Yapay zekâ, bir kavram olarak ilk tartışılmaya başladığı andan itibaren dikkatleri üzerine çeken bir sosyal olgu olmuştur. Makina öğrenmesinin insan yaşamını kolaylaştıracağı düşüncesi büyük heyecan uyandırmış ve yapay zekânın gündelik yaşam uygulamalarına eklemlenmesi, çeşitli beklentiler de oluşturmuştur. Yapay zekâ algoritmalarının birçok sektöre zaman ve iş yükü çerçevesinde avantajlar getireceği tartışılırken, medya kuruluşları da özellikle haber üretimi noktasında yapay zekâya ilgi göstermektedir. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada, Türk haber medyasının yapay zekâ destekli haberciliğe ilişkin mevcut yönelimi, ChatGPT üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Bu şekilde, ilgili teknolojinin kabulüne ilişkin bir görünümün ortaya koyulması amaçlanmış, bu amaçla kamusal yayıncılık ve özel yayıncılık noktasında Türk haber medyasından meslek profesyonelleri ile yapılandırılmış derinlemesine görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiş ve bulgular tartışılmıştır. Netice itibarıyla görüşülen medya profesyonelleri, ChatGPT gibi dil temelli yapay zekâ araçlarının gazeteciliğe doğru şekilde eklemlendiği takdirde yararlı olacağını düşünmektedir. Diğer taraftan medya profesyonelleri, gazeteciliğin geleceği açısından yapay zekâ enstrümanlarının etik kodları ihmal edeceği, mesleğin niteliğini düşüreceği ve istihdam bakımından ciddi sorunlar oluşturacağı endişelerini taşımaktadır.
Alén-Savikko, A. (2022). Transparency in algorithmic journalism: from ethics to law and back. İçinde Taina Pihlajarinne ve Anette Alén-Savikko (Editörler), Artificial Intelligence and the Media. (ss. 33-60). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Anadolu Ajansı. (AA). Anadolu ajansı “medyada yapay zeka etik kullanım rehberi” hazırladı. (Abdulselam Durdak, Yayınlanma Tarihi: 10.02.2024 – Güncelleme Tarihi: 11.02.2024). https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/kurumsal-haberler/anadolu-ajansi-medyada-yapay-zeka-etik-kullanim-rehberi-hazirladi/3133162
Amponsah, P. N. ve Atianashie, A. M. (2024). Navigating the new frontier: a comprehensive review of ai in journalism. Advances in Journalism and Communication, 12, 1-17.
BBC News Türkçe. (2022). ChatGPT: herkesin konuştuğu yapay zeka sohbet robotu. 12 Aralık 2022, Chris Vallance, https://www.bbc.com/turkce/articles/c51xrv477v5o
Bisvas, S. (2023). Role of ChatGPT in journalism: according to ChatGPT. Journal of Alsalam University, 6(1), 39-41.
Bryson, J. ve Kime, P. (1998). Just another artifact: ethics and the empirical experience of AI. Fifteenth International Congress on Cybernetics (ss. 385-390). UK: Edinburgh.
Boyce, C. ve Neale, P. (2006). Conducting in-depth interviews: a guide for designing and conducting in-depth interviews for evaluation input. May 2006, Pathfinder International Tool Series Monitoring and Evaluation – 2, Pathfinder International, Watertown: USA.
Canavilhas, J. (2022). Artificial intelligence and journalism: current situation and expectations in the Portuguese sports media. Journalism and Media, 3(3), 510-520.
Caswell, D. ve Dörr, K. (2018). Automated journalism 2.0: event-driven narratives. Journalism Practice, 13(4), 477-496.
Corbin, J. ve Strauss, A. (2014). Basics of qualitative research techniques - basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Edition, 4. Sage.
Council of the European Union General Secretariat. (2023). ChatGPT in the Public Sector – overhyped or overlooked?, Analysis and Research Team (24 Nisan 2023), https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/63818/art-paper-chatgpt-in-the-public-sector-overhyped-or-overlooked-24-april-2023_ext.pdf
Cürgen, E. (2019). Gazetecilikte yapay zekâ kullanımının en beğenilen 10 yolu. (Yayınlanma Tarihi: 19 Kasım 2019). https://journo.com.tr/gazetecilik-yapay-zeka
Davlatova, N. (2020). Robot journalists welcome the future. Proceedings of Online International Conference on Advances in Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities Organized by Novateur Publications, Pune, Maharashtra, India JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN: 2581-4230, Website: journalnx.com, June, 11-12, 2020.
de-Lima-Santos, M-F. ve Salaverría, R. (2021). From data journalism to artificial intelligence: challenges faced by La Nación in implementing computer vision in news reporting. Palabra Clave, 24(3), e2437.
Dursun, B. (2023). A qualitative research technique: interview. Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Research, 7(14), 100-113.
Etike, Ş. (2023). Yapay zekâ ve haber üretim süreci: Tanımlar ve uygulamalar. Türkiye Medya Akademisi Dergisi, 3(6), 588-609.
Feng, Y., Poralla, P., Dash, S., Li, K., Desai, V. ve Qiu, M. (2023). The impact of GhatGPT on streaming media: a crowdsourced and data-driven analysis using Twitter and Reddit. İçinde 9th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS) (ss. 222-227), IEEE.
Goni, A. ve Tabassum, M. (2020). Artificial intelligence (ai) in journalism: is Bangladesh ready for it? a study on journalism students in Bangladesh. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, 6(4), 209-228.
Granderath, L., Grobb, J., Heimann, M., Klaproth, F., & Ötting, H. (2021). When robots write the news: a guideline based interview study on opportunities and risks of using artificial intelligence in political reporting in Germany and the U.S. İçinde A. Godulla, S. Doberts, C. Müller, & H. Ötting (Editörler), Communicating with, through, and as the Recipient: Changing the Rules in Strategic Communication and Journalism. (ss. 102-131). Leipzig https://nbn-resolving.org/ urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-75421-7
Guion, L. A., Diehl, D. C. ve McDonald, D. (2011). Conducting an in-depth interview. EDIS, (8), https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-fy393-2011
Kim, H. (2019). AI in journalism: creating an ethical framework. Syracuse University Honors Program Capstone Projects. 1083, https://surface.syr.edu/honors_capstone/1083
Kim, D. ve Kim, S. (2021). A model for user acceptance of robot journalism: Influence of positive disconfirmation and uncertainty avoidance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 163.
Kothari, A. ve Cruikshank, S. A. (2022). Artificial intelligence and journalism: an agenda for journalism research in Africa. African Journalism Studies, 43(1), 17-33.
Latar, N. L. (2015). The robot journalist in the age of social physics: the end of human journalism?. İçinde Einav, G. (Editör) The New World of Transitioned Media. The Economics of Information, Communication, and Entertainment. Springer, Cham.
LSE. (2019). New powers, new responsibilities A global survey of journalism and artificial intelligence. Charlie Beckett, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1utmAMCmd4rfJHrUfLLfSJ-clpFTjyef1/view
Mashabe Türkiye. (2023). ChatGPT’ye sorduk: Şampiyonlar Ligi finali kaç kaç biter? (Hakan Çalhanoğlu için de bir çift sözü var!). (Erinç Eröz, Yayınlanma Tarihi: 18 Mayıs 2023). https://tr.mashable.com/chatgpt/9957/chatgptye-sorduk-sampiyonlar-ligi-finalini-kim-alir-hakan-calhanoglu-icin-de-bir-cift-sozu-var
Moran, R. E. ve Jawaid Shaikh, S. (2022). Robots in the news and newsrooms: unpacking meta-journalistic discourse on the use of artificial ıntelligence in journalism. Digital Journalism, 10(10), 1756-1774.
Moravec, V., Macková, V., Sido, J. ve Ekštein, K. (2020). The robotic reporter in the Czech news agency: automated journalism and augmentation in the newsroom. Communication Today, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1.
NewsLabTurkey. (2023). “Risk, tehdit, heyecan: Türkiye haber medyasında yapay zekâ söylemleri”. M. Burak Atasever & Suncem Koçer, https://www.newslabturkey.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/rh-29.pdf
Noain-Sánchez, A. (2022). Addressing the impact of artificial intelligence on Journalism: the perception of experts, journalists and academics. Communication & Society, 35(3), 105-121.
Parratt-Fernández, S., Mayoral-Sánchez, J. ve Mera-Fernández, M. (2021). The application of artificial intelligence to journalism: an analysis of academic production. Profesional de la información, 30(3), e300317.
Pavlik, J. V. (2023). Collaborating with ChatGPT: considering the implications of generative artificial intelligence for journalism and media education. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 2023, 78(1) 84-93.
Peretti, M. (2022). Gazetecilikte yapay zekâ hakkında bilmeniz gereken 10 şey. (Yayınlanma Tarihi: 3 Ekim 2022). https://gijn.org/2022/10/03/gazetecilikte-yapay-zeka-hakkinda-bilmeniz-gereken-10-sey/
Razec, I. (2022). Artificial intelligence and the future of news. Reflections on Journalism from the Perspective of the AI Immersion. com.press, 4(2), 52-69.
Reuters Institute. (2023). Is ChatGPT a threat or an opportunity for journalism? Five ai experts weigh in Francesco Marconi, Madhumita Murgia, Charlie Beckett and two startup founders discuss the impact of generative ai on the news industry. (Marina Adami, Yayınlanma Tarihi: 23 Mart 2023), https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/news/chatgpt-threat-or-opportunity-journalism-five-ai-experts-weigh
Roberts, B. (2023). Testing the potential of using ChatGPT to extract data from pdfs. (Yayınlanma Tarihi: 29 Mart 2023), https://gijn.org/2023/03/29/using-chatgpt-ai-extract-data-pdfs/
Rodríguez-Castro, M. ve González-Tosat, C. (2022). Journalism’s cruise control: how can public service media outlets benefit from ai and automation?. İçinde (Editörler) Berta García-Orosa, Sara Pérez-Seijo & Ángel Vizoso), Emerging Practices in the Age of Automated Digital Journalism Models, Languages, and Storytelling. (ss. 93-104). Routledge Research in Journalism, Routledge.
Ruslin., Mashuri, S., Abdul Rasak, M. S., Alhabsyi, F. ve Syam, H. (2022). Semi-structured interview: a methodological reflection on the development of a qualitative research instrument in educational studies. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 12(1), 22-29.
Simon, M. F. (2022). Uneasy bedfellows: ai in the news, platform companies and the issue of journalistic autonomy. Digital Journalism, 10(10), 1832-1854.
Thäsler-Kordonouri, S. ve Barling, K. (2023). Automated journalism in UK local newsrooms: attitudes, integration, impact. Journalism Practice, 1–18.
Trattner, C., Jannach, D., Motta, E., Costera Meijer, I., Diakopoulos, D., Elahi, M., Opdahl, A. L., Tessem, B., Borch, N., Fjeld, M., Øvrelid, L., De Smedt, K. ve Moe, H. (2022). Responsible media technology and ai: challenges and research directions. AI and Ethics, 2, 585–594.
Vadapalli, R., Syed, B., Prabhu, N., Srinivasan, B. V. ve Varma, V. (2018). When science journalism meets artificial intelligence: An interactive demonstration. İçinde Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations (ss. 163-168). Brussels, Belgium. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Vallance, C. (2022). ChatGPT: Herkesin konuştuğu yapay zekâ sohbet robotu. (Yayınlanma Tarihi: 12 Aralık 2022), https://www.bbc.com/turkce/articles/c51xrv477v5o
Višnovský, J., Ungerová, M. Ve Kubíková, K. (2019). Robo-journalism and its implementation in editorial practice. NORDSCI International Conference (Athens, Greece, August 19, 2019), https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED603467.pdf
Višňovský, J. ve Radošinská, J. (2017). Online journalism: current trends and challenges. İçinde (Editör) Beatriz Peña-Acuña, The Evolution of Media Communication. (ss. 3-22). Zagreb, Croatia.
Wang, Y. (2021). The application of artificial intelligence in Chinese news media. 2. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems, 266, 1-4.
Wölker, A. ve Powell, T. E. (2021). Algorithms in the newsroom? News readers’ perceived credibility and selection of automated journalism. Journalism, 22(1) 86-103.
Yegen, C., Ayhan, B. ve Demir, Y. (2022). Twitter’s role in digital democracy, post-truth, and political polarization. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 24(2), 45-65.
Yu, Y., Huang, K. ve Jones, B. (2020). Artificial intelligence in media: journalists’ perceptions and organizational talk. Communication, technologies et développement, 8.
Zhang, Y. (2023). The integration of traditional broadcasters with artificial intelligence in television news programmes. SHS Web of Conferences, (158), 02009.
Xu, Z. ve Lan, X. (2020). A scientometric review of automated journalism: analysis and visualization. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1684 012127.
Artificial Intelligence and Journalism: The Use of ChatGPT in Turkish News Media
Artificial intelligence has been a social phenomenon that has attracted attention since the moment it was first discussed as a concept. The idea that machine learning will make human life easier has aroused great excitement, and the integration of artificial intelligence into daily life practices has also aroused various expectations. While it is discussed that artificial intelligence algorithms will bring advantages to many sectors in terms of time and workload, media organizations also show interest in artificial intelligence, especially in news production. Therefore, in this study, the current orientation of the Turkish news media towards AI-supported journalism through ChatGPT. In this way, it aims to provide an outlook regarding the acceptance of the relevant technology. For this purpose structured in-depth interviews were conducted with professionals from the Turkish news media in terms of public broadcasting and private broadcasting and the findings were discussed. In conclusion, the media professionals interviewed think that language-based artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT can be useful if they are integrated into journalism in the right way. On the other hand, media professionals are concerned that AI tolls will neglect ethical codes, reduce the quality of the profession and pose serious employment problems for the future of journalism.
Alén-Savikko, A. (2022). Transparency in algorithmic journalism: from ethics to law and back. İçinde Taina Pihlajarinne ve Anette Alén-Savikko (Editörler), Artificial Intelligence and the Media. (ss. 33-60). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Anadolu Ajansı. (AA). Anadolu ajansı “medyada yapay zeka etik kullanım rehberi” hazırladı. (Abdulselam Durdak, Yayınlanma Tarihi: 10.02.2024 – Güncelleme Tarihi: 11.02.2024). https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/kurumsal-haberler/anadolu-ajansi-medyada-yapay-zeka-etik-kullanim-rehberi-hazirladi/3133162
Amponsah, P. N. ve Atianashie, A. M. (2024). Navigating the new frontier: a comprehensive review of ai in journalism. Advances in Journalism and Communication, 12, 1-17.
BBC News Türkçe. (2022). ChatGPT: herkesin konuştuğu yapay zeka sohbet robotu. 12 Aralık 2022, Chris Vallance, https://www.bbc.com/turkce/articles/c51xrv477v5o
Bisvas, S. (2023). Role of ChatGPT in journalism: according to ChatGPT. Journal of Alsalam University, 6(1), 39-41.
Bryson, J. ve Kime, P. (1998). Just another artifact: ethics and the empirical experience of AI. Fifteenth International Congress on Cybernetics (ss. 385-390). UK: Edinburgh.
Boyce, C. ve Neale, P. (2006). Conducting in-depth interviews: a guide for designing and conducting in-depth interviews for evaluation input. May 2006, Pathfinder International Tool Series Monitoring and Evaluation – 2, Pathfinder International, Watertown: USA.
Canavilhas, J. (2022). Artificial intelligence and journalism: current situation and expectations in the Portuguese sports media. Journalism and Media, 3(3), 510-520.
Caswell, D. ve Dörr, K. (2018). Automated journalism 2.0: event-driven narratives. Journalism Practice, 13(4), 477-496.
Corbin, J. ve Strauss, A. (2014). Basics of qualitative research techniques - basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Edition, 4. Sage.
Council of the European Union General Secretariat. (2023). ChatGPT in the Public Sector – overhyped or overlooked?, Analysis and Research Team (24 Nisan 2023), https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/63818/art-paper-chatgpt-in-the-public-sector-overhyped-or-overlooked-24-april-2023_ext.pdf
Cürgen, E. (2019). Gazetecilikte yapay zekâ kullanımının en beğenilen 10 yolu. (Yayınlanma Tarihi: 19 Kasım 2019). https://journo.com.tr/gazetecilik-yapay-zeka
Davlatova, N. (2020). Robot journalists welcome the future. Proceedings of Online International Conference on Advances in Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities Organized by Novateur Publications, Pune, Maharashtra, India JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN: 2581-4230, Website: journalnx.com, June, 11-12, 2020.
de-Lima-Santos, M-F. ve Salaverría, R. (2021). From data journalism to artificial intelligence: challenges faced by La Nación in implementing computer vision in news reporting. Palabra Clave, 24(3), e2437.
Dursun, B. (2023). A qualitative research technique: interview. Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Research, 7(14), 100-113.
Etike, Ş. (2023). Yapay zekâ ve haber üretim süreci: Tanımlar ve uygulamalar. Türkiye Medya Akademisi Dergisi, 3(6), 588-609.
Feng, Y., Poralla, P., Dash, S., Li, K., Desai, V. ve Qiu, M. (2023). The impact of GhatGPT on streaming media: a crowdsourced and data-driven analysis using Twitter and Reddit. İçinde 9th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS) (ss. 222-227), IEEE.
Goni, A. ve Tabassum, M. (2020). Artificial intelligence (ai) in journalism: is Bangladesh ready for it? a study on journalism students in Bangladesh. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, 6(4), 209-228.
Granderath, L., Grobb, J., Heimann, M., Klaproth, F., & Ötting, H. (2021). When robots write the news: a guideline based interview study on opportunities and risks of using artificial intelligence in political reporting in Germany and the U.S. İçinde A. Godulla, S. Doberts, C. Müller, & H. Ötting (Editörler), Communicating with, through, and as the Recipient: Changing the Rules in Strategic Communication and Journalism. (ss. 102-131). Leipzig https://nbn-resolving.org/ urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-75421-7
Guion, L. A., Diehl, D. C. ve McDonald, D. (2011). Conducting an in-depth interview. EDIS, (8), https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-fy393-2011
Kim, H. (2019). AI in journalism: creating an ethical framework. Syracuse University Honors Program Capstone Projects. 1083, https://surface.syr.edu/honors_capstone/1083
Kim, D. ve Kim, S. (2021). A model for user acceptance of robot journalism: Influence of positive disconfirmation and uncertainty avoidance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 163.
Kothari, A. ve Cruikshank, S. A. (2022). Artificial intelligence and journalism: an agenda for journalism research in Africa. African Journalism Studies, 43(1), 17-33.
Latar, N. L. (2015). The robot journalist in the age of social physics: the end of human journalism?. İçinde Einav, G. (Editör) The New World of Transitioned Media. The Economics of Information, Communication, and Entertainment. Springer, Cham.
LSE. (2019). New powers, new responsibilities A global survey of journalism and artificial intelligence. Charlie Beckett, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1utmAMCmd4rfJHrUfLLfSJ-clpFTjyef1/view
Mashabe Türkiye. (2023). ChatGPT’ye sorduk: Şampiyonlar Ligi finali kaç kaç biter? (Hakan Çalhanoğlu için de bir çift sözü var!). (Erinç Eröz, Yayınlanma Tarihi: 18 Mayıs 2023). https://tr.mashable.com/chatgpt/9957/chatgptye-sorduk-sampiyonlar-ligi-finalini-kim-alir-hakan-calhanoglu-icin-de-bir-cift-sozu-var
Moran, R. E. ve Jawaid Shaikh, S. (2022). Robots in the news and newsrooms: unpacking meta-journalistic discourse on the use of artificial ıntelligence in journalism. Digital Journalism, 10(10), 1756-1774.
Moravec, V., Macková, V., Sido, J. ve Ekštein, K. (2020). The robotic reporter in the Czech news agency: automated journalism and augmentation in the newsroom. Communication Today, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1.
NewsLabTurkey. (2023). “Risk, tehdit, heyecan: Türkiye haber medyasında yapay zekâ söylemleri”. M. Burak Atasever & Suncem Koçer, https://www.newslabturkey.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/rh-29.pdf
Noain-Sánchez, A. (2022). Addressing the impact of artificial intelligence on Journalism: the perception of experts, journalists and academics. Communication & Society, 35(3), 105-121.
Parratt-Fernández, S., Mayoral-Sánchez, J. ve Mera-Fernández, M. (2021). The application of artificial intelligence to journalism: an analysis of academic production. Profesional de la información, 30(3), e300317.
Pavlik, J. V. (2023). Collaborating with ChatGPT: considering the implications of generative artificial intelligence for journalism and media education. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 2023, 78(1) 84-93.
Peretti, M. (2022). Gazetecilikte yapay zekâ hakkında bilmeniz gereken 10 şey. (Yayınlanma Tarihi: 3 Ekim 2022). https://gijn.org/2022/10/03/gazetecilikte-yapay-zeka-hakkinda-bilmeniz-gereken-10-sey/
Razec, I. (2022). Artificial intelligence and the future of news. Reflections on Journalism from the Perspective of the AI Immersion. com.press, 4(2), 52-69.
Reuters Institute. (2023). Is ChatGPT a threat or an opportunity for journalism? Five ai experts weigh in Francesco Marconi, Madhumita Murgia, Charlie Beckett and two startup founders discuss the impact of generative ai on the news industry. (Marina Adami, Yayınlanma Tarihi: 23 Mart 2023), https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/news/chatgpt-threat-or-opportunity-journalism-five-ai-experts-weigh
Roberts, B. (2023). Testing the potential of using ChatGPT to extract data from pdfs. (Yayınlanma Tarihi: 29 Mart 2023), https://gijn.org/2023/03/29/using-chatgpt-ai-extract-data-pdfs/
Rodríguez-Castro, M. ve González-Tosat, C. (2022). Journalism’s cruise control: how can public service media outlets benefit from ai and automation?. İçinde (Editörler) Berta García-Orosa, Sara Pérez-Seijo & Ángel Vizoso), Emerging Practices in the Age of Automated Digital Journalism Models, Languages, and Storytelling. (ss. 93-104). Routledge Research in Journalism, Routledge.
Ruslin., Mashuri, S., Abdul Rasak, M. S., Alhabsyi, F. ve Syam, H. (2022). Semi-structured interview: a methodological reflection on the development of a qualitative research instrument in educational studies. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 12(1), 22-29.
Simon, M. F. (2022). Uneasy bedfellows: ai in the news, platform companies and the issue of journalistic autonomy. Digital Journalism, 10(10), 1832-1854.
Thäsler-Kordonouri, S. ve Barling, K. (2023). Automated journalism in UK local newsrooms: attitudes, integration, impact. Journalism Practice, 1–18.
Trattner, C., Jannach, D., Motta, E., Costera Meijer, I., Diakopoulos, D., Elahi, M., Opdahl, A. L., Tessem, B., Borch, N., Fjeld, M., Øvrelid, L., De Smedt, K. ve Moe, H. (2022). Responsible media technology and ai: challenges and research directions. AI and Ethics, 2, 585–594.
Vadapalli, R., Syed, B., Prabhu, N., Srinivasan, B. V. ve Varma, V. (2018). When science journalism meets artificial intelligence: An interactive demonstration. İçinde Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations (ss. 163-168). Brussels, Belgium. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Vallance, C. (2022). ChatGPT: Herkesin konuştuğu yapay zekâ sohbet robotu. (Yayınlanma Tarihi: 12 Aralık 2022), https://www.bbc.com/turkce/articles/c51xrv477v5o
Višnovský, J., Ungerová, M. Ve Kubíková, K. (2019). Robo-journalism and its implementation in editorial practice. NORDSCI International Conference (Athens, Greece, August 19, 2019), https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED603467.pdf
Višňovský, J. ve Radošinská, J. (2017). Online journalism: current trends and challenges. İçinde (Editör) Beatriz Peña-Acuña, The Evolution of Media Communication. (ss. 3-22). Zagreb, Croatia.
Wang, Y. (2021). The application of artificial intelligence in Chinese news media. 2. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems, 266, 1-4.
Wölker, A. ve Powell, T. E. (2021). Algorithms in the newsroom? News readers’ perceived credibility and selection of automated journalism. Journalism, 22(1) 86-103.
Yegen, C., Ayhan, B. ve Demir, Y. (2022). Twitter’s role in digital democracy, post-truth, and political polarization. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 24(2), 45-65.
Yu, Y., Huang, K. ve Jones, B. (2020). Artificial intelligence in media: journalists’ perceptions and organizational talk. Communication, technologies et développement, 8.
Zhang, Y. (2023). The integration of traditional broadcasters with artificial intelligence in television news programmes. SHS Web of Conferences, (158), 02009.
Xu, Z. ve Lan, X. (2020). A scientometric review of automated journalism: analysis and visualization. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1684 012127.
Kırık, A. M., Göksu, O., & Yegen, C. (2024). Yapay Zekâ ve Gazetecilik: Türk Medyasında ChatGPT Kullanımı. İletişim Kuram Ve Araştırma Dergisi(68), 90-109. https://doi.org/10.47998/ikad.1469909