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Carbohydrate active enzyme system in rumen fungi: a review

Year 2022, , 320 - 334, 26.09.2022


Hydrolysis and dehydration reactions of carbohydrates, which are used as energy raw materials by all living things in nature, are controlled by Carbohydrate Active Enzyme (CAZy) systems. These enzymes are also used in different industrial areas today. There are different types of microorganisms that have the CAZy system and are used in the industrial sector. Apart from current organisms, there are also rumen fungi within the group of candidate microorganisms with the CAZy system. It has been reported that xylanase (EC3.2.1.8 and EC3.2.1.37) enzyme, a member of the glycoside hydrolase enzyme family obtained from Trichoderma sp. and used especially in areas such as bread, paper, and feed industry, is more synthesized in rumen fungi such as Orpinomyces sp. and Neocallimastix sp. Therefore, this study reviews Neocallimastixsp., Orpinomyces sp., Caecomyces sp., Piromyces sp., and Anaeromyces sp., registered in the CAZy and Mycocosm database for rumen fungi to have both CAZy enzyme activity and to be an alternative microorganism in the industry. Furthermore the CAZy enzyme activities of the strains are investigated. The review shows thatNeocallimax sp. and Orpinomyces sp. areconsidered as candidate microorganisms.


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Carbohydrate active enzyme system in rumen fungi: a review

Year 2022, , 320 - 334, 26.09.2022


Hydrolysis and dehydration reactions of carbohydrates, which are used as energy raw materials by all living things in nature, are controlled by Carbohydrate Active Enzyme (CAZy) systems. These enzymes are also used in different industrial areas today. There are different types of microorganisms that have the CAZy system and are used in the industrial sector. Apart from current organisms, there are also rumen fungi within the group of candidate microorganisms with the CAZy system. It has been reported that xylanase (EC3.2.1.8 and EC3.2.1.37) enzyme, a member of the glycoside hydrolase enzyme family obtained from Trichoderma sp. and used especially in areas such as bread, paper, and feed industry, is more synthesized in rumen fungi such as Orpinomyces sp. and Neocallimastix sp. Therefore, this study reviews Neocallimastixsp., Orpinomyces sp., Caecomyces sp., Piromyces sp., and Anaeromyces sp., registered in the CAZy and Mycocosm database for rumen fungi to have both CAZy enzyme activity and to be an alternative microorganism in the industry. Furthermore the CAZy enzyme activities of the strains are investigated. The review shows thatNeocallimax sp. and Orpinomyces sp. areconsidered as candidate microorganisms.


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  • Barrett, K., & Lange, L. (2019). Peptide-based functional annotation of carbohydrate-active enzymes by conserved unique peptide patterns (CUPP). Biotechnology for Biofuels, 12(1), 1-21.
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There are 87 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

Halit Yücel This is me 0000-0002-6196-5303

Kübra Ekinci 0000-0002-0877-1358

Publication Date September 26, 2022
Submission Date February 17, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Yücel, H., & Ekinci, K. (2022). Carbohydrate active enzyme system in rumen fungi: a review. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 9(3), 320-334.
International Journal of Secondary Metabolite

e-ISSN: 2148-6905