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Understanding Interactive CD-ROM Storybooks and their Functions in Reading Comprehension: A Critical Review

Year 2011, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 28 - 44, 01.04.2011


With dramatic changes and recent advances in multimedia, digital technologies through computers propose new ways for introducing kids to the literacy. Literacy educators have stated that traditional printed books are not sufficient and electronic books have the potential to change reading skills. As a valuable tool in educational settings new and varied forms of technology, specifically, interactive CD-ROM storybooks have been used in classroom literacy learning by students and teachers. Although, several studies indicate that interactive CD-ROM storybooks help children develop visual recognition and increase reading comprehension, the results of the experimental studies previously carried out in this area have been conflicting and often hard to interpret. Therefore, the main purposes of this review are to identify the potential benefits, functions and disadvantages of interactive storybooks and assess mixed results of previous studies related to interactive CD-ROM storybooks


  • Bus, A.G., De Jong, M. T., & Verhallen, M. (2006). CD-ROM talking books: A way to enhance early literacy? In M. C. McKenna, L. D. Labbo, R. D. Kieffer, & D. Reinking (Eds.), International handbook of literacy and technology, Volume II (pp. 129-144). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Chen, M., Ferdig, R., & Wood, A. (2003). Understanding technology-enhanced storybooks and their roles in teaching and learning: An investigation of electronic storybooks in education. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 3(1). Retrieved January 20, 2008, from
  • Coiro, J. (2003). Reading comprehension on the internet: Expanding our understanding of reading comprehension to encompass new literacies. Reading Teacher, 56(5), 458-464.
  • Dalton, B., & Strangman, N. (2006). Improving struggling readers’ comprehension through scaffolded hypertexts and other computer-based literacy programs. In M. C. McKenna, L. D. Labbo, R. D. Kieffer, & D. Reinking (Eds.), International handbook of literacy and technology, Volume II (pp. 75-92). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Dejean, J., Miller, L., & Olson, J. (1997). CD-ROM talking books: What do they promise? Education and Information Technologies 2(2), 121-130.
  • De Jong, M. T., & Bus, A. G. (2002). Quality of book-reading matters for emergent readers: An experiment with the same book in a regular or electronic format. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 145-155.
  • De Jong, M. T., & Bus, A. G. (2004). The efficacy of electronic books in fostering kindergarten children's emergent story understanding. Reading Research Quarterly, 39(4), 378-393.
  • Delany, P., & Landow, G.P. (Eds.). (1991). Hypermedia and literary studies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Doty, D.E. (1999). CD-ROM storybooks and reading comprehension of young readers. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ball State University, Muncie.
  • Doty, D.E., Popplewell, S. R., & Byers, G. O. (2001). Interactive CD-ROM storybooks and young readers' reading comprehension. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 33(4), 374-384.
  • Greenlee-Moore, M., & Smith, L. (1996). Interactive computer software: The effects on young children's reading achievement. Reading Psychology, 17(1), 43–64.
  • Grimshaw, S., Dungworth, N., McKnight, C., & Morris, A. (2006). Electronic books: Children's reading and comprehension. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(4), 583-599.
  • Kim, S., Yoon, M., Whang, S., Tversky, B., & Morrison, J. (2007). The effect of animation on comprehension and interest. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23(3), 260-270.
  • Labbo, L.D., & Kuhn, M.R. (2000). Weaving chains of affect and cognition: A young child's understanding of CD-ROM talking books. Journal of Literacy Research, 32, 187-210.
  • Lefever-Davis, S., & Pearman, C. (2005). Early readers and electronic texts: CD- ROM storybook features that influence reading behaviors. The Reading Teacher, 58(5), 446-454.
  • Lewin, C. (1996). Improving talking book software design: Emulating the supportive tutor. Bradford, UK: Center for Information Technology in Education, the Open University.
  • Matthew, K. (1996). The impact of CD-ROM storybooks on children's reading comprehension and reading attitude. Journal of Education Multimedia and Hypermedia, 5(3-4), 379-394.
  • Matthew, K. (1997). A comparison of influence of interactive CD-ROM storybooks. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 29(3), 263-276.
  • McKenna, M. C. (1998). Electronic texts and the transformation of beginning reading. In D. Reinking, M. C. McKenna, L. D. Labbo, & R. D. Kieffer (Eds.), Handbook of literacy and technology: Transformations in a post-typographic world (pp. 45-59). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • McNabb, M.L. (1998). Using electronic books to enhance reading comprehension of struggling readers. Yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. 41-55). Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Miller, L., Blackstock, J., & Miller, R. (1994). An exploratory study into the use of CD-ROM storybooks. Computers in Education, 22, 187-204.
  • National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. (2000). Report of the National Reading Panel. Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction (NIH Publication No. 00-4769). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Nibley, M. (1993). Words and pictures: Scripting and producing the multimedia educational program. Journal of Interactive Instruction Development, 6(2), 10-13.
  • Oakley, G. (2003). Improving oral reading fluency (and comprehension) through the creation of talking books. Reading Online, 6(7). Retrieved on July 25, 2008, from
  • Okolo, C. & Hayes, R. (1996, April). The impact on animation in CD-ROM books on students' reading behaviors and comprehension. Paper presented at the Annual International Convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Orlando, FL. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED395434. Retrieved June 23, 2008, from ERIC database.
  • Pearman, C. (2003). Effects of electronic texts on the independent reading comprehension of second grade students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas.
  • Pearman, C. (2008). Independent reading of CD-ROM storybooks: Measuring comprehension with oral retellings. Reading Teacher, 61(8), 594-602.
  • Pearman, C., & Lefever-Davis, S. (2006). Supporting the essential elements with CD- ROM storybooks. Reading Horizons, 46(4), 301-313.
  • RAND Reading Study Group (2002). Reading for understanding: Toward an R&D program in reading comprehension. Santa Monica, CA: Rand.
  • Reinking, D. (1992). Differences between electronic and printed texts: An agenda for research. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 1(1), 11-24.
  • Reinking, D. (1998). Introduction: Synthesizing technological transformations of literacy in a post-typographic world. In D. Reinking, M.C. McKenna, L.D. Labbo, & R.D. Kieffer (Eds.), Handbook of literacy and technology: Transformation in a post-typographic world (pp. xi-xxx). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Reinking, D., McKenna, M. C., Labbo, L. D., & Kieffer, R. D. (Eds.) (1998). Handbook of literacy and technology transformations in a post-typographic world. Manwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Scoresby, K. J. (1996). The effects of electronic storybook animations on third graders' story recall. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Brigham Young University.
  • Shamir, A & Korat, O. (2006). How to select CD-ROM storybooks for young children: The teacher's role. The Reading Teacher, 59(6) 532-543.
  • Shamir, A., Korat, O., & Barbi, N. (2008). The effects of CD-ROM storybook reading on low SES kindergarteners’ emergent literacy as a function of activity context: Paired peer tutoring versus individual use of the e-storybook. Computers & Education, 51, 354-367.
  • Trushell, J., Burrell, C., & Maitland, A. (2001). Year 5 pupils reading an interactive storybooks on CD ROM: Losing the plot? British Journal of Educational Technology, 32(4), 389-401.
  • Trushell, J., & Maitland, A. (2005). Primary pupils’ recall of interactive storybooks on CD-ROM: inconsiderate interactive features and forgetting. British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(1), 57-66.
  • Trushell, J, Maitland, A., & Burrell, C. (2003). Pupils’ recall of an interactive storybook on CD-ROM. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19(1), 80-89. doi:10.1046/j.0266-4909.2002.00008.
  • Underwood, G. & Underwood, J. (1998). Children’ s interactions and learning outcomes with interactive talking books. Computers and Education, 30, 95- 102.
  • Underwood, J. (2000). A comparison of two types of computer support for reading development. Journal of Research in Reading, 23(2), 136-148.
  • Unsworth, L. (2003). Reframing research and literacy pedagogy relating to CD narratives: Addressing radical change in digital age literature for children. Issue in Educational Research, 13(2), 55-70.
Year 2011, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 28 - 44, 01.04.2011



  • Bus, A.G., De Jong, M. T., & Verhallen, M. (2006). CD-ROM talking books: A way to enhance early literacy? In M. C. McKenna, L. D. Labbo, R. D. Kieffer, & D. Reinking (Eds.), International handbook of literacy and technology, Volume II (pp. 129-144). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Chen, M., Ferdig, R., & Wood, A. (2003). Understanding technology-enhanced storybooks and their roles in teaching and learning: An investigation of electronic storybooks in education. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 3(1). Retrieved January 20, 2008, from
  • Coiro, J. (2003). Reading comprehension on the internet: Expanding our understanding of reading comprehension to encompass new literacies. Reading Teacher, 56(5), 458-464.
  • Dalton, B., & Strangman, N. (2006). Improving struggling readers’ comprehension through scaffolded hypertexts and other computer-based literacy programs. In M. C. McKenna, L. D. Labbo, R. D. Kieffer, & D. Reinking (Eds.), International handbook of literacy and technology, Volume II (pp. 75-92). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Dejean, J., Miller, L., & Olson, J. (1997). CD-ROM talking books: What do they promise? Education and Information Technologies 2(2), 121-130.
  • De Jong, M. T., & Bus, A. G. (2002). Quality of book-reading matters for emergent readers: An experiment with the same book in a regular or electronic format. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 145-155.
  • De Jong, M. T., & Bus, A. G. (2004). The efficacy of electronic books in fostering kindergarten children's emergent story understanding. Reading Research Quarterly, 39(4), 378-393.
  • Delany, P., & Landow, G.P. (Eds.). (1991). Hypermedia and literary studies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Doty, D.E. (1999). CD-ROM storybooks and reading comprehension of young readers. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ball State University, Muncie.
  • Doty, D.E., Popplewell, S. R., & Byers, G. O. (2001). Interactive CD-ROM storybooks and young readers' reading comprehension. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 33(4), 374-384.
  • Greenlee-Moore, M., & Smith, L. (1996). Interactive computer software: The effects on young children's reading achievement. Reading Psychology, 17(1), 43–64.
  • Grimshaw, S., Dungworth, N., McKnight, C., & Morris, A. (2006). Electronic books: Children's reading and comprehension. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(4), 583-599.
  • Kim, S., Yoon, M., Whang, S., Tversky, B., & Morrison, J. (2007). The effect of animation on comprehension and interest. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23(3), 260-270.
  • Labbo, L.D., & Kuhn, M.R. (2000). Weaving chains of affect and cognition: A young child's understanding of CD-ROM talking books. Journal of Literacy Research, 32, 187-210.
  • Lefever-Davis, S., & Pearman, C. (2005). Early readers and electronic texts: CD- ROM storybook features that influence reading behaviors. The Reading Teacher, 58(5), 446-454.
  • Lewin, C. (1996). Improving talking book software design: Emulating the supportive tutor. Bradford, UK: Center for Information Technology in Education, the Open University.
  • Matthew, K. (1996). The impact of CD-ROM storybooks on children's reading comprehension and reading attitude. Journal of Education Multimedia and Hypermedia, 5(3-4), 379-394.
  • Matthew, K. (1997). A comparison of influence of interactive CD-ROM storybooks. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 29(3), 263-276.
  • McKenna, M. C. (1998). Electronic texts and the transformation of beginning reading. In D. Reinking, M. C. McKenna, L. D. Labbo, & R. D. Kieffer (Eds.), Handbook of literacy and technology: Transformations in a post-typographic world (pp. 45-59). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • McNabb, M.L. (1998). Using electronic books to enhance reading comprehension of struggling readers. Yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. 41-55). Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Miller, L., Blackstock, J., & Miller, R. (1994). An exploratory study into the use of CD-ROM storybooks. Computers in Education, 22, 187-204.
  • National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. (2000). Report of the National Reading Panel. Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction (NIH Publication No. 00-4769). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Nibley, M. (1993). Words and pictures: Scripting and producing the multimedia educational program. Journal of Interactive Instruction Development, 6(2), 10-13.
  • Oakley, G. (2003). Improving oral reading fluency (and comprehension) through the creation of talking books. Reading Online, 6(7). Retrieved on July 25, 2008, from
  • Okolo, C. & Hayes, R. (1996, April). The impact on animation in CD-ROM books on students' reading behaviors and comprehension. Paper presented at the Annual International Convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Orlando, FL. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED395434. Retrieved June 23, 2008, from ERIC database.
  • Pearman, C. (2003). Effects of electronic texts on the independent reading comprehension of second grade students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas.
  • Pearman, C. (2008). Independent reading of CD-ROM storybooks: Measuring comprehension with oral retellings. Reading Teacher, 61(8), 594-602.
  • Pearman, C., & Lefever-Davis, S. (2006). Supporting the essential elements with CD- ROM storybooks. Reading Horizons, 46(4), 301-313.
  • RAND Reading Study Group (2002). Reading for understanding: Toward an R&D program in reading comprehension. Santa Monica, CA: Rand.
  • Reinking, D. (1992). Differences between electronic and printed texts: An agenda for research. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 1(1), 11-24.
  • Reinking, D. (1998). Introduction: Synthesizing technological transformations of literacy in a post-typographic world. In D. Reinking, M.C. McKenna, L.D. Labbo, & R.D. Kieffer (Eds.), Handbook of literacy and technology: Transformation in a post-typographic world (pp. xi-xxx). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Reinking, D., McKenna, M. C., Labbo, L. D., & Kieffer, R. D. (Eds.) (1998). Handbook of literacy and technology transformations in a post-typographic world. Manwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Scoresby, K. J. (1996). The effects of electronic storybook animations on third graders' story recall. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Brigham Young University.
  • Shamir, A & Korat, O. (2006). How to select CD-ROM storybooks for young children: The teacher's role. The Reading Teacher, 59(6) 532-543.
  • Shamir, A., Korat, O., & Barbi, N. (2008). The effects of CD-ROM storybook reading on low SES kindergarteners’ emergent literacy as a function of activity context: Paired peer tutoring versus individual use of the e-storybook. Computers & Education, 51, 354-367.
  • Trushell, J., Burrell, C., & Maitland, A. (2001). Year 5 pupils reading an interactive storybooks on CD ROM: Losing the plot? British Journal of Educational Technology, 32(4), 389-401.
  • Trushell, J., & Maitland, A. (2005). Primary pupils’ recall of interactive storybooks on CD-ROM: inconsiderate interactive features and forgetting. British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(1), 57-66.
  • Trushell, J, Maitland, A., & Burrell, C. (2003). Pupils’ recall of an interactive storybook on CD-ROM. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19(1), 80-89. doi:10.1046/j.0266-4909.2002.00008.
  • Underwood, G. & Underwood, J. (1998). Children’ s interactions and learning outcomes with interactive talking books. Computers and Education, 30, 95- 102.
  • Underwood, J. (2000). A comparison of two types of computer support for reading development. Journal of Research in Reading, 23(2), 136-148.
  • Unsworth, L. (2003). Reframing research and literacy pedagogy relating to CD narratives: Addressing radical change in digital age literature for children. Issue in Educational Research, 13(2), 55-70.
There are 41 citations in total.


Other ID JA49TG87PS
Journal Section Articles

İhsan Seyit Ertem This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Ertem, İ. S. (2011). Understanding Interactive CD-ROM Storybooks and their Functions in Reading Comprehension: A Critical Review. International Journal Of Progressive Education, 7(1), 28-44.