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Year 2013, , 115 - 129, 01.09.2013


The main aim of this study is to determine the effect of perceived destination image on the attitude of recommendation. Accordingly the research was carried out with tourists who visited Safranbolu. In this study, data was obtained from 287completed questionnaires. The data was analyzed with SPSS 15 statistics programme. In this research, destination image was analyzed in terms of service and facilities, peaceful environment, historical structure and environment along with infrastructure. In this context, a positive correlation was observed between perceived destination image factors and the attitude of recommendation of tourists. Especially a highly positive correlation was discovered between “peaceful environment”, “historical structure and environment”, “infrastructure”, and the attitude of recommendation


  • Abdalla, M. G. (2008). Egypt’s image as a tourist destination: A perspective of foreign tourists. Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal Of Tourism, 3(1), 36-65
  • Agapito, D., Valle, P. & Mendes, J. (2011). Tourist recommendation through destination ımage: A chaid analysis, Tourism & Management Studies, Nº 7, International English Edition.
  • Akgül, A. & Çevik, O. (2003). İstatistiksel analiz teknikleri. Ankara: Emek Ofset Ltd. Şti.
  • Aksoy, R. & Kıycı, Ş. (2011). A destination image as a type of image and measuring destination image in tourism (Amasra case). European Journal of Social Sciences, 20(3), 478-488.
  • Alhemoud, A. M. & Armstrong, E. (1996). Image of tourism attractions in Kuwait. Journal of Travel Research, 34(4), 76-80.
  • ASD (2012). Avrupalı seçkin destinasyonlar. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Dış İlişkiler ve AB Koordinasyon Dairesi Başkanlığı. Ankara: Koza Yayıncılık.
  • Baloglu, Ş. (1999). A path-analytical model of visitation intention involving information sources, socio-psychological motivations and destination images in consumer psychology of tourism, hospitality and leisure. In A.G. Woodside, G. I. Crouch, J. A. Mazanec, M. Oppermann, M. Y. Sakai. (Eds.). New York: CABI Publishing, pp. 63 – 90.
  • Baloglu, Ş., & McCleary, K. (1999). A model of destination image formation. Annals of Tourism Research, (26), 868–897.
  • Baloglu, Ş., & Mangaloglu, M. (2001). Tourism destination images of Turkey, Egypt, Greece and Italy as perceived by US-Based tour operators and travel agents. Tourism Management, 22(1), 1–9.
  • Beerli, A. & Martín, J. D. (2004). Factors influencing destination image. Annals of Tourism Research, 31(3), 657-681.
  • Bigne, J. E., Sanchez, M. I. & Sanchez, J. (2001). Tourism image, evaluation variables and after purchase behaviour: interrelationship. Tourism Management, 22(6), 607–616.
  • Chen, C. & Tsai, D. (2007). How destination image and evaluative factors affect behavioral intentions?. Tourism Management, 28(4), 1115-1122.
  • Chi, C. G.-Q., & Qu, H. (2008). Examining the structural relationships of destination image, tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty: An integrated approach. Tourism Management, 29, 624-636.
  • Çakmak, A., & Gök, İ. (2012). Destinasyon pazarlaması ve Safranbolu’nun destinasyon imajının ölçülmesi. Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 80-101.
  • Demir, Ş. Ş., & Kozak, M. (2011). Turizmde tüketici davranışları modelini oluşturan aşamalar arasındaki ilişki. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 22(1), Bahar: 19-34.
  • Echtner, C., & Ritchie, J. (1993). The measurement of destination image: An empirical assessment. Journal of Travel Research, 31(4), 3–13.
  • Fakeye, P., & Crompton, J. (1991) Image differences between prospective, first-time, and repeat visitors to the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Journal of Travel Research, 30(2), 10–16.
  • Gartner, W., & Hunt, J. (1987). An analysis of state image change over a twelve-year period (1971–1983). Journal of Travel Research, 26(2), 15–19.
  • Gibson, H., Qi, C. & Zhang, J. (2008). Destination image and intent to visit China and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Journal of Sport Management, 22, 427-450.
  • Gunn, C. A. (1972). Vacationscape: designing tourist regions. Austin: Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas.
  • Hunt, J. D. (1975). Image as a factor in tourism development. Journal of Travel Research, 13(3), 1-7.
  • İlban, M. O., Köroğlu, A. & Bozok, D. (2008). Termal turizm amaçlı seyahat eden turistlerde destinasyon imajı. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(13), 105-129.
  • İnan, E. A., Akıncı, S., Kıymalıoğlu, A., & Akyürek, M. S. (2011). Kruvaziyer turizminde turistlerin tavsiye niyetlerinde destinasyon imajının etkisi. Ege Akademik Bakış, 11(3), 487-497.
  • Jacobsen, J. S. K. (2002). Southern comfort: A study of holiday style patterns of northerners in Coastal Mallorca. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2(1), 49-78.
  • Jenkins, O. H. (1999). Understanding and measuring tourist destination images. International Journal of Tourism Research, 1(1), 1-15.
  • Karakaş, B., Bircan, B., & Gök, O. (2007). Hizmet sektöründe ilişki pazarlaması: butik oteller ve 5 yıldızlı oteller üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Ege Akademik Bakış, 7(1) , 3-18.
  • Kaşlı, M., & Yılmazdoğan, O. (2012). İmajın turistik talebe etkisi: Eskişehir örneği. Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, (4)2, 199-209
  • Kaya, L. (2010). Geleneksel kapı halka ve tokmakları: Safranbolu. ZKÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(12), 341–369.
  • Kotler, P., Haider, D. H., & Rein, I. (1993). Marketing places: Attracting investment, industry and tourism to cities, states and nations. New York: Free Press.
  • Lee C., Lee, Y., & Lee, B. (2005). Korea’s destination image formed by the 2002 world cup. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(4), 839–858.
  • Milman, A., & Pizam, A. (1995). The role of awareness and familiarity with a destination: The Central Florida case. Journal of Travel Research, 33(3), 21–27.
  • Mohamad, M., Abdullah, A., & Mokhlis, S. (2012). Tourists’ evaluations of destination image and future behavioural intention: The case of Malaysia. Journal of Management and Sustainability, 2(1), 181-189.
  • Moutinho, L. (1984). Vacation tourist decision process. Quarterly Review of Marketing (UK), 9, 8-17.
  • Özdemir, G. (2007). Destinasyon yönetimi ve pazarlama temelleri: İzmir ili için bir destinasyon model önerisi (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Özdemir, Ü. (2011). Safranbolu’nun kültürel miras kaynakları ve korunması. Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi, 16(26), 129-141.
  • Phillips, WooMi J., Kara, W., Nancy H., & Larry Leistritz, F. (2013). Tourist word of mouth and revisit ıntentions to rural tourism destinations: A case of North Dakota, USA. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(1), 93–104
  • Royo-Vela, M. (2009). Rural-cultural excursion conceptualization: a local tourism marketing management model based on tourist destination image measurement. Tourism Management, 30(3), 419-428.
  • Som, A., Shirazi, S., Marzuki, A., & Jusoh, J. (2011). A critical analysis of tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty. Journal of Global Management, 2(1), 178-183.
  • Stabler, M. J. (1988). The image of destination regions: Theoretical and empirical aspects. In B. Goodall, G. Ashworth (Ed.), Marketing in tourism industry: The promotion of destination regions (ss. 133-161). New York: Croom Helm.
  • Tekeli, H. (2001). Turizm pazarlaması ve planlaması. Akara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Türker, N. (2002). Cultural tourism in Safranbolu. 12. International Research Conference of the Coincil for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education, Western Australia, 6-9 February, 76 -77.
  • Ural, A. ve Kılıç, İ. (2005). Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve SPSS ile veri analizi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Watkins, S., Hassanien, A., & Dale, C. (2006). Exploring the image of the black country as a tourist destination. Palgrave Journals, 2(4), 321-333.
  • Woodside, A. G., & Lysonski, S. (1989). A general model of traveler destination choice. Journal of Travel Research, 27(4), 8-14.
  • Yoon, Y., & Uysal, M. (2005). An examination of the effects of motivation and satisfaction on destination loyalty: A structural model. Tourism Management, 26(1), 45-56.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y., & Erdoğan, S. (2004). SPSS uygulamalı bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Yükselen, C., & Güler, G. E. (2009). Antakya marka kent. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.


Year 2013, , 115 - 129, 01.09.2013


Araştırmanın temel amacı, algılanan destinasyon imajının, tavsiye etme durumu üzerine etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaca bağlı olarak, Safranbolu’yu ziyaret eden turistler üzerine bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışmada anket tekniği ile toplam 287 turistten veri elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 15 istatistik programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada destinasyon imajı, hizmet ve üstyapı, huzurlu ortam, tarihi doku ve çevre ile altyapı boyutlarıyla ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda, algılanan destinasyon imajı alt boyutları ile turistlerin tavsiye etme davranışları arasında pozitif bir ilişkinin olduğu görülmüştür. Özellikle “huzurlu ortam”, “tarihi doku-çevre”, ve “altyapı” ile tavsiye etme davranışı arasında yüksek düzeyde pozitif bir ilişki olduğu dikkat çekmektedir.


  • Abdalla, M. G. (2008). Egypt’s image as a tourist destination: A perspective of foreign tourists. Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal Of Tourism, 3(1), 36-65
  • Agapito, D., Valle, P. & Mendes, J. (2011). Tourist recommendation through destination ımage: A chaid analysis, Tourism & Management Studies, Nº 7, International English Edition.
  • Akgül, A. & Çevik, O. (2003). İstatistiksel analiz teknikleri. Ankara: Emek Ofset Ltd. Şti.
  • Aksoy, R. & Kıycı, Ş. (2011). A destination image as a type of image and measuring destination image in tourism (Amasra case). European Journal of Social Sciences, 20(3), 478-488.
  • Alhemoud, A. M. & Armstrong, E. (1996). Image of tourism attractions in Kuwait. Journal of Travel Research, 34(4), 76-80.
  • ASD (2012). Avrupalı seçkin destinasyonlar. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Dış İlişkiler ve AB Koordinasyon Dairesi Başkanlığı. Ankara: Koza Yayıncılık.
  • Baloglu, Ş. (1999). A path-analytical model of visitation intention involving information sources, socio-psychological motivations and destination images in consumer psychology of tourism, hospitality and leisure. In A.G. Woodside, G. I. Crouch, J. A. Mazanec, M. Oppermann, M. Y. Sakai. (Eds.). New York: CABI Publishing, pp. 63 – 90.
  • Baloglu, Ş., & McCleary, K. (1999). A model of destination image formation. Annals of Tourism Research, (26), 868–897.
  • Baloglu, Ş., & Mangaloglu, M. (2001). Tourism destination images of Turkey, Egypt, Greece and Italy as perceived by US-Based tour operators and travel agents. Tourism Management, 22(1), 1–9.
  • Beerli, A. & Martín, J. D. (2004). Factors influencing destination image. Annals of Tourism Research, 31(3), 657-681.
  • Bigne, J. E., Sanchez, M. I. & Sanchez, J. (2001). Tourism image, evaluation variables and after purchase behaviour: interrelationship. Tourism Management, 22(6), 607–616.
  • Chen, C. & Tsai, D. (2007). How destination image and evaluative factors affect behavioral intentions?. Tourism Management, 28(4), 1115-1122.
  • Chi, C. G.-Q., & Qu, H. (2008). Examining the structural relationships of destination image, tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty: An integrated approach. Tourism Management, 29, 624-636.
  • Çakmak, A., & Gök, İ. (2012). Destinasyon pazarlaması ve Safranbolu’nun destinasyon imajının ölçülmesi. Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 80-101.
  • Demir, Ş. Ş., & Kozak, M. (2011). Turizmde tüketici davranışları modelini oluşturan aşamalar arasındaki ilişki. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 22(1), Bahar: 19-34.
  • Echtner, C., & Ritchie, J. (1993). The measurement of destination image: An empirical assessment. Journal of Travel Research, 31(4), 3–13.
  • Fakeye, P., & Crompton, J. (1991) Image differences between prospective, first-time, and repeat visitors to the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Journal of Travel Research, 30(2), 10–16.
  • Gartner, W., & Hunt, J. (1987). An analysis of state image change over a twelve-year period (1971–1983). Journal of Travel Research, 26(2), 15–19.
  • Gibson, H., Qi, C. & Zhang, J. (2008). Destination image and intent to visit China and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Journal of Sport Management, 22, 427-450.
  • Gunn, C. A. (1972). Vacationscape: designing tourist regions. Austin: Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas.
  • Hunt, J. D. (1975). Image as a factor in tourism development. Journal of Travel Research, 13(3), 1-7.
  • İlban, M. O., Köroğlu, A. & Bozok, D. (2008). Termal turizm amaçlı seyahat eden turistlerde destinasyon imajı. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(13), 105-129.
  • İnan, E. A., Akıncı, S., Kıymalıoğlu, A., & Akyürek, M. S. (2011). Kruvaziyer turizminde turistlerin tavsiye niyetlerinde destinasyon imajının etkisi. Ege Akademik Bakış, 11(3), 487-497.
  • Jacobsen, J. S. K. (2002). Southern comfort: A study of holiday style patterns of northerners in Coastal Mallorca. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2(1), 49-78.
  • Jenkins, O. H. (1999). Understanding and measuring tourist destination images. International Journal of Tourism Research, 1(1), 1-15.
  • Karakaş, B., Bircan, B., & Gök, O. (2007). Hizmet sektöründe ilişki pazarlaması: butik oteller ve 5 yıldızlı oteller üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Ege Akademik Bakış, 7(1) , 3-18.
  • Kaşlı, M., & Yılmazdoğan, O. (2012). İmajın turistik talebe etkisi: Eskişehir örneği. Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, (4)2, 199-209
  • Kaya, L. (2010). Geleneksel kapı halka ve tokmakları: Safranbolu. ZKÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(12), 341–369.
  • Kotler, P., Haider, D. H., & Rein, I. (1993). Marketing places: Attracting investment, industry and tourism to cities, states and nations. New York: Free Press.
  • Lee C., Lee, Y., & Lee, B. (2005). Korea’s destination image formed by the 2002 world cup. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(4), 839–858.
  • Milman, A., & Pizam, A. (1995). The role of awareness and familiarity with a destination: The Central Florida case. Journal of Travel Research, 33(3), 21–27.
  • Mohamad, M., Abdullah, A., & Mokhlis, S. (2012). Tourists’ evaluations of destination image and future behavioural intention: The case of Malaysia. Journal of Management and Sustainability, 2(1), 181-189.
  • Moutinho, L. (1984). Vacation tourist decision process. Quarterly Review of Marketing (UK), 9, 8-17.
  • Özdemir, G. (2007). Destinasyon yönetimi ve pazarlama temelleri: İzmir ili için bir destinasyon model önerisi (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Özdemir, Ü. (2011). Safranbolu’nun kültürel miras kaynakları ve korunması. Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi, 16(26), 129-141.
  • Phillips, WooMi J., Kara, W., Nancy H., & Larry Leistritz, F. (2013). Tourist word of mouth and revisit ıntentions to rural tourism destinations: A case of North Dakota, USA. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(1), 93–104
  • Royo-Vela, M. (2009). Rural-cultural excursion conceptualization: a local tourism marketing management model based on tourist destination image measurement. Tourism Management, 30(3), 419-428.
  • Som, A., Shirazi, S., Marzuki, A., & Jusoh, J. (2011). A critical analysis of tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty. Journal of Global Management, 2(1), 178-183.
  • Stabler, M. J. (1988). The image of destination regions: Theoretical and empirical aspects. In B. Goodall, G. Ashworth (Ed.), Marketing in tourism industry: The promotion of destination regions (ss. 133-161). New York: Croom Helm.
  • Tekeli, H. (2001). Turizm pazarlaması ve planlaması. Akara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Türker, N. (2002). Cultural tourism in Safranbolu. 12. International Research Conference of the Coincil for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education, Western Australia, 6-9 February, 76 -77.
  • Ural, A. ve Kılıç, İ. (2005). Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve SPSS ile veri analizi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Watkins, S., Hassanien, A., & Dale, C. (2006). Exploring the image of the black country as a tourist destination. Palgrave Journals, 2(4), 321-333.
  • Woodside, A. G., & Lysonski, S. (1989). A general model of traveler destination choice. Journal of Travel Research, 27(4), 8-14.
  • Yoon, Y., & Uysal, M. (2005). An examination of the effects of motivation and satisfaction on destination loyalty: A structural model. Tourism Management, 26(1), 45-56.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y., & Erdoğan, S. (2004). SPSS uygulamalı bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Yükselen, C., & Güler, G. E. (2009). Antakya marka kent. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Burhan Sevim This is me

Cihan Seçilmiş This is me

Onur Görkem This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Sevim, B., Seçilmiş, C., & Görkem, O. (2013). ALGILANAN DESTİNASYON İMAJININ TAVSİYE DAVRANIŞI ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ: SAFRANBOLU’DA BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat Ve İşletme Dergisi, 9(20), 115-129.

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