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Çocuk ve Adolesanlarda Obezite İlişkili Hipertansiyon Mekanizmaları

Year 2017, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 39 - 43, 31.07.2017


Obezite ve hipertansiyon tüm dünyada çocuk ve adölesan yaş grubunda birbirine paralel olarak artmakta olan sağlık problemleridir. Burada, çocukluk ve adölesanlarda obezite ve hipertansiyon arasındaki ilişki gözden geçirilecek ve obezite ilişkili hipertansiyon mekanizmalarına değinilecektir.


  • Aghamohammadzadeh R., Heagerty AM. (2012). Obesity-related hypertension:epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatments, and the contribution of perivascular adipose tissue. Annals of Medicine, 44 Suppl 1: 74-84.
  • Aguilar A., Ostrow V., De Luca F. et al. (2010). Elevated ambulatory blood pressure in a multi-ethnic population of obese children and adolescents. Journal of Pediatrics,156(6): 930-5.
  • Awazu M. (2009). Hypertension. In Pediatric Nephrology (6th ed. 1457-541), Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
  • Bantle JP. (2009). Dietary fructose and metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Journal of Nutrition, 139(6):1263S–8.
  • Becton LJ., Shatat IF., Flynn JT. (2012) Hypertension and obesity: epidemiology, mechanisms and clinical approach. Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 79(8): 1056-61.
  • Bray GA., Nielsen SJ., Popkin BM. (2004). Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 79:537;80(4):1090.
  • Brown CM., Dulloo AG., Yepuri G. et al. (2008). Fructose ingestion acutely elevates blood pressure in healthy young humans. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory, Integrative & Comparative, 294(3):R730–7.
  • Candan C, Çalışkan S. (2005). Çocukluk çağında hipertansiyona yaklaşım: Derleme. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 40: 15-22.
  • Donohoue PA. (2004). Obesity. In Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (17th ed., 173-77) Philedelphia: Saunders.
  • Expert Panel on Integrated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Helath and Risk Reduction in Children and Adolescents; National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Expert panel on integrated guidelines for cardiovascular health and risk reduction in children and adolescents: summary report. Pediatrics, 2011 128 Suppl 5: 213-56.
  • Falkner B, Gidding SS, Ramirez-Garnica G. et al. (2006). The relationship of body mass index and blood pressure in primary care pediatric patients. Journal of Pediatrics, 148: 195-200.
  • Feig DI., Johnson RJ. (2007). The role of uric acid in pediatric hypertension. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 17(1): 79-83
  • Feig DI., Kang DH., Johnson RJ. (2008). Uric acid and cardiovascular risk. New England Journal of Medicine, 359(17): 1811-21.
  • Feig DI., Madero M., Jalal DI. et al. (2013). Uric acid and the origins of hypertension. Journal of Pediatrics, 162(5): 896-902.
  • Flynn JT., Daniels SR., Hayman LL., et al. (2014). Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in children and adolescents: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Hypertension, 63(5):1116-35.
  • França, D.S., Souza, A.L., Almeida, K.R., et al. (2001). B vitamins induce an antinociceptive effect in the asetic acid and formaldehyde models of nociception in mice. European Journal of Pharmacology, 421:157-164.
  • Gilardini L., Parati G., Sartorio A., et al. (2008). Sympathoadrenergic and metabolic factors are involved in ambulatory blood pressure rise in childhood obesity. Journal of Human Hypertension, 22(2): 75-82.
  • Hall JE., Hildebrandt DA., Kuo J. (2001). Obesity hypertension: role of leptin and sympathetic nervous system. American Journal of Hypertension, 14(6 Pt 2): 103-15.
  • İbrahim MM., Damasceno A. (2012). Hypertension in developing countries. Lancet, 380(9841): 611-9.
  • Janssen I, Katzmarzyk PT, Boyce WF, et al. (2005). Health behaviour in school-aged children obesity working group. Comparison of overweight and obesity prevalence in school-aged youth from 34 countries and their relationships with physical activity and dietary patterns. Obesity Review Journal, 6(2):123-32.
  • Kanellis J., Watanabe S., Li JH. et al. (2003). Uric acid stimulates monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 production in vascular smooth muscle cells via mitogen-activated protein kinase and cyclooxygenase-2. Hypertension, 41:1287–93.
  • Khoury PR., Mitsnefes M. (2009). Age-specific reference intervals for indexed left ventricular mass in children. Journal of American Society of Echocardiography, 22: 709-714.
  • Kotsis V., Stabouli S., Papakatsika S., et al. (2010). Mechanisms of obesity-induced hypertension. Hypertension Research, 33(5): 386-93.
  • Levine AB., Punihaole D., Levine TB. (2012). Characterization of the role of nitric oxide and its clinical applications. Cardiology, 122(1): 55-68.
  • Loeffler LF., Navas-Acien A., Brady TM. et al. (2012). Uric acid level and elevated blood pressure in US adolescents: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2006. Hypertension, 59(4): 811-7.
  • Lurbe E., Torro I., Aguilar F. et al. (2008) Added impact of obesity and insulin resistance in nocturnal blood pressure elevation in children and adolescents. Hypertension, 51(3): 635-41.
  • McCrindle BW. (2010). Assessment and management of hypertension in children and adolescents. Nature Reviews Cardiologyl, 7(3): 155-63.
  • Mule G., Nardi E., Cottone S. et al. (2005) Influence of metabolic syndrome on hypertension-related target organ damage. Journal of Internal Medicine, 257(6): 503-13.
  • National high blood pressure education program working group on high blood pressure in children and adolescents. The fourth report on the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure in children and adolescents. Pediatrics, 2004 114: 555-576.
  • Price K, Sautin Y, Long D et al. (2006). Human vascular smooth muschle cells express a urate transporter. Journal of American Society Nephrology, 17:1791–5.
  • Rabia F., Silke B., Conterno A. et al. (2003). Assessment of cadiac autonomic modulation during adolescent obesity. Obesity Research, 11: 541-548.
  • Sanad M., Gharib A. (2011). Evaluation of microalbuminuria in obese children and its relation to metabolic syndrome. Pediatric Nephrology, 3: 1931-9.
  • Sorof J, Daniels S. (2002). Obesity hypertension in children. Hypertension, 40: 441-447.
  • Sorof JM., Poffenbarger T., Franco K. et al. (2002). Isolated systolic hypertension, obesity, and hyperkinetic hemodynamic states in children. Journal of Pediatrics, 140: 660–666.
  • Sorof JM, Lai D, Turner J. et al (2004). Overweight, ethnicity, and the prevalence of hypertension in school-aged children. Pediatrics, 113: 475-482.
  • Sumboonnanonda A., Chongcharoensuk C., Supavekin S. (2006). Persistent hypertension in Thai children: etiologies and outcome. Journal of The Medical Association of Thailand, 89 (Suppl 2): 28-32.
  • Teff KL., Elliott SS., Tschop M. et al. (2004). Dietary fructose reduces circulating insulin and leptin, attenuates postprandial suppression of ghrelin, and increases triglycerides. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 89(6): 2963-72.
  • Yakıncı C., Mungen B., Karabiber H. (2000). Autonomic nervous system functions in obese children. Brain & Development, 22: 151-153.
  • Yanik M., Feig DI. (2013) Serum urate: a biomarker or treatment target in pediatric hypertension?. Current Opinion in Cardiology, 28(4): 433-8.
Year 2017, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 39 - 43, 31.07.2017



  • Aghamohammadzadeh R., Heagerty AM. (2012). Obesity-related hypertension:epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatments, and the contribution of perivascular adipose tissue. Annals of Medicine, 44 Suppl 1: 74-84.
  • Aguilar A., Ostrow V., De Luca F. et al. (2010). Elevated ambulatory blood pressure in a multi-ethnic population of obese children and adolescents. Journal of Pediatrics,156(6): 930-5.
  • Awazu M. (2009). Hypertension. In Pediatric Nephrology (6th ed. 1457-541), Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
  • Bantle JP. (2009). Dietary fructose and metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Journal of Nutrition, 139(6):1263S–8.
  • Becton LJ., Shatat IF., Flynn JT. (2012) Hypertension and obesity: epidemiology, mechanisms and clinical approach. Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 79(8): 1056-61.
  • Bray GA., Nielsen SJ., Popkin BM. (2004). Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 79:537;80(4):1090.
  • Brown CM., Dulloo AG., Yepuri G. et al. (2008). Fructose ingestion acutely elevates blood pressure in healthy young humans. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory, Integrative & Comparative, 294(3):R730–7.
  • Candan C, Çalışkan S. (2005). Çocukluk çağında hipertansiyona yaklaşım: Derleme. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 40: 15-22.
  • Donohoue PA. (2004). Obesity. In Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (17th ed., 173-77) Philedelphia: Saunders.
  • Expert Panel on Integrated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Helath and Risk Reduction in Children and Adolescents; National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Expert panel on integrated guidelines for cardiovascular health and risk reduction in children and adolescents: summary report. Pediatrics, 2011 128 Suppl 5: 213-56.
  • Falkner B, Gidding SS, Ramirez-Garnica G. et al. (2006). The relationship of body mass index and blood pressure in primary care pediatric patients. Journal of Pediatrics, 148: 195-200.
  • Feig DI., Johnson RJ. (2007). The role of uric acid in pediatric hypertension. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 17(1): 79-83
  • Feig DI., Kang DH., Johnson RJ. (2008). Uric acid and cardiovascular risk. New England Journal of Medicine, 359(17): 1811-21.
  • Feig DI., Madero M., Jalal DI. et al. (2013). Uric acid and the origins of hypertension. Journal of Pediatrics, 162(5): 896-902.
  • Flynn JT., Daniels SR., Hayman LL., et al. (2014). Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in children and adolescents: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Hypertension, 63(5):1116-35.
  • França, D.S., Souza, A.L., Almeida, K.R., et al. (2001). B vitamins induce an antinociceptive effect in the asetic acid and formaldehyde models of nociception in mice. European Journal of Pharmacology, 421:157-164.
  • Gilardini L., Parati G., Sartorio A., et al. (2008). Sympathoadrenergic and metabolic factors are involved in ambulatory blood pressure rise in childhood obesity. Journal of Human Hypertension, 22(2): 75-82.
  • Hall JE., Hildebrandt DA., Kuo J. (2001). Obesity hypertension: role of leptin and sympathetic nervous system. American Journal of Hypertension, 14(6 Pt 2): 103-15.
  • İbrahim MM., Damasceno A. (2012). Hypertension in developing countries. Lancet, 380(9841): 611-9.
  • Janssen I, Katzmarzyk PT, Boyce WF, et al. (2005). Health behaviour in school-aged children obesity working group. Comparison of overweight and obesity prevalence in school-aged youth from 34 countries and their relationships with physical activity and dietary patterns. Obesity Review Journal, 6(2):123-32.
  • Kanellis J., Watanabe S., Li JH. et al. (2003). Uric acid stimulates monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 production in vascular smooth muscle cells via mitogen-activated protein kinase and cyclooxygenase-2. Hypertension, 41:1287–93.
  • Khoury PR., Mitsnefes M. (2009). Age-specific reference intervals for indexed left ventricular mass in children. Journal of American Society of Echocardiography, 22: 709-714.
  • Kotsis V., Stabouli S., Papakatsika S., et al. (2010). Mechanisms of obesity-induced hypertension. Hypertension Research, 33(5): 386-93.
  • Levine AB., Punihaole D., Levine TB. (2012). Characterization of the role of nitric oxide and its clinical applications. Cardiology, 122(1): 55-68.
  • Loeffler LF., Navas-Acien A., Brady TM. et al. (2012). Uric acid level and elevated blood pressure in US adolescents: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2006. Hypertension, 59(4): 811-7.
  • Lurbe E., Torro I., Aguilar F. et al. (2008) Added impact of obesity and insulin resistance in nocturnal blood pressure elevation in children and adolescents. Hypertension, 51(3): 635-41.
  • McCrindle BW. (2010). Assessment and management of hypertension in children and adolescents. Nature Reviews Cardiologyl, 7(3): 155-63.
  • Mule G., Nardi E., Cottone S. et al. (2005) Influence of metabolic syndrome on hypertension-related target organ damage. Journal of Internal Medicine, 257(6): 503-13.
  • National high blood pressure education program working group on high blood pressure in children and adolescents. The fourth report on the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure in children and adolescents. Pediatrics, 2004 114: 555-576.
  • Price K, Sautin Y, Long D et al. (2006). Human vascular smooth muschle cells express a urate transporter. Journal of American Society Nephrology, 17:1791–5.
  • Rabia F., Silke B., Conterno A. et al. (2003). Assessment of cadiac autonomic modulation during adolescent obesity. Obesity Research, 11: 541-548.
  • Sanad M., Gharib A. (2011). Evaluation of microalbuminuria in obese children and its relation to metabolic syndrome. Pediatric Nephrology, 3: 1931-9.
  • Sorof J, Daniels S. (2002). Obesity hypertension in children. Hypertension, 40: 441-447.
  • Sorof JM., Poffenbarger T., Franco K. et al. (2002). Isolated systolic hypertension, obesity, and hyperkinetic hemodynamic states in children. Journal of Pediatrics, 140: 660–666.
  • Sorof JM, Lai D, Turner J. et al (2004). Overweight, ethnicity, and the prevalence of hypertension in school-aged children. Pediatrics, 113: 475-482.
  • Sumboonnanonda A., Chongcharoensuk C., Supavekin S. (2006). Persistent hypertension in Thai children: etiologies and outcome. Journal of The Medical Association of Thailand, 89 (Suppl 2): 28-32.
  • Teff KL., Elliott SS., Tschop M. et al. (2004). Dietary fructose reduces circulating insulin and leptin, attenuates postprandial suppression of ghrelin, and increases triglycerides. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 89(6): 2963-72.
  • Yakıncı C., Mungen B., Karabiber H. (2000). Autonomic nervous system functions in obese children. Brain & Development, 22: 151-153.
  • Yanik M., Feig DI. (2013) Serum urate: a biomarker or treatment target in pediatric hypertension?. Current Opinion in Cardiology, 28(4): 433-8.
There are 39 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Gökçe Yegül Gülnar This is me

Belde Kasap Demir

Publication Date July 31, 2017
Submission Date January 18, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Yegül Gülnar, G., & Kasap Demir, B. (2017). Çocuk ve Adolesanlarda Obezite İlişkili Hipertansiyon Mekanizmaları. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(2), 39-43.
AMA Yegül Gülnar G, Kasap Demir B. Çocuk ve Adolesanlarda Obezite İlişkili Hipertansiyon Mekanizmaları. İKÇÜSBFD. July 2017;2(2):39-43.
Chicago Yegül Gülnar, Gökçe, and Belde Kasap Demir. “Çocuk Ve Adolesanlarda Obezite İlişkili Hipertansiyon Mekanizmaları”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2, no. 2 (July 2017): 39-43.
EndNote Yegül Gülnar G, Kasap Demir B (July 1, 2017) Çocuk ve Adolesanlarda Obezite İlişkili Hipertansiyon Mekanizmaları. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2 2 39–43.
IEEE G. Yegül Gülnar and B. Kasap Demir, “Çocuk ve Adolesanlarda Obezite İlişkili Hipertansiyon Mekanizmaları”, İKÇÜSBFD, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 39–43, 2017.
ISNAD Yegül Gülnar, Gökçe - Kasap Demir, Belde. “Çocuk Ve Adolesanlarda Obezite İlişkili Hipertansiyon Mekanizmaları”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2/2 (July 2017), 39-43.
JAMA Yegül Gülnar G, Kasap Demir B. Çocuk ve Adolesanlarda Obezite İlişkili Hipertansiyon Mekanizmaları. İKÇÜSBFD. 2017;2:39–43.
MLA Yegül Gülnar, Gökçe and Belde Kasap Demir. “Çocuk Ve Adolesanlarda Obezite İlişkili Hipertansiyon Mekanizmaları”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 2, 2017, pp. 39-43.
Vancouver Yegül Gülnar G, Kasap Demir B. Çocuk ve Adolesanlarda Obezite İlişkili Hipertansiyon Mekanizmaları. İKÇÜSBFD. 2017;2(2):39-43.

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