Abdullah, M. H. (2001). Self-directed learning: ERIC Digest. Bloomington, IN: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication. http://www.ericdigests.org/2002-3/self.htm.
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Brookfield, S. B. (1994) 'Self directed learning' in YMCA George Williams College ICE301 Adult and Community Education Unit 2: Approaching adult education, London: YMCA George Williams College
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Leicestershire, UK.
Davis, B. G. (1993). Quizzes, test and exams in tools for teaching .San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. http://tilt.colostate.edu/mti/tips/pdf/tip87
DeSouza, E., Flemming, M. (2003). A comparison of in-class and online quizzes on student exam performance. Journal of computing in higher education 14(2), 121-134.
Harris, K-L., Krause, K., Gleeson, D., Peat, M., Taylor, C. & Garnett, R. (2007). Enhancing assessment in the biological sciences: ideas and resources for university educators. www.bioassess.edu.au [viewed 28 June 2009]
Hiemstra, R. (1994). Self-directed learning. In T. Husen & T. N. Postlethwaite (Eds.), The international encyclopedia http://home.twcny.rr.com/hiemstra/sdlhdbk.html [viewed 29 May 2009]. education (second edition), Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Kibble, J. (2007). Use of unsupervised online quizzes as formative assessment in the medical physiology course: Effects of incentive on student participation and performance. Advan. Physiol. Edu 31, 253-260.
Knowles, M. (1989) The Making of an Adult Educator. An autobiographical journey, San Francisco: Jossey- Bass.
Knowles, M. Holton, E. F., III; Swanson, R. A. (2005). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Elsevier
Pain, D. and Heron, J. L. (2003). "WebCT and online assessment: The best thing since SOAP?" Journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society 6(2), 62-71.
Peat, M., Franklin, S., Lewis, A. & Sims, R. (2002). Learning human biology: Student views on the usefulness of IT materials in an integrated curriculum. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 18(2) 255- 274.
Redding, T. R. & Rotzien, J. (2000). Comparative analysis of SDL online training with traditional classroom instruction: Paper presented at the 14th International Symposium on Self-Directed learning. www.oltraining.com/Focus_71.pdf [viewed 30 June 2009].
Tough, A. (1989) 'Self-directed learning: concepts and practice' in C. J. Titmus (ed.) Lifelong Education for Adults. An international handbook, Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Year 2011,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 45 - 52, 01.10.2011
Abdullah, M. H. (2001). Self-directed learning: ERIC Digest. Bloomington, IN: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication. http://www.ericdigests.org/2002-3/self.htm.
Arnow, D. and Barshay, O. (1999).On-line programming examinations using web to teach. In proceedings of innovation and technology in computer science education, Cracow, Poland.
Brookfield, S. B. (1994) 'Self directed learning' in YMCA George Williams College ICE301 Adult and Community Education Unit 2: Approaching adult education, London: YMCA George Williams College
Dalziel, J. (2000). Integrating computer assisted assessment with textbooks and question banks: Options for enhancing www.webmcq.com/public/pdfs/caa2000_ppt.pdf (viewed 30 June 2009). Computer Aided Assessment (CAA'2000),
Leicestershire, UK.
Davis, B. G. (1993). Quizzes, test and exams in tools for teaching .San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. http://tilt.colostate.edu/mti/tips/pdf/tip87
DeSouza, E., Flemming, M. (2003). A comparison of in-class and online quizzes on student exam performance. Journal of computing in higher education 14(2), 121-134.
Harris, K-L., Krause, K., Gleeson, D., Peat, M., Taylor, C. & Garnett, R. (2007). Enhancing assessment in the biological sciences: ideas and resources for university educators. www.bioassess.edu.au [viewed 28 June 2009]
Hiemstra, R. (1994). Self-directed learning. In T. Husen & T. N. Postlethwaite (Eds.), The international encyclopedia http://home.twcny.rr.com/hiemstra/sdlhdbk.html [viewed 29 May 2009]. education (second edition), Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Kibble, J. (2007). Use of unsupervised online quizzes as formative assessment in the medical physiology course: Effects of incentive on student participation and performance. Advan. Physiol. Edu 31, 253-260.
Knowles, M. (1989) The Making of an Adult Educator. An autobiographical journey, San Francisco: Jossey- Bass.
Knowles, M. Holton, E. F., III; Swanson, R. A. (2005). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Elsevier
Pain, D. and Heron, J. L. (2003). "WebCT and online assessment: The best thing since SOAP?" Journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society 6(2), 62-71.
Peat, M., Franklin, S., Lewis, A. & Sims, R. (2002). Learning human biology: Student views on the usefulness of IT materials in an integrated curriculum. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 18(2) 255- 274.
Redding, T. R. & Rotzien, J. (2000). Comparative analysis of SDL online training with traditional classroom instruction: Paper presented at the 14th International Symposium on Self-Directed learning. www.oltraining.com/Focus_71.pdf [viewed 30 June 2009].
Tough, A. (1989) 'Self-directed learning: concepts and practice' in C. J. Titmus (ed.) Lifelong Education for Adults. An international handbook, Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Rouf, D. A. (2011). Assessment of Self-Directed Learning by Comprehensive Online Test. International Journal Of Biology Education, 1(1), 45-52.
Rouf DA. Assessment of Self-Directed Learning by Comprehensive Online Test. International Journal Of Biology Education. October 2011;1(1):45-52.
Rouf, Dr. Abdur. “Assessment of Self-Directed Learning by Comprehensive Online Test”. International Journal Of Biology Education 1, no. 1 (October 2011): 45-52.
Rouf DA (October 1, 2011) Assessment of Self-Directed Learning by Comprehensive Online Test. International Journal Of Biology Education 1 1 45–52.
D. A. Rouf, “Assessment of Self-Directed Learning by Comprehensive Online Test”, International Journal Of Biology Education, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 45–52, 2011.
Rouf, Dr. Abdur. “Assessment of Self-Directed Learning by Comprehensive Online Test”. International Journal Of Biology Education 1/1 (October 2011), 45-52.
Rouf DA. Assessment of Self-Directed Learning by Comprehensive Online Test. International Journal Of Biology Education. 2011;1:45–52.
Rouf, Dr. Abdur. “Assessment of Self-Directed Learning by Comprehensive Online Test”. International Journal Of Biology Education, vol. 1, no. 1, 2011, pp. 45-52.
Rouf DA. Assessment of Self-Directed Learning by Comprehensive Online Test. International Journal Of Biology Education. 2011;1(1):45-52.