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Year 2019, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 143 - 156, 01.01.2019


Women become managers less often than men do and this is explained with the concept of glass ceiling. One can claim that women cannot be managers because they are less educated than men are, leave their jobs at younger ages and have less tenure, do not work as long hours, and do not care as much about opportunities for promotion, development, responsibility and recognition from upper management as men do. The aim of this research is to find out whether the glass ceiling continues to exist even after controlling for these factors which are relatively in women’s power. Based on data from 472 white-collar employees, the results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses show that the glass ceiling remains even after controlling for these variables


  • Anafarta, N., Sarvan, F., & Yapıcı, N. (2008). Perception of glass ceiling of female managers in the hospitality enterprises: A survey in the city of Antalya. Akdeniz University Journal of Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 8(15), 111-137.
  • Burke, R. & Vinnicombe, S. (2005). Advancing women’s careers. Career Development International, 10(3), 165-167.
  • Burke, R. J., Koyuncu, M., & Fiksenbaum, L. (2008). Still a man’s world: Implications for managerial and professional women in a Turkish bank. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 23(4), 278-290.
  • Burke, R. J., Koyuncu, M., Singh, P., Alayoglu, N., & Koyuncu, K. (2012). Gender differences in work experiences and work outcomes among Turkish managers and professionals: Continuing signs of progress? Gender in Management: An International Journal, 27(1), 23-35.
  • Cassirer, N. & Reskin, B. (2000). High hopes: Organizational position, employment experiences, and women’s and men’s promotion aspirations. Work and Occupations, 27(4), 438-464.
  • Clevenger, L. & Singh, N. (2013). Exploring barriers that lead to the glass ceiling effect for women in the U.S. hospitality industry. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 12(4), 376-399.
  • Cross, C. & Linehan, M. (2006). Barriers to advancing female careers in the high-tech sector: Empirical evidence from Ireland. Women in Management Review, 21(1), 28-39.
  • Cukier, W., Jackson, S., Elmi, M. A., Roach, E., & Cyr, D. (2016). Representing women? Leadership roles and women in Canadian broadcast news. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 31(5/6), 374-395.
  • Dimovski, V. & Man, M. M. K. (2010). Is there a ‘glass ceiling’ for female managers in Singapore organizations? Management, 5(4), 307-329.
  • Dinakaran, U. (2016). Assessing the existence of the glass ceiling that effects women’s career growth in the Indian hospitality industry. International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 7(5), 18-23.
  • Eagly, A. H. (2003). Few women at the top: How role incongruity produces prejudice and the glass ceiling. In D. V. Knippenberg, M. A. Hogg (Eds.), Leadership and power: Identity processes in groups and organizations (pp. 79-93). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Eagly, A. H., Johannesen-Schmidt, M. C., & van Engen, M. L. (2003). Transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles: A meta-analysis comparing women and men. Psychological Bulletin, 129(4), 569-591.
  • Eagly, A. H. & Karau, S. J. (2002). Role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders. Psychological Review, 109(3), 573–598.
  • Economist (2017a). The best and worst places to be a working woman: The Economist’s glass-ceiling index measures gender equality in the labour market. Erişim Tarihi: 11.4.2017, http://www.
  • Economist (2017b). The glass-ceiling index. Erişim Tarihi: 11.4.2017, http://infographics.economist. com/2016/glass_ceiling/index.html?n=21694011
  • Efthymiou, I., Vitsilakis, C., & Gakis, D. (2012). Horizontal and vertical gender segregation in the ICT sector: A Greek case study. Journal of Critical Studies in Business & Society, 3(1): 77-111.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. C. (1998). Multivariate data analysis. 5. Baskı, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Int.
  • Kılıç, M. & Kuzey , V. (2016). The effect of board gender diversity on firm performance: Evidence from Turkey. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 31(7), 434-455.
  • Kiser, A. I. T. (2015). Workplace and leadership perceptions between men and women. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 30(8), 598-612.
  • Kuhlmann, E., Ovseiko, P. V., Kurmeyer, C., Gutiérrez-Lobos, K., Steinböck, S., Von Knorring, M., Buchan, A. M., & Brommels, M. (2017). Closing the gender leadership gap: A multi-centre cross- country comparison of women in management and leadership in academic health centres in the European Union. Human Resources for Health, 15(2). Erişim Tarihi: 07.04.2017, https://human-
  • Large, M. & Saunders, M. N. K. (1995). A decision-making model for analysing how the glass ceiling is maintained: Unblocking equal promotion opportunities. International Journal of Career Management, 7(2), 21-28.
  • Lazzaretti, K., Godoi, C. K., Camilo, S. P. O., & Marcon, R. (2013). Gender diversity in the boards of directors of Brazilian businesses. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 28(2), 94- 110.
  • Moldovan, O. (2015). Attitudes regarding female business leaders in Romania: Explaining the glass ceiling. Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society, 8(2), 129-134.
  • Morrison, A. M., & Von Glinow, M. A. (1990). Women and minorities in management. American Psychologist, 45(2), 200-208.
  • Özkaplan, N. (2013). Kadın akademisyenler: Cam tavanlar hala çok kalın. Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(1), 1-23.
  • Pai, K. & Vaidya, S. (2009). Glass ceiling: Role of women in the corporate world. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, 19(2), 106-113.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J. Y., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method biases in behavioural research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(5), 879-903.
  • Sahoo, D. K. & Lenka, U. (2016). Breaking the glass ceiling: Opportunity for the organization. Industrial and Commercial Training, 48(6), 311-319.
  • Tienari, J., Meriläinen, S., Holgersson, C., & Bendl, R. (2013). And then there are none: On the exclusion of women in processes of executive search. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 28(1), 43-62.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2017). İstatistiklerle kadın, 2016, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Haber Bülteni, Sayı: 24643. Erişim Tarihi: 31.03.2017,
  • Wirth, L. (2001). Breaking through the glass ceiling: Women in management. Geneva: International Labour Organization.
  • Wynarczyk, P. (2007). Addressing the “gender gap” in the managerial labour market: The case of scientific small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the North East of England. Management Research News, 30(12), 942- 954.


Year 2019, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 143 - 156, 01.01.2019


Kadınlar erkeklere kıyasla daha az oranda yönetici pozisyonlarına gelebilmektedir ve bu durum cam tavan kavramıyla açıklanmaktadır. Kadınların, daha az eğitimli olmaları; işten daha erken yaşta ayrılmaları dolayısıyla daha genç ve daha kıdemsiz olmaları; erkekler kadar uzun saatler çalışmamaları; terfi etme, kendini geliştirme, sorumluluk alma ve üst yönetim tarafından tanınma gibi fırsatları önemsememeleri sebebiyle yönetici olamadıkları iddia edilebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, nispeten kadınların ellerinde olan bu faktörler kontrol edildiğinde de cam tavanın varlığını sürdürüp sürdürmediğini ortaya çıkarmaktır. 472 beyaz-yakalı çalışandan toplanan verilerin çoklu hiyerarşik regresyon analiz sonuçlarına göre, tüm bu değişkenler kontrol değişken olarak kullanıldığında bile cam tavan varlığını sürdürmektedir.


  • Anafarta, N., Sarvan, F., & Yapıcı, N. (2008). Perception of glass ceiling of female managers in the hospitality enterprises: A survey in the city of Antalya. Akdeniz University Journal of Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 8(15), 111-137.
  • Burke, R. & Vinnicombe, S. (2005). Advancing women’s careers. Career Development International, 10(3), 165-167.
  • Burke, R. J., Koyuncu, M., & Fiksenbaum, L. (2008). Still a man’s world: Implications for managerial and professional women in a Turkish bank. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 23(4), 278-290.
  • Burke, R. J., Koyuncu, M., Singh, P., Alayoglu, N., & Koyuncu, K. (2012). Gender differences in work experiences and work outcomes among Turkish managers and professionals: Continuing signs of progress? Gender in Management: An International Journal, 27(1), 23-35.
  • Cassirer, N. & Reskin, B. (2000). High hopes: Organizational position, employment experiences, and women’s and men’s promotion aspirations. Work and Occupations, 27(4), 438-464.
  • Clevenger, L. & Singh, N. (2013). Exploring barriers that lead to the glass ceiling effect for women in the U.S. hospitality industry. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 12(4), 376-399.
  • Cross, C. & Linehan, M. (2006). Barriers to advancing female careers in the high-tech sector: Empirical evidence from Ireland. Women in Management Review, 21(1), 28-39.
  • Cukier, W., Jackson, S., Elmi, M. A., Roach, E., & Cyr, D. (2016). Representing women? Leadership roles and women in Canadian broadcast news. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 31(5/6), 374-395.
  • Dimovski, V. & Man, M. M. K. (2010). Is there a ‘glass ceiling’ for female managers in Singapore organizations? Management, 5(4), 307-329.
  • Dinakaran, U. (2016). Assessing the existence of the glass ceiling that effects women’s career growth in the Indian hospitality industry. International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 7(5), 18-23.
  • Eagly, A. H. (2003). Few women at the top: How role incongruity produces prejudice and the glass ceiling. In D. V. Knippenberg, M. A. Hogg (Eds.), Leadership and power: Identity processes in groups and organizations (pp. 79-93). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Eagly, A. H., Johannesen-Schmidt, M. C., & van Engen, M. L. (2003). Transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles: A meta-analysis comparing women and men. Psychological Bulletin, 129(4), 569-591.
  • Eagly, A. H. & Karau, S. J. (2002). Role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders. Psychological Review, 109(3), 573–598.
  • Economist (2017a). The best and worst places to be a working woman: The Economist’s glass-ceiling index measures gender equality in the labour market. Erişim Tarihi: 11.4.2017, http://www.
  • Economist (2017b). The glass-ceiling index. Erişim Tarihi: 11.4.2017, http://infographics.economist. com/2016/glass_ceiling/index.html?n=21694011
  • Efthymiou, I., Vitsilakis, C., & Gakis, D. (2012). Horizontal and vertical gender segregation in the ICT sector: A Greek case study. Journal of Critical Studies in Business & Society, 3(1): 77-111.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. C. (1998). Multivariate data analysis. 5. Baskı, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Int.
  • Kılıç, M. & Kuzey , V. (2016). The effect of board gender diversity on firm performance: Evidence from Turkey. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 31(7), 434-455.
  • Kiser, A. I. T. (2015). Workplace and leadership perceptions between men and women. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 30(8), 598-612.
  • Kuhlmann, E., Ovseiko, P. V., Kurmeyer, C., Gutiérrez-Lobos, K., Steinböck, S., Von Knorring, M., Buchan, A. M., & Brommels, M. (2017). Closing the gender leadership gap: A multi-centre cross- country comparison of women in management and leadership in academic health centres in the European Union. Human Resources for Health, 15(2). Erişim Tarihi: 07.04.2017, https://human-
  • Large, M. & Saunders, M. N. K. (1995). A decision-making model for analysing how the glass ceiling is maintained: Unblocking equal promotion opportunities. International Journal of Career Management, 7(2), 21-28.
  • Lazzaretti, K., Godoi, C. K., Camilo, S. P. O., & Marcon, R. (2013). Gender diversity in the boards of directors of Brazilian businesses. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 28(2), 94- 110.
  • Moldovan, O. (2015). Attitudes regarding female business leaders in Romania: Explaining the glass ceiling. Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society, 8(2), 129-134.
  • Morrison, A. M., & Von Glinow, M. A. (1990). Women and minorities in management. American Psychologist, 45(2), 200-208.
  • Özkaplan, N. (2013). Kadın akademisyenler: Cam tavanlar hala çok kalın. Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(1), 1-23.
  • Pai, K. & Vaidya, S. (2009). Glass ceiling: Role of women in the corporate world. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, 19(2), 106-113.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J. Y., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method biases in behavioural research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(5), 879-903.
  • Sahoo, D. K. & Lenka, U. (2016). Breaking the glass ceiling: Opportunity for the organization. Industrial and Commercial Training, 48(6), 311-319.
  • Tienari, J., Meriläinen, S., Holgersson, C., & Bendl, R. (2013). And then there are none: On the exclusion of women in processes of executive search. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 28(1), 43-62.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2017). İstatistiklerle kadın, 2016, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Haber Bülteni, Sayı: 24643. Erişim Tarihi: 31.03.2017,
  • Wirth, L. (2001). Breaking through the glass ceiling: Women in management. Geneva: International Labour Organization.
  • Wynarczyk, P. (2007). Addressing the “gender gap” in the managerial labour market: The case of scientific small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the North East of England. Management Research News, 30(12), 942- 954.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Elif Çiçekli This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 15 Issue: 1
