Güvenlikleştirme Hikâyeleri: Türkiye’de Mültecilerin Seçim Dönemlerinde Medya Portreleri
Year 2024,
, 70 - 89, 24.11.2024
Canan Çetin
Melike Gürelli
Bu çalışma, güvenlikleştirme teorik çerçevesi içinde Suriyeli mültecilerin Türk medyasındaki portresini incelemekte olup, 2014 ile 2023 arasındaki yedi seçim döneminin bağlamına odaklanmaktadır. Yöntem olarak tematik analiz kullanılarak yapılan araştırma, 12,794 gazete makalesinden oluşan bir veri setini titizlikle inceleyerek Suriyeli mültecilere ilişkin hikayelerin Türkiye'deki siyasi iklim tarafından nasıl şekillendirildiğini ve etkilendiğini keşfetmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Analiz, Suriyeli mültecilerin medya söyleminde ne ölçüde sekuritize edildiğini ortaya çıkarmayı hedeflerken, farklı seçim türleri ve farklı medya kuruluşları arasında kapsamın yoğunluğunda ve doğasındaki farklılıkları belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bulgular, medya kapsamının %21'inin Suriyeli mültecileri suç teması altında kategorize ettiğini, "kaçakçılık" ve "yakalandı" alt temaları üzerinde önemli bir vurgu yaptığını ortaya koymaktadır. Mültecilerin güvenlikleştirilmesi seçim dönemlerinde önemli ölçüde değişmektedir ve bu da medya hikayelerinin kamuoyunu etkilemek ve muhtemelen seçim sonuçlarını etkilemek için stratejik bir şekilde kullanıldığını öne sürmektedir. Çalışma, medya (Haberturk & Hurriyet) kuruluşlarının, devlet tarafından işletilen medya (TRT) kuruluşlarına kıyasla kapsamda daha belirgin bir dalgalanma gösterdiği bir etkileşim göstermektedir. Bu araştırma, kritik siyasi dönemlerde mülteci konularının siyasallaştırılmasıyla ilgili deneysel bir bakış açısı sunarak, mültecilerin medya güvenlikleştirmesi konusundaki tartışmaya katkıda bulunmaktadır. Toplumsal algılar ve mülteciler hakkındaki diyalogları şekillendirmede medyanın temel rolünü vurgulayarak, hem kamuoyu tartışmalarını hem de politika yapımını bilgilendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmanın bulguları, medya uygulamalarının ve daha geniş toplumsal ve siyasi etkilerinin eleştirel bir şekilde incelenmesi gerekliliğini vurgulayarak, mülteci deneyimlerinin karmaşıklıklarını doğru bir şekilde yansıtan sorumlu gazeteciliği savunmaktadır.
Ethical Statement
Çalışma için herhangi bir etik kurul kararı gerekmemektedir.
Supporting Institution
Project Number
Bu çalışma Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Kordinasyon Birimi tarafından SBA-2023-2707 no.lu ve “Suriyeli Mültecilerin Türkiye Seçimlerinde Medya Temsili” başlıklı proje kapsamında desteklenmiştir. This study is supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Eskişehir Osmangazi University under the project number SBA-2023-2707, titled "Media Representation of Syrian Refugees in Turkish Elections." Destekleri sebebiyle teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.
- Allen, W. (2016, November). A decade of immigration in the British press. COMPAS.
- Asderaki, F., & Markozani, E. (2021). The securitization of migration and the 2015 refugee crisis: From words to actions. In A. Tziampiris (Ed.), The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed (pp. 179–198). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-705
- Banks, J. (2012). Unmasking deviance: The visual construction of asylum seekers and refugees in English national newspapers. Critical Criminology, 20, 293–310.
- Bleiker, R., Campbell, D., Hutchison, E., & Nicholson, X. (2013). The visual dehumanisation of refugees. Australian Journal of Political Science, 48(4), 398–416. https://doi.org/10.1080/10361146.2013.840769
- Blinder, S., & Allen, W. L. (2016). Constructing immigrants: Portrayals of migrant groups in British national newspapers, 2010–2012. International Migration Review, 50(1), 3–40.
- Buzan, B., & Wæver, O. (1998). Security: A new framework for analysis. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- Chouliaraki, L., & Zaborowski, R. (2017). Voice and community in the 2015 refugee crisis: A content analysis of news coverage in eight European countries. International Communication Gazette, 79(6–7), 613–635.
- Chouliaraki, L., & Stolic, T. (2017). Rethinking media responsibility in the refugee 'crisis': A visual typology of European news. Media, Culture & Society, 39(8), 1162–1177. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443717726163
- Çıtak, E. (2020). Migration and securitization: An assessment in the context of human. Journal of Management and Economics Research, 18, 1–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.11611/yead.745781
- Ejdus, F., & Božović, M. (2017). Grammar, context and power: Securitization of the 2010 Belgrade pride parade. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 17(1), 17–34.
- Erdoğan, M., Kavukçuer, Y., & Çetinkaya, T. (2017). Türkiye’de yaşayan Suriyeli mültecilere yönelik medya algısı. Özgürlük Araştırmaları Derneği: Liberal Perspektif Analiz.
- Esses, V. M., Medianu, S., & Lawson, A. S. (2013). Uncertainty, threat, and the role of the media in promoting the dehumanization of immigrants and refugees. Journal of Social Issues, 69(3), 518–536. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12027
- Furedi, F. (2007). The only thing we have to fear is the ‘culture of fear’ itself. American Journal of Sociology, 32(2), 231–234.
- Hall, S. (1997). Representation: Cultural representations and signifying practices. Sage.
- Hansen, L., Adler-Nissen, R., & Andersen, K. E. (2021). The visual international politics of the European refugee crisis: Tragedy, humanitarianism, borders. Cooperation and Conflict, 56(4), 367–393.
- Haslam, N. (2006). Dehumanization: An integrative review. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10(3), 252–264.
- Hellmueller, L., & Zhang, X. (2019). Shifting toward a humanized perspective? Visual framing analysis of the coverage of refugees on CNN and Spiegel Online before and after the iconic photo publication of Alan Kurdi. Visual Communication.
- Kirişci, K. (2014). Syrian refugees and Turkey's challenges: Going beyond hospitality (pp. 1–46). Washington, DC: Brookings.
- Martikainen, J., & Sakki, I. (2021). Visual (de)humanization: Construction of otherness in newspaper photographs of the refugee crisis. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(16), 236–266.
- Narlı, N., & Özaşçılar, M. (2021). Representation of Syrian women and children refugees’ health in Turkish daily newspapers. International Migration & Integration, 22, 167–181. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-019-00732-6
- Pandır, M. (2020). Media portrayals of refugees and their effects on social conflict and social cohesion. Perceptions, 25(1), 99–120.
- Philo, G., Briant, E., & Donald, P. (2013). Bad news for refugees. Pluto Press.
- Ryan, H., & Tonkiss, K. (2023). Loners, criminals, mothers: The gendered misrecognition of refugees in the British tabloid news media. Sociological Research Online, 28(4), 995–1013.
- Qadri, S. N. (2020). Framing terrorism and migration in the USA: The role of the media in securitization processes. University of Glasgow, PhD Thesis.
- Taş, T., Sümer, B., & Taş, O. (2022). Uzaktaki acıları göstermek: Türkiye’de haber fotoğraflarında kıtlığın temsili. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, 143–172. https://doi.org/10.26650/connectist2022-1054364
- Temporary Protection Regulation. (2014). "Regulation on Temporary Protection." Official Gazette of the Republic of Türkiye, No. 29153, October 22, 2014. https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2014/10/20141022-15.htm
- Wæver, O. (2011). Politics, security, theory. Security Dialogue, 42(4–5), 465–480. https://doi.org/10.1177/0967010611418718
- Wæver, O. (2008). Toplumsal güvenliğin değişen gündemi. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 151–178.
- Watson, S. (2011). The ‘human’ as referent object? Humanitarianism as securitization. Security Dialogue, 42(1), 3–20.
- Van Dijk, T. A. (1991). Racism and the press. Routledge.
Narratives of Securitization: Media Portrayals of Refugees in Türkiye During Election Periods
Year 2024,
, 70 - 89, 24.11.2024
Canan Çetin
Melike Gürelli
This study investigates the portrayal of Syrian refugees in theTurkish media within the theoretical framework of securitization, focusing on the context of seven electoral periods between 2014 and 2023. Employing thematic analysis as its methodological approach, the research meticulously examines a dataset comprising 12,794 newspaper articles to explore how the narratives surrounding Syrian refugees have been shaped and influenced by the political climate of elections in Türkiye. The analysis aims to uncover the extent to which Syrian refugees are securitized in media discourse, identifying variations in the intensity and nature of coverage across different types of elections and among various media outlets, including both state-run and private newspapers. The findings reveal that 21% of the media coverage categorizes Syrian refugees under criminal themes, with a significant emphasis on "smuggling" and "caught" sub-themes. This securitization of refugees varies significantly during electoral periods, suggesting a strategic use of media narratives to influence public opinion and potentially affect electoral outcomes. The study highlights a dynamic interplay between media representations of refugees and the electoral cycle, with private media (Habertürk & Hürriyet) outlets showing a more pronounced fluctuation in coverage compared to state-run media (TRT). This research contributes to the discourse on the media securitization of refugees by providing empirical insights into the politicization of refugee issues during critical political junctures. It underscores the pivotal role of the media in shaping societal perceptions and dialogues about refugees, thereby informing both public discourse and policymaking. The findings of this study highlight the need for a critical examination of the social and political implications of media practices. Additionally, they argue for a journalistic approach that accurately reflects the complexity of the refugee experiences and operates with a sense of responsibility.
Project Number
- Allen, W. (2016, November). A decade of immigration in the British press. COMPAS.
- Asderaki, F., & Markozani, E. (2021). The securitization of migration and the 2015 refugee crisis: From words to actions. In A. Tziampiris (Ed.), The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed (pp. 179–198). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-705
- Banks, J. (2012). Unmasking deviance: The visual construction of asylum seekers and refugees in English national newspapers. Critical Criminology, 20, 293–310.
- Bleiker, R., Campbell, D., Hutchison, E., & Nicholson, X. (2013). The visual dehumanisation of refugees. Australian Journal of Political Science, 48(4), 398–416. https://doi.org/10.1080/10361146.2013.840769
- Blinder, S., & Allen, W. L. (2016). Constructing immigrants: Portrayals of migrant groups in British national newspapers, 2010–2012. International Migration Review, 50(1), 3–40.
- Buzan, B., & Wæver, O. (1998). Security: A new framework for analysis. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- Chouliaraki, L., & Zaborowski, R. (2017). Voice and community in the 2015 refugee crisis: A content analysis of news coverage in eight European countries. International Communication Gazette, 79(6–7), 613–635.
- Chouliaraki, L., & Stolic, T. (2017). Rethinking media responsibility in the refugee 'crisis': A visual typology of European news. Media, Culture & Society, 39(8), 1162–1177. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443717726163
- Çıtak, E. (2020). Migration and securitization: An assessment in the context of human. Journal of Management and Economics Research, 18, 1–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.11611/yead.745781
- Ejdus, F., & Božović, M. (2017). Grammar, context and power: Securitization of the 2010 Belgrade pride parade. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 17(1), 17–34.
- Erdoğan, M., Kavukçuer, Y., & Çetinkaya, T. (2017). Türkiye’de yaşayan Suriyeli mültecilere yönelik medya algısı. Özgürlük Araştırmaları Derneği: Liberal Perspektif Analiz.
- Esses, V. M., Medianu, S., & Lawson, A. S. (2013). Uncertainty, threat, and the role of the media in promoting the dehumanization of immigrants and refugees. Journal of Social Issues, 69(3), 518–536. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12027
- Furedi, F. (2007). The only thing we have to fear is the ‘culture of fear’ itself. American Journal of Sociology, 32(2), 231–234.
- Hall, S. (1997). Representation: Cultural representations and signifying practices. Sage.
- Hansen, L., Adler-Nissen, R., & Andersen, K. E. (2021). The visual international politics of the European refugee crisis: Tragedy, humanitarianism, borders. Cooperation and Conflict, 56(4), 367–393.
- Haslam, N. (2006). Dehumanization: An integrative review. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10(3), 252–264.
- Hellmueller, L., & Zhang, X. (2019). Shifting toward a humanized perspective? Visual framing analysis of the coverage of refugees on CNN and Spiegel Online before and after the iconic photo publication of Alan Kurdi. Visual Communication.
- Kirişci, K. (2014). Syrian refugees and Turkey's challenges: Going beyond hospitality (pp. 1–46). Washington, DC: Brookings.
- Martikainen, J., & Sakki, I. (2021). Visual (de)humanization: Construction of otherness in newspaper photographs of the refugee crisis. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(16), 236–266.
- Narlı, N., & Özaşçılar, M. (2021). Representation of Syrian women and children refugees’ health in Turkish daily newspapers. International Migration & Integration, 22, 167–181. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-019-00732-6
- Pandır, M. (2020). Media portrayals of refugees and their effects on social conflict and social cohesion. Perceptions, 25(1), 99–120.
- Philo, G., Briant, E., & Donald, P. (2013). Bad news for refugees. Pluto Press.
- Ryan, H., & Tonkiss, K. (2023). Loners, criminals, mothers: The gendered misrecognition of refugees in the British tabloid news media. Sociological Research Online, 28(4), 995–1013.
- Qadri, S. N. (2020). Framing terrorism and migration in the USA: The role of the media in securitization processes. University of Glasgow, PhD Thesis.
- Taş, T., Sümer, B., & Taş, O. (2022). Uzaktaki acıları göstermek: Türkiye’de haber fotoğraflarında kıtlığın temsili. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, 143–172. https://doi.org/10.26650/connectist2022-1054364
- Temporary Protection Regulation. (2014). "Regulation on Temporary Protection." Official Gazette of the Republic of Türkiye, No. 29153, October 22, 2014. https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2014/10/20141022-15.htm
- Wæver, O. (2011). Politics, security, theory. Security Dialogue, 42(4–5), 465–480. https://doi.org/10.1177/0967010611418718
- Wæver, O. (2008). Toplumsal güvenliğin değişen gündemi. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 151–178.
- Watson, S. (2011). The ‘human’ as referent object? Humanitarianism as securitization. Security Dialogue, 42(1), 3–20.
- Van Dijk, T. A. (1991). Racism and the press. Routledge.