Research Article
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Year 2017, ICMEB17 Özel Sayısı, 598 - 606, 01.12.2017


Income inequality has increased considerably in many countries, especially in developed countries. It is thought that the main reason for the increase in inequality is the shift from the industrial sectors toward services sector of economies. There is no consensus, however, about the relationship between agricultural sector and inequality. In the study, the relationship between the value added of agriculture/service sector and inequality is being investigated by symmetric and asymmetric causality analysis for the period between1978-2016 in Turkey. As a result, there is no causality between the agricultural sector and inequality. However, there is a one-way symmetrical and two-way asymmetrical causal relationship between the service sector and inequality. A negative shock in the service sector leads to decrease in inequality, while an improvement in income distribution affects the service sector negatively


  • Acemoglu, D., & Autor, D. (2011). Skills, tasks and technologies: Implications for employment and earnings. Handbook of Labor Economics, 4, 1043-1171.
  • Akçomak, S., & Gürcihan, H. B. (2013). Türkiye işgücü piyasasında mesleklerin önemi: Hizmetler sektörü istihdamı, işgücü ve ücret kutuplaşması. Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası, Çalışma Tebliği, No: 13/21. Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2017,
  • Ali, S., Mustafa, M. Q., & Shahbazi, I. A. (2013). Agriculture value added and income inequality in Pakistan: A time series analysis. Research Journal of Economics, Business and ICT, 8(2), 25-33. Amjad, R., & Oxford University Press. , V. (1984). Management of the
  • Economy of Pakistan 194782. Karachi
  • Badri, A. K., Nahidi, M. M., & Pourebrahim, M. (2015). Trade, agriculture value added and income inequalities. International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, 1(3), 244-250.
  • Bluestone, B. (1990). The great U-turn revisited: Economic restructuring, jobs, and the redistribution of earnings. Jobs, Earnings, and Employment Growth Policies in the United States, 7-37.
  • Blum, B. S. (2008). Trade, technology, and the rise of the service sector: The effects on US wage inequality. Journal of International Economics, 74(2), 441-458.
  • Byerlee, D., De Janvry, A., & Sadoulet, E. (2009). Agriculture for development: Toward a new paradigm. Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ., 1(1), 15-31.
  • Cuong, N. V. (2010). Does agriculture help poverty and inequality reduction? Evidence from Vietnam. Agricultural Economics Review, 11(1), 44-56.
  • Çınar, M. & Yılmaz, A. (2017). Terör olaylarının döviz piyasası oynaklığı üzerindeki etkisi: Türkiye örneği, International Journal of Academic Value Studies, 3(13), 55-66.
  • Feenstra, R. C., & Hanson, G. H. (1999). The impact of outsourcing and high-technology capital on wages: Estimates for the United States, 1979–1990. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(3), 907-940.
  • Fiala, R. (1983). Inequality and the service sector in less developed countries: A reanalysis and respecification. American Sociological Review, 421-428.
  • Filiztekin, A., & Çelik, M. A. (2010). Türkiye’de bölgesel gelir eşitsizliği. Megaron, 5(3), 116-127.
  • Granger, C.W. J. (1969) . Investigating causal relations by econometric models and cross spectral methods. Econometrica, 37, 424-438.
  • Granger, C.W.J., & Yoon, G. (2002). Hidden cointegration. Department of Economics Working Paper University of California, No:2002-02.
  • Hacker, R.S., & Hatemi-J, A. (2006). Tests for causality between integrated variables using asymptotic and bootstrap distributions: Theory and application. Applied Economics, 38(13),1489-1500.
  • Hatemi-J, A. (2012). Asymmetric causality tests with an application. Empirical Economics, 43(1), 447-456.
  • Meisenheimer, J.R. II (1998). The services industry in the good versus bad jobs debate. Monthly Lab. Rev., 121, 22- 47.
  • Moinoddini, Z. (2015). Related to agricultural research, distribution of income and agricultural value added. International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 5(2), 101-107.
  • Ng, S., & Perron, P. (2001). Lag length selection and the construction of unit root tests with good size and power. Econometrica, 69(6), 1519-1554.
  • Solt, F. (2014). The standardized world income inequality database. Working paper, SWIID Version 5.0, Erişim Tarihi:18.07.2017,;jsessionid=ab2946f5efe604034d657961d7bf?persistentId=hdl%3 A1902.1/11992&version=5.0
  • Toda, H.Y. & Yamamoto, T. (1995). Statistical inference in vector autoregressions with possibly integrated processes. Journal of Econometrics, 66(12), 225-250.
  • Özturk, L. (2012). Turkiye’de bolgesel esitsizligin sektorel dinamikleri bir ayristirma analizi 1987-2001. Ege Academic Review, 12(2), 149-159. World Bank. (2017). World Development Indicators. Erişim Tarihi: 18.07.2017,
  • Yilanci, V., & Bozoklu, S. (2014). Türk sermaye piyasasinda fiyat ve islem hacmi iliskisi: Zamanla degisen asimetrik nedensellik analizi. Ege Akademik Bakis, 14(2), 211-220.


Year 2017, ICMEB17 Özel Sayısı, 598 - 606, 01.12.2017


Gelir eşitsizliği başta gelişmiş ülkeler olmak üzere birçok ülkede önemli ölçüde artmaktadır. Eşitsizliğin artmasının nedenleri arasında ekonomilerin sanayiden hizmet sektörüne doğru kayması olduğu düşünülmektedir. Tarım ile gelir eşitsizliği ilişkisi için ise bir görüş birliği bulunmamaktadır. Çalışmada, Türkiye’de 1978-2016 dönemi için tarım/ hizmet sektörünün katma değeri ile gelir eşitsizliği arasındaki ilişki simetrik ve asimetrik nedensellik analizi ile araştırılmaktadır. Sonuçta, tarım sektörü ile eşitsizlik arasında nedensellik bulunmamaktadır. Ancak, eşitsizlik ile hizmet sektörü arasında simetrik olarak tek yönlü, asimetrik olarak ise çift yönlü nedensellik bulunmaktadır. Hizmet sektöründe oluşan negatif bir şok, eşitsizliğin azalmasına neden olurken, gelir dağılımında iyileşme hizmet sektörünü olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir.


  • Acemoglu, D., & Autor, D. (2011). Skills, tasks and technologies: Implications for employment and earnings. Handbook of Labor Economics, 4, 1043-1171.
  • Akçomak, S., & Gürcihan, H. B. (2013). Türkiye işgücü piyasasında mesleklerin önemi: Hizmetler sektörü istihdamı, işgücü ve ücret kutuplaşması. Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası, Çalışma Tebliği, No: 13/21. Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2017,
  • Ali, S., Mustafa, M. Q., & Shahbazi, I. A. (2013). Agriculture value added and income inequality in Pakistan: A time series analysis. Research Journal of Economics, Business and ICT, 8(2), 25-33. Amjad, R., & Oxford University Press. , V. (1984). Management of the
  • Economy of Pakistan 194782. Karachi
  • Badri, A. K., Nahidi, M. M., & Pourebrahim, M. (2015). Trade, agriculture value added and income inequalities. International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, 1(3), 244-250.
  • Bluestone, B. (1990). The great U-turn revisited: Economic restructuring, jobs, and the redistribution of earnings. Jobs, Earnings, and Employment Growth Policies in the United States, 7-37.
  • Blum, B. S. (2008). Trade, technology, and the rise of the service sector: The effects on US wage inequality. Journal of International Economics, 74(2), 441-458.
  • Byerlee, D., De Janvry, A., & Sadoulet, E. (2009). Agriculture for development: Toward a new paradigm. Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ., 1(1), 15-31.
  • Cuong, N. V. (2010). Does agriculture help poverty and inequality reduction? Evidence from Vietnam. Agricultural Economics Review, 11(1), 44-56.
  • Çınar, M. & Yılmaz, A. (2017). Terör olaylarının döviz piyasası oynaklığı üzerindeki etkisi: Türkiye örneği, International Journal of Academic Value Studies, 3(13), 55-66.
  • Feenstra, R. C., & Hanson, G. H. (1999). The impact of outsourcing and high-technology capital on wages: Estimates for the United States, 1979–1990. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(3), 907-940.
  • Fiala, R. (1983). Inequality and the service sector in less developed countries: A reanalysis and respecification. American Sociological Review, 421-428.
  • Filiztekin, A., & Çelik, M. A. (2010). Türkiye’de bölgesel gelir eşitsizliği. Megaron, 5(3), 116-127.
  • Granger, C.W. J. (1969) . Investigating causal relations by econometric models and cross spectral methods. Econometrica, 37, 424-438.
  • Granger, C.W.J., & Yoon, G. (2002). Hidden cointegration. Department of Economics Working Paper University of California, No:2002-02.
  • Hacker, R.S., & Hatemi-J, A. (2006). Tests for causality between integrated variables using asymptotic and bootstrap distributions: Theory and application. Applied Economics, 38(13),1489-1500.
  • Hatemi-J, A. (2012). Asymmetric causality tests with an application. Empirical Economics, 43(1), 447-456.
  • Meisenheimer, J.R. II (1998). The services industry in the good versus bad jobs debate. Monthly Lab. Rev., 121, 22- 47.
  • Moinoddini, Z. (2015). Related to agricultural research, distribution of income and agricultural value added. International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 5(2), 101-107.
  • Ng, S., & Perron, P. (2001). Lag length selection and the construction of unit root tests with good size and power. Econometrica, 69(6), 1519-1554.
  • Solt, F. (2014). The standardized world income inequality database. Working paper, SWIID Version 5.0, Erişim Tarihi:18.07.2017,;jsessionid=ab2946f5efe604034d657961d7bf?persistentId=hdl%3 A1902.1/11992&version=5.0
  • Toda, H.Y. & Yamamoto, T. (1995). Statistical inference in vector autoregressions with possibly integrated processes. Journal of Econometrics, 66(12), 225-250.
  • Özturk, L. (2012). Turkiye’de bolgesel esitsizligin sektorel dinamikleri bir ayristirma analizi 1987-2001. Ege Academic Review, 12(2), 149-159. World Bank. (2017). World Development Indicators. Erişim Tarihi: 18.07.2017,
  • Yilanci, V., & Bozoklu, S. (2014). Türk sermaye piyasasinda fiyat ve islem hacmi iliskisi: Zamanla degisen asimetrik nedensellik analizi. Ege Akademik Bakis, 14(2), 211-220.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Research Article

Reyhan Cafrı This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Submission Date May 18, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2017 ICMEB17 Özel Sayısı
