Referee Evaluation
When the e-mail about the referee invitation is received, he clicks the "I accept the referee" link. Upon entering the Dergipark system, the referee will see the manuscript information under the "Articles in Process" tab on the journal page, and the "Accept Evaluation" and "Reject Evaluation" buttons under it. By clicking the "Accept Evaluation" button, he accepts the evaluation.
In the referee window, the article file and “Article Evaluation Form” will be seen. The referee can download the manuscript file to his computer and evaluate it by making markings and explanations. Then, he completes the "Article Evaluation Form" and sends it to the journal. If he/she requests "Correction" in the manuscript, he sends the manuscript file to the journal, on which he makes markings and explanations.
Considering the opinions of the referees, the editor decides to accept, correct, or reject the article.
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