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Formik Asit Kullanılarak Elektrokimyasal Yolla Sentezlenen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerinin Optik, Yüzey ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 57 - 63, 28.12.2016


Bu çalışmada elmas-benzeri karbon (EBK)
filmleri, indiyum tin oksit (ITO, 180
Ω; yarı-karalı
durumda)  kaplı cam üzerine elektrolit
olarak formik asit (HCOOH) ve deiyonize su karışımı kullanılarak
elektrokimyasal biriktirme tekniğiyle elde edildi. Raman spektroskopisi ile bu
filmlerin elmas-benzeri karbon karakteri gösterdiği tespit edildi. Filmlerin
geçirgenlik yüzdeleri ve soğurma katsayıları UV-GB spektrometre ile hesaplandı.
Ayrıca EBK filmlerin yüzey morfolojileri atomik kuvvet mikroskopu ile
çalışıldı. Mekaniksel özellikleri (sertlik ve elastik modülü) bir nanoçentme
aleti kullanılarak yük-yerdeğiştirme eğrisinden belirlendi. Bu özellikler
üzerindeki işlem parametrelerinin etkisi optiksel, yüzey morfolojisi ve mekanik
özelliklere ilişkin sonuçlar ile karşılaştırılıp incelendi.


  • Bartali, R., Micheli, V., Gottardi, G., Vaccari, A., Laidani N., 2010. Nanoindentation: Unload-to-load work ratio analysis in amorphous carbon films for mechanical properties. Surface & Coatings Technology, 204:2073-2076.
  • Basman, N., Aslan, N., Uzun, O., Cankaya, G., Kolemen, U., 2015. Electrical characterization of metal/diamond-like carbon/inorganic semiconductor MIS Schottky barrier diodes. Microelectronic Engineering, 140:18-22.
  • Bhattacharya, D., Chaudhuri, S., Pal, A.K., 1992. Bandgap and optical transitions in thin films from reflectance measurements. Vacuum, 43: 313-316.
  • Cao, C., Zhu, H., Wang, H., 2000. Electrodeposition diamond-like carbon films from organic liquids. Thin Solid Films, 368:203-207.
  • Chaus, A.S., Fedosenko, T.N., Rogachev, A.V., Čaplovič, L., 2014. Surface, microstructure and optical properties of copper-doped diamond-like carbon coating deposited in pulsed cathodic arc plasma. Diamond and Related Materials, 42:64-70.
  • Ferrari, A.C., Robertson, J., 2001. Resonant Raman spectroscopy of disordered, amorphous, and diamondlike carbon. Physical Review B., 64: 075414;1-13.
  • Fleury, V., 1997. Branched fractal patterns in non-equilibrium electrochemical deposition from oscillatory nucleation and growth. Nature. 1997, 390:145-148.
  • Franco, A.R., Pintaúde G., Sinatora, A., Pinedo, C. E., Tschiptschin, A.P., 2004. The use of a Vickers indenter in depth sensing indentation for measuring elastic modulus and vickers hardness. Materials Research, 7(3):483-491.
  • Fu, Q., Jiu, J., Cao, C., Wang, H., Zhu, H., 2000. Electrodeposition of carbon films from various organic liquids. Surface and Coating Technology, 124:196-200.
  • Gupta, S., Chowdhury, M.P., Pal, A.K., 2004. Synthesis of DLC films by electrodeposition technique using formic acid as electrolyte. Diamond & Related Materials, 13:1680-1689.
  • Kwiatek, S.E., Desai, V., Moran, P.J., Natishan, P.M., 1997. Characteriza-Robertson J, Samlenski R, Brenn R. Tetrahedral amorphous. Journal of Materials Science, 32:3123-3128.
  • Libardi, J., Grigorov, K., Massi, M., Otani, C., Ravagnani, S.P., Maciel, H.S., Guerino, M., Ocampo, J.M.J., 2004. Comparative studies of the feed gas composition effects on the characteristics of DLC films deposited by magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 459: 282-285.
  • Manifacier, J.C., Gasiot, J., Fillard, J.P., 1976. A simple method for the determination of the optical constants n, k and the thickness of a weakly absorbing thin film. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 9:1002-1004.
  • Namba, Y., 1992. Attempt to grow diamond phase carbon films from an organic solution. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 10:3368-3370.
  • Nery, R.P.O.S., Bonelli, R.S., Camargo Jr, S.S., 2010. Evaluation of corrosion resistance of diamond-like carbon films deposited onto AISI 4340 steel. Journal of Materials Science, 45:5472-5477.
  • Oliver, W.C., Pharr, G.M.,. 1992. An improved technique for determining hardness and elastic modulus using load and displacement sensing indentation experiments. Journal of Materials Research, 7:1564-1583.
  • Pankove, J.I., 2010. Optical process in semiconductors (Dover Books on Physics), 2nd (second) Edition, Dover Publications Inc., New York, p422.
  • Robertson, J., 2002. Diamond-like amorphous carbon. Materials Science and Engineering: R, 37:129-281.
  • Roy, R.K., Deb, B., Bhattacharjee, B., Pal, A.K.,. 2002. Synthesis of diamond-like carbon film by novel electrodeposition route. Thin Solid Films, 422:92-97.
  • Schroeder, A., Francz, G., Bruinink, A., Hauert, R., Mayer, J., Wintermantel, E., 2000. Titanium containing amorphous hydrogenated carbon films (a-C:H/Ti): surface analysis and evaluation of cellular reactions using bone marrow cell cultures in vitro. Biomaterials, 21:449-456.
  • Sreejith, K., Nuwad, J., Pillai, C.G.S., 2005. Low voltage electrodeposition of diamond like carbon (DLC). Applied Surface Science, 252:296-302.
  • Suzuki, T., Manita, Y, Yamzaki, T., Wada, S., Noma, T., 1995. Deposition of carbon films by electrolysis of a water-ethylene glycol solution. Journal of Materials Science, 30:2067-2069.
  • Swanopel, R., 1983. Determination of the Thickness and Optical Constants of Amorphous Silicon. Joural of Physics E: Scientific Instrument, 16:1214-1222.
  • Uzun, O., Başman, N., Alkan, C., Kölemen, U. and Yılmaz, F., 2011. Investigation of mechanical and creep properties of polypyrrole by depth-sensing indentation. Polymer Bulletin, 66:649-660.
  • Wan, S., Wang, L., Xue, Q., 2010. Electrochemical deposition of sulfur doped DLC nanocomposite film at atmospheric pressure. Electrochemistry Communications, 12:61-65.
  • Wang, H., Sheng, M.R., Ning, Z.Y., Ye, C., Dan, H.Y., Cao, C.B., Zhu, H.S., 1997. Deposition of unbydrogenated diamond-like amorphous carbon films by electrolysis of organic solutions. Thin Solid Films, 293:87-90.
  • Yan, X.B., Xu, T., Chen, G., Liu, H.W., Yang, S.R., 2004. Effect of deposition voltage on the microstructure of electrochemically deposited hydrogenated amorphous carbon films. Carbon, 42:3103-3108.
  • Zhitomirsky, I., Gal-or, L., Kohn, A., Spang, M.D., 1997. Electrolytic PZT films. Journal of Materials Science, 32:803-807.
  • Zhou, B., Rogachev, A.V., Liu, Zh., Jiang, X., Shen, R., Rudenkov, A.S., 2012. Structure and mechanical properties of diamond-like carbon films with copper functional layer by cathode arc evaporation. Surface and Coatings Technology, 208:101-108.

Investigation of Optical, Morphological and Mechanical Properties of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Electrodeposition Technique Using Formic Acid

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 57 - 63, 28.12.2016


this study, diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were deposited onto indium tin
oxide (ITO)-
coated glass substrate electrochemically using formic acid
and water as electrolyte. The transmittances and absorbances of films were
investigated by UV-Vis spectrometry. Surfaces morphologies of the DLC films
were also studied by an atomic force microscopy. The mechanical properties
(hardness and elastic modulus) were determined from load-displacement curves
using a nanoindentation instrument. The influence of process parameters on
these properties were studied and correlated with results concerning optical,
topography and mechanical properties. 


  • Bartali, R., Micheli, V., Gottardi, G., Vaccari, A., Laidani N., 2010. Nanoindentation: Unload-to-load work ratio analysis in amorphous carbon films for mechanical properties. Surface & Coatings Technology, 204:2073-2076.
  • Basman, N., Aslan, N., Uzun, O., Cankaya, G., Kolemen, U., 2015. Electrical characterization of metal/diamond-like carbon/inorganic semiconductor MIS Schottky barrier diodes. Microelectronic Engineering, 140:18-22.
  • Bhattacharya, D., Chaudhuri, S., Pal, A.K., 1992. Bandgap and optical transitions in thin films from reflectance measurements. Vacuum, 43: 313-316.
  • Cao, C., Zhu, H., Wang, H., 2000. Electrodeposition diamond-like carbon films from organic liquids. Thin Solid Films, 368:203-207.
  • Chaus, A.S., Fedosenko, T.N., Rogachev, A.V., Čaplovič, L., 2014. Surface, microstructure and optical properties of copper-doped diamond-like carbon coating deposited in pulsed cathodic arc plasma. Diamond and Related Materials, 42:64-70.
  • Ferrari, A.C., Robertson, J., 2001. Resonant Raman spectroscopy of disordered, amorphous, and diamondlike carbon. Physical Review B., 64: 075414;1-13.
  • Fleury, V., 1997. Branched fractal patterns in non-equilibrium electrochemical deposition from oscillatory nucleation and growth. Nature. 1997, 390:145-148.
  • Franco, A.R., Pintaúde G., Sinatora, A., Pinedo, C. E., Tschiptschin, A.P., 2004. The use of a Vickers indenter in depth sensing indentation for measuring elastic modulus and vickers hardness. Materials Research, 7(3):483-491.
  • Fu, Q., Jiu, J., Cao, C., Wang, H., Zhu, H., 2000. Electrodeposition of carbon films from various organic liquids. Surface and Coating Technology, 124:196-200.
  • Gupta, S., Chowdhury, M.P., Pal, A.K., 2004. Synthesis of DLC films by electrodeposition technique using formic acid as electrolyte. Diamond & Related Materials, 13:1680-1689.
  • Kwiatek, S.E., Desai, V., Moran, P.J., Natishan, P.M., 1997. Characteriza-Robertson J, Samlenski R, Brenn R. Tetrahedral amorphous. Journal of Materials Science, 32:3123-3128.
  • Libardi, J., Grigorov, K., Massi, M., Otani, C., Ravagnani, S.P., Maciel, H.S., Guerino, M., Ocampo, J.M.J., 2004. Comparative studies of the feed gas composition effects on the characteristics of DLC films deposited by magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 459: 282-285.
  • Manifacier, J.C., Gasiot, J., Fillard, J.P., 1976. A simple method for the determination of the optical constants n, k and the thickness of a weakly absorbing thin film. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 9:1002-1004.
  • Namba, Y., 1992. Attempt to grow diamond phase carbon films from an organic solution. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 10:3368-3370.
  • Nery, R.P.O.S., Bonelli, R.S., Camargo Jr, S.S., 2010. Evaluation of corrosion resistance of diamond-like carbon films deposited onto AISI 4340 steel. Journal of Materials Science, 45:5472-5477.
  • Oliver, W.C., Pharr, G.M.,. 1992. An improved technique for determining hardness and elastic modulus using load and displacement sensing indentation experiments. Journal of Materials Research, 7:1564-1583.
  • Pankove, J.I., 2010. Optical process in semiconductors (Dover Books on Physics), 2nd (second) Edition, Dover Publications Inc., New York, p422.
  • Robertson, J., 2002. Diamond-like amorphous carbon. Materials Science and Engineering: R, 37:129-281.
  • Roy, R.K., Deb, B., Bhattacharjee, B., Pal, A.K.,. 2002. Synthesis of diamond-like carbon film by novel electrodeposition route. Thin Solid Films, 422:92-97.
  • Schroeder, A., Francz, G., Bruinink, A., Hauert, R., Mayer, J., Wintermantel, E., 2000. Titanium containing amorphous hydrogenated carbon films (a-C:H/Ti): surface analysis and evaluation of cellular reactions using bone marrow cell cultures in vitro. Biomaterials, 21:449-456.
  • Sreejith, K., Nuwad, J., Pillai, C.G.S., 2005. Low voltage electrodeposition of diamond like carbon (DLC). Applied Surface Science, 252:296-302.
  • Suzuki, T., Manita, Y, Yamzaki, T., Wada, S., Noma, T., 1995. Deposition of carbon films by electrolysis of a water-ethylene glycol solution. Journal of Materials Science, 30:2067-2069.
  • Swanopel, R., 1983. Determination of the Thickness and Optical Constants of Amorphous Silicon. Joural of Physics E: Scientific Instrument, 16:1214-1222.
  • Uzun, O., Başman, N., Alkan, C., Kölemen, U. and Yılmaz, F., 2011. Investigation of mechanical and creep properties of polypyrrole by depth-sensing indentation. Polymer Bulletin, 66:649-660.
  • Wan, S., Wang, L., Xue, Q., 2010. Electrochemical deposition of sulfur doped DLC nanocomposite film at atmospheric pressure. Electrochemistry Communications, 12:61-65.
  • Wang, H., Sheng, M.R., Ning, Z.Y., Ye, C., Dan, H.Y., Cao, C.B., Zhu, H.S., 1997. Deposition of unbydrogenated diamond-like amorphous carbon films by electrolysis of organic solutions. Thin Solid Films, 293:87-90.
  • Yan, X.B., Xu, T., Chen, G., Liu, H.W., Yang, S.R., 2004. Effect of deposition voltage on the microstructure of electrochemically deposited hydrogenated amorphous carbon films. Carbon, 42:3103-3108.
  • Zhitomirsky, I., Gal-or, L., Kohn, A., Spang, M.D., 1997. Electrolytic PZT films. Journal of Materials Science, 32:803-807.
  • Zhou, B., Rogachev, A.V., Liu, Zh., Jiang, X., Shen, R., Rudenkov, A.S., 2012. Structure and mechanical properties of diamond-like carbon films with copper functional layer by cathode arc evaporation. Surface and Coatings Technology, 208:101-108.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Naim Aslan Bu kişi benim

Necati Başman

Orhan Uzun Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Aralık 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aslan, N., Başman, N., & Uzun, O. (2016). Formik Asit Kullanılarak Elektrokimyasal Yolla Sentezlenen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerinin Optik, Yüzey ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2(2), 57-63.
AMA Aslan N, Başman N, Uzun O. Formik Asit Kullanılarak Elektrokimyasal Yolla Sentezlenen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerinin Optik, Yüzey ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. Aralık 2016;2(2):57-63.
Chicago Aslan, Naim, Necati Başman, ve Orhan Uzun. “Formik Asit Kullanılarak Elektrokimyasal Yolla Sentezlenen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerinin Optik, Yüzey Ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 2, sy. 2 (Aralık 2016): 57-63.
EndNote Aslan N, Başman N, Uzun O (01 Aralık 2016) Formik Asit Kullanılarak Elektrokimyasal Yolla Sentezlenen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerinin Optik, Yüzey ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 2 2 57–63.
IEEE N. Aslan, N. Başman, ve O. Uzun, “Formik Asit Kullanılarak Elektrokimyasal Yolla Sentezlenen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerinin Optik, Yüzey ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, c. 2, sy. 2, ss. 57–63, 2016.
ISNAD Aslan, Naim vd. “Formik Asit Kullanılarak Elektrokimyasal Yolla Sentezlenen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerinin Optik, Yüzey Ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 2/2 (Aralık 2016), 57-63.
JAMA Aslan N, Başman N, Uzun O. Formik Asit Kullanılarak Elektrokimyasal Yolla Sentezlenen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerinin Optik, Yüzey ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2016;2:57–63.
MLA Aslan, Naim vd. “Formik Asit Kullanılarak Elektrokimyasal Yolla Sentezlenen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerinin Optik, Yüzey Ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, c. 2, sy. 2, 2016, ss. 57-63.
Vancouver Aslan N, Başman N, Uzun O. Formik Asit Kullanılarak Elektrokimyasal Yolla Sentezlenen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerinin Optik, Yüzey ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2016;2(2):57-63.