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BER Performance Comparison of Variable On-Off Keying and Variable Pulse Position Modulation Techniques
In wireless optical systems, Visible Light Communication (VLC) is one of the most popular communication systems. In this study, a Bit Error Rate (BER) performance comparison is given for Variable On-Off Keying (VOOK) and Variable Pulse Position Modulation (VPPM) which are extensively used in VLC systems. According to simulation and theoretical results, it is shown that the BER performances of systems are similar. In this paper, an ambient light noise is added to Additive White Gaussian Noise to extend the BER performance analysis. From simulation results, it is obtained that the impact of ambient light noise is very high for VOOK while it is quite poor for VPPM. Hence, the BER performance of VPPM has better than that of VOOK under ambient light noise.
Barry, J.R., 1994. Wireless infrared communications. Kluwer Academic Press, USA.
Bilim, M., 2019. A performance study on diversity receivers over κ-μ shadowed fading channels. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 112:1-8.
Ghassemlooy, Z., Popoola, W., Rajbhandari, S., 2012. Optical wireless communications: system and channel modelling with MATLAB. CRC Press, USA.
Huang, T., Yang, W., Wu, J., Ma, J., Zhang, X., Zhang, D., 2019. A survey on green 6g network: architecture and technologies. IEEE Access, 7:175758-175768.
Komine, T., Nakagawa, M., 2004. Fundamental analysis for visible-light communication system using LED lights. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 50:100-107.
Lee, K., Park, H., 2011. Modulations for visible light communications with dimming control. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23:1136-1139.
Lin, B., Tang, X., Ghassemlooy, Z., 2020. A power domain sparse code multiple access scheme for visible light communications. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 9:61-64.
Meihong, S., Xinsheng, Y., Zhangguo, Z., 2009. The Modified PPM Modulation for Underwater Wireless Optical Communication. International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, China, February 2009.
Qin, Y., Guo, D., Lin, X., Cheng, G., 2020. Design and optimization of VLC enabled data center network. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 25: 82-92.
Shalaby, H.M.H., 2013. Performance analysis of SAC-OCDMA systems adopting overlapping PPM schemes. Journal Of Lıghtwave Technology. 31(12):1856-1866.
Shiu, D., Kahn, J.M., 1999. Differential pulse-position modulation for power-efficient optical communication. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 47:1201-1210.
Yang, A., Li, X., Jiang, T., 2012. Enhancement of LED indoor communications using OPPM-PWM modulation and grouped bit-flipping decoding. Optics Express, 20:10170-10179.
Yoo, J.H., Kim, B.W., Jung, S.Y., 2015. Modelling and analysis of M-ary variable pulse position modulation for visible light communications. IEET Optoelectron, 9:184-190.
Sonmez, M. (2020). BER Performance Comparison of Variable On-Off Keying and Variable Pulse Position Modulation Techniques. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 6(1), 1-7.
Sonmez M. BER Performance Comparison of Variable On-Off Keying and Variable Pulse Position Modulation Techniques. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. Haziran 2020;6(1):1-7. doi:10.29132/ijpas.705563
Sonmez, Mehmet. “BER Performance Comparison of Variable On-Off Keying and Variable Pulse Position Modulation Techniques”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 6, sy. 1 (Haziran 2020): 1-7.
Sonmez M (01 Haziran 2020) BER Performance Comparison of Variable On-Off Keying and Variable Pulse Position Modulation Techniques. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 6 1 1–7.
M. Sonmez, “BER Performance Comparison of Variable On-Off Keying and Variable Pulse Position Modulation Techniques”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, c. 6, sy. 1, ss. 1–7, 2020, doi: 10.29132/ijpas.705563.
Sonmez, Mehmet. “BER Performance Comparison of Variable On-Off Keying and Variable Pulse Position Modulation Techniques”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 6/1 (Haziran 2020), 1-7.
Sonmez M. BER Performance Comparison of Variable On-Off Keying and Variable Pulse Position Modulation Techniques. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2020;6:1–7.
Sonmez, Mehmet. “BER Performance Comparison of Variable On-Off Keying and Variable Pulse Position Modulation Techniques”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, c. 6, sy. 1, 2020, ss. 1-7, doi:10.29132/ijpas.705563.
Sonmez M. BER Performance Comparison of Variable On-Off Keying and Variable Pulse Position Modulation Techniques. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2020;6(1):1-7.