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Use of the Argumentation-Based Learning-Teaching Approach in the Development Of Self-Expression Skills

Year 2023, , 52 - 68, 05.04.2023


Argumentation-based teaching is one of the contemporary teaching approaches. This approach is versatile in terms of making the claim, stating the reasons, eliminating the ambiguities, generating thoughts in the mind through questions and having the purpose of convincing. Considering the relationship between language and thought, it is thought that the use of argumentation-based teaching in language practice studies will be effective. As a matter of fact, the prerequisite for producing arguments is the effective use of basic language skills. This study shows the usability of argumentation-based teaching in Turkish lessons. This study shows the usability of argumentation-based teaching in Turkish lessons. In the study, information about the argumentation-based learning-teaching approach is given; The activities that can be carried out in order to gain, develop and effectively use narration skills are emphasized. Finally, some suggestions for the effective use of this teaching model in Turkish lessons are given.


  • Aydın, Ö., & Kaptan, F. (2014). Effect of argumentation on metacognition and logical thinking abilities in science - Technology teacher candidate education and opinions about argumentation. Journal of Educational Sciences Research, 4(2), 163-188.
  • Bacha, N. N. (2010). Teaching literature in an English as a foreign language classroom: A study of student attitudes. International Journal of the Humanities, 8(1), 47-64. 10.18848/1447-9508/CGP/v08i01/42813
  • Billig, M. (1989). The argumentative nature of holding strong views: a case study. European Journal of Social Psychology, 19(3), 203-223.
  • Cavagnetto, A., Hand, B. M., & Norton‐Meier, L. (2010). The nature of elementary student science discourse in the context of the science writing heuristic approach. International Journal of Science Education, 32(4), 427-449. 10.1080/09500690802627277
  • Chen, Y. C. (2011). Examining the integration of talk and writing for student knowledge construction through argumentation [Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis]. The University of Iowa.
  • Connor, U. (1990). Linguistic/rhetorical measures for international persuasive student writing. Research in the Teaching of English, 24(1), 67-87.
  • Çelik, T., Gökçe, S., Aydoğan-Yenmez. A., & Özpınar, İ. (2017). Online argumentation: critical reading self-efficacy perception. Journal of Language Education and Research, 3(2), 117-134.
  • Demir, T. (2013). Study of the relationship between the creative writing skills of primary school students and their self-efficacy perception. International Journal of Turkish Literature Culture Education, 2(1), 84-114.
  • Demirel, R. (2016). The effect of scientific argumentation students’ conceptual understanding and willingness for argumentation. Kastamonu Education Journal, 24(3), 1087-1108.
  • Dinçer, S. (2011). Analysis of the discussions in undergraduate mathematics lessons according to the Toulmin model [Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis]. Hacettepe University.
  • Doruk, M., Duran, M., & Kaplan, A. (2018). Assessment of the effect of argumentation-based probability education on mathematical metacognition awareness and probabilistic reasoning skills of middle school students. Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 12(1), 83-121. http://https/
  • Driver, R., Newton, P., & Osborne, J. (2000). Establishing the norms of scientific argumentation in classrooms. Science Education, 84(3), 287-312.<287::AID-SCE1>3.0.CO;2-A
  • Erduran, S., Simon, S., & Osborne, J. (2004). TAPping into argumentation: Developments in the application of Toulmin's argument pattern for studying science discourse. Science Education, 88(6), 915-933. 10.1002/sce.20012
  • Fettahlıoğlu, P. (2020). Argumentation-based learning-teaching approach. In G. Ekici, & M. Güven (Eds.). New learning-teaching approaches and application examples (pp. 140-170). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • Giere, R. N. (1991). Understanding scientific reasoning (3 rd ed.). Forth Worth, TX: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
  • Göçer, A. (2010). Writing education in Turkish teaching. International Journal of Social Studies, 3(12), 178-195.
  • Günel, M., Kabataş-Memiş, E., & Büyükkasap, E. (2010). The effect of learning science by writing-YYBÖ approach on primary school students' science academic achievement and their attitudes towards science and technology lesson. Education and Science, 35(155), 49-62.
  • Günel, M., Kıngır, S., & Geban, Ö. (2012). Analysis of argumentation and questioning patterns in argument-based inquiry classrooms. Education and Science, 37(164), 316-330.
  • Heitmann, P., Hecht, M., Schwanewedel, J., & Schipolowski, S. (2014). Students' argumentative writing skills in science and first-language education: commonalities and differences. International Journal of Science Education, 36(18), 3148-3170.
  • İspir, B., & Yıldız, A. (2021). Discussing the limitations encountered in the implementation of the argumentation method. Journal of Social Research and Behavioral Sciences, 7(13), 236-258. 10.52096/jsrbs.
  • Kalemkuş, J., Bayraktar, Ş., & Çiftçi, S. (2019). A social, mental and verbal-written activity in education: Argumentation. Electronic Turkish Studies, 14(4), 2449-2467.
  • Karışan, D. (2011). An explororation of preservice science teachers? written argumentation skills regarding the global climate change issue [Unpublished Master's Thesis]. Yüzüncü Yıl University.
  • Kaya, O. N., & Kılıç, Z. (2008). Argumentative speech for an effective science teaching. Journal of Ahi Evran University Kirsehir Education Faculty, 9(3), 89-100.
  • Kelly, G. J., & Takao, A. (2002). Epistemic levels in argument: An analysis of university oceanography students' use of evidence in writing. Science Education, 86(3), 314-342.
  • King, A. (1997). Ask to think-tell why: a model of transactive peer tutoring for scaffolding higher level complex learning. Educational Psychologist, 32(4), 221-235.
  • Knudson, R. E. (1994). An analysis of persuasive discourse: learning how to take a stand. Discourse Processes, 18(2), 211-230.
  • Kuhn, D., & Moore, W. (2015). Argumentation as core curriculum. Learning: Research and Practice, 1(1), 66-78. 10.1080/23735082.2015.994254
  • Kurudayıoğlu, M., & Yılmaz, E. (2014a). How are we persuaded? Persuasive text and structure. Theory and Practice in Education, 10(1), 75-102.
  • Kurudayıoğlu, M., & Yılmaz, E. (2014b). Examining the persuasive texts created by Turkish teacher candidates in terms of structure. Literacy Education Research, 2(1), 20-29.
  • Küçük-Demir, B. (2014). The effect of argumentation-based science learning approach on students' mathematics achievement and creative thinking skills [Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis]. Atatürk University.
  • Küçük, H., & Aycan, H. (2014). A review of open access research on scientific debate between 2007-2012. Journal of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Education, 1(1).
  • Lunsford, K. J. (2002). Contextualizing Toulmin's model in the writing classroom: a case study. Written Communication, 19(1), 109-174.
  • McNeill, K. L., & Krajcik, J. (2009). Synergy between teacher practices and curricular scaffolds to support students in using domain-specific and domain-general knowledge in writing arguments to explain phenomena. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 18(3), 416-460. 10.1080/10508400903013488
  • MEB. (2019). Turkish lesson curriculum (Grades 1-8). Ankara: Ministry of National Education. Accessed from the internet address:
  • Meral, E., & Akbaş, Y. (2021). Argumentation-based teaching approach. In S. Polat, & B. Aksoy (Eds.), Contemporary learning and teaching approaches in social studies teaching from theory to practice (pp. 21-42). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • National Research Council. (1996). National science education standards. National Academy Press.
  • Nussbaum, E. M. (2002). Scaffolding argumentation in the social studies classroom. The Social Studies, 93(2), 79-83. 10.1037/0022-0663.100.3.549
  • Oğuz, S., & Demir, F. B. (2016a). Social studies teaching with argumentation technique. In R. Sever, M. Aydın, & E. Koçoğlu (Eds.). Social studies education with alternative approaches (pp. 255-286). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • Oğuz, S., & Demir, F. B. (2016b). Evaluation of the social studies curriculum and textbook according to the Toulmin argument model. Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of Education Faculty, 16(USBES Special Issue II), 1572-1602.
  • Osborne, J., Erduran, S., & Simon, S. (2004). Enhancing the quality of argumentation in school science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(10), 994-1020.
  • Özkara, D. (2011). Teaching the subject of pressure to eighth grade students through activities based on scientific argumentation [Unpublished Ph.D Thesis]. Adıyaman University.
  • Öztürk, M. (2013). The effect of argumentation on conceptual understanding, argumentative attitude and self-efficacy belief [Unpublished Master's Thesis]. Pamukkale University.
  • Prain, V. (2006). Learning from writing in secondary science: Some theoretical and practical implications. International Journal of Science Education, 28(2-3), 179-201. 10.1080/09500690500336643
  • Sampson, V. & Clark, D. B. (2008). Assessment of the ways studensts generate arguments in science education: current perspectives and recommendations for future directions, Inc. Sci Ed, 92, 447-472.
  • Sampson, V., & Gleim, L. (2009). Argument-driven inquiry to promote the understanding of important concepts & practices in biology. The American Biology Teacher, 71(8), 465-472.
  • Sandoval, W. A. (2003). Conceptual and epistemic aspects of students' scientific explanations. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 12(1), 5-51.
  • Schmoker, M., & Graff, G. (2011). More argument, fewer standards. Education Week, 30(28), 31-33.
  • Schwarz, B. B., Neuman, Y., Gil, J., & Ilya, M. (2003). Construction of collective and individual knowledge in argumentative activity. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 12(2), 219-256.
  • Sevgi, Y., & Şahin, F. (2017). The effect of discussing socioscientific issues in newspaper news with argumentation method on 7th grade students' critical thinking skills. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(1), 156-170.
  • Şahin, F., & Hacıoğlu, Y. (2010, November). The effect of scientific discussion supported case studies on 8th grade students' learning concepts about "heredity" and their reading comprehension skills. In International conference on new trends in education and their implications (No. s 269275).
  • Torun, F. (2015). The relationship level between argumentation - based teaching and decision-making skills in social studies course [Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis]. Gazi University.
  • Torun, F., & Şahin, S. (2016). Determination of students' argument levels in argumentation-based social studies lesson. Education and Science, 41(186), 233-251.
  • Torun, F. (2017). The use of argumentation method in social studies teaching. In R. Turan, & H. Akdağ (Eds.). New approaches in social studies teaching-III (pp. 150-166). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • Toulmin, S. E. (1958). The uses of argument. Cambridge University Press.
  • Toulmin, S. (2003). The uses of argument (Updated edition).. Cambridge University Press.
  • Uc, F. B. (2019). The examination of the effect of writing assisted argumentation practices on the 7th grade students' writing self-efficiacy, creative writing and conceptual learning [Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis]. Marmara University.
  • Uc, F. B., & Benzer, E. (2021). The effects of argumentation applications conducted with writing activities on the creative writing and concept learning of second school students. Akdeniz University Journal of Education, 4(1), 79-104.
  • Walker, J. P., & Sampson, V. (2013). Learning to argue and arguing to learn: Argument‐driven inquiry as a way to help undergraduate chemistry students learn how to construct arguments and engage in argumentation during a laboratory lesson. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(5), 561-596.
  • Wingate, U. (2012). ‘Argument!’ helping students understand what essay writing is about. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 11(2), 145-154.
  • Yıldırır, H. E. (2013). The evaluation of learning environment-based argumentation in classroom: A case study involving experienced chemistry teachers and prospective chemistry teachers [Unpublished Master's Thesis]. Balıkesir University.
  • Yılmaz-Özcan N. (2019). Effect of argumentation-based learning in social studies lessons on academic success, attitudes and critical thinking skills of students [Unpublished Master's Thesis]. Ordu University.
  • Yore, L., & Bisanz, G. L. & Hand, B. M. (2003). Examining the literacy component of science literacy: 25 years of language arts and science research. International Journal of Science Education, 25(6), 689-725.
  • Zohar, A., & Nemet, F. (2002). Fostering students' knowledge and argumentation skills through dilemmas in human genetics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 39(1), 35-62.

Argümantasyon Temelli Öğrenme-Öğretme Yaklaşımının Anlatma Becerilerinin Gelişiminde Kullanımı

Year 2023, , 52 - 68, 05.04.2023


Argümantasyon temelli öğretim, çağdaş öğretim yaklaşımlarından biridir. Bu yaklaşım, iddianın ortaya atılması, gerekçelerin belirtilmesi, belirsizliklerin ortadan kaldırılması, sorular aracılığıyla zihinde düşüncelerin üretilmesi ve inandırma amacının olması bakımından çok yönlüdür. Dil ve düşünce ilişkisi göz önünde bulundurulduğunda dil pratiğine dönük çalışmalarda argümantasyon temelli öğretim yaklaşımıyla hareket etmenin işlevsel olacağı düşünülmektedir. Nitekim argüman üretmenin ön koşulu, temel dil becerilerinin etkin kullanmaktır. Bu çalışma, argümantasyon temelli öğretimin Türkçe derslerinde kullanılabilirliğini göstermektedir. Çalışmada argümantasyon temelli öğrenme-öğretme yaklaşımı hakkında bilgiler verilmiş; anlatma becerilerinin kazandırılması, geliştirilmesi ve etkili bir şekilde kullanımının sağlanması için gerçekleştirilebilecek etkinlikler üzerinde durulmuştur. Son olarak, argümantasyon temelli öğretim modelinin Türkçe derslerinde anlatma becerilerinin etkili kullanımına ilişkin birtakım önerilere yer verilmiştir.


  • Aydın, Ö., & Kaptan, F. (2014). Effect of argumentation on metacognition and logical thinking abilities in science - Technology teacher candidate education and opinions about argumentation. Journal of Educational Sciences Research, 4(2), 163-188.
  • Bacha, N. N. (2010). Teaching literature in an English as a foreign language classroom: A study of student attitudes. International Journal of the Humanities, 8(1), 47-64. 10.18848/1447-9508/CGP/v08i01/42813
  • Billig, M. (1989). The argumentative nature of holding strong views: a case study. European Journal of Social Psychology, 19(3), 203-223.
  • Cavagnetto, A., Hand, B. M., & Norton‐Meier, L. (2010). The nature of elementary student science discourse in the context of the science writing heuristic approach. International Journal of Science Education, 32(4), 427-449. 10.1080/09500690802627277
  • Chen, Y. C. (2011). Examining the integration of talk and writing for student knowledge construction through argumentation [Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis]. The University of Iowa.
  • Connor, U. (1990). Linguistic/rhetorical measures for international persuasive student writing. Research in the Teaching of English, 24(1), 67-87.
  • Çelik, T., Gökçe, S., Aydoğan-Yenmez. A., & Özpınar, İ. (2017). Online argumentation: critical reading self-efficacy perception. Journal of Language Education and Research, 3(2), 117-134.
  • Demir, T. (2013). Study of the relationship between the creative writing skills of primary school students and their self-efficacy perception. International Journal of Turkish Literature Culture Education, 2(1), 84-114.
  • Demirel, R. (2016). The effect of scientific argumentation students’ conceptual understanding and willingness for argumentation. Kastamonu Education Journal, 24(3), 1087-1108.
  • Dinçer, S. (2011). Analysis of the discussions in undergraduate mathematics lessons according to the Toulmin model [Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis]. Hacettepe University.
  • Doruk, M., Duran, M., & Kaplan, A. (2018). Assessment of the effect of argumentation-based probability education on mathematical metacognition awareness and probabilistic reasoning skills of middle school students. Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 12(1), 83-121. http://https/
  • Driver, R., Newton, P., & Osborne, J. (2000). Establishing the norms of scientific argumentation in classrooms. Science Education, 84(3), 287-312.<287::AID-SCE1>3.0.CO;2-A
  • Erduran, S., Simon, S., & Osborne, J. (2004). TAPping into argumentation: Developments in the application of Toulmin's argument pattern for studying science discourse. Science Education, 88(6), 915-933. 10.1002/sce.20012
  • Fettahlıoğlu, P. (2020). Argumentation-based learning-teaching approach. In G. Ekici, & M. Güven (Eds.). New learning-teaching approaches and application examples (pp. 140-170). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • Giere, R. N. (1991). Understanding scientific reasoning (3 rd ed.). Forth Worth, TX: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
  • Göçer, A. (2010). Writing education in Turkish teaching. International Journal of Social Studies, 3(12), 178-195.
  • Günel, M., Kabataş-Memiş, E., & Büyükkasap, E. (2010). The effect of learning science by writing-YYBÖ approach on primary school students' science academic achievement and their attitudes towards science and technology lesson. Education and Science, 35(155), 49-62.
  • Günel, M., Kıngır, S., & Geban, Ö. (2012). Analysis of argumentation and questioning patterns in argument-based inquiry classrooms. Education and Science, 37(164), 316-330.
  • Heitmann, P., Hecht, M., Schwanewedel, J., & Schipolowski, S. (2014). Students' argumentative writing skills in science and first-language education: commonalities and differences. International Journal of Science Education, 36(18), 3148-3170.
  • İspir, B., & Yıldız, A. (2021). Discussing the limitations encountered in the implementation of the argumentation method. Journal of Social Research and Behavioral Sciences, 7(13), 236-258. 10.52096/jsrbs.
  • Kalemkuş, J., Bayraktar, Ş., & Çiftçi, S. (2019). A social, mental and verbal-written activity in education: Argumentation. Electronic Turkish Studies, 14(4), 2449-2467.
  • Karışan, D. (2011). An explororation of preservice science teachers? written argumentation skills regarding the global climate change issue [Unpublished Master's Thesis]. Yüzüncü Yıl University.
  • Kaya, O. N., & Kılıç, Z. (2008). Argumentative speech for an effective science teaching. Journal of Ahi Evran University Kirsehir Education Faculty, 9(3), 89-100.
  • Kelly, G. J., & Takao, A. (2002). Epistemic levels in argument: An analysis of university oceanography students' use of evidence in writing. Science Education, 86(3), 314-342.
  • King, A. (1997). Ask to think-tell why: a model of transactive peer tutoring for scaffolding higher level complex learning. Educational Psychologist, 32(4), 221-235.
  • Knudson, R. E. (1994). An analysis of persuasive discourse: learning how to take a stand. Discourse Processes, 18(2), 211-230.
  • Kuhn, D., & Moore, W. (2015). Argumentation as core curriculum. Learning: Research and Practice, 1(1), 66-78. 10.1080/23735082.2015.994254
  • Kurudayıoğlu, M., & Yılmaz, E. (2014a). How are we persuaded? Persuasive text and structure. Theory and Practice in Education, 10(1), 75-102.
  • Kurudayıoğlu, M., & Yılmaz, E. (2014b). Examining the persuasive texts created by Turkish teacher candidates in terms of structure. Literacy Education Research, 2(1), 20-29.
  • Küçük-Demir, B. (2014). The effect of argumentation-based science learning approach on students' mathematics achievement and creative thinking skills [Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis]. Atatürk University.
  • Küçük, H., & Aycan, H. (2014). A review of open access research on scientific debate between 2007-2012. Journal of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Education, 1(1).
  • Lunsford, K. J. (2002). Contextualizing Toulmin's model in the writing classroom: a case study. Written Communication, 19(1), 109-174.
  • McNeill, K. L., & Krajcik, J. (2009). Synergy between teacher practices and curricular scaffolds to support students in using domain-specific and domain-general knowledge in writing arguments to explain phenomena. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 18(3), 416-460. 10.1080/10508400903013488
  • MEB. (2019). Turkish lesson curriculum (Grades 1-8). Ankara: Ministry of National Education. Accessed from the internet address:
  • Meral, E., & Akbaş, Y. (2021). Argumentation-based teaching approach. In S. Polat, & B. Aksoy (Eds.), Contemporary learning and teaching approaches in social studies teaching from theory to practice (pp. 21-42). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • National Research Council. (1996). National science education standards. National Academy Press.
  • Nussbaum, E. M. (2002). Scaffolding argumentation in the social studies classroom. The Social Studies, 93(2), 79-83. 10.1037/0022-0663.100.3.549
  • Oğuz, S., & Demir, F. B. (2016a). Social studies teaching with argumentation technique. In R. Sever, M. Aydın, & E. Koçoğlu (Eds.). Social studies education with alternative approaches (pp. 255-286). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • Oğuz, S., & Demir, F. B. (2016b). Evaluation of the social studies curriculum and textbook according to the Toulmin argument model. Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of Education Faculty, 16(USBES Special Issue II), 1572-1602.
  • Osborne, J., Erduran, S., & Simon, S. (2004). Enhancing the quality of argumentation in school science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(10), 994-1020.
  • Özkara, D. (2011). Teaching the subject of pressure to eighth grade students through activities based on scientific argumentation [Unpublished Ph.D Thesis]. Adıyaman University.
  • Öztürk, M. (2013). The effect of argumentation on conceptual understanding, argumentative attitude and self-efficacy belief [Unpublished Master's Thesis]. Pamukkale University.
  • Prain, V. (2006). Learning from writing in secondary science: Some theoretical and practical implications. International Journal of Science Education, 28(2-3), 179-201. 10.1080/09500690500336643
  • Sampson, V. & Clark, D. B. (2008). Assessment of the ways studensts generate arguments in science education: current perspectives and recommendations for future directions, Inc. Sci Ed, 92, 447-472.
  • Sampson, V., & Gleim, L. (2009). Argument-driven inquiry to promote the understanding of important concepts & practices in biology. The American Biology Teacher, 71(8), 465-472.
  • Sandoval, W. A. (2003). Conceptual and epistemic aspects of students' scientific explanations. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 12(1), 5-51.
  • Schmoker, M., & Graff, G. (2011). More argument, fewer standards. Education Week, 30(28), 31-33.
  • Schwarz, B. B., Neuman, Y., Gil, J., & Ilya, M. (2003). Construction of collective and individual knowledge in argumentative activity. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 12(2), 219-256.
  • Sevgi, Y., & Şahin, F. (2017). The effect of discussing socioscientific issues in newspaper news with argumentation method on 7th grade students' critical thinking skills. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(1), 156-170.
  • Şahin, F., & Hacıoğlu, Y. (2010, November). The effect of scientific discussion supported case studies on 8th grade students' learning concepts about "heredity" and their reading comprehension skills. In International conference on new trends in education and their implications (No. s 269275).
  • Torun, F. (2015). The relationship level between argumentation - based teaching and decision-making skills in social studies course [Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis]. Gazi University.
  • Torun, F., & Şahin, S. (2016). Determination of students' argument levels in argumentation-based social studies lesson. Education and Science, 41(186), 233-251.
  • Torun, F. (2017). The use of argumentation method in social studies teaching. In R. Turan, & H. Akdağ (Eds.). New approaches in social studies teaching-III (pp. 150-166). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • Toulmin, S. E. (1958). The uses of argument. Cambridge University Press.
  • Toulmin, S. (2003). The uses of argument (Updated edition).. Cambridge University Press.
  • Uc, F. B. (2019). The examination of the effect of writing assisted argumentation practices on the 7th grade students' writing self-efficiacy, creative writing and conceptual learning [Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis]. Marmara University.
  • Uc, F. B., & Benzer, E. (2021). The effects of argumentation applications conducted with writing activities on the creative writing and concept learning of second school students. Akdeniz University Journal of Education, 4(1), 79-104.
  • Walker, J. P., & Sampson, V. (2013). Learning to argue and arguing to learn: Argument‐driven inquiry as a way to help undergraduate chemistry students learn how to construct arguments and engage in argumentation during a laboratory lesson. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(5), 561-596.
  • Wingate, U. (2012). ‘Argument!’ helping students understand what essay writing is about. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 11(2), 145-154.
  • Yıldırır, H. E. (2013). The evaluation of learning environment-based argumentation in classroom: A case study involving experienced chemistry teachers and prospective chemistry teachers [Unpublished Master's Thesis]. Balıkesir University.
  • Yılmaz-Özcan N. (2019). Effect of argumentation-based learning in social studies lessons on academic success, attitudes and critical thinking skills of students [Unpublished Master's Thesis]. Ordu University.
  • Yore, L., & Bisanz, G. L. & Hand, B. M. (2003). Examining the literacy component of science literacy: 25 years of language arts and science research. International Journal of Science Education, 25(6), 689-725.
  • Zohar, A., & Nemet, F. (2002). Fostering students' knowledge and argumentation skills through dilemmas in human genetics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 39(1), 35-62.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Articles

Ali Göçer 0000-0002-6880-2611

Akife Kurt 0000-0003-2875-8406

Publication Date April 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Göçer, A., & Kurt, A. (2023). Use of the Argumentation-Based Learning-Teaching Approach in the Development Of Self-Expression Skills. International Journal of Field Education, 9(1), 52-68.


                         International Journal of Field Educatİon (IJOFE)

                                                      ISSN: 2149-3030