Research Article
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Acid Blue 80 Removal from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon Obtained from Nerium Oleander Fruits

Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 86 - 99, 30.06.2021


The present work reports acid blue 80 (AB80) adsorption performances on the activated carbon prepared from Nerium oleander fruits (NAC). Langmuir isotherm model and pseudo second order model were determined to be best fitting models for AB80 adsorption on NAC, and its maximum adsorption capacities were calculated to be 88.03, 102.04, and 113.96 mg g-1 at 25, 35, and 45 °C, respectively. Also, the efficiency of adsorption increased as adsorption pH decreased. While the adsorption rate was found to be fast during the first 60 minutes, adsorption velocity decreased with passing contact time. Moreover, via the thermodynamic parameters, the adsorption was determined to be spontaneous, feasible, and endothermic. From the FTIR spectra, the interactions of carbonyl groups on NAC with AB80 molecules and π- π stacking interactions between NAC and AB80 molecules were determined to be possible interactions during the adsorption.

Supporting Institution

Herhangi bir proje altında yapılmadı. Teşekkür kısmında Kırklareli Universitesi Merkez Araştırma Laboratuvarında deneyler yapıldığından dolayı teşekkür edildi.

Project Number



The author special thanks to Kırklareli University Central Research Laboratory (Advanced Technologies Application and Research Center) for using its experimental and measurement instruments.


  • Abechi, S.E., Gimba, C.E., Uzairu, A., Dallatu, Y.A., 2013. Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from palm kernel shell by chemical activation. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 3(7):54–61.
  • Aboua, K.N., Yobouet, Y.A., Yao, K.B., Gone, D.L., Trokourey, A., 2015. Investigation of dye adsorption onto activated carbon from the shells of Macoré fruit. Journal of Environmental Management, 156:10–14.
  • Ai, L., Zhang, C., Liao, F., Wang, Y., Li, M., Meng, L., Jiang, J., 2011. Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution with magnetite loaded multi-wall carbon nanotube: kinetic, isotherm and mechanism analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 198:282–290.
  • Ali H., 2010. Biodegradation of synthetic dyes—a review. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 213(1):251–273. Ambati, R., Gogate, P.R., 2017. Photocatalytic degradation of Acid Blue 80 using iron doped TiO 2 catalyst: Understanding the effect of operating parameters and combinations for synergism. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 20:217–225.
  • Baccar, R., Bouzid, J., Feki, M., Montiel, A., 2009. Preparation of activated carbon from Tunisian olive-waste cakes and its application for adsorption of heavy metal ions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162(2-3):1522–1529.
  • Bakıcı Tanaydın, Z , Tanaydın, M , İnce, M , Demirkıran, N., 2020. Bakır ve Kadmiyumun Perlit ile Adsorpsiyonu ve Adsorpsiyon Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 6(2):208–218.
  • Balarak, D., Dashtizadeh, M., Abasizade, H., Baniasadi, M., 2018. Isotherm and Kinetic Evaluation of Acid Blue 80 Dye Adsorption on Surfactant-modified Bentonite. Journal of Human, Environment and Health Promotion, 4(2):75–80.
  • Baysal, M., Bilge, K., Yılmaz, B., Papila, M., Yürüm, Y., 2018. Preparation of high surface area activated carbon from waste-biomass of sunflower piths: Kinetics and equilibrium studies on the dye removal. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 6(2):1702–1713.
  • Beltrame, K.K., Cazetta, A.L., de Souza, P.S., Spessato, L., Silva, T.L., Almeida, V.C., 2018. Adsorption of caffeine on mesoporous activated carbon fibers prepared from pineapple plant leaves. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 147:64–71.
  • Bhattacharyya, S., Das, P., Datta, S., 2019. Removal of Ranitidine from Pharmaceutical Waste Water Using Activated Carbon (AC) Prepared from Waste Lemon Peel. In Waste Water Recycling and Management (pp. 123–141). Springer, Singapore.
  • Dávila-Jiménez, M.M., Elizalde-González, M.P., Hernández-Montoya, V., 2009. Performance of mango seed adsorbents in the adsorption of anthraquinone and azo acid dyes in single and binary aqueous solutions. Bioresource Technology, 100(24):6199–6206.
  • Demiral, H., Güngör, C., 2016. Adsorption of copper (II) from aqueous solutions on activated carbon prepared from grape bagasse. Journal of Cleaner Production, 124:103–113.
  • Dubinin, M.M., Radushkevich, L.V., 1947. The equation of the characteristic curve of activated charcoal. Proc Academy of Sciences of the USSR Physical Chemistry Section, 55:331–337.
  • Freundlich, H.M.F., 1906. Über die adsorption in lösungen. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 57:385–470.
  • Gomri, F., Boutahala, M., Zaghouane-Boudiaf, H., Korili, S. A., Gil, A., 2016. Removal of acid blue 80 from aqueous solutions by adsorption on chemical modified bentonites. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(54):26240–26249.
  • Hadi, M., Samarghandi, M.R., McKay, G., 2010. Equilibrium two-parameter isotherms of acid dyes sorption by activated carbons: study of residual errors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 160(2):408–416.
  • Hameed, B.H., Ahmad, A.A., 2009. Batch adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution by garlic peel, an agricultural waste biomass. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164(2-3): 870–875.
  • Hassaan, M.A., El Nemr, A., 2017. Health and Environmental Impacts of Dyes: Mini Review. American Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 1(3):64–67.
  • Ho, Y.S., McKay, G., 1999. Pseudo-second order model for sorption processes. Process Biochemistry, 34:451–465.
  • Ince, M., Kaplan İnce, O., 2017. An Overview of Adsorption Technique for Heavy Metal Removal from Water/Wastewater: A Critical Review. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 3(2):10-19.
  • Karim, M.M., Das, A.K., Lee, S.H., 2006. Treatment of colored effluent of the textile industry in Bangladesh using zinc chloride treated indigenous activated carbons. Analytica chimica acta, 576(1):37–42.
  • Koçer, O., Acemioğlu, B., 2016. Adsorption of Basic green 4 from aqueous solution by olive pomace and commercial activated carbon: process design, isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamic studies. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(35):16653-16669.
  • Köseoğlu, E., Akmil-Başar, C., 2015. Preparation, structural evaluation and adsorptive properties of activated carbon from agricultural waste biomass. Advanced Powder Technology, 26(3):811–818.
  • Kyzas, G.Z., Deliyanni, E.A., Matis, K.A., 2016. Activated carbons produced by pyrolysis of waste potato peels: cobalt ions removal by adsorption. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 490:74–83.
  • Lagergren, S., 1898. Zur theorie der sogenannten adsorption gelöster stoffe. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, 24:1–39. Lakherwal D., 2014. Adsorption of heavy metals: a review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Development, 4(1):41–48.
  • Langmuir, I., 1916. The constitution and fundamental properties of solids and liquids. Journal of American Chemical Society, 38:2221–2295.
  • Liu, Y., Luo, X., Zhang, Z., Zhou, P., Yang, Z., 2015. Modeling and thermodynamics of methylene blue and acid blue 80 adsorption onto potato residue based activated carbon. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 31(4):627–632.
  • Ma, Z., Sun, Q., Ye, J., Yao, Q., Zhao, C., 2016. Study on the thermal degradation behaviors and kinetics of alkali lignin for production of phenolic-rich bio-oil using TGA–FTIR and Py–GC/MS. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 117:116–124.
  • Martins, A.C., Pezoti, O., Cazetta, A.L., Bedin, K.C., Yamazaki, D.A., Bandoch, G.F., Asefa, T., Visentainer, J.V., Almeida, V.C., 2015. Removal of tetracycline by NaOH-activated carbon produced from macadamia nut shells: kinetic and equilibrium studies. Chemical Engineering Journal, 260:291–299.
  • Milonjić, S.K., Ruvarac, A.L., Šušić, M.V., 1975. The heat of immersion of natural magnetite in aqueous solutions. ThermochimicaActa, 11:261–266.
  • Mohan, P.K., Sreelakshmi, G., Muraleedharan, C.V., Joseph, R., 2012. Water soluble complexes of curcumin with cyclodextrins: Characterization by FT-Raman spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 62:77–84.
  • Nasrullah, A., Saad, B., Bhat, A.H., Khan, A.S., Danish, M., Isa, M.H., Naeem, A., 2019. Mangosteen peel waste as a sustainable precursor for high surface area mesoporous activated carbon: Characterization and application for methylene blue removal. Journal of Cleaner Production, 211:1190–1200.
  • Nogales-Bueno, J., Baca-Bocanegra, B., Rooney, A., Hernández-Hierro, J.M., Byrne, H.J., Heredia, F.J., 2017. Study of phenolic extractability in grape seeds by means of ATR-FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Food Chemistry, 232:602–609.
  • Pandiarajan, A., Kamaraj, R., Vasudevan, S., Vasudevan, S., 2018. OPAC (orange peel activated carbon) derived from waste orange peel for the adsorption of chlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicides from water: adsorption isotherm, kinetic modelling and thermodynamic studies. Bioresource Technology, 261:329–341.
  • Puentes-Cárdenas, I.J., Chávez-Camarillo, G.M., Flores-Ortiz, C.M., Cristiani-Urbina, M.D.C., Netzahuatl-Muñoz, A.R., Salcedo-Reyes, J.C., Pedroza-Rodríguez, A.M., Cristiani-Urbina, E., 2016. Adsorptive removal of acid blue 80 dye from aqueous solutions by Cu-TiO2. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2016:1–15.
  • Qiu, W.Z., Yang, H.C., Wan, L.S., Xu, Z.K., 2015. Co-deposition of catechol/polyethyleneimine on porous membranes for efficient decolorization of dye water. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3(27):14438–14444.
  • Rashid, R., Shafiq, I., Akhter, P., Iqbal, M.J., Hussain, M., 2021. A state-of-the-art review on wastewater treatment techniques: the effectiveness of adsorption method. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1–17.
  • Rashidi, N.A., Yusup, S.A., 2017. Review on recent technological advancement in the activated carbon production from oil palm wastes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 314:277–290.
  • Sabarinathan, C., Karuppasamy, P., Vijayakumar, C.T., Arumuganathan, T., 2019. Development of methylene blue removal methodology by adsorption using molecular polyoxometalate: Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Mechanistic Study. Microchemical Journal, 146:315–326.
  • Shankar, Y.S., Ankur, K., Bhushan, P., Mohan, D., 2019. Utilization of Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Sludge for Pretreatment of Dye Wastewater Using Coagulation. Advances in Waste Management, 107–121.
  • Shi, B., Li, G., Wang, D., Feng, C., Tang, H., 2007. Removal of direct dyes by coagulation: The performance of preformed polymeric aluminum species. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 143(1-2):567–574.
  • Silva, T.L., Cazetta, A.L., Souza, P.S., Zhang, T., Asefa, T., Almeida, V.C., 2018. Mesoporous activated carbon fibers synthesized from denim fabric waste: efficient adsorbents for removal of textile dye from aqueous solutions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 171, 482–490.
  • Tee, P.C., Wong, Y.J., Sherry, J.P., Bols, N.C., 2011. Effect of acid blue 80, an anthracenedione dye, on rainbow trout liver, gill and gut cells in vitro. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 74(7):1874–1878.
  • Temkin, M.I., Pyzhev, V., 1940. Kinetic of ammonia synthesis on promoted iron catalyst. Acta PhysChim USSR, 12:327–356.
  • Tong, D.S., Wu, C.W., Adebajo, M.O., Jin, G.C., Yu, W. H., Ji, S.F., Zhou, C.H., 2018. Adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution onto porous cellulose-derived carbon/montmorillonite nanocomposites. Applied Clay Science, 161, 256–264.
  • Türgay, O., Ersöz, G., Atalay, S., Forss, J., Welander, U., 2011. The treatment of azo dyes found in textile industry wastewater by anaerobic biological method and chemical oxidation. Separation and Purification Technology, 79(1):26–33.
  • Üner, O., Geçgel, Ü., Avcu, T., 2021. Comparisons of activated carbons produced from sycamore balls, ripe black locust seed pods, and Nerium oleander fruits and also their H2 storage studies. Carbon Letters. 31:75–92.
  • Üner, O., Geçgel, Ü., Bayrak, Y., 2016. Adsorption of methylene blue by an efficient activated carbon prepared from Citrullus lanatus rind: kinetic, isotherm, thermodynamic, and mechanism analysis. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 227(7),: 1–15.
  • Üner, O., Geçgel, Ü., Bayrak, Y., 2019. Preparation and characterization of mesoporous activated carbons from waste watermelon rind by using the chemical activation method with zinc chloride. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 12(8):3621–3627.
  • Üner, O., Geçgel, Ü., Kolancilar, H., Bayrak, Y., 2017. Adsorptive removal of rhodamine b with activated carbon obtained from okra wastes. Chemical Engineering Communications, 204(7):772–783.
  • Wong, S., Ngadi, N., Inuwa, I.M., Hassan, O., 2018. Recent advances in applications of activated carbon from biowaste for wastewater treatment: a short review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 175:361–375.
  • Yahya, M.A., Al-Qodah, Z., Ngah, C.Z., 2015. Agricultural bio-waste materials as potential sustainable precursors used for activated carbon production: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 46:218–235.
Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 86 - 99, 30.06.2021


Project Number



  • Abechi, S.E., Gimba, C.E., Uzairu, A., Dallatu, Y.A., 2013. Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from palm kernel shell by chemical activation. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 3(7):54–61.
  • Aboua, K.N., Yobouet, Y.A., Yao, K.B., Gone, D.L., Trokourey, A., 2015. Investigation of dye adsorption onto activated carbon from the shells of Macoré fruit. Journal of Environmental Management, 156:10–14.
  • Ai, L., Zhang, C., Liao, F., Wang, Y., Li, M., Meng, L., Jiang, J., 2011. Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution with magnetite loaded multi-wall carbon nanotube: kinetic, isotherm and mechanism analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 198:282–290.
  • Ali H., 2010. Biodegradation of synthetic dyes—a review. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 213(1):251–273. Ambati, R., Gogate, P.R., 2017. Photocatalytic degradation of Acid Blue 80 using iron doped TiO 2 catalyst: Understanding the effect of operating parameters and combinations for synergism. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 20:217–225.
  • Baccar, R., Bouzid, J., Feki, M., Montiel, A., 2009. Preparation of activated carbon from Tunisian olive-waste cakes and its application for adsorption of heavy metal ions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162(2-3):1522–1529.
  • Bakıcı Tanaydın, Z , Tanaydın, M , İnce, M , Demirkıran, N., 2020. Bakır ve Kadmiyumun Perlit ile Adsorpsiyonu ve Adsorpsiyon Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 6(2):208–218.
  • Balarak, D., Dashtizadeh, M., Abasizade, H., Baniasadi, M., 2018. Isotherm and Kinetic Evaluation of Acid Blue 80 Dye Adsorption on Surfactant-modified Bentonite. Journal of Human, Environment and Health Promotion, 4(2):75–80.
  • Baysal, M., Bilge, K., Yılmaz, B., Papila, M., Yürüm, Y., 2018. Preparation of high surface area activated carbon from waste-biomass of sunflower piths: Kinetics and equilibrium studies on the dye removal. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 6(2):1702–1713.
  • Beltrame, K.K., Cazetta, A.L., de Souza, P.S., Spessato, L., Silva, T.L., Almeida, V.C., 2018. Adsorption of caffeine on mesoporous activated carbon fibers prepared from pineapple plant leaves. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 147:64–71.
  • Bhattacharyya, S., Das, P., Datta, S., 2019. Removal of Ranitidine from Pharmaceutical Waste Water Using Activated Carbon (AC) Prepared from Waste Lemon Peel. In Waste Water Recycling and Management (pp. 123–141). Springer, Singapore.
  • Dávila-Jiménez, M.M., Elizalde-González, M.P., Hernández-Montoya, V., 2009. Performance of mango seed adsorbents in the adsorption of anthraquinone and azo acid dyes in single and binary aqueous solutions. Bioresource Technology, 100(24):6199–6206.
  • Demiral, H., Güngör, C., 2016. Adsorption of copper (II) from aqueous solutions on activated carbon prepared from grape bagasse. Journal of Cleaner Production, 124:103–113.
  • Dubinin, M.M., Radushkevich, L.V., 1947. The equation of the characteristic curve of activated charcoal. Proc Academy of Sciences of the USSR Physical Chemistry Section, 55:331–337.
  • Freundlich, H.M.F., 1906. Über die adsorption in lösungen. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 57:385–470.
  • Gomri, F., Boutahala, M., Zaghouane-Boudiaf, H., Korili, S. A., Gil, A., 2016. Removal of acid blue 80 from aqueous solutions by adsorption on chemical modified bentonites. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(54):26240–26249.
  • Hadi, M., Samarghandi, M.R., McKay, G., 2010. Equilibrium two-parameter isotherms of acid dyes sorption by activated carbons: study of residual errors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 160(2):408–416.
  • Hameed, B.H., Ahmad, A.A., 2009. Batch adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution by garlic peel, an agricultural waste biomass. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164(2-3): 870–875.
  • Hassaan, M.A., El Nemr, A., 2017. Health and Environmental Impacts of Dyes: Mini Review. American Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 1(3):64–67.
  • Ho, Y.S., McKay, G., 1999. Pseudo-second order model for sorption processes. Process Biochemistry, 34:451–465.
  • Ince, M., Kaplan İnce, O., 2017. An Overview of Adsorption Technique for Heavy Metal Removal from Water/Wastewater: A Critical Review. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 3(2):10-19.
  • Karim, M.M., Das, A.K., Lee, S.H., 2006. Treatment of colored effluent of the textile industry in Bangladesh using zinc chloride treated indigenous activated carbons. Analytica chimica acta, 576(1):37–42.
  • Koçer, O., Acemioğlu, B., 2016. Adsorption of Basic green 4 from aqueous solution by olive pomace and commercial activated carbon: process design, isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamic studies. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(35):16653-16669.
  • Köseoğlu, E., Akmil-Başar, C., 2015. Preparation, structural evaluation and adsorptive properties of activated carbon from agricultural waste biomass. Advanced Powder Technology, 26(3):811–818.
  • Kyzas, G.Z., Deliyanni, E.A., Matis, K.A., 2016. Activated carbons produced by pyrolysis of waste potato peels: cobalt ions removal by adsorption. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 490:74–83.
  • Lagergren, S., 1898. Zur theorie der sogenannten adsorption gelöster stoffe. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, 24:1–39. Lakherwal D., 2014. Adsorption of heavy metals: a review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Development, 4(1):41–48.
  • Langmuir, I., 1916. The constitution and fundamental properties of solids and liquids. Journal of American Chemical Society, 38:2221–2295.
  • Liu, Y., Luo, X., Zhang, Z., Zhou, P., Yang, Z., 2015. Modeling and thermodynamics of methylene blue and acid blue 80 adsorption onto potato residue based activated carbon. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 31(4):627–632.
  • Ma, Z., Sun, Q., Ye, J., Yao, Q., Zhao, C., 2016. Study on the thermal degradation behaviors and kinetics of alkali lignin for production of phenolic-rich bio-oil using TGA–FTIR and Py–GC/MS. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 117:116–124.
  • Martins, A.C., Pezoti, O., Cazetta, A.L., Bedin, K.C., Yamazaki, D.A., Bandoch, G.F., Asefa, T., Visentainer, J.V., Almeida, V.C., 2015. Removal of tetracycline by NaOH-activated carbon produced from macadamia nut shells: kinetic and equilibrium studies. Chemical Engineering Journal, 260:291–299.
  • Milonjić, S.K., Ruvarac, A.L., Šušić, M.V., 1975. The heat of immersion of natural magnetite in aqueous solutions. ThermochimicaActa, 11:261–266.
  • Mohan, P.K., Sreelakshmi, G., Muraleedharan, C.V., Joseph, R., 2012. Water soluble complexes of curcumin with cyclodextrins: Characterization by FT-Raman spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 62:77–84.
  • Nasrullah, A., Saad, B., Bhat, A.H., Khan, A.S., Danish, M., Isa, M.H., Naeem, A., 2019. Mangosteen peel waste as a sustainable precursor for high surface area mesoporous activated carbon: Characterization and application for methylene blue removal. Journal of Cleaner Production, 211:1190–1200.
  • Nogales-Bueno, J., Baca-Bocanegra, B., Rooney, A., Hernández-Hierro, J.M., Byrne, H.J., Heredia, F.J., 2017. Study of phenolic extractability in grape seeds by means of ATR-FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Food Chemistry, 232:602–609.
  • Pandiarajan, A., Kamaraj, R., Vasudevan, S., Vasudevan, S., 2018. OPAC (orange peel activated carbon) derived from waste orange peel for the adsorption of chlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicides from water: adsorption isotherm, kinetic modelling and thermodynamic studies. Bioresource Technology, 261:329–341.
  • Puentes-Cárdenas, I.J., Chávez-Camarillo, G.M., Flores-Ortiz, C.M., Cristiani-Urbina, M.D.C., Netzahuatl-Muñoz, A.R., Salcedo-Reyes, J.C., Pedroza-Rodríguez, A.M., Cristiani-Urbina, E., 2016. Adsorptive removal of acid blue 80 dye from aqueous solutions by Cu-TiO2. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2016:1–15.
  • Qiu, W.Z., Yang, H.C., Wan, L.S., Xu, Z.K., 2015. Co-deposition of catechol/polyethyleneimine on porous membranes for efficient decolorization of dye water. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3(27):14438–14444.
  • Rashid, R., Shafiq, I., Akhter, P., Iqbal, M.J., Hussain, M., 2021. A state-of-the-art review on wastewater treatment techniques: the effectiveness of adsorption method. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1–17.
  • Rashidi, N.A., Yusup, S.A., 2017. Review on recent technological advancement in the activated carbon production from oil palm wastes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 314:277–290.
  • Sabarinathan, C., Karuppasamy, P., Vijayakumar, C.T., Arumuganathan, T., 2019. Development of methylene blue removal methodology by adsorption using molecular polyoxometalate: Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Mechanistic Study. Microchemical Journal, 146:315–326.
  • Shankar, Y.S., Ankur, K., Bhushan, P., Mohan, D., 2019. Utilization of Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Sludge for Pretreatment of Dye Wastewater Using Coagulation. Advances in Waste Management, 107–121.
  • Shi, B., Li, G., Wang, D., Feng, C., Tang, H., 2007. Removal of direct dyes by coagulation: The performance of preformed polymeric aluminum species. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 143(1-2):567–574.
  • Silva, T.L., Cazetta, A.L., Souza, P.S., Zhang, T., Asefa, T., Almeida, V.C., 2018. Mesoporous activated carbon fibers synthesized from denim fabric waste: efficient adsorbents for removal of textile dye from aqueous solutions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 171, 482–490.
  • Tee, P.C., Wong, Y.J., Sherry, J.P., Bols, N.C., 2011. Effect of acid blue 80, an anthracenedione dye, on rainbow trout liver, gill and gut cells in vitro. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 74(7):1874–1878.
  • Temkin, M.I., Pyzhev, V., 1940. Kinetic of ammonia synthesis on promoted iron catalyst. Acta PhysChim USSR, 12:327–356.
  • Tong, D.S., Wu, C.W., Adebajo, M.O., Jin, G.C., Yu, W. H., Ji, S.F., Zhou, C.H., 2018. Adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution onto porous cellulose-derived carbon/montmorillonite nanocomposites. Applied Clay Science, 161, 256–264.
  • Türgay, O., Ersöz, G., Atalay, S., Forss, J., Welander, U., 2011. The treatment of azo dyes found in textile industry wastewater by anaerobic biological method and chemical oxidation. Separation and Purification Technology, 79(1):26–33.
  • Üner, O., Geçgel, Ü., Avcu, T., 2021. Comparisons of activated carbons produced from sycamore balls, ripe black locust seed pods, and Nerium oleander fruits and also their H2 storage studies. Carbon Letters. 31:75–92.
  • Üner, O., Geçgel, Ü., Bayrak, Y., 2016. Adsorption of methylene blue by an efficient activated carbon prepared from Citrullus lanatus rind: kinetic, isotherm, thermodynamic, and mechanism analysis. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 227(7),: 1–15.
  • Üner, O., Geçgel, Ü., Bayrak, Y., 2019. Preparation and characterization of mesoporous activated carbons from waste watermelon rind by using the chemical activation method with zinc chloride. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 12(8):3621–3627.
  • Üner, O., Geçgel, Ü., Kolancilar, H., Bayrak, Y., 2017. Adsorptive removal of rhodamine b with activated carbon obtained from okra wastes. Chemical Engineering Communications, 204(7):772–783.
  • Wong, S., Ngadi, N., Inuwa, I.M., Hassan, O., 2018. Recent advances in applications of activated carbon from biowaste for wastewater treatment: a short review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 175:361–375.
  • Yahya, M.A., Al-Qodah, Z., Ngah, C.Z., 2015. Agricultural bio-waste materials as potential sustainable precursors used for activated carbon production: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 46:218–235.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Osman Üner 0000-0001-6950-6753

Project Number Yok
Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date April 2, 2021
Acceptance Date May 13, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Üner, O. (2021). Acid Blue 80 Removal from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon Obtained from Nerium Oleander Fruits. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 7(1), 86-99.
AMA Üner O. Acid Blue 80 Removal from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon Obtained from Nerium Oleander Fruits. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. June 2021;7(1):86-99. doi:10.29132/ijpas.908703
Chicago Üner, Osman. “Acid Blue 80 Removal from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon Obtained from Nerium Oleander Fruits”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 7, no. 1 (June 2021): 86-99.
EndNote Üner O (June 1, 2021) Acid Blue 80 Removal from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon Obtained from Nerium Oleander Fruits. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 7 1 86–99.
IEEE O. Üner, “Acid Blue 80 Removal from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon Obtained from Nerium Oleander Fruits”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 86–99, 2021, doi: 10.29132/ijpas.908703.
ISNAD Üner, Osman. “Acid Blue 80 Removal from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon Obtained from Nerium Oleander Fruits”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 7/1 (June 2021), 86-99.
JAMA Üner O. Acid Blue 80 Removal from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon Obtained from Nerium Oleander Fruits. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2021;7:86–99.
MLA Üner, Osman. “Acid Blue 80 Removal from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon Obtained from Nerium Oleander Fruits”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. 7, no. 1, 2021, pp. 86-99, doi:10.29132/ijpas.908703.
Vancouver Üner O. Acid Blue 80 Removal from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon Obtained from Nerium Oleander Fruits. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2021;7(1):86-99.