Research Article
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Policies and Security Strategies of G5 Sahel States Against Terrorism

Year 2021, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 203 - 229, 01.10.2021


The issue of terrorism and insecurity in the African Sahel region is considered one of the most important international stage problems. This region is classified as one of the most vulnerable areas due to economic challenges, ethnic conflicts, political instability, lack of development, and the spread of criminal acts by terrorist organizations. The proliferation of weapons and criminal activities and the increase in illegal immigration have led to insecurity and instability in the African Sahel region, which prompted the African Sahel countries to rebuild security and political strategies in line with security developments and changes in the Sahel region. Accordingly, this research's main focus is to investigate the effectiveness of policy and security strategies pursued by G5 Sahel states (G5S) and to find whether these policies and strategies are implemented successfully or if modifications are necessary. For this purpose, the research assumes that policies and security strategies pursued by G5S are ineffective in preventing a lack of security or curbing the threat of terrorism in the region. A descriptive-analytical method will be used to describe the phenomena of insecurity and terrorism and highlight their content in the context of international politics. The institutional approach will also explain the role of political and military institutions of G5S as one of the parts of the analysis units used in this study and other methods and approaches


  • ACSRT, "The African union terrorism situation analysis report" (2013): 162-205. (19.03.2021).
  • BASSOU Abdelhak, "State, Borders, and Territory in the Sahel: The case of the G5 Sahel", OCP Policy Center, PB-17/33(October 2017): 01-09. (19.03.2021).
  • BBC, Etats-Unis: : Une base américaine au Niger, ( 2016). (19.03.2021).
  • Boko Haram Group, Al-Jazeera encyclopedia, Al-Jazeera Institution, (Doha:2013). (19.03.2021).
  • BRICHALL Guy, WHAT DO THEY WANT? Who are Boko Haram, who is their leader Abubakar Shekau and what do the Nigerian Islamist group want? THE SUN, A NEWS UK COMPANY, (2018). (19.03.2021).
  • CAMILLI Edoardo, “Boko Haram, and the future of Nigeria”, Russian International Affairs Council (2015). (19.03.2021).
  • CISAC, "Al Mulathamun Battalion," Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University, (California: Stanford,2018). (19.03.2021).
  • CISAC , Mapping Militant Organizations. “Mouvement pour l’Unification et le Jihad en Afrique de l’Ouest.” Stanford University,(California:Stanford,2018). (19.03.2021).
  • COLEMAN James., "The Concept of Political Penetration”, In L. Cliffe, J.S. Coleman M.R. Doornbos (eds) Government, and Rural Development in East Africa, Institute of Social Studies (Series on the Development of Societies), vol 2 (1977): 03-14., (19.03.2021).
  • CONOPs, Strategic Concept of Operations of the Joint Force of the G5 Sahel, PEACE AND SECURITY COUNCIL, AFRICAN UNION, (Addis Ababa: 2017): 01-04. (19.03.2021).
  • DAUTREPPE Corentin, "Présence française en Afrique : ce qu’il reste de la Coopération", La Tribune (2014) (19.03.2021).
  • DOSSIRE DE PRESSE – Opération Barkhane, Bureau relations médias de l'État-major des armées, Ministere des Armees, (France :2017): 04. (19.03.2021). ECRF, ANSAR AL-DIN, European Council on Foreign Relations (2019). (19.03.2021).
  • PAI, Making the case: Including sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Sahel security and development agenda, (Washington : 2019): 01-03. (19.03.2021).
  • GUINANT Priscille, "La politique de la France en Afrique subsaharienne après lesindépendances", Toulouse (2013): 09.
  • HABERMAS Jürgen, , Legitimation Crisis, Thomas Mccarthy (Translated), Polity Press, (Cambridge:1988): 01-08. (19.03.2021).
  • HUNTINGTON Samuel, “Political Order in Changing Societies”, Yale University Press, The Henry L. Stimson Lectures Series edition (1993): 32-92. (19.03.2021).
  • ILKECHUKWU Marcel, “National Identity and Crisis of Integration in Multi-Ethnic Nigeria: An Existentialist Perspective”, Open Journal of Philosophy (2016): 02-10. (19.03.2021).
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  • LAUB Zachary, Johnathon Masters, " Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb," Council on Foreign Relations, (2015). (19.03.2021).
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  • Karim Maslouh, "Security in the Sahel-Sahara Region in Africa," The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, (Abu Dhabi: 2014): 7-15.
  • MULATA Adan K., "Managing Peace and Conflict Issues in Africa," National Defence College, (Kenya:2016) (19.03.2021).
  • NOSSITER Adam, “Militant Says He Is Behind Attack in Niger”, NY Times (2013). (19.03.2021).
  • OCHA, "Sahel overview of humanitarian needs and requirements", Report prepared by OCHA on behalf of Regional Humanitarian Partners, United Nations , (New York:2018): 03-14. (19.03.2021).
  • OECD, Cahiers de L'Afrique de L'Ouest Un Atlas Du Sahara-Sahel: Geographie, Economie Et Insecurite (2014): 02.
  • POTTS Malkom, E. Zulu,M. Wehner, F. Castillo, C. Henderson, “Crisis in the Sahel: Possible Solutions and the Consequences of Inaction”, Africa Portal, (April 9, 2013): 07, (19.03.2021).
  • SMITH Virginia, “The Sahel Region”, Transboundary Water Resources (2008): 01. (19.03.2021).
  • START, Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO), National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, University of Maryland, College Park (2015). (19.03.2021).
  • TISSERON Antonin, G5 Sahel: une simple organization de plus ?", Groupe de Recherche et D’information sur La Paix Et La Seurite, (2015): 02. (19.03.2021).
  • UN-General Assembly, “The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy Review," Seventy-second session, (2018): 5-17, (19.03.2021).
  • United Nations, United Nations, The 10 UN Support Plan for the Sahel Countries, (United States: New York,2018): 08-11. (19.03.2021).
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  • VILLIERS Pierre de, Propos tenus devant l’assemble national, Commission de la défense nationale et des forces armées, Assemblee Nationale, (France :2014). (19.03.2021).

Policies and Security Strategies of G5 Sahel States Against Terrorism

Year 2021, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 203 - 229, 01.10.2021


Afrika Sahel bölgesinde terörizm ve güvensizlik meselesi, uluslararası arenadaki en önemli sorunlardan biri olarak kabul ediliyor. Bu bölge, ekonomik sorunlar, etnik çatışmalar, siyasi istikrarsızlık ve gelişme eksikliğinin yanı sıra terör örgütlerinin suç eylemlerinin yaygınlaşması nedeniyle en hassas alanlardan biri olarak sınıflandırılmıştır.
Silahların ve suç operasyonlarının yaygınlaşması ve yasadışı göçün artması Afrika Sahel bölgesinde güvensizlik ve istikrarsızlığa yol açmış ve bu da Afrika Sahel ülkelerini, güvenlik gelişmeleri ve Sahel bölgesindeki değişiklikler doğrultusunda, güvenlik ve siyasi stratejilerini yeniden oluşturmaya itmiştir.Bu nedenle, bu çalışmanın ana fikri, G5 Sahel devletlerinin (G5S) izlediği politika ve güvenlik stratejilerinin etkinliğini göstermek ve bu politika ve stratejilerin başarılı olup olmadığını veya değişiklik gerekip gerekmediğini araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla çalışma, G5 Sahel devletlerinin (G5S) izlediği politika ve güvenlik stratejilerinin, bölgedeki güvenlik eksikliğini durdurmada veya terör tehdidini önlemede etkisiz olduğunu varsaymaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında analiz birimlerinden biri olarak, diğer yöntem ve yaklaşımlara ek olarak, uluslararası politika bağlamında güvensizlik ve terörizm olgusunu tanımlamak için tanımlayıcı-analitik bir yöntem ve siyasi ve askeri kurumların (G5S) rolünü açıklamak içinde kurumsal yaklaşım kullanılacaktır.


  • ACSRT, "The African union terrorism situation analysis report" (2013): 162-205. (19.03.2021).
  • BASSOU Abdelhak, "State, Borders, and Territory in the Sahel: The case of the G5 Sahel", OCP Policy Center, PB-17/33(October 2017): 01-09. (19.03.2021).
  • BBC, Etats-Unis: : Une base américaine au Niger, ( 2016). (19.03.2021).
  • Boko Haram Group, Al-Jazeera encyclopedia, Al-Jazeera Institution, (Doha:2013). (19.03.2021).
  • BRICHALL Guy, WHAT DO THEY WANT? Who are Boko Haram, who is their leader Abubakar Shekau and what do the Nigerian Islamist group want? THE SUN, A NEWS UK COMPANY, (2018). (19.03.2021).
  • CAMILLI Edoardo, “Boko Haram, and the future of Nigeria”, Russian International Affairs Council (2015). (19.03.2021).
  • CISAC, "Al Mulathamun Battalion," Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University, (California: Stanford,2018). (19.03.2021).
  • CISAC , Mapping Militant Organizations. “Mouvement pour l’Unification et le Jihad en Afrique de l’Ouest.” Stanford University,(California:Stanford,2018). (19.03.2021).
  • COLEMAN James., "The Concept of Political Penetration”, In L. Cliffe, J.S. Coleman M.R. Doornbos (eds) Government, and Rural Development in East Africa, Institute of Social Studies (Series on the Development of Societies), vol 2 (1977): 03-14., (19.03.2021).
  • CONOPs, Strategic Concept of Operations of the Joint Force of the G5 Sahel, PEACE AND SECURITY COUNCIL, AFRICAN UNION, (Addis Ababa: 2017): 01-04. (19.03.2021).
  • DAUTREPPE Corentin, "Présence française en Afrique : ce qu’il reste de la Coopération", La Tribune (2014) (19.03.2021).
  • DOSSIRE DE PRESSE – Opération Barkhane, Bureau relations médias de l'État-major des armées, Ministere des Armees, (France :2017): 04. (19.03.2021). ECRF, ANSAR AL-DIN, European Council on Foreign Relations (2019). (19.03.2021).
  • PAI, Making the case: Including sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Sahel security and development agenda, (Washington : 2019): 01-03. (19.03.2021).
  • GUINANT Priscille, "La politique de la France en Afrique subsaharienne après lesindépendances", Toulouse (2013): 09.
  • HABERMAS Jürgen, , Legitimation Crisis, Thomas Mccarthy (Translated), Polity Press, (Cambridge:1988): 01-08. (19.03.2021).
  • HUNTINGTON Samuel, “Political Order in Changing Societies”, Yale University Press, The Henry L. Stimson Lectures Series edition (1993): 32-92. (19.03.2021).
  • ILKECHUKWU Marcel, “National Identity and Crisis of Integration in Multi-Ethnic Nigeria: An Existentialist Perspective”, Open Journal of Philosophy (2016): 02-10. (19.03.2021).
  • INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMICS& PEACE” Global Terrorism Index 2019: Measuring the Impact of Terrorism”, (Sydney:2019): 39-40. (19.03.2021).
  • KITISSOU Marcel, “France and the United States in the western Sahel: cooperation and competition in an interlocking conflict”, Institute for African Development, Cornell University (2016): 05.
  • LAUB Zachary, Johnathon Masters, " Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb," Council on Foreign Relations, (2015). (19.03.2021).
  • LAWSON Brooke Stearns, Phyllis Dininio, " The development response for drug trafficking in Africa: A Programming guide", USAID (2013): 09-14. (19.03.2021).
  • LEBEDEVA Eleonora, "Islamic Extremism in Sub-Saharan Africa," Russian International Affairs Council, (2016). (19.03.2021).
  • LEVITT Matthew, "Hezbollah Narco-Terrorism: A Growing Cross-Border Threat," Washington Institute, ( 2012): 34-41. .(19.03.2021).
  • Karim Maslouh, "Security in the Sahel-Sahara Region in Africa," The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, (Abu Dhabi: 2014): 7-15.
  • MULATA Adan K., "Managing Peace and Conflict Issues in Africa," National Defence College, (Kenya:2016) (19.03.2021).
  • NOSSITER Adam, “Militant Says He Is Behind Attack in Niger”, NY Times (2013). (19.03.2021).
  • OCHA, "Sahel overview of humanitarian needs and requirements", Report prepared by OCHA on behalf of Regional Humanitarian Partners, United Nations , (New York:2018): 03-14. (19.03.2021).
  • OECD, Cahiers de L'Afrique de L'Ouest Un Atlas Du Sahara-Sahel: Geographie, Economie Et Insecurite (2014): 02.
  • POTTS Malkom, E. Zulu,M. Wehner, F. Castillo, C. Henderson, “Crisis in the Sahel: Possible Solutions and the Consequences of Inaction”, Africa Portal, (April 9, 2013): 07, (19.03.2021).
  • SMITH Virginia, “The Sahel Region”, Transboundary Water Resources (2008): 01. (19.03.2021).
  • START, Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO), National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, University of Maryland, College Park (2015). (19.03.2021).
  • TISSERON Antonin, G5 Sahel: une simple organization de plus ?", Groupe de Recherche et D’information sur La Paix Et La Seurite, (2015): 02. (19.03.2021).
  • UN-General Assembly, “The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy Review," Seventy-second session, (2018): 5-17, (19.03.2021).
  • United Nations, United Nations, The 10 UN Support Plan for the Sahel Countries, (United States: New York,2018): 08-11. (19.03.2021).
  • UNDP, "Human Development Report, Beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today: Inequalities in human development in the 21st century", United Nations (New York:2019): 320-346. (19.03.2021).
  • VILLIERS Pierre de, Propos tenus devant l’assemble national, Commission de la défense nationale et des forces armées, Assemblee Nationale, (France :2014). (19.03.2021).
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Articles

Buket Önal 0000-0001-9075-257X

Moudassir Hafiz Oumar 0000-0003-1483-2329

Publication Date October 1, 2021
Submission Date March 22, 2021
Acceptance Date July 14, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


Chicago Önal, Buket, and Moudassir Hafiz Oumar. “Policies and Security Strategies of G5 Sahel States Against Terrorism”. International Journal of Politics and Security 3, no. 3 (October 2021): 203-29.



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