Tunceli ili Munzur ve Pülümür çayı üzerindeki plajlarının 2019 yılı yaz sezonu boyunca çay suların numunelerinin mikrobiyolojik analiz sonuçları fekal indikakatör bakteri açısından uygunluğu değerlendirilmesi ve bu plajların yüzme suyu kalitesinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma 2019 yılında Haziran- Eylül ayları arasında Tunceli ili Pülümür ve Munzur Çayları üzerinde 10 numune alma noktasından numunelerinin mikrobiyolojik sonuçları dâhil edilerek veriler yüzme suyu kalitesi yönetmeliğine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Fekal streptokok, toplam koliform, fekal koliform bakteri analize göre en yüksek Ağustos ayı, en düşük ise Mayıs, Temmuz ayında tespit edilmiştir. Pülümür ve Munzur Çayı üzerindeki plajlardan alınan tüm numune noktalarındaki yüzme suyu kalite sınıfının B sınıfı olduğu belirlenmiştir. İlk defa iç sularda uygulanan yüzme suyu ilgili yönetmenliğim zorunlu değeri aşan veri olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Esinti, Halbori, Kavacık, Kutu deresi, Anahita plajları yüzme için en tüm zamanlarda elverişli yüzme alanlarıdır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre Tunceli kent plajları mikrobiyal parametreler açısından kirli olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Fakat bu çalışmada Munzur Çayı ve Pülümür çayı havzasındaki mikrobiyal yükü azaltmak için uygun yöntemler kullanılarak düzenli izleme ve değerlendirme yapılması önerilmektedir.
Akkan, T., Çolaker, F., 2020. Determining bacteriological pollution level in Gelevera creek, Giresun. Jornal of anatolian environmenatl and animal sciences,5(4):691-695.
Ammar, R., Kazpard V., Wazne, M., El Samrani, A.G., Amacha, N., Saad, Z., Chou L., 2015. Reservoir sediments: a sink or source of chemicals at the surface water-groundwater interface. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187: 579–582.
Anonymous, 2006. Official Gazette, Swimming Water Quality Regulation. (76/160/EU), 2006.
Anonymous, 2008. Strengthening the Ministry of Health in Harmonization and Implementation of the Legislation in the Field of Water for the Protection of Public Health project.TR04-IBEN-04, Ankara, 2008.
APHA-AWWA-WEF, 2005. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21st edition. American Public Health Association American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation, Washington DC, USA.
Baran, A., Tarnawsk, M., Koniarz, M., 2016. Spatial distribution of trace elements and ecotoxicity of bottom sediments in Rybnik reservoir, Silesian-Poland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23:17255–17268.
Binzer, A., Guill, C., Rall, B., Brose, U.,2016. Interactive efefcts of warming, eutrophication and size structure:impacts on biodiversity and food-web structure. Global Change Biology,22,220-227.
Boehm, A.B., Ashbolt, N.J., Colford, J.M., Dunbar, L.E., Fleming, L.E., Gold, M.A., 2009. A sea change ahead for recreational water quality criteria. J Water Health, 2009;7 (1): 9–20.
Bonilla, T.D., Nowosielski, K., Cuvelier, M., Hartz, A., Green, M., Esiobu, N., 2007. Prevalence and distribution of fecal indicator organisms in South Florida beach sand and preliminary assessment of health effects associated with beach sand exposure. Mar Pollut Bull, 54:1472–82.
Çelebi,H., 2018.Exploring specific types microorganisms living in the water Karasu channel. J. Eng Sci Des, 6(2),182-189.
European Environmental Agency, 2020. European bathing water quality in 2019. https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/european-bathing-water-quality-in-2019.
Fleisher, J.M., Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Godfree, A.F.,1998. Estimates of the severity of illnesses associated with bathing in marine recreational waters contaminated with domestic sewage. Int J Epidemiol, 1998; 27: 722–6.
Fleisher, J.M., Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Godfree, A.F.,1998. Estimates of the severity of illnesses associated with bathing in marine recreational waters contaminated with domestic sewage. Int J Epidemiol, 1998; 27: 722–6.
Hering, D. et al.,2015. Managing aquatic ecosystems and water resources under multiple stress–An introduction to the MARS project.Sci Tot Envir, 503–504.
Hering, D., Johnson, R.K., Kramm, S., Schmutz, S., Szoszkiewicz, K., Verdonschot, P.F.M., 2006. Assessment of European streams with diatoms, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish: a comparative metric-based analysis of organism response to stress. Fresh w. Biol. 51, 1757–1785.
Hilton, J., O'Hare, M., Bowes, M.J., Iwan Jones, J.,2006. How green is my river? A new paradigm of eutrophication in rivers. Sci. Total Environ.365,66–83
Mutlu, T., Verep, B., 2018. Water quality of streams flowing into South Eastern Black Sea coasts in terms of physico-chemical properties. Fresen. Environ. Bull. 27(5a), 3752-3758.
URL-1 2016. Tunceli provincial environmental status report. Tunceli Governorship Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization. 1-101.1 June 2016.
Soller, J.A., Schoen, M.E., Varghese, A., Ichida, A.M., Boehm, A.B., Eftim, S., Ashbolt, N.J., 2014. Human health risk implications of multiple sources of faecal indicator bacteria in a recreational water body. Water Res, 66: 254–64.
Solo-Gabriele, H.M., Harwood, V.J., Kay, D., Fujioka, R.S., Sadowsky, M.J., Whitman, R.L., 2016. Beach sand and the potential for infectious disease transmission: observations and recommendations. J Mar Biol Assoc, 96, 101–20.
Verep, B., Ölmez, T.B., Mutlu, T.,2019. Investigation of physico-chemical water quality of Salarha basin streams, J Ana Environ Anim Sci, 188-200.
Wade, T.J., Calderon, R.l., Sams, E., Beach, M., Brenner, K.P., Williams, A.H., 2006. Rapidly measured indicators of recreational water quality are predictive of swimming-associated gastrointestinal illness. Environ Health Perspect, 114:24–8.
Whitmann, R.l., Harwood, V.J., Thomas, A.E., Nevers, M.B., Byappanahalli, M., Vijayavel, K., 2014. Microbes in beach sands: integrating environment, ecology and public health. Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol, 13: 329–68.
Wiedenmann, A., Krüger, P., Dietz K, López–Pla, J.M., Szewzyk, R., Botzenhart, K. A., 2006. Randomized controlled trial assessing infectious disease risks from bathing in fresh recreational waters in relation to the concentration of Escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci, Clostridium perfringens, and somatic coliphages. Environ Health Perspect, 114: 228–36.
World Health Organisation., 2003. Guidelines for safe recreational water environments. Volume 1: Coastal and fresh waters. Geneva World Health Organisation Geneva, 2003.
Wu, N., Huang, J., Schmalz, B., Fohrer, N., 2014. Modeling daily chlorophyll chlorophyll-a dynamics in a German lowland river using artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression approaches. Limnology 15 (1), 47–56.
Yaşar, B.A.,2019. Evaluation of total and fecal coliform measurements in İstanbul public beaches, Hacettepe University, Department of Environmental Engineering.
Evaluation of the Microbiological Quality and Public Health Risks of Urban Beaches on the Munzur and Pülümür Streams in Tunceli Province
The study is aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of water samples obtained from the beaches of the Munzur and Pülümür streams in Tunceli province, during the summer season of 2019. The samples were analyzed for the fecal indicator bacteria to reveal the bathing water quality of these beaches. The samples were collected from 10 sampling points in the study region between June and September 2019. Fecal streptococci, total coliform, fecal coliform bacteria were determined the highest in August and the lowest in May and July according to the analysis. The data were evaluated according to the bathing water quality directive. The bathing water quality was identified as class B for all the sample points on the beaches. It was found that there was no data exceeded the mandatory value, as per the bathing water directive. This has been applied for the first time for inland waters. Esinti, Halbori, Kavacik, Kutu Stream, and Anahita beaches were found to be most suitable for swimming. According to the results obtained, it was determined that Tunceli city beaches are not polluted in terms of microbial parameters. However, in this study, it is recommended to carry out regular monitoring and evaluation by using appropriate methods to reduce the microbial load in the Munzur Stream and Pülümür Stream basins.
Akkan, T., Çolaker, F., 2020. Determining bacteriological pollution level in Gelevera creek, Giresun. Jornal of anatolian environmenatl and animal sciences,5(4):691-695.
Ammar, R., Kazpard V., Wazne, M., El Samrani, A.G., Amacha, N., Saad, Z., Chou L., 2015. Reservoir sediments: a sink or source of chemicals at the surface water-groundwater interface. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187: 579–582.
Anonymous, 2006. Official Gazette, Swimming Water Quality Regulation. (76/160/EU), 2006.
Anonymous, 2008. Strengthening the Ministry of Health in Harmonization and Implementation of the Legislation in the Field of Water for the Protection of Public Health project.TR04-IBEN-04, Ankara, 2008.
APHA-AWWA-WEF, 2005. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21st edition. American Public Health Association American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation, Washington DC, USA.
Baran, A., Tarnawsk, M., Koniarz, M., 2016. Spatial distribution of trace elements and ecotoxicity of bottom sediments in Rybnik reservoir, Silesian-Poland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23:17255–17268.
Binzer, A., Guill, C., Rall, B., Brose, U.,2016. Interactive efefcts of warming, eutrophication and size structure:impacts on biodiversity and food-web structure. Global Change Biology,22,220-227.
Boehm, A.B., Ashbolt, N.J., Colford, J.M., Dunbar, L.E., Fleming, L.E., Gold, M.A., 2009. A sea change ahead for recreational water quality criteria. J Water Health, 2009;7 (1): 9–20.
Bonilla, T.D., Nowosielski, K., Cuvelier, M., Hartz, A., Green, M., Esiobu, N., 2007. Prevalence and distribution of fecal indicator organisms in South Florida beach sand and preliminary assessment of health effects associated with beach sand exposure. Mar Pollut Bull, 54:1472–82.
Çelebi,H., 2018.Exploring specific types microorganisms living in the water Karasu channel. J. Eng Sci Des, 6(2),182-189.
European Environmental Agency, 2020. European bathing water quality in 2019. https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/european-bathing-water-quality-in-2019.
Fleisher, J.M., Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Godfree, A.F.,1998. Estimates of the severity of illnesses associated with bathing in marine recreational waters contaminated with domestic sewage. Int J Epidemiol, 1998; 27: 722–6.
Fleisher, J.M., Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Godfree, A.F.,1998. Estimates of the severity of illnesses associated with bathing in marine recreational waters contaminated with domestic sewage. Int J Epidemiol, 1998; 27: 722–6.
Hering, D. et al.,2015. Managing aquatic ecosystems and water resources under multiple stress–An introduction to the MARS project.Sci Tot Envir, 503–504.
Hering, D., Johnson, R.K., Kramm, S., Schmutz, S., Szoszkiewicz, K., Verdonschot, P.F.M., 2006. Assessment of European streams with diatoms, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish: a comparative metric-based analysis of organism response to stress. Fresh w. Biol. 51, 1757–1785.
Hilton, J., O'Hare, M., Bowes, M.J., Iwan Jones, J.,2006. How green is my river? A new paradigm of eutrophication in rivers. Sci. Total Environ.365,66–83
Mutlu, T., Verep, B., 2018. Water quality of streams flowing into South Eastern Black Sea coasts in terms of physico-chemical properties. Fresen. Environ. Bull. 27(5a), 3752-3758.
URL-1 2016. Tunceli provincial environmental status report. Tunceli Governorship Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization. 1-101.1 June 2016.
Soller, J.A., Schoen, M.E., Varghese, A., Ichida, A.M., Boehm, A.B., Eftim, S., Ashbolt, N.J., 2014. Human health risk implications of multiple sources of faecal indicator bacteria in a recreational water body. Water Res, 66: 254–64.
Solo-Gabriele, H.M., Harwood, V.J., Kay, D., Fujioka, R.S., Sadowsky, M.J., Whitman, R.L., 2016. Beach sand and the potential for infectious disease transmission: observations and recommendations. J Mar Biol Assoc, 96, 101–20.
Verep, B., Ölmez, T.B., Mutlu, T.,2019. Investigation of physico-chemical water quality of Salarha basin streams, J Ana Environ Anim Sci, 188-200.
Wade, T.J., Calderon, R.l., Sams, E., Beach, M., Brenner, K.P., Williams, A.H., 2006. Rapidly measured indicators of recreational water quality are predictive of swimming-associated gastrointestinal illness. Environ Health Perspect, 114:24–8.
Whitmann, R.l., Harwood, V.J., Thomas, A.E., Nevers, M.B., Byappanahalli, M., Vijayavel, K., 2014. Microbes in beach sands: integrating environment, ecology and public health. Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol, 13: 329–68.
Wiedenmann, A., Krüger, P., Dietz K, López–Pla, J.M., Szewzyk, R., Botzenhart, K. A., 2006. Randomized controlled trial assessing infectious disease risks from bathing in fresh recreational waters in relation to the concentration of Escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci, Clostridium perfringens, and somatic coliphages. Environ Health Perspect, 114: 228–36.
World Health Organisation., 2003. Guidelines for safe recreational water environments. Volume 1: Coastal and fresh waters. Geneva World Health Organisation Geneva, 2003.
Wu, N., Huang, J., Schmalz, B., Fohrer, N., 2014. Modeling daily chlorophyll chlorophyll-a dynamics in a German lowland river using artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression approaches. Limnology 15 (1), 47–56.
Yaşar, B.A.,2019. Evaluation of total and fecal coliform measurements in İstanbul public beaches, Hacettepe University, Department of Environmental Engineering.
Kutlu, B., & Çetindağ, S. (2022). Evaluation of the Microbiological Quality and Public Health Risks of Urban Beaches on the Munzur and Pülümür Streams in Tunceli Province. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 8(1), 61-70. https://doi.org/10.29132/ijpas.996531
Kutlu B, Çetindağ S. Evaluation of the Microbiological Quality and Public Health Risks of Urban Beaches on the Munzur and Pülümür Streams in Tunceli Province. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. Haziran 2022;8(1):61-70. doi:10.29132/ijpas.996531
Kutlu, Banu, ve Serdar Çetindağ. “Evaluation of the Microbiological Quality and Public Health Risks of Urban Beaches on the Munzur and Pülümür Streams in Tunceli Province”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 8, sy. 1 (Haziran 2022): 61-70. https://doi.org/10.29132/ijpas.996531.
Kutlu B, Çetindağ S (01 Haziran 2022) Evaluation of the Microbiological Quality and Public Health Risks of Urban Beaches on the Munzur and Pülümür Streams in Tunceli Province. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 8 1 61–70.
B. Kutlu ve S. Çetindağ, “Evaluation of the Microbiological Quality and Public Health Risks of Urban Beaches on the Munzur and Pülümür Streams in Tunceli Province”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, c. 8, sy. 1, ss. 61–70, 2022, doi: 10.29132/ijpas.996531.
Kutlu, Banu - Çetindağ, Serdar. “Evaluation of the Microbiological Quality and Public Health Risks of Urban Beaches on the Munzur and Pülümür Streams in Tunceli Province”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 8/1 (Haziran 2022), 61-70. https://doi.org/10.29132/ijpas.996531.
Kutlu B, Çetindağ S. Evaluation of the Microbiological Quality and Public Health Risks of Urban Beaches on the Munzur and Pülümür Streams in Tunceli Province. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2022;8:61–70.
Kutlu, Banu ve Serdar Çetindağ. “Evaluation of the Microbiological Quality and Public Health Risks of Urban Beaches on the Munzur and Pülümür Streams in Tunceli Province”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, c. 8, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 61-70, doi:10.29132/ijpas.996531.
Kutlu B, Çetindağ S. Evaluation of the Microbiological Quality and Public Health Risks of Urban Beaches on the Munzur and Pülümür Streams in Tunceli Province. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2022;8(1):61-70.