Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 509 - 540, 31.12.2021


For years, the US has shaped North Korean policies depending on North Korea's nuclear activities which is challenging for US’s international hegemony. Despite different strategies projected by US’s North Korean policy, the attempts to stop North Korea’s nuclear activities were insufficient. In this study, US's approaches to creating a nuclear-free North Korea are explained by taking advantage of the strategies developed in the 1990s and 2000s in line with the security policy approach of the US, and the multiple consensus processes such as the Agreed Framework and Six Party Talks. The study claims that the US policy towards North Korea has failed to denuclearize North Korea. Despite, US initiatives and sanctions the fact that North Korea is a nuclear-armed power by continuing its nuclear activities is the most important indicator that it will not give up its nuclear power. In addition to this, although it is observed that North Korea makes some concessions periodically, the reason why the US policy has not made a nuclear-free North Korea possible seems to lie in both the main reasons for North Korea's acquisition of nuclear weapons and inadequate policies developed towards North Korea due to inefficient US evaluations.


  • Abramowitz, Morton; Laney, James (2003).“Meeting The North Korean Nuclear Challange”, Council On Foreign Relations
  • Albert, Elenor (2019). “ North Korea’s Millitary Capabilities”, Council On Foreign Relations
  • Baker, Peter; Sang-Hun, Choe “Trump Threatens ‘Fire and Fury’ Against North Korea if It Endangers U.S.,” (8 August 2017), The New York Times
  • Barannikova, Anastasia (2019). “ United States-DPRK Relations: Is Normalization Possible”, A report Of The CSIS Russia and Euroasia Program,
  • Bermudez Jr., Joseph S.(2015). “ North Korea’s Development Of a Nuclear Weapons Strategy”, Us-Korea Institute at Sais
  • Chang, Semoon (2006). “ The Saga Of US Economic Sanctions Against North Korea”, The Journal Of East Asian Affairs
  • Ford, Glyn (2018). “Talking To North Korea: Ending The Nuclear Standoff”, Pluto Press
  • Forland, Astrid (2007). “Preventive War as an Alternative to Treaty-based Nuclear Non-proliferation,” Nuclear Proliferation and International Security,(Edt.: Morten B. Mærli ve Sverre Lodgaard, New York: Routledge
  • Hyun, Kim (2017). “ Comparing North Korea Policies Of The Obama and Trump Administration”, Nanzan Review Of American Studies, Volume 39
  • Kibaroğlu, Mustafa (2004). “Kuzey Kore’nin Nükleer Silah Programı: Sebepler ve Sonuçlar”, Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Cilt 1,Sayı 1
  • Kim, Sung Chull; Cohen, Michael D. (2017). “Entering The New Era Of Deterrence: North Korea and Nuclear Weapons”, Georgetown University Press
  • Kim, Suk Hi; Roehrig, Terence; Seliger, Bernhard (2011). “ The Survival Of North Korea: Essays On Strategy, Economics and International Relations ”, Mcfarland Company
  • Kristensen Hans M.; Norris, Robert (2018). “North Korean Nuclear Capabilities 2018”, Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists, Taylor and Francis Group
  • Moore, Gregory J. (2008). “America’s Failed North Korea Nuclear Policy: A New Approach, Asian Perspective” Vol. 32, No. 4, Special issue on North Korea and Regional Security
  • Narang, Vipin; Panda Ankit (2017). “Nuclear Stability, Conventional Instability: North Korea and The Lessons From Pakistan”, Carnegie Endowment For İnternational Peace
  • Narang, Vipin (2014).“Nuclear Strategy İn The Modern Era: Regional Powers and İnternational Conflict”, Princeton University Press
  • Niksch, Larry A. (2010). “ North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Development and Diplomacy”, CRS Report For Congress
  • Perry, Dr.William (1999).“Review of United States Policy Towards North Korea: Findings and Recommendations”, Belfer Center For Science and International Affairs
  • Pirinççi, Ferhat (2008).“ Soğuk Savaş Sonrasında ABD’nin Orta Asya Politikası: Beklentiler ve Gerçeklikler”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 63-1
  • Sagan, Scott D. and Kenneth Walts, (2002).“The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate Renewed”, New York W.W.Norton,
  • Sagan, Scott D. (1997).“Why Do States Build Nuclear Weapons?: Three Models in Search of a Bomb”, International Security, Vol. 21, No. 3.
  • Sang-Hun, Choe “U.S. Confirms North Korea Fired Intercontinental Ballistic Missile,” New York Times, (4 July 2017)
  • Smith, Shane (2015). “North Korea’s Evolving Nuclear Strategy”, North Korea’s Nuclear Future Series, US-Korea İnstitute at SAİS
  • Snyder, Scott A. (2013). “ The Motivations Behind North Korea’s Pursuit of Simultenous Economic and Nuclear Development”, Council On Foreign Relations, 20 November
  • Waltz, Kenneth N.(1979). “Theory of International Politics” Addision-Wesley Press
  • Warden, John K. (2017).“North Korea’s Nuclear Posture: An Evolving Challange For US Deterrence”, Proliferation Papers, İFRİ
  • Agreed Framework Between The Unıted States Of Amerıca And The Democratıc People’s Republıc Of Korea”
  • Aoi, Tamotsu “Historical Background Of Export Control Development in Selected Countries and regions”,
  • Bercuson, David (2018)“ Why Japan İs Building it’s Millitary Fast”, National Post
  • Boghani, Priyanka (2019) “ The US and North Korea On The Brink: A Timeline”,
  • Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula Is DPRK's Invariable Stand,” (September 29, 2013) Korean Central News Agency
  • Davenport, Kelsey (2020)“ Chronology Of US-North Korean Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy”, Arms Control Association,
  • Gertz, Bill (2016)“ Air force: Hypersonic Missiles From China, Russia Pose Growing Danger To US”, Free Beacon,
  • North Korean Nuclear Negotiaitons Timeline 1985-2019,
  • “Statement of DPRK Government on its withdrawal from NPT”
  • North Korean Nuclear Negotiaitons Timeline 1985-2019,
  • “Clinton Calls ‘Exploratory’ Meeting with North Korea ‘Quite Positive’,” Voice of America News, December 10, 2009,
  • U.S. Department of State Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, “U.S. Relations with North Korea,” (October 18 2016),


Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 509 - 540, 31.12.2021


ABD yıllardır Kuzey Kore politikasını, Kuzey Kore’nin nükleer faaliyetlerinin uluslararası hegemonyasına meydan okumasına bağlı olarak şekillendirmiştir. ABD’nin Kuzey Kore politikasının öngördüğü farklı stratejilere rağmen Kuzey Kore’nin nükleer faaliyetlerinin durdurulması girişimleri yetersiz kalmıştır. Bu çalışmada, ABD’nin güvenlik politikası yaklaşımı doğrultusunda, 1990’lı ve 2000’li yıllarda geliştirdiği stratejilerden, Çerçeve Anlaşması ve Altı Taraflı Müzakere görüşmeleri gibi çoklu mutabakat süreçlerinden yararlanarak, ABD’nin nükleersiz bir Kuzey Kore oluşturma yaklaşımları açıklanmaktadır. Çalışma, ABD’nin Kuzey Kore politikasının Kuzey Kore’yi nükleersizleştirmede başarısız olduğunu iddia etmektedir. Kuzey Kore’nin, ABD girişim ve yaptırımlarına rağmen nükleer faaliyetlerine devam ederek nükleer silah sahibi bir güç olması, nükleer gücünden vazgeçmeyeceğinin en önemli göstergesidir. Bununla beraber, dönemsel olarak Kuzey Kore’nin bazı tavizlerde bulunduğu gözlemlense bile, ABD politikasının nükleersiz bir Kuzey Kore’yi mümkün kılamamasının sebebinin, hem Kuzey Kore’nin nükleer silah edinmesindeki temel sebeplerde hem de ABD’nin Kuzey Kore’ye yönelik verimsiz değerlendirmeleri sonucu geliştirilen yetersiz politikalarda yattığı görülmektedir.


  • Abramowitz, Morton; Laney, James (2003).“Meeting The North Korean Nuclear Challange”, Council On Foreign Relations
  • Albert, Elenor (2019). “ North Korea’s Millitary Capabilities”, Council On Foreign Relations
  • Baker, Peter; Sang-Hun, Choe “Trump Threatens ‘Fire and Fury’ Against North Korea if It Endangers U.S.,” (8 August 2017), The New York Times
  • Barannikova, Anastasia (2019). “ United States-DPRK Relations: Is Normalization Possible”, A report Of The CSIS Russia and Euroasia Program,
  • Bermudez Jr., Joseph S.(2015). “ North Korea’s Development Of a Nuclear Weapons Strategy”, Us-Korea Institute at Sais
  • Chang, Semoon (2006). “ The Saga Of US Economic Sanctions Against North Korea”, The Journal Of East Asian Affairs
  • Ford, Glyn (2018). “Talking To North Korea: Ending The Nuclear Standoff”, Pluto Press
  • Forland, Astrid (2007). “Preventive War as an Alternative to Treaty-based Nuclear Non-proliferation,” Nuclear Proliferation and International Security,(Edt.: Morten B. Mærli ve Sverre Lodgaard, New York: Routledge
  • Hyun, Kim (2017). “ Comparing North Korea Policies Of The Obama and Trump Administration”, Nanzan Review Of American Studies, Volume 39
  • Kibaroğlu, Mustafa (2004). “Kuzey Kore’nin Nükleer Silah Programı: Sebepler ve Sonuçlar”, Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Cilt 1,Sayı 1
  • Kim, Sung Chull; Cohen, Michael D. (2017). “Entering The New Era Of Deterrence: North Korea and Nuclear Weapons”, Georgetown University Press
  • Kim, Suk Hi; Roehrig, Terence; Seliger, Bernhard (2011). “ The Survival Of North Korea: Essays On Strategy, Economics and International Relations ”, Mcfarland Company
  • Kristensen Hans M.; Norris, Robert (2018). “North Korean Nuclear Capabilities 2018”, Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists, Taylor and Francis Group
  • Moore, Gregory J. (2008). “America’s Failed North Korea Nuclear Policy: A New Approach, Asian Perspective” Vol. 32, No. 4, Special issue on North Korea and Regional Security
  • Narang, Vipin; Panda Ankit (2017). “Nuclear Stability, Conventional Instability: North Korea and The Lessons From Pakistan”, Carnegie Endowment For İnternational Peace
  • Narang, Vipin (2014).“Nuclear Strategy İn The Modern Era: Regional Powers and İnternational Conflict”, Princeton University Press
  • Niksch, Larry A. (2010). “ North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Development and Diplomacy”, CRS Report For Congress
  • Perry, Dr.William (1999).“Review of United States Policy Towards North Korea: Findings and Recommendations”, Belfer Center For Science and International Affairs
  • Pirinççi, Ferhat (2008).“ Soğuk Savaş Sonrasında ABD’nin Orta Asya Politikası: Beklentiler ve Gerçeklikler”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 63-1
  • Sagan, Scott D. and Kenneth Walts, (2002).“The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate Renewed”, New York W.W.Norton,
  • Sagan, Scott D. (1997).“Why Do States Build Nuclear Weapons?: Three Models in Search of a Bomb”, International Security, Vol. 21, No. 3.
  • Sang-Hun, Choe “U.S. Confirms North Korea Fired Intercontinental Ballistic Missile,” New York Times, (4 July 2017)
  • Smith, Shane (2015). “North Korea’s Evolving Nuclear Strategy”, North Korea’s Nuclear Future Series, US-Korea İnstitute at SAİS
  • Snyder, Scott A. (2013). “ The Motivations Behind North Korea’s Pursuit of Simultenous Economic and Nuclear Development”, Council On Foreign Relations, 20 November
  • Waltz, Kenneth N.(1979). “Theory of International Politics” Addision-Wesley Press
  • Warden, John K. (2017).“North Korea’s Nuclear Posture: An Evolving Challange For US Deterrence”, Proliferation Papers, İFRİ
  • Agreed Framework Between The Unıted States Of Amerıca And The Democratıc People’s Republıc Of Korea”
  • Aoi, Tamotsu “Historical Background Of Export Control Development in Selected Countries and regions”,
  • Bercuson, David (2018)“ Why Japan İs Building it’s Millitary Fast”, National Post
  • Boghani, Priyanka (2019) “ The US and North Korea On The Brink: A Timeline”,
  • Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula Is DPRK's Invariable Stand,” (September 29, 2013) Korean Central News Agency
  • Davenport, Kelsey (2020)“ Chronology Of US-North Korean Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy”, Arms Control Association,
  • Gertz, Bill (2016)“ Air force: Hypersonic Missiles From China, Russia Pose Growing Danger To US”, Free Beacon,
  • North Korean Nuclear Negotiaitons Timeline 1985-2019,
  • “Statement of DPRK Government on its withdrawal from NPT”
  • North Korean Nuclear Negotiaitons Timeline 1985-2019,
  • “Clinton Calls ‘Exploratory’ Meeting with North Korea ‘Quite Positive’,” Voice of America News, December 10, 2009,
  • U.S. Department of State Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, “U.S. Relations with North Korea,” (October 18 2016),
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yasemin Çokgüçlü

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date June 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Çokgüçlü, Y. (2021). ABD’NİN KUZEY KORE POLİTİKASI ÇERÇEVESİNDE NÜKLEERSİZ BİR KUZEY KORE MÜMKÜN MÜ?. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 14(2), 509-540.


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