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Examination of the Arctic Regıon with Copenhagen and Aberystwyth School

Year 2021, Volume: 3 Issue: 1 (Arktik Özel Sayısı), 129 - 155, 19.04.2021


The purpose of this study is to examine the regional and global risks and threats posed by the energy resource potential of the Arctic Region. The problems in the region have been analyzed by the international security theories namely Copenhagen School and the Aberystwyth School. This study is based on the hypothesis that while the Arctic Region increases regional competition in terms of its natural resource potential and new maritime trade routes, it creates an atmosphere of insecurity both regionally and globally. The following questions were sought to verify the hypothesis: What is the strategic importance of the Arctic Region for the related states? What are the risks and threats of the conflicts in the Arctic Region within the scope of international security? How can the problems in the region be solved?


  • “Arctic Challenge Exercis 2015 Ends.’’ Second Line of Defense, (15.06.2015). https://sldinfo.com/2015/06/arctic-challenge-exercise-2015-ends/ (21.11.2020)
  • “Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act.’’ Justice Laws Website Government of Canada https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/A-12/index.html (06.04.2020)
  • “Key to Northern Development.’’ Arctic Bridge, https://arcticbridge.com/ (Erişim: 18.10.2020) “Rusya, Arktik bölgesine savaş gemisi gönderdi.’’ Dünya Bülteni, (18.08.2015).
  • https://www.dunyabulteni.net/avrupa/rusya-arktik-bolgesine-savas-gemisi-gonderdi-h338370.html (Erişim:21.11.2020)
  • “Rusya, Arktika’da ilk kez askeri tatbikat düzenliyor.’’ (2015, 5 Ekim), Sputnik, (5.10.2015)
  • “Soldiers move out for Norex 15, learn to live, move, and function in the High Arctic.’’ Government of Canada, Canadian Army, (25.05.2015). http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/en/news-publications/central-news-details-page-secondary-menu.page?doc=soldiers-move-out-for-norex-15-learn-to-live-move-and-function-in-the-high-arctic/i7kv3fw4&wbdisable=true (21.11.2020)
  • “The Arctic Council About.’’ Arctic Council, https://arctic-council.org/en/about/ Anishchuk, Alexei. “Russia’s Putin wants beefed-up presence in Arctic.’’ Reuters,(22.04.2014).
  • Ateş Oktay, Rusya Federasyonu’ nun Arktik Politikası, (Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 2017.
  • Atland Kristian, “Russia and its Neighbors: Military Power, Security Politics, and Interstate Relations in the Post-Cold War Arctic, Arctic Review on Law and Politics 1, No.2, (2010): 279-298.
  • Bert Melissa, “The Arctic is Now: Economic and National Security in the Last Frontier”, The Journal of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy 34, No.1 (2012): 5-19.
  • Bilgin Pınar, “Critical Theory’’, Security Studies: An Introduction, Editor: Paul Williams (Routlege, 2008): 89-102.
  • Bilgin Pınar, “Güvenlik Çalışmalarında Yeni Açılımlar: Yeni Güvenlik Çalışmaları’’, Stratejik Araştırma ve Etüt Merkezi 8, Sayı.14 (Ocak 2010): 33-53.
  • Booth Ken, “Security and Emancipation’’, Review of International Relations 17, No.4 (Ekim 1991): 313-326.
  • Booth Ken, Critical Security Studies and World Politics. Colarodo Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2005.
  • Borgerson, Scott G. “Arctic Meltdown: The Economic and Security Implications of Global Warming”, Foreign Affairs 87, No.2 (March/April 2008): 63-77.
  • Buzan Barry, Ole Waver, Jaap Wilde, Security-A New Framework for Analysis. Colarodo Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.
  • Buzan, Barry “Askeri Güvenliğin Değişen Gündemi’’, Uluslararası İlişkiler 5, Sayı.18 (2018): 107-123.
  • Byers Michael ve Lodge Emma, “China and the Northwest Passage’’, Chinese Journal of International Law, (2019): 57-90.
  • Byers Michael, “International Law and the Arctic’’, Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
  • Conley Heather A., Terry Toland, Jamie Kraut, Andreas Osthagen, “A New Security Architecture for the Arctic an American Perspective”, Center for Strategic and Internatioanl Studies, (January 2012): 1-44.
  • Currie Duncan E. J., “ Sovereignty and Conflict in the Arctic Due to Climate Change: Climate Change and the Legal Status of the Arctic Ocean’’ (2007): 1-11.
  • Çiçekçi Ceyhun, Uluslararası Güvenlik Çalışmaları: Uluslararası İlişkilerde Eleştirel Güvenlik Kuramı, İstanbul: Kriter Yayınları, 2012.
  • Declaration on the Establishment of the Arctic Council, Kanada Ottowa, 1996.
  • Demirkılınç Selçuk, “Politik bir Bölge Olarak Arktika’nın Tanımlanışı’’, Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı: Çatışmalar, İşbirlikleri, Ulusal Çıkarlar. Editörler: Harun Gümrükçü- Natalia S. Şanlı- Selçuk Demirkılınç, Aybüke İnan - Tamer İlbuğa, Antalya: Siyasal Kitapevi, 2015.
  • Eskeland Gunnar S. and Line Sunniva Flottorp, “Climate Change in the Arctic: A discussion of the Impact on Economy Activity’’, The Economy of the North. 81-94.
  • Fox-Skelly, Jasmin. “Buzullarda saklı hastalıklar yeniden canlanıyor.’’ BBC Türkçe, (10.05.2017).
  • https://www.bbc.com/turkce/vert-earth-39874249 (19.11.2020)
  • Hasanoğlu İbrahim ve Selçuk Demirkılınç, “Arktika’da Bölgesel Güvenlik”, Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı: Farklı Disiplinler Çok Yönlü Perspektifler, Editörler: Harun Gümrükçü-Aybüke İnan Şimşek- Güneş Ersoy (Antalya : Efil Yayınları, 2016): 41-58.
  • Holmes Stephanie, “Breaking the Ice: Emerging Legal Issues in Arctic Sovereignty, Chicago Journal of International Law 9, No.1 (Summer 2018): 323-351.
  • https://arctic-council.org/en/about/working-groups/ (20.10.2020)
  • https://climate.copernicus.eu/helping-shipping-industry-adapt-climate-change (Erişim: 08.10.2020)
  • https://tr.sputniknews.com/rusya/201508241017295563/ (21.11.2020)
  • Huebert Robert, “The Newly Emerging Arctic Security Environment”, Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institude, (2010):1-43.
  • Humpert, Malte. “The Future of Arctic Shipping Along the Transpolar Sea Route.’’ The Arctic Institute, (27.11.2012).
  • https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/future-arctic-shipping-transpolar-sea-route/(18.10.2020)
  • International Maritime Organization, http://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/HotTopics/polar/Pages/default.aspx (Erişim:20.12.2019)
  • İnan Şimşek Aybüke, “Arktika Bölgesi’ndeki Deniz Yetki Alanlarındaki Çatışmalara Genel Bakış’’ Güvenlik”, Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı: Farklı Disiplinler Çok Yönlü Perspektifler, Editörler: Harun Gümrükçü-Aybüke İnan Şimşek- Güneş Ersoy (Antalya : Efil Yayınları, 2016): 93-110.
  • Kriz Zdenek, Chrastansky Filip, “Existing Conflicts in the Arctic and the Risk of Escalation: Rhetoric and Reality’’, Persperctives 20, No.1 (2012): 111-139.
  • Levin, Dan. “Canada and Denmark Fight Over Island With Whisky and Schnapsnov.’’ NYC Times, (07.11.2016).
  • https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/08/world/what-in-the-world/canada-denmark-hans-island-whisky-schnapps.html (20.11.2020)
  • Liu Miaojia ve Jacob Kronbak, “The Potential Economic Viability of Using the Northern Sea Route (NSR) as an Alternative Route Between Asia and Europe’’, Journal of Transport Geography 18, No.3 (2010): 435.
  • Macneill Christopher Mark, “Gaining Command and Control of The Northwest Passage: Strait Talk on Sovereignty’’, Ocean & Coastal Law & Policy, The University of Denver Sturm College of Law (January 2007): 4.
  • Mazur İvan, “Arktika Global Dünyanın Gelişiminde Bifürkasyon Noktası’’, Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı: Çatışmalar, İşbirlikleri, Ulusal Çıkarlar, Çeviren: Natalia Shulgina Şanlı, Editörler: Harun Gümrükçü, Natalia S. Şanlı, Selçuk Demirkılınç, Aybüke İnan, Tamer İlbuğa (Antalya: Siyasal Kitapevi, 2015): 153.
  • McGwin, Kevin. “Denmark, Canada Agree to Setle Hans Island Dispute.’’ Arctic Today, (24.05.2018).
  • https://www.arctictoday.com/denmark-canada-agree-come-agreement-disputed-island/ (20.11.2020)
  • Østhagen, Andreas. “How Norway and Russia avoid Conflict over Svalbard.’’ The Arctic Institute, (19.06.2018).
  • https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/norway-russia-avoid-conflict-svalbard/ (20.11.2020).
  • Parfitt, Tom. “Russia Plants Flag on North Pole Seabed.’’, The Guardian, (02.08.2007)
  • https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/aug/02/russia.arctic (21.11.2020).
  • Partial Revised Submission of the Russian Federation to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in Respect of the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic Ocean, Executive Summary, (2015): 4-34.
  • Pharand Donat, “The Arctic Waters and the Northwest Passage: A Final Revisit’’, Ocean Development and International Law 8, No.3 (2007): 3-69.
  • Pletcher, Kenneth. “Northeast Passage’’, Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Northeast-Passage (11.10.2020)
  • Sancak Kadir, “Deniz Hukukuna İlişkin Temel Egemenlik Alanları Bağlamında Arktik’teki İhtilaflı Alanlar ve Hukuki Durum’’, Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İnceleme Dergisi, Cilt.23, (2019): 18-34.
  • Sharp, Greg. “An Old Problem, A New Opportunity: A Case for Solving The Beaufort Sea Boundary Dispute.’’ The Arctic Institute, (17.06.2016). https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/an-old-problem-a-new-opportunity-a-case-for-solving-the-beaufort-sea-boundary-dispute/ (15.10.2020)
  • Staalesen, Atle. “Russia is Winning Support for Its Claims on Arctic Shelf, Says Chief Negotiator.’’ The Barents Observer, (28.11.2019). https://thebarentsobserver.com/en/arctic/2019/11/russia-winning-support-its-claims-arctic-shelf-says-chief-negotiator (20.11.2020)
  • Treat Jason ve Ryan Williams, “Kuzey Kutbu: Sular Isınıyor’’, National Geographic Türkiye, Eylül 2019: 52-56.
  • Turan, Sibel, Nergiz Özkural Köroğlu, “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Güvenlik Kuramları ve Sorunlarına Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar, e-Kitap.
  • UN Climate Action Summit, World Meteorological Organization, https://public.wmo.int/en/resources/meteoworld/un-climate-action-summit (20.10.2020)
  • Vitebski Piers, “A Homeland’’, The Arctic Is, 1-17.
  • Waever Ole, “Politics, Security, Theory’’, Security Dialogue 42, No:4-5 (2011): 465-480.
  • Waever Ole, Securitization and Desecuritization, On Security, Ed. R.D.Lipschutz, New York: Columbia University Press, 1995.
  • Watson Molly, “An ArcticTreaty: A Solution To The International DisputeOver The Polar Region”, Ocean and Coastal Law Journal 14, No.2, (January 2009): 307-334.
  • Wyn, Jones Richard Promise: Toward a Critical Theory of Security, Security, Strategy and Critical Theory. Colarodo Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999.
  • Yılmaz Sait, Uluslararası Güvenlik Teori, Pratik ve Gelecek, Ankara: Kaynak Yayınları, 2017.
  • Zdenek Kriz and Filip Chrastansky, “Existing Conflicts in the Arctic and the Risk of Escalation: Rhetoric and Reality’’, Persperctives 20, No.1 (2012): 111-139.

Arktik Bölgesinin Kopenhag ve Aberystwyth Ekolü İle İncelenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 3 Issue: 1 (Arktik Özel Sayısı), 129 - 155, 19.04.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı Arktika Bölgesi’nin var olan enerji kaynak potansiyelinin bölgesel ve küresel açıdan oluşturduğu risk ve tehditleri incelemektir. Bölgedeki sorunlar uluslararası güvenlik teorilerinden olan Kopenhag Ekolü ve Aberystwyth Ekolü ile analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışma, Arktika Bölgesi sahip olduğu doğal kaynak potansiyeli ve yeni açılacak olan deniz ticaret güzergâhları açısından bölgesel rekabeti artırırken, hem bölgesel hem de küresel açıdan güvensizlik ortamı yaratmaktadır hipotezine dayanmaktadır. Hipotezin doğrulaması için “Arktika Bölgesi’nin devletler için stratejik önemi nedir? Arktika Bölgesi’ndeki anlaşmazlıkların uluslararası güvenlik kapsamında içerdiği risk ve tehditler nelerdir? Bölgedeki sorunlar nasıl çözülebilir?” sorularına cevaplar aranmıştır.


  • “Arctic Challenge Exercis 2015 Ends.’’ Second Line of Defense, (15.06.2015). https://sldinfo.com/2015/06/arctic-challenge-exercise-2015-ends/ (21.11.2020)
  • “Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act.’’ Justice Laws Website Government of Canada https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/A-12/index.html (06.04.2020)
  • “Key to Northern Development.’’ Arctic Bridge, https://arcticbridge.com/ (Erişim: 18.10.2020) “Rusya, Arktik bölgesine savaş gemisi gönderdi.’’ Dünya Bülteni, (18.08.2015).
  • https://www.dunyabulteni.net/avrupa/rusya-arktik-bolgesine-savas-gemisi-gonderdi-h338370.html (Erişim:21.11.2020)
  • “Rusya, Arktika’da ilk kez askeri tatbikat düzenliyor.’’ (2015, 5 Ekim), Sputnik, (5.10.2015)
  • “Soldiers move out for Norex 15, learn to live, move, and function in the High Arctic.’’ Government of Canada, Canadian Army, (25.05.2015). http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/en/news-publications/central-news-details-page-secondary-menu.page?doc=soldiers-move-out-for-norex-15-learn-to-live-move-and-function-in-the-high-arctic/i7kv3fw4&wbdisable=true (21.11.2020)
  • “The Arctic Council About.’’ Arctic Council, https://arctic-council.org/en/about/ Anishchuk, Alexei. “Russia’s Putin wants beefed-up presence in Arctic.’’ Reuters,(22.04.2014).
  • Ateş Oktay, Rusya Federasyonu’ nun Arktik Politikası, (Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 2017.
  • Atland Kristian, “Russia and its Neighbors: Military Power, Security Politics, and Interstate Relations in the Post-Cold War Arctic, Arctic Review on Law and Politics 1, No.2, (2010): 279-298.
  • Bert Melissa, “The Arctic is Now: Economic and National Security in the Last Frontier”, The Journal of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy 34, No.1 (2012): 5-19.
  • Bilgin Pınar, “Critical Theory’’, Security Studies: An Introduction, Editor: Paul Williams (Routlege, 2008): 89-102.
  • Bilgin Pınar, “Güvenlik Çalışmalarında Yeni Açılımlar: Yeni Güvenlik Çalışmaları’’, Stratejik Araştırma ve Etüt Merkezi 8, Sayı.14 (Ocak 2010): 33-53.
  • Booth Ken, “Security and Emancipation’’, Review of International Relations 17, No.4 (Ekim 1991): 313-326.
  • Booth Ken, Critical Security Studies and World Politics. Colarodo Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2005.
  • Borgerson, Scott G. “Arctic Meltdown: The Economic and Security Implications of Global Warming”, Foreign Affairs 87, No.2 (March/April 2008): 63-77.
  • Buzan Barry, Ole Waver, Jaap Wilde, Security-A New Framework for Analysis. Colarodo Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.
  • Buzan, Barry “Askeri Güvenliğin Değişen Gündemi’’, Uluslararası İlişkiler 5, Sayı.18 (2018): 107-123.
  • Byers Michael ve Lodge Emma, “China and the Northwest Passage’’, Chinese Journal of International Law, (2019): 57-90.
  • Byers Michael, “International Law and the Arctic’’, Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
  • Conley Heather A., Terry Toland, Jamie Kraut, Andreas Osthagen, “A New Security Architecture for the Arctic an American Perspective”, Center for Strategic and Internatioanl Studies, (January 2012): 1-44.
  • Currie Duncan E. J., “ Sovereignty and Conflict in the Arctic Due to Climate Change: Climate Change and the Legal Status of the Arctic Ocean’’ (2007): 1-11.
  • Çiçekçi Ceyhun, Uluslararası Güvenlik Çalışmaları: Uluslararası İlişkilerde Eleştirel Güvenlik Kuramı, İstanbul: Kriter Yayınları, 2012.
  • Declaration on the Establishment of the Arctic Council, Kanada Ottowa, 1996.
  • Demirkılınç Selçuk, “Politik bir Bölge Olarak Arktika’nın Tanımlanışı’’, Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı: Çatışmalar, İşbirlikleri, Ulusal Çıkarlar. Editörler: Harun Gümrükçü- Natalia S. Şanlı- Selçuk Demirkılınç, Aybüke İnan - Tamer İlbuğa, Antalya: Siyasal Kitapevi, 2015.
  • Eskeland Gunnar S. and Line Sunniva Flottorp, “Climate Change in the Arctic: A discussion of the Impact on Economy Activity’’, The Economy of the North. 81-94.
  • Fox-Skelly, Jasmin. “Buzullarda saklı hastalıklar yeniden canlanıyor.’’ BBC Türkçe, (10.05.2017).
  • https://www.bbc.com/turkce/vert-earth-39874249 (19.11.2020)
  • Hasanoğlu İbrahim ve Selçuk Demirkılınç, “Arktika’da Bölgesel Güvenlik”, Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı: Farklı Disiplinler Çok Yönlü Perspektifler, Editörler: Harun Gümrükçü-Aybüke İnan Şimşek- Güneş Ersoy (Antalya : Efil Yayınları, 2016): 41-58.
  • Holmes Stephanie, “Breaking the Ice: Emerging Legal Issues in Arctic Sovereignty, Chicago Journal of International Law 9, No.1 (Summer 2018): 323-351.
  • https://arctic-council.org/en/about/working-groups/ (20.10.2020)
  • https://climate.copernicus.eu/helping-shipping-industry-adapt-climate-change (Erişim: 08.10.2020)
  • https://tr.sputniknews.com/rusya/201508241017295563/ (21.11.2020)
  • Huebert Robert, “The Newly Emerging Arctic Security Environment”, Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institude, (2010):1-43.
  • Humpert, Malte. “The Future of Arctic Shipping Along the Transpolar Sea Route.’’ The Arctic Institute, (27.11.2012).
  • https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/future-arctic-shipping-transpolar-sea-route/(18.10.2020)
  • International Maritime Organization, http://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/HotTopics/polar/Pages/default.aspx (Erişim:20.12.2019)
  • İnan Şimşek Aybüke, “Arktika Bölgesi’ndeki Deniz Yetki Alanlarındaki Çatışmalara Genel Bakış’’ Güvenlik”, Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı: Farklı Disiplinler Çok Yönlü Perspektifler, Editörler: Harun Gümrükçü-Aybüke İnan Şimşek- Güneş Ersoy (Antalya : Efil Yayınları, 2016): 93-110.
  • Kriz Zdenek, Chrastansky Filip, “Existing Conflicts in the Arctic and the Risk of Escalation: Rhetoric and Reality’’, Persperctives 20, No.1 (2012): 111-139.
  • Levin, Dan. “Canada and Denmark Fight Over Island With Whisky and Schnapsnov.’’ NYC Times, (07.11.2016).
  • https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/08/world/what-in-the-world/canada-denmark-hans-island-whisky-schnapps.html (20.11.2020)
  • Liu Miaojia ve Jacob Kronbak, “The Potential Economic Viability of Using the Northern Sea Route (NSR) as an Alternative Route Between Asia and Europe’’, Journal of Transport Geography 18, No.3 (2010): 435.
  • Macneill Christopher Mark, “Gaining Command and Control of The Northwest Passage: Strait Talk on Sovereignty’’, Ocean & Coastal Law & Policy, The University of Denver Sturm College of Law (January 2007): 4.
  • Mazur İvan, “Arktika Global Dünyanın Gelişiminde Bifürkasyon Noktası’’, Küresel Bakışla Kutup Çağı: Çatışmalar, İşbirlikleri, Ulusal Çıkarlar, Çeviren: Natalia Shulgina Şanlı, Editörler: Harun Gümrükçü, Natalia S. Şanlı, Selçuk Demirkılınç, Aybüke İnan, Tamer İlbuğa (Antalya: Siyasal Kitapevi, 2015): 153.
  • McGwin, Kevin. “Denmark, Canada Agree to Setle Hans Island Dispute.’’ Arctic Today, (24.05.2018).
  • https://www.arctictoday.com/denmark-canada-agree-come-agreement-disputed-island/ (20.11.2020)
  • Østhagen, Andreas. “How Norway and Russia avoid Conflict over Svalbard.’’ The Arctic Institute, (19.06.2018).
  • https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/norway-russia-avoid-conflict-svalbard/ (20.11.2020).
  • Parfitt, Tom. “Russia Plants Flag on North Pole Seabed.’’, The Guardian, (02.08.2007)
  • https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/aug/02/russia.arctic (21.11.2020).
  • Partial Revised Submission of the Russian Federation to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in Respect of the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic Ocean, Executive Summary, (2015): 4-34.
  • Pharand Donat, “The Arctic Waters and the Northwest Passage: A Final Revisit’’, Ocean Development and International Law 8, No.3 (2007): 3-69.
  • Pletcher, Kenneth. “Northeast Passage’’, Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Northeast-Passage (11.10.2020)
  • Sancak Kadir, “Deniz Hukukuna İlişkin Temel Egemenlik Alanları Bağlamında Arktik’teki İhtilaflı Alanlar ve Hukuki Durum’’, Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İnceleme Dergisi, Cilt.23, (2019): 18-34.
  • Sharp, Greg. “An Old Problem, A New Opportunity: A Case for Solving The Beaufort Sea Boundary Dispute.’’ The Arctic Institute, (17.06.2016). https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/an-old-problem-a-new-opportunity-a-case-for-solving-the-beaufort-sea-boundary-dispute/ (15.10.2020)
  • Staalesen, Atle. “Russia is Winning Support for Its Claims on Arctic Shelf, Says Chief Negotiator.’’ The Barents Observer, (28.11.2019). https://thebarentsobserver.com/en/arctic/2019/11/russia-winning-support-its-claims-arctic-shelf-says-chief-negotiator (20.11.2020)
  • Treat Jason ve Ryan Williams, “Kuzey Kutbu: Sular Isınıyor’’, National Geographic Türkiye, Eylül 2019: 52-56.
  • Turan, Sibel, Nergiz Özkural Köroğlu, “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Güvenlik Kuramları ve Sorunlarına Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar, e-Kitap.
  • UN Climate Action Summit, World Meteorological Organization, https://public.wmo.int/en/resources/meteoworld/un-climate-action-summit (20.10.2020)
  • Vitebski Piers, “A Homeland’’, The Arctic Is, 1-17.
  • Waever Ole, “Politics, Security, Theory’’, Security Dialogue 42, No:4-5 (2011): 465-480.
  • Waever Ole, Securitization and Desecuritization, On Security, Ed. R.D.Lipschutz, New York: Columbia University Press, 1995.
  • Watson Molly, “An ArcticTreaty: A Solution To The International DisputeOver The Polar Region”, Ocean and Coastal Law Journal 14, No.2, (January 2009): 307-334.
  • Wyn, Jones Richard Promise: Toward a Critical Theory of Security, Security, Strategy and Critical Theory. Colarodo Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999.
  • Yılmaz Sait, Uluslararası Güvenlik Teori, Pratik ve Gelecek, Ankara: Kaynak Yayınları, 2017.
  • Zdenek Kriz and Filip Chrastansky, “Existing Conflicts in the Arctic and the Risk of Escalation: Rhetoric and Reality’’, Persperctives 20, No.1 (2012): 111-139.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Serdar Yılmaz 0000-0003-3400-3392

Aslıhan Genç 0000-0002-5592-4513

Publication Date April 19, 2021
Submission Date December 1, 2020
Acceptance Date April 6, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 3 Issue: 1 (Arktik Özel Sayısı)


Chicago Yılmaz, Serdar, and Aslıhan Genç. “Arktik Bölgesinin Kopenhag Ve Aberystwyth Ekolü İle İncelenmesi”. International Journal of Politics and Security 3, no. 1 (Arktik Özel Sayısı) (April 2021): 129-55.



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