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The Compliance of Nurses with Isolation Precautions During the Pandemic and the Effect of COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety: An Observational and Descriptive Study

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 429 - 437, 21.06.2023


Objective: This study was aimed to determine the compliance of nurses caring for patients with COVID-19 with isolation measures and the relationship between nurses' fear and anxiety of COVID-19 and their compliance with isolation measures.
Material and Method: This cross-sectional study using direct observation was carried out between February and May 2021. The study sample consists of 57 nurses. Data were collected with The Compliance with Isolation Precautions Scale, The Coronavirus Fear Scale, The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale, and Observation Form for Compliance with Isolation Precautions. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (number-percent, mean±standard deviation), Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis analysis, Spearman correlation analysis. Results: The compliance of the nurses with the isolation precautions was 80.07±9.70. 73.7% of the nurses did not wear the personal protective equipment in the correct order and 78.9% did not take it off correctly. The COVID-19 fears levels of the nurses were 15.61±5.94, and their anxiety levels were 0.98±1.74. No correlation was found between COVID-19 fears, anxiety and compliance with isolation measures.
Conclusion: The nurses evaluated their isolation compliance level as good but as a result of the observation, they did not apply the personal protective equipment wearing and removing steps with the correct technique. The nurses' fear of COVID-19 was moderate, their anxiety was low, and there was no relationship with this variables and their compliance with isolation measures. Making arrangements and training related to compliance with isolation measures may be important in combating COVID-19 and similar threats.


  • Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu, Y, et al. (2020). Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. The Lancet. 2020;395(10223): 497-506. doi:10.- 1016/S01406736-(20)30183-5.
  • Lauer SA, Grantz KH, Bi Q, Jones FK, Zheng Q, Meredith HR, et al. The incubation period of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from publicly reported confirmed cases: estimation and application. Ann. Intern. Med. 2020;172(9):577-582. doi:10.7326/M20-0504.
  • TR Ministry of Health. Guide to COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 infection). Scientific Committee work. Ankara: TR Ministry of Health; 2020. 1240/13nisbrehberi.
  • Jackson D, Anders R, Padula WV, Daly J, Davidson PM. Vulnerability of nurse and physicians with COVID‐19: Monitoring and surveillance needed. J Clin Nurs. 2020. doi:10.1111/jocn.15347.
  • Chen S, Lai Y, Tsay S. Perspectives on the impacts of COVID-19. Nurs. Res. 2020;28(3):85.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Interim infection and control recommendations for patients with prevention or confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in healthcare settings. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), 2020. Available from:
  • Murthy S, Gomersall CD, Fowler RA. Care for critically ill patients with COVID-19. JAMA. 2020; 323(15):1499-1500. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.3633.
  • Cascella M, Rajnik M, Aleem A, et al. Features, Evaluation, and Treatment of Coronavirus (COVID-19) [Updated 2022 May 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:
  • World Health Organization. (2020a). Infection prevention and control guidance for long-term care facilities in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance, 8 January 2021 (Retrieved May 21,2021, from -2019-nCoV-IPC_long_term_care-2021.1 ).
  • Cooper S, Wiyeh A, Schmidt BM, Wiysonge CS. Cochrane corner: factors that influence compliance by healthcare workers with infection prevention and control guidelines for COVID-19 and other respiratory infections. Pan Afr. Med. J. 2020;35(Suppl 2).
  • Jordan V. Coronavirus (COVID-19): infection control and prevention measures. J. Prim. Health Care. 2020;12(1):96-97. doi:10.1071/HC15950.
  • Şahan, C., Özgür, E. A., Arkan, G., Alagüney, M.E., Demiral, Y. (2020). Diagnosis Guide for Occupational Disease in the COVID-19 Pandemic. İş ve Meslek Hastalıkları Uzmanları Derneği ve Halk Sağlığı Uzmanları Derneği, 2020;1-17.
  • Choi KR, Jeffers KS, Logsdon MC. Nursing and the novel coronavirus: risks and responsibilities in a global outbreak. J. Adv. Nurs. 2020;76:1486-1487. doi:10.1111/jan.14369 .
  • Xiang Y, Yang Y, Li W, Zhang L, Zhang Q, Ng C. Timely mental health care for the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak is urgently needed. The Lancet. 2020;7(3):228–229. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30046-8.
  • Pappa S, Ntella V, Giannakas T, Giannakoulis VG, Papoutsi E, Katsaounou, P. Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and insomnia among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain Behav. Immun. 2020;88:901–907. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2020.05.026.
  • Muller AE, Hafstad EV, Himmels JPW, Smedslund G, Flottorp S, Stensland SØ, Stroobants S, Van de Velde S, Vist GE. The mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers, and interventions to help them: A rapid systematic review. Psychiatry Res. 2020; 293: Article 113441. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113441.
  • Von Elm E, Altman DG, Egger M, Pocock SJ, Gøtzsche PC, Vandenbroucke JP, Strobe Initiative. The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. Int J Surg. 2014;12(12):1495-1499
  • Ulupınar S, Tayran N. A scale development study: The validity and reliability of the scale of compliance with isolation measures. FNJN. 2011;19(2):89-98.
  • Bakioğlu F, Korkmaz O, Ercan H. Fear of COVID-19 and positivity: Mediating role of intolerance of uncertainty, depression, anxiety, and stress. Int J Ment Health Addict. 2021;19(6):2369-2382. doi:10.1007/s11469-020- 00331-y.
  • Evren C, Evren B, Dalbudak E, Topcu M, Kutlu N. Measuring anxiety related to COVID-19: A Turkish validation study of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale. Death Stud. 2020; 1-7.
  • Sarmasoğlu Ş, Çelik GHT, Korkmaz F. Review: Personal Protective Equipment Usage for COVID19 Disease Protection. HUHEMFAD-JOHUFON. 2020;7: 47-65.
  • Göçmen Baykara Z, Çalişkan N, Öztürk D, Karadağ A. Temel Hemşirelik Becerileri: Kontrol Listeleri. Ankara Nobel Medical Bookstores. Respiratory Requirement. 2019; 203-206.
  • Erden S, Kahraman BB, Bulut H. Evaluation of the compliance of doctors and nurses working in intensive care units with isolation precautions. Gümüşhane Univ. Sağlık Bilim. Derg. 2015; 4(3): 388-398.
  • Pekuslu S, Demirci H, Taşçıoğlu S, Tuna E. Evaluation of the compliance of physicians and nurses working in a state hospital with isolation precautions Beylik U, Önder Ö, Güler H, Öztürk A. III. International Congress of Performance and Quality in Health. Oral Proceedings Book. General Directorate of Treatment Services, (2011). 1, 51-62.
  • Zencir G, Bayraktar D, Khorshid L. Compliance of nurses working in a ublic hospital with isolation measures. EGEHFD. 2013;29(2): 61-70.
  • Abdulraheem IS, Amodu MO, Saka MJ, Bolarinwa OA, Uthman MMB. Knowledge, awareness and compliance with standard precautions among health workers in North Eastearn Nigeria. J. Commut. Med. Health Educ. 2012; 2:131. doi:10.4172/jcmhe.1000131.
  • Özden D, Özveren H. Determination of occupational and institutional factors in nurses' compliance with isolation measures. JAREN. 2016; 2(1): 24-32.
  • Geçit S, Özbayır T. Adaptation of Nurses and Physicians to Isolation Precautions. EGEHFD. 2020;36(3):163-173.
  • Aslan S, Dinç M. Examining the relationship between nurses' fear levels and insomnia during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Turkey. Perspect Psychiatr Care.2022;58;(1):54-60.
  • Vizheh M, Qorbani M, Arzaghi SM, Muhidin S, Javanmard Z, Esmaeili M. The mental health of healthcare workers in the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review. J. Diabetes Metab. Disord. 2020;19(2):1967-1978. oi:10.1007/s40200-020-00643-9.
  • Saracoglu KT, Simsek T, Kahraman S, Bombaci E, Sezen Ö, Saracoglu A, et al. The psychological impact of COVID-19 disease is more severe on intensive care unit healthcare providers: a cross-sectional study. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2020; 18(4):607. doi:10.9758/cpn.2020.18.4.607.
  • Arli SK, Bakan AB. Nurses' compliance with isolation precautions and the affecting factors. Appl Nurs Res. 2017;38: 175-178. oi:10.1016/j.apnr.2017.10.014.
  • Lindayani L, Permana B, Darmawat, I. Attitudes and Practices toward Droplet and Airborne Universal Precaution among Nurses during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Indonesia. Korean J Adult Nurs. 2021; 33 (1): 29-36. doi:10.7475/kjan.2021.33.1.29.
  • World Health Organization. (2020b). Transmission of SARS- CoV 2: Implications for infection prevention precautions. (Scientific Brief ). July 9, 2020. precautions.
  • World Health Organization. (2020c). Report of the WHO-China joint mission on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
  • Tomas M. E, Kundrapu S, Thota P, Sunkesula VCK, Cadnum JL, Mana TSC, Jencson A, O'Donnell M, Zabarsky TF, Hecker MT, Ray AJ, Wilson BM, Donskey CJ. Contamination of health care personnel during removal of personal protective equipment. JAMA Intern. 2015;175(12),1904–1910. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.4535.
  • Okamoto K, Rhee Y, Schoeny M, Lolans K, Cheng J, Reddy S, Weinstein RA, Hayden MK, Popovich KJ. Impact of doffing errors on healthcare worker self-contamination when caring for patients on contact precautions. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol .2019;40(5):559–565. doi:10.1017/ice.2019.33.
  • Phan LT, Maita D, Mortiz DC, Weber R, Fritzen-Pedicini, C., Bleasdale, SC, et al. Personal protective equipment doffing practices of healthcare workers. J. Occup. Environ. Hyg.. 2019;16(8):575-581. doi:10.1080/15459624.2019.1628350.
  • . Bovin J. PPE used incorrectly half the time. Health Leaders, to your friend: https://www. healthleadersmedia. com/strategy/ppe used-incorrectly-half-time, dostpno, 2015; 10, 2020.
  • World Health Organization. Infection prevention and control during health care when novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection is uspected: interim guidance, 25 January 2020 (No. WHO/2019-nCoV/IPC/2020.2). (2020d). World Health Organization.
  • Moore LD, Robbins G, Quinn J, Arbogast JW. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on hand hygiene performance in hospitals. Am. J. Infect. Control. 2021;49(1),30-33. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2020.08.021.
  • Sadule-Rios N, Aguilera,G. Nurses’ perceptions of reasons for persistent low rates in hand hygiene compliance. Intensive Crit. Care Nurs. 2017;42:17-21. doi:10.1016/j.iccn.2017.02.005.
  • Acquarulo BA, Sullivan L, Gentile AL, Boyce JM, Martinello RA. Mixed-methods analysis of glove use as a barrier to hand hygiene. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2019;40(1):103-105. doi:10.1017/ ice.2018.293.
  • Jain S, Clezy K, McLaws ML. Glove: Use for safety or overuse? Am. J. Infect. Control. 2017;45(12):1407-1410. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2017.08.029 .
  • Rajkumar RP. COVID-19 and mental health: A review of the existing literature. Asian J Psychiatr. 2020;52:102066. doi: 10.1016/
  • Yaşar ME. Investigation of the relationship between nurses' fear of COVID-19, sense of trust and cooperation in the pandemic process. Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Dicle University. 2021;11(21):206-226. doi:10.53092/duiibfd.909054.
  • Sun N, Wei L, Shi S, Jiao D, Song R, Ma L. et al. Qualitative study on the psychological experience of caregivers of COVID-19 patients. Am. J. Infect. Control. 2020;48:592–598. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2020.03.018.
  • Arnetz JE, Goetz CM, Sudan S, Arble E, Janisse J, Arnetz BB. Personal protective equipment and mental health symptoms among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. J. Occup. Environ. 2020;62(11):892-897 doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000001999

Hemşirelerin Pandemi Sırasında İzolasyon Önlemlerine Uyumu ile COVID-19 Korku ve Kaygısına Etkisi: Gözlemsel ve Tanımlayıcı Bir Çalışma

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 429 - 437, 21.06.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışma, COVID-19'lu hastalara bakım veren hemşirelerin izolasyon önlemlerine uyumunu ve hemşirelerin COVID-19 korku ve kaygıları ile izolasyon önlemlerine uyumları arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Doğrudan gözlemin kullanıldığı bu kesitsel çalışma, Şubat-Mayıs 2021 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirildi. Çalışmanın örneklemini 57 hemşire oluşturmaktadır. İzolasyon Önlemlerine Uyum Ölçeği, Koronavirüs Korku Ölçeği, Koronavirüs Kaygı Ölçeği ve İzolasyon Önlemlerine Uyum Gözlem Formu ile veriler toplandı. Veriler, tanımlayıcı istatistikler (yüzde sayı, ortalama±standart sapma), Mann-Whitney U testi ve Kruskal-Wallis analizi, Spearman korelasyon analizi kullanılarak analiz edildi.
Bulgular: Hemşirelerin izolasyon önlemlerine uyumu 80.07±9.70 idi. Hemşirelerin %73,7'si kişisel koruyucu donanımını doğru sırada takmadı ve %78,9'u doğru sırada çıkarmadı. Hemşirelerin COVID-19 korku düzeyleri 15,61±5,94, kaygı düzeyleri 0,98±1,74 olarak bulundu. COVID-19 korkusu, kaygısı ve izolasyon önlemlerine uyum arasında bir ilişki bulunmadı.
Sonuç: Hemşireler izolasyon uyum düzeylerini iyi olarak değerlendirdiler ancak gözlem sonucunda kişisel koruyucu donanım giyme ve çıkarma adımlarını doğru teknikle uygulamadıkları görüldü. Hemşirelerin COVID-19 korkusu orta, kaygıları düşük ve bu değişkenler ile izolasyon önlemlerine uyumları arasında ilişki yoktu. İzolasyon önlemlerine uyum ile ilgili düzenleme ve eğitimlerin yapılması COVID-19 ve benzeri tehditlerle mücadelede önemli olabilir


  • Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu, Y, et al. (2020). Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. The Lancet. 2020;395(10223): 497-506. doi:10.- 1016/S01406736-(20)30183-5.
  • Lauer SA, Grantz KH, Bi Q, Jones FK, Zheng Q, Meredith HR, et al. The incubation period of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from publicly reported confirmed cases: estimation and application. Ann. Intern. Med. 2020;172(9):577-582. doi:10.7326/M20-0504.
  • TR Ministry of Health. Guide to COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 infection). Scientific Committee work. Ankara: TR Ministry of Health; 2020. 1240/13nisbrehberi.
  • Jackson D, Anders R, Padula WV, Daly J, Davidson PM. Vulnerability of nurse and physicians with COVID‐19: Monitoring and surveillance needed. J Clin Nurs. 2020. doi:10.1111/jocn.15347.
  • Chen S, Lai Y, Tsay S. Perspectives on the impacts of COVID-19. Nurs. Res. 2020;28(3):85.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Interim infection and control recommendations for patients with prevention or confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in healthcare settings. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), 2020. Available from:
  • Murthy S, Gomersall CD, Fowler RA. Care for critically ill patients with COVID-19. JAMA. 2020; 323(15):1499-1500. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.3633.
  • Cascella M, Rajnik M, Aleem A, et al. Features, Evaluation, and Treatment of Coronavirus (COVID-19) [Updated 2022 May 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:
  • World Health Organization. (2020a). Infection prevention and control guidance for long-term care facilities in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance, 8 January 2021 (Retrieved May 21,2021, from -2019-nCoV-IPC_long_term_care-2021.1 ).
  • Cooper S, Wiyeh A, Schmidt BM, Wiysonge CS. Cochrane corner: factors that influence compliance by healthcare workers with infection prevention and control guidelines for COVID-19 and other respiratory infections. Pan Afr. Med. J. 2020;35(Suppl 2).
  • Jordan V. Coronavirus (COVID-19): infection control and prevention measures. J. Prim. Health Care. 2020;12(1):96-97. doi:10.1071/HC15950.
  • Şahan, C., Özgür, E. A., Arkan, G., Alagüney, M.E., Demiral, Y. (2020). Diagnosis Guide for Occupational Disease in the COVID-19 Pandemic. İş ve Meslek Hastalıkları Uzmanları Derneği ve Halk Sağlığı Uzmanları Derneği, 2020;1-17.
  • Choi KR, Jeffers KS, Logsdon MC. Nursing and the novel coronavirus: risks and responsibilities in a global outbreak. J. Adv. Nurs. 2020;76:1486-1487. doi:10.1111/jan.14369 .
  • Xiang Y, Yang Y, Li W, Zhang L, Zhang Q, Ng C. Timely mental health care for the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak is urgently needed. The Lancet. 2020;7(3):228–229. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30046-8.
  • Pappa S, Ntella V, Giannakas T, Giannakoulis VG, Papoutsi E, Katsaounou, P. Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and insomnia among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain Behav. Immun. 2020;88:901–907. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2020.05.026.
  • Muller AE, Hafstad EV, Himmels JPW, Smedslund G, Flottorp S, Stensland SØ, Stroobants S, Van de Velde S, Vist GE. The mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers, and interventions to help them: A rapid systematic review. Psychiatry Res. 2020; 293: Article 113441. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113441.
  • Von Elm E, Altman DG, Egger M, Pocock SJ, Gøtzsche PC, Vandenbroucke JP, Strobe Initiative. The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. Int J Surg. 2014;12(12):1495-1499
  • Ulupınar S, Tayran N. A scale development study: The validity and reliability of the scale of compliance with isolation measures. FNJN. 2011;19(2):89-98.
  • Bakioğlu F, Korkmaz O, Ercan H. Fear of COVID-19 and positivity: Mediating role of intolerance of uncertainty, depression, anxiety, and stress. Int J Ment Health Addict. 2021;19(6):2369-2382. doi:10.1007/s11469-020- 00331-y.
  • Evren C, Evren B, Dalbudak E, Topcu M, Kutlu N. Measuring anxiety related to COVID-19: A Turkish validation study of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale. Death Stud. 2020; 1-7.
  • Sarmasoğlu Ş, Çelik GHT, Korkmaz F. Review: Personal Protective Equipment Usage for COVID19 Disease Protection. HUHEMFAD-JOHUFON. 2020;7: 47-65.
  • Göçmen Baykara Z, Çalişkan N, Öztürk D, Karadağ A. Temel Hemşirelik Becerileri: Kontrol Listeleri. Ankara Nobel Medical Bookstores. Respiratory Requirement. 2019; 203-206.
  • Erden S, Kahraman BB, Bulut H. Evaluation of the compliance of doctors and nurses working in intensive care units with isolation precautions. Gümüşhane Univ. Sağlık Bilim. Derg. 2015; 4(3): 388-398.
  • Pekuslu S, Demirci H, Taşçıoğlu S, Tuna E. Evaluation of the compliance of physicians and nurses working in a state hospital with isolation precautions Beylik U, Önder Ö, Güler H, Öztürk A. III. International Congress of Performance and Quality in Health. Oral Proceedings Book. General Directorate of Treatment Services, (2011). 1, 51-62.
  • Zencir G, Bayraktar D, Khorshid L. Compliance of nurses working in a ublic hospital with isolation measures. EGEHFD. 2013;29(2): 61-70.
  • Abdulraheem IS, Amodu MO, Saka MJ, Bolarinwa OA, Uthman MMB. Knowledge, awareness and compliance with standard precautions among health workers in North Eastearn Nigeria. J. Commut. Med. Health Educ. 2012; 2:131. doi:10.4172/jcmhe.1000131.
  • Özden D, Özveren H. Determination of occupational and institutional factors in nurses' compliance with isolation measures. JAREN. 2016; 2(1): 24-32.
  • Geçit S, Özbayır T. Adaptation of Nurses and Physicians to Isolation Precautions. EGEHFD. 2020;36(3):163-173.
  • Aslan S, Dinç M. Examining the relationship between nurses' fear levels and insomnia during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Turkey. Perspect Psychiatr Care.2022;58;(1):54-60.
  • Vizheh M, Qorbani M, Arzaghi SM, Muhidin S, Javanmard Z, Esmaeili M. The mental health of healthcare workers in the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review. J. Diabetes Metab. Disord. 2020;19(2):1967-1978. oi:10.1007/s40200-020-00643-9.
  • Saracoglu KT, Simsek T, Kahraman S, Bombaci E, Sezen Ö, Saracoglu A, et al. The psychological impact of COVID-19 disease is more severe on intensive care unit healthcare providers: a cross-sectional study. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2020; 18(4):607. doi:10.9758/cpn.2020.18.4.607.
  • Arli SK, Bakan AB. Nurses' compliance with isolation precautions and the affecting factors. Appl Nurs Res. 2017;38: 175-178. oi:10.1016/j.apnr.2017.10.014.
  • Lindayani L, Permana B, Darmawat, I. Attitudes and Practices toward Droplet and Airborne Universal Precaution among Nurses during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Indonesia. Korean J Adult Nurs. 2021; 33 (1): 29-36. doi:10.7475/kjan.2021.33.1.29.
  • World Health Organization. (2020b). Transmission of SARS- CoV 2: Implications for infection prevention precautions. (Scientific Brief ). July 9, 2020. precautions.
  • World Health Organization. (2020c). Report of the WHO-China joint mission on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
  • Tomas M. E, Kundrapu S, Thota P, Sunkesula VCK, Cadnum JL, Mana TSC, Jencson A, O'Donnell M, Zabarsky TF, Hecker MT, Ray AJ, Wilson BM, Donskey CJ. Contamination of health care personnel during removal of personal protective equipment. JAMA Intern. 2015;175(12),1904–1910. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.4535.
  • Okamoto K, Rhee Y, Schoeny M, Lolans K, Cheng J, Reddy S, Weinstein RA, Hayden MK, Popovich KJ. Impact of doffing errors on healthcare worker self-contamination when caring for patients on contact precautions. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol .2019;40(5):559–565. doi:10.1017/ice.2019.33.
  • Phan LT, Maita D, Mortiz DC, Weber R, Fritzen-Pedicini, C., Bleasdale, SC, et al. Personal protective equipment doffing practices of healthcare workers. J. Occup. Environ. Hyg.. 2019;16(8):575-581. doi:10.1080/15459624.2019.1628350.
  • . Bovin J. PPE used incorrectly half the time. Health Leaders, to your friend: https://www. healthleadersmedia. com/strategy/ppe used-incorrectly-half-time, dostpno, 2015; 10, 2020.
  • World Health Organization. Infection prevention and control during health care when novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection is uspected: interim guidance, 25 January 2020 (No. WHO/2019-nCoV/IPC/2020.2). (2020d). World Health Organization.
  • Moore LD, Robbins G, Quinn J, Arbogast JW. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on hand hygiene performance in hospitals. Am. J. Infect. Control. 2021;49(1),30-33. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2020.08.021.
  • Sadule-Rios N, Aguilera,G. Nurses’ perceptions of reasons for persistent low rates in hand hygiene compliance. Intensive Crit. Care Nurs. 2017;42:17-21. doi:10.1016/j.iccn.2017.02.005.
  • Acquarulo BA, Sullivan L, Gentile AL, Boyce JM, Martinello RA. Mixed-methods analysis of glove use as a barrier to hand hygiene. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2019;40(1):103-105. doi:10.1017/ ice.2018.293.
  • Jain S, Clezy K, McLaws ML. Glove: Use for safety or overuse? Am. J. Infect. Control. 2017;45(12):1407-1410. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2017.08.029 .
  • Rajkumar RP. COVID-19 and mental health: A review of the existing literature. Asian J Psychiatr. 2020;52:102066. doi: 10.1016/
  • Yaşar ME. Investigation of the relationship between nurses' fear of COVID-19, sense of trust and cooperation in the pandemic process. Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Dicle University. 2021;11(21):206-226. doi:10.53092/duiibfd.909054.
  • Sun N, Wei L, Shi S, Jiao D, Song R, Ma L. et al. Qualitative study on the psychological experience of caregivers of COVID-19 patients. Am. J. Infect. Control. 2020;48:592–598. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2020.03.018.
  • Arnetz JE, Goetz CM, Sudan S, Arble E, Janisse J, Arnetz BB. Personal protective equipment and mental health symptoms among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. J. Occup. Environ. 2020;62(11):892-897 doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000001999
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Arife Şanlıalp Zeyrek 0000-0001-5456-7393

Sümeyye Arslan 0000-0002-9574-0284

Özlem Fidan 0000-0003-2155-0063

Tuğba Mutluluk 0000-0001-8644-3088

Early Pub Date July 13, 2023
Publication Date June 21, 2023
Submission Date June 22, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Şanlıalp Zeyrek, A., Arslan, S., Fidan, Ö., Mutluluk, T. (2023). The Compliance of Nurses with Isolation Precautions During the Pandemic and the Effect of COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety: An Observational and Descriptive Study. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 429-437.
AMA Şanlıalp Zeyrek A, Arslan S, Fidan Ö, Mutluluk T. The Compliance of Nurses with Isolation Precautions During the Pandemic and the Effect of COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety: An Observational and Descriptive Study. İKÇÜSBFD. June 2023;8(2):429-437.
Chicago Şanlıalp Zeyrek, Arife, Sümeyye Arslan, Özlem Fidan, and Tuğba Mutluluk. “The Compliance of Nurses With Isolation Precautions During the Pandemic and the Effect of COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety: An Observational and Descriptive Study”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8, no. 2 (June 2023): 429-37.
EndNote Şanlıalp Zeyrek A, Arslan S, Fidan Ö, Mutluluk T (June 1, 2023) The Compliance of Nurses with Isolation Precautions During the Pandemic and the Effect of COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety: An Observational and Descriptive Study. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8 2 429–437.
IEEE A. Şanlıalp Zeyrek, S. Arslan, Ö. Fidan, and T. Mutluluk, “The Compliance of Nurses with Isolation Precautions During the Pandemic and the Effect of COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety: An Observational and Descriptive Study”, İKÇÜSBFD, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 429–437, 2023.
ISNAD Şanlıalp Zeyrek, Arife et al. “The Compliance of Nurses With Isolation Precautions During the Pandemic and the Effect of COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety: An Observational and Descriptive Study”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8/2 (June 2023), 429-437.
JAMA Şanlıalp Zeyrek A, Arslan S, Fidan Ö, Mutluluk T. The Compliance of Nurses with Isolation Precautions During the Pandemic and the Effect of COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety: An Observational and Descriptive Study. İKÇÜSBFD. 2023;8:429–437.
MLA Şanlıalp Zeyrek, Arife et al. “The Compliance of Nurses With Isolation Precautions During the Pandemic and the Effect of COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety: An Observational and Descriptive Study”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2023, pp. 429-37.
Vancouver Şanlıalp Zeyrek A, Arslan S, Fidan Ö, Mutluluk T. The Compliance of Nurses with Isolation Precautions During the Pandemic and the Effect of COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety: An Observational and Descriptive Study. İKÇÜSBFD. 2023;8(2):429-37.

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