Research Article
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Knowledge Levels of Nurses on Pressure Injury

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 257 - 263, 21.06.2023


Objective: This study was conducted to examine the knowledge levels of nurses about pressure injuries and the factors affecting this knowledge level.

Material and Method: 'Descriptive Characteristics Form' and ‘Pressure Ulcer Prevention Knowledge Assessment Instrument (PUPKAI)’ were used to collect the data for this descriptive and cross-sectional study. The study was conducted with 256 nurses working in a training and research hospital's surgical-internal inpatient clinics and intensive care units. Data analysis was performed with descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, and one-way ANOVA tests.

Results: 72.7% of the nurses have a bachelor's degree and 31.3% have a working experience of 1-5 years. It was found that the mean PUPKAI score of nurses working in internal clinics was 49.23±13.22, 51.95±11.98 working in surgical clinics, and 49.63±12.32 working in intensive care units. It was found that 77.3% (n=198) of the nurses participating in the study did not have sufficient knowledge. A statistically significant relationship was found between the nurses' participation in courses, symposiums, or training on pressure injury and their pressure injury knowledge scores (p<0.050).

Conclusion: According to the results of the research, it was found that the nurses' knowledge level of pressure injury was low and their participation in courses, symposiums, or training on pressure injury affected their knowledge level.


  • National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: Quick reference guide. https://www. (Erişim tarihi: 02.01.2021).
  • Spilsbury K, Nelson A, Cullum N, Iglesias C, Nixon J, Mason S. Pressure ulcers and their treatment and effects on quality of life: Hospital inpatient perspectives. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2007;57(5):494–504.
  • Coleman S, Nixon J, Keen J, Wilson L, McGinnis E, Dealey C, et al. A new pressure ulcer conceptual framework. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2014;70(10):2222–34.
  • Theisen S, Drabik A, Stock S. Pressure ulcers in older hospitalised patients and its impact on length of stay: A retrospective observational study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2012;21(3‐4): 380-7.
  • Monaco D, Iovino P, Lommi M, Marano G, Zaghini F, Vellone E, et al. Outcomes of wound care nurses’ practice in patients with pressure ulcers: An integrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2021;30(3- 4):372-84.
  • Gorecki C, Nixon J, Madill A, Firth J, Brown J. M. What influences the impact of pressure ulcers on health-related quality of life? A qualitative patient-focused exploration of contributory factors. Journal of Tissue Viability 2012;21(1):3–12.
  • Esson L. Inpatients felt that pressure ulcers had emotional mental physical and social effects on quality of life because nurses did not adequately treat or manage their pain or discomfort. Evidence-Based Nursing 2007;10(4):128.
  • Gorecki C, Lamping DL, Brown JM, Madill A, Firth J, Nixon J. Development of a conceptual framework of health-related quality of life in pressure ulcers: A patient-focused approach. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2010;47(12):1525–34.
  • Artico M, Piredda M, D’Angelo D, Lusignani M, Giannarelli D, Marchetti A, et al. Prevalence incidence and associated factors of pressure injuries in hospices: A multicentre prospective longitudinal study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2020;111:103760.
  • Dealey C, Posnett J, Walker A. The cost of pressure ulcers in the United Kingdom. Journal of Wound Care 2012;21(6):261-6.
  • Chan B, Ieraci L, Mitsakakis N, Pham B, Krahn M. Net costs of hospitalacquired and pre-admission PUs among older people hospitalised in Ontario. Journal of Wound Care 2013;22(7):341-6.
  • Brem H, Maggi J, Nierman D, Rolnitzky L, Bell D, Rennert R, et al. High cost of stage IV pressure ulcers. The American Journal of Surgery 2010;200(4):473-7.
  • European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel, Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers/injuries: Clinical practice guideline. Haesler E. ed. 2019, EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA. uploads/2021/01/qrg-2019-turkish.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 04.01.2021).
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Preventing pressure ulcer in adults. pressure-ulcers. (Erişim tarihi: 02.01.2021).
  • Hemşirelik yönetmeliğinde değişiklik yapılmasına dair yönetmelik. T.C.Resmi Gazete; 2011 April 19. No. 27910. http://www.resmigazete. (Erişim tarihi: 24.08.2022).
  • Dutton M, Chiarella M, Curtis K. The role of the wound care nurse: An integrative review. British Journal of Community Nursing 2014;19:39-47.
  • Downie F, Perri AM, Kiernan M. Implementing a pressure ulcer prevention bundle into practice. British Journal of Nursing 2013;22(10):4–8.
  • Lavallee JF, Gray TA, Dumville J, Cullum N. Preventing pressure ulcers in nursing homes using a care bundle: A feasibility study. Health and Social Care in the Community 2019;27:417–27.
  • Mäki‐Turja‐Rostedt S, Leino‐Kilpi H, Korhonen T, Vahlberg T, Haavisto E. Consistent practice for pressure ulcer prevention in long‐term older people care: A quasi‐experimental intervention study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2020;8:doi:10.1111/scs.12917.
  • Samuriwo R, Dowding D. Nurses’ pressure ulcer related judgements and decisions in clinical practice: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2014;51(12):1667–85.
  • Dalvand S, Ebadi A, Ghanei Gheshlagh R. Nurses’ knowledge on pressure injury prevention: A systematic review and meta-analysis based on the pressure ulcer knowledge assessment tool. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2018;11:613–20.
  • Suva G, Sharma T, Campbell KE, Sibbald RG, An D, Woo K. Strategies to support pressure injury best practices by the inter-professional team: A systematic review. International Wound Journal 2018;15(4):580–9.
  • Şengül T, Karadağ A. Determination of nurses’ level of knowledge on the prevention of pressure ulcers: The case of Turkey. Journal of Tissue Viability 2020;29(4):337-41.
  • Tulek Z, Polat C, Ozkan I, Theofanidis D, Togrol RE. Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the pressure ulcer prevention knowledge assessment instrument. Journal of Tissue Viability. 2016;25(4): 201-8.
  • Beeckman D, Vanderwee K, Demarré L, Paquay L, Van Hecke A, Defloor T. Pressure ulcer prevention: Development and psychometric validation of a knowledge assessment instrument. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2010;47(4): 399-410.
  • Uzun O, Aylaz R, Karadağ E. Prospective study: Reducing pressure ulcers in intensive care units at a Turkish Medical Center. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 2009;36(4):404-11.
  • Sving E, Högman M, Mamhidir AG, Gunningberg L. Getting evidence-based pressure ulcer prevention into practice: A multi-faceted unit-tailored intervention in a hospital setting. International Wound Journal 2014;13(5):645–54.
  • Khojastehfar S, Najafi Ghezeljeh T, Haghani S. Factors related to knowledge attitude and practice of nurses in intensive care unit in the area of pressure ulcer prevention: A multicenter study. Journal of Tissue Viability. 2020 May;29(2):76-81.
  • Beeckman D, Defloor T, Schoonhoven L, Vanderwee K. Knowledge and attitudes of nurses on pressure ulcer prevention: A cross-sectional multicenter study in Belgian Hospitals. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 2011;8(3);166–76.
  • Nie W, Tang J, Zulkowski K, Wang L, Zan T. Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Pieper-Zulkowski Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test in nursing practice. Advances in Skin & Wound Care 2020;33(5):1–7.
  • Fulbrook P, Lawrence P, Miles S. Australian nurses' knowledge of pressure injury prevention and management: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing: Official Publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society 2019;46(2):106– 12.
  • Delmore B, Ayello EA, Smart H, Sibbald RG. Assessing pressure injury knowledge using the Pieper-Zulkowski Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test. Advances in Skin & Wound Care 2018;31(9);406–12.
  • Gunningberg L, Mårtensson G, Mamhidir AG, Florin J, Muntlin Athlin Å, Bååth C. Pressure ulcer knowledge of registered nurses assistant nurses and student nurses: A descriptive comparative multicentre study in Sweden. International Wound Journal 2013;12(4):462–8.
  • Jiang L, Li L, Lommel L. Nurses' knowledge attitudes and behaviours related to pressure injury prevention: A large-scale cross-sectional survey in Mainland China. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2020;29(17- 18):3311-24.
  • Doğu Ö. Yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin bası yarası, bakımı ve bakım ürünleri kullanımına ilişkin bilgi ve uygulamalarının değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Human Rhythm 2015;1(3):95-100.
  • Çelik S, Dirimeşe E, Taşdemir N, Aşık Ş, Demircan S, Eyican S ve ark. Hemşirelerin bası yarasını önleme ve yönetme bilgisi. Medical Journal of Bakirkoy 2017;13(3):133¬-9.
  • Charalambous C, Koulouri A, Roupa Z, Vasilopoulos A, Kyriakou M, Vasiliou M. Knowledge and attitudes of nurses in a Major Public Hospital in Cyprus towards pressure ulcer prevention. Journal of Tissue Viability 2019;28(1):40-5

Hemşirelerin Basınç Yaralanmasına Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 257 - 263, 21.06.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışma hemşirelerin basınç yaralanmalarına yönelik bilgi düzeylerini ve bu bilgi düzeylerini etkileyen faktörleri incelemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel tipte olan bu araştırmanın verilerinin toplanmasında ‘Tanıtıcı Özellikler Formu’ ve ‘Basınç Ülseri Önlemede Bilgi Değerlendirme Ölçeği (BÜÖBDÖ)’ kullanılmıştır. Çalışma, bir eğitim araştırma hastanesinin cerrahi-dahili yatan hasta klinikleri ve yoğun bakım ünitelerinde çalışan 256 hemşire ile yapılmıştır. Veri analizi tanımlayıcı istatistikler, bağımsız gruplarda t testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi ile yapılmıştır.

Bulgular: Hemşirelerin %72,7’si lisans mezunu olup %31,3’ü 1-5 yıl arasında çalışma deneyimine sahiptir. Dahili kliniklerde çalışan hemşirelerin BÜÖBDÖ puan ortalaması 49,23±13,22, cerrahi kliniklerde çalışanların 51,95±11,98, yoğun bakımlarda çalışanların ise 49,63±SS=12,32 olarak bulunmuştur. Çalışmaya katılan hemşirelerin %77,3’ünün basınç yaralanmaları hakkında yeterli bilgi düzeyine sahip olmadıkları bulunmuştur. Çalışmaya katılan hemşirelerin basınç yaralanmasına yönelik kurs, sempozyum veya eğitimlere katılma durumları ile basınç yaralanması bilgi puanları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır (p<0,05).

Sonuç: Araştırma sonuçlarına göre hemşirelerin basınç yaralanması bilgi düzeylerinin düşük olduğu ve basınç yaralanmasına yönelik kurs, sempozyum veya eğitimlere katılma durumlarının bilgi düzeylerini etkilediği bulunmuştur.


  • National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: Quick reference guide. https://www. (Erişim tarihi: 02.01.2021).
  • Spilsbury K, Nelson A, Cullum N, Iglesias C, Nixon J, Mason S. Pressure ulcers and their treatment and effects on quality of life: Hospital inpatient perspectives. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2007;57(5):494–504.
  • Coleman S, Nixon J, Keen J, Wilson L, McGinnis E, Dealey C, et al. A new pressure ulcer conceptual framework. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2014;70(10):2222–34.
  • Theisen S, Drabik A, Stock S. Pressure ulcers in older hospitalised patients and its impact on length of stay: A retrospective observational study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2012;21(3‐4): 380-7.
  • Monaco D, Iovino P, Lommi M, Marano G, Zaghini F, Vellone E, et al. Outcomes of wound care nurses’ practice in patients with pressure ulcers: An integrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2021;30(3- 4):372-84.
  • Gorecki C, Nixon J, Madill A, Firth J, Brown J. M. What influences the impact of pressure ulcers on health-related quality of life? A qualitative patient-focused exploration of contributory factors. Journal of Tissue Viability 2012;21(1):3–12.
  • Esson L. Inpatients felt that pressure ulcers had emotional mental physical and social effects on quality of life because nurses did not adequately treat or manage their pain or discomfort. Evidence-Based Nursing 2007;10(4):128.
  • Gorecki C, Lamping DL, Brown JM, Madill A, Firth J, Nixon J. Development of a conceptual framework of health-related quality of life in pressure ulcers: A patient-focused approach. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2010;47(12):1525–34.
  • Artico M, Piredda M, D’Angelo D, Lusignani M, Giannarelli D, Marchetti A, et al. Prevalence incidence and associated factors of pressure injuries in hospices: A multicentre prospective longitudinal study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2020;111:103760.
  • Dealey C, Posnett J, Walker A. The cost of pressure ulcers in the United Kingdom. Journal of Wound Care 2012;21(6):261-6.
  • Chan B, Ieraci L, Mitsakakis N, Pham B, Krahn M. Net costs of hospitalacquired and pre-admission PUs among older people hospitalised in Ontario. Journal of Wound Care 2013;22(7):341-6.
  • Brem H, Maggi J, Nierman D, Rolnitzky L, Bell D, Rennert R, et al. High cost of stage IV pressure ulcers. The American Journal of Surgery 2010;200(4):473-7.
  • European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel, Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers/injuries: Clinical practice guideline. Haesler E. ed. 2019, EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA. uploads/2021/01/qrg-2019-turkish.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 04.01.2021).
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Preventing pressure ulcer in adults. pressure-ulcers. (Erişim tarihi: 02.01.2021).
  • Hemşirelik yönetmeliğinde değişiklik yapılmasına dair yönetmelik. T.C.Resmi Gazete; 2011 April 19. No. 27910. http://www.resmigazete. (Erişim tarihi: 24.08.2022).
  • Dutton M, Chiarella M, Curtis K. The role of the wound care nurse: An integrative review. British Journal of Community Nursing 2014;19:39-47.
  • Downie F, Perri AM, Kiernan M. Implementing a pressure ulcer prevention bundle into practice. British Journal of Nursing 2013;22(10):4–8.
  • Lavallee JF, Gray TA, Dumville J, Cullum N. Preventing pressure ulcers in nursing homes using a care bundle: A feasibility study. Health and Social Care in the Community 2019;27:417–27.
  • Mäki‐Turja‐Rostedt S, Leino‐Kilpi H, Korhonen T, Vahlberg T, Haavisto E. Consistent practice for pressure ulcer prevention in long‐term older people care: A quasi‐experimental intervention study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2020;8:doi:10.1111/scs.12917.
  • Samuriwo R, Dowding D. Nurses’ pressure ulcer related judgements and decisions in clinical practice: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2014;51(12):1667–85.
  • Dalvand S, Ebadi A, Ghanei Gheshlagh R. Nurses’ knowledge on pressure injury prevention: A systematic review and meta-analysis based on the pressure ulcer knowledge assessment tool. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2018;11:613–20.
  • Suva G, Sharma T, Campbell KE, Sibbald RG, An D, Woo K. Strategies to support pressure injury best practices by the inter-professional team: A systematic review. International Wound Journal 2018;15(4):580–9.
  • Şengül T, Karadağ A. Determination of nurses’ level of knowledge on the prevention of pressure ulcers: The case of Turkey. Journal of Tissue Viability 2020;29(4):337-41.
  • Tulek Z, Polat C, Ozkan I, Theofanidis D, Togrol RE. Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the pressure ulcer prevention knowledge assessment instrument. Journal of Tissue Viability. 2016;25(4): 201-8.
  • Beeckman D, Vanderwee K, Demarré L, Paquay L, Van Hecke A, Defloor T. Pressure ulcer prevention: Development and psychometric validation of a knowledge assessment instrument. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2010;47(4): 399-410.
  • Uzun O, Aylaz R, Karadağ E. Prospective study: Reducing pressure ulcers in intensive care units at a Turkish Medical Center. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 2009;36(4):404-11.
  • Sving E, Högman M, Mamhidir AG, Gunningberg L. Getting evidence-based pressure ulcer prevention into practice: A multi-faceted unit-tailored intervention in a hospital setting. International Wound Journal 2014;13(5):645–54.
  • Khojastehfar S, Najafi Ghezeljeh T, Haghani S. Factors related to knowledge attitude and practice of nurses in intensive care unit in the area of pressure ulcer prevention: A multicenter study. Journal of Tissue Viability. 2020 May;29(2):76-81.
  • Beeckman D, Defloor T, Schoonhoven L, Vanderwee K. Knowledge and attitudes of nurses on pressure ulcer prevention: A cross-sectional multicenter study in Belgian Hospitals. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 2011;8(3);166–76.
  • Nie W, Tang J, Zulkowski K, Wang L, Zan T. Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Pieper-Zulkowski Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test in nursing practice. Advances in Skin & Wound Care 2020;33(5):1–7.
  • Fulbrook P, Lawrence P, Miles S. Australian nurses' knowledge of pressure injury prevention and management: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing: Official Publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society 2019;46(2):106– 12.
  • Delmore B, Ayello EA, Smart H, Sibbald RG. Assessing pressure injury knowledge using the Pieper-Zulkowski Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test. Advances in Skin & Wound Care 2018;31(9);406–12.
  • Gunningberg L, Mårtensson G, Mamhidir AG, Florin J, Muntlin Athlin Å, Bååth C. Pressure ulcer knowledge of registered nurses assistant nurses and student nurses: A descriptive comparative multicentre study in Sweden. International Wound Journal 2013;12(4):462–8.
  • Jiang L, Li L, Lommel L. Nurses' knowledge attitudes and behaviours related to pressure injury prevention: A large-scale cross-sectional survey in Mainland China. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2020;29(17- 18):3311-24.
  • Doğu Ö. Yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin bası yarası, bakımı ve bakım ürünleri kullanımına ilişkin bilgi ve uygulamalarının değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Human Rhythm 2015;1(3):95-100.
  • Çelik S, Dirimeşe E, Taşdemir N, Aşık Ş, Demircan S, Eyican S ve ark. Hemşirelerin bası yarasını önleme ve yönetme bilgisi. Medical Journal of Bakirkoy 2017;13(3):133¬-9.
  • Charalambous C, Koulouri A, Roupa Z, Vasilopoulos A, Kyriakou M, Vasiliou M. Knowledge and attitudes of nurses in a Major Public Hospital in Cyprus towards pressure ulcer prevention. Journal of Tissue Viability 2019;28(1):40-5
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Emine Sezgünsay 0000-0003-0196-1818

Tülay Başak 0000-0001-5148-5034

Nazife Şıvgın 0000-0003-4493-8941

Sinan Öksüz 0000-0001-5333-0685

Early Pub Date July 13, 2023
Publication Date June 21, 2023
Submission Date February 19, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Sezgünsay, E., Başak, T., Şıvgın, N., Öksüz, S. (2023). Hemşirelerin Basınç Yaralanmasına Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 257-263.
AMA Sezgünsay E, Başak T, Şıvgın N, Öksüz S. Hemşirelerin Basınç Yaralanmasına Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri. İKÇÜSBFD. June 2023;8(2):257-263.
Chicago Sezgünsay, Emine, Tülay Başak, Nazife Şıvgın, and Sinan Öksüz. “Hemşirelerin Basınç Yaralanmasına Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8, no. 2 (June 2023): 257-63.
EndNote Sezgünsay E, Başak T, Şıvgın N, Öksüz S (June 1, 2023) Hemşirelerin Basınç Yaralanmasına Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8 2 257–263.
IEEE E. Sezgünsay, T. Başak, N. Şıvgın, and S. Öksüz, “Hemşirelerin Basınç Yaralanmasına Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri”, İKÇÜSBFD, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 257–263, 2023.
ISNAD Sezgünsay, Emine et al. “Hemşirelerin Basınç Yaralanmasına Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8/2 (June 2023), 257-263.
JAMA Sezgünsay E, Başak T, Şıvgın N, Öksüz S. Hemşirelerin Basınç Yaralanmasına Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri. İKÇÜSBFD. 2023;8:257–263.
MLA Sezgünsay, Emine et al. “Hemşirelerin Basınç Yaralanmasına Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2023, pp. 257-63.
Vancouver Sezgünsay E, Başak T, Şıvgın N, Öksüz S. Hemşirelerin Basınç Yaralanmasına Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri. İKÇÜSBFD. 2023;8(2):257-63.

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.