.
  • Barro, R.J. (1974). Are government bonds net wealth?. Journal of Political Economy, 82(6), 1095-1117.
  • Callen, T. & Thimann, C. (1997). Empirical determinants of household saving: Evidence from OECD countries. IMF Working Paper, 1-26.
  • Ceritoğlu, E. & Eren, O. (2013). Türkiye’nin nüfus ve sosyal yapısındaki değişimlerin hanehalkı tasarrufları üzerindeki etkileri. TCMB Ekonomi Notları, 24, 1-14.
  • Collins, S.M. (1991). Saving behavior in ten developing countries. in B.Douglas Bernheim & J. Shoven (eds.),National Saving and Economic Performance, University of Chicago Press, 349-76.
  • Çolak, Ö.F. & Öztürkler, H. (2012). Tasarrufun belirleyicileri: Küresel tasarruf eğiliminde değişim ve Türkiye’de hanehalkı tasarruf eğiliminin analizi. Bankacılar Dergisi, 23(82), 1-43.
  • Deaton, A. S. & Paxson, C.H. (2000). Growth and saving among individuals and households. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(2), 212-225.
  • Deaton, A. S. (1989). Saving in developing countries: Theory and review. The World Bank, 61-96.
  • Doshi, K. (1994). Determinants of the saving rate: An international comparison. Contemporary Economic Policy, 12, 37-45.
  • Edwards, S. (1996). Why are Latin America’ s savings rates so low? An international comparative analysis. Journal of Development Economics, 51, 5-44.
  • Feldstein, M. (1974). Social security, induced retirement, and aggregate capital accumulation. Journal of Political Economy, 82(5), 905-926.
  • Hondroyiannis, G. (2006). Private saving determinants in European Countries: A panel cointegration approach. The Social Science Journal, 43, 553-569.
  • Horioka, C.Y. & Hagiwara, A. (2012). The determinants and long-term projections of saving rates in developing Asia. Japan and the World Economy, 24, 128-137.
  • Ismail, A. & Rashid, K. (2013). Determinants of household saving: Cointegrated evidence from Pakistan (1975-2011). Economic Modelling, 32, 524-531.
  • Jongwanich, J. (2010). The determinants of household and private savings in Thailand. Applied Economics, 42(8), 965-976.
  • Kim, S. & Lee, J.W. (2007). Demographic changes, saving and current account in East Asia. Asian Economic Papers, 6(2), 22-53.
  • Kim, S., Kim, S.H. & Wang, Y. (2007). Saving, investment and international capital mobility in East Asia. Japan and the World Economy, 19, 279-291.
  • Loayza, N., Schmidt-Hebbel, K. & Serven, L. (2000). Saving in developing countries: An overview. The World Bank Economic Review, 14(3), 393-414.
  • Masson, P.R., Bayoumi, T. & Hossein, S. (1998). International evidence on the determinants of private saving. The World Bank Economic Review, 12(3), 483-501.
  • Modigliani, F. (1986). Life cycle, individual thrift, and the wealth of nations. The American Economic Review, 76(3), 297-313.
  • Özatay, F. (2009). Finansal krizler ve Türkiye, İstanbul: Doğan Kitap.
  • Özcan, K., Günay, A., & Ertaç, S. (2003). Determinants of private savings in Turkey. Applied Economics, 35(12), 1405-1416.
  • Özcan, K.M. & Günay, A. (2012). Türkiye’de özel tasarrufları belirleyen unsurlar. Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu Tartışma Metni, 109.
  • Özlale, Ü. & Karakurt, A. (2012). Türkiye’de tasarruf açığının nedenleri ve kapatılması için politika önerileri. Bankacılar Dergisi, 23(83), 1-33.
  • Reinhart, C., Ogaki, M. & Ostry, J. (1996). Saving behavior in low and middle-income developing countries: A comparison. IMF Staff Papers, 43(1), 38-71.
  • Rossi, N. (1989). Dependency rates and private savings behavior in developing countries. IMF Staff Papers, 36, 166-181.
  • Sachs, J.D. & Larrain, F.B. (1993). Macroeconomics in the global economy. Prentice Hall Publishers.
  • Uygur, E. (2012). Türkiye’de tasarrufların seyri ve etkileyen bazı unsurlar. Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu Tartışma Metni, 108.
  • Wigger, B.U. (1999). Pay-as-you-go financed public pensions in a model of endogenous growth and fertility. Journal of Population Economics, 12, 625-640.
  • World Bank. (2011, December). Sustaining high growth: The role of domestic savings synthesis report (Report No.66301-TR). Turkey-Country Economic Memorandum.
  • World Bank. (2013). Capital for the future: Saving and investment in an interdependent world. Global Development Horizons.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

İpek Tekin This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017
