Afetler; toplumun tamamı veya belli kesimleri için fiziksel, ekonomik ve sosyal kayıplara yol açan doğa, teknoloji veya insan kaynaklı olaylar olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu olaylar, normal yaşamı ve insan faaliyetlerini durdurur veya kesintiye uğratır, etkilenen toplumun başa çıkma kapasitesindeki yetersizlikleri ortaya çıkarır. Afetlerde ilk müdahale yereldir. Afet bölgesine yardımların ulaşması bazı durumlarda günler hatta haftalar sürebilir. Bu nedenle afet ve acil durumlara yönelik bir toplum afet müdahale planının olması çok önemlidir. Afet ve acil durumlara yönelik hazırlanan afet müdahale planları; zarar azaltma, afete hazırlık, afet yanıtı, rehabilitasyon ve yeniden yapılanma aktivitelerini ayrıntılı bir şekilde içermelidir. Kamu kurumları, sivil toplum kuruluşları ve özel sektörün rol aldığı afet müdahale planlarının etkinliğinin arttırılmasında ilgili alanlarda eczacılara büyük sorumluluklar düşmektedir. Eczacılık mesleği mensuplarının afet ve acil durumlarda görevlerini icra etmeleri desteklenmeli ve afet müdahale planlarında ve medikal kurtarma ekiplerinde yer almalarının önü açılmalıdır. Bu derlemenin amacı, insan kaynaklı veya doğal afetler gibi olağanüstü durumlar için Uluslararası Eczacılık Federasyonu tarafından yayınlanan mesleki standartlar ve kılavuzlardaki güncel bilgileri afet ve acil durum eczacılığı alanına ilgi duyan eczacılara sunmaktır. [Internet]. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: disaster.
Alkhalili M, Ma J, Grenier S. Defining Roles for Pharmacy Personnel in Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2017;11(4):496-504.
International Pharmaceutical Federation. FIP Statement of Professional Standards: The Role of the Pharmacist in Crisis Management: Including Manmade and Natural Disasters and Pandemics. The Hague; 2006. Available from:
International Pharmaceutical Federation. Responding to Disaster: Guidelines for Pharmacy. The Hague; 2016. Available from: https://www. emergency-activities/2016-07-responding-to-disasters-guideline.pdf.
Çalıkuşu M, Güneş G, Özçelikay G. COVID-19 Pandemisinin Toplum Eczacılığı Hizmetlerine Etkileri. J Fac Pharm Ankara. 2021;45(2):194-211. [Internet]. Acil Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Daire Başkanlığı, Ulusal Medikal Kurtarma Ekibi (UMKE). [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: TR-80255/ulusal-medikal-kurtarma-ekibi-birimi-umke.html.
Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı. Türkiye Afet Müdahale Planı. Available from: / Kutuphane/Planlar/TAMP.pdf.
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. Emergency and Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning: A Guide for Boards of Pharmacy. Illimois; 2006. Available from: uploads/2016/07/06Emergency_Preparedness_Guide.pdf.
ASHP Statement on the role of health-system pharmacists in emergency preparedness. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2003 Oct 1;60(19):1993-5.
Noe B, Smith A. Development of a community pharmacy disaster preparedness manual. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2013 Jul-Aug;53(4):432-7.
Hsu EB, Casani JA, Romanosky A, Millin MG, Singleton CM, Donohue J, et al. Are regional hospital pharmacies prepared for public health emergencies? Biosecur Bioterror. 2006;4(3):237-43.
Summary of the executive session on emergency preparedness and the pharmaceutical supply chain. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2002 Feb 1;59(3):247– 53.
Gaudette R, Schnitzer J, George E, Briggs S. Lessons learned from september 11th World Trade Center disaster: pharmacy preparedness and participation in an ınternational medical and surgical response team. Pharmacotherapy. 2002 Mar;22(3):271-81.
Hogue MD, Hogue HB, Lander RD, Avent K, Fleenor M. The nontraditional role of pharmacists after hurricane Katrina: process description and lessons learned. Public Health Rep. 2009 Mar-Apr;124(2):217-23.
World Health Organisation (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Humanitarian supply management and logistics in the health sector. Washington; 2001. Available from: dmdocuments/humanitarianSupplyBook.pdf. [Internet]. Interagency emergency health kit 2017. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: kits/interagency-emergency-health-kit-2017.
National Clinical Homecare Association. NCHA Adverse Weather Guideline. 2012. Available from: uploads/2017/01/ncha_adverse_weather_guideline_v1-2_final. pdf.
Sorfleet C, Vaillancourt R, Groves S, Dawson J. Design, development and evaluation of pictographic instructions for medications used during humanitarian missions. Can Pharm J. 2009;142(2):82-8.
International Pharmaceutical Federation. World Health Pictograms Instructions for Use. Available from: PictogramsInstructions2009-07.pdf. [Internet]. Immunization Recommendations for Disaster Responders. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: disasters/disease/responderimmun.html. [Internet]. NIOSH Directory of Personal Protective Equipment. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: [Internet]. Emergency Preparedness and Response. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from:
Bayntun C, Rockenschaub G, Murray V. Developing a health system approach to disaster management: A qualitative analysis of the core literature to complement the WHO Toolkit for assessing health-system capacity for crisis management. PLoS Curr. 2012 Aug;4:e5028b6037259a.
International Pharmacists Federation, World Health Organization (WHO). Joint FIP/WHO guidelines on good pharmacy practice: Standards for quality of pharmacy services. 2011. Available from: https://www.who. int/docs/default-source/medicines/norms-and-standards/guidelines/ distribution/trs961-annex8-fipwhoguidelinesgoodpharmacypractice.pdf.,
Lindell, M. Recovery and reconstruction after disaster. In: Bobrowsky PT, editor, Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards, Dordrecht: Springer; 2016. P. 812-24. [Internet]. Basın Açıklaması. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from:ın-Açıklaması. [Internet]. Afet Bölgesinde Yapılacak Uygulamalar Hakkında. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: https://www.sgk. Hakkinda-2023-02-22-05-03-22.
Pharmacy Services in Disasters
Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 735 - 739, 21.06.2023
Disasters can be defined as nature, technology, or human-induced events that cause physical, economic, and social losses for the whole or certain segments of society. These events stop or interrupt normal life and human activities, revealing insufficiencies in the affected society’s coping capacity. The first response to disasters is local. In some cases, it may take days or even weeks for aid to reach the disaster area. Therefore, it is very important to have a community disaster response plan for disasters and emergencies. Disaster response plans prepared for disasters and emergencies should include detailed mitigation, disaster preparedness, disaster response, rehabilitation, and recovery activities. Pharmacists have great responsibilities in increasing the effectiveness of disaster response plans in which government, non-governmental organizations, and private sector take part. Pharmacists should be supported to perform their duties in disasters and emergencies, and they should be encouraged to take part in disaster response plans and medical rescue teams. The purpose of this review is to provide up-to-date information in the professional standards and guidelines published by the International Pharmaceutical Federation for man-made or natural disasters to pharmacists who are interested in the field of disaster and emergency pharmacy. [Internet]. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: disaster.
Alkhalili M, Ma J, Grenier S. Defining Roles for Pharmacy Personnel in Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2017;11(4):496-504.
International Pharmaceutical Federation. FIP Statement of Professional Standards: The Role of the Pharmacist in Crisis Management: Including Manmade and Natural Disasters and Pandemics. The Hague; 2006. Available from:
International Pharmaceutical Federation. Responding to Disaster: Guidelines for Pharmacy. The Hague; 2016. Available from: https://www. emergency-activities/2016-07-responding-to-disasters-guideline.pdf.
Çalıkuşu M, Güneş G, Özçelikay G. COVID-19 Pandemisinin Toplum Eczacılığı Hizmetlerine Etkileri. J Fac Pharm Ankara. 2021;45(2):194-211. [Internet]. Acil Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Daire Başkanlığı, Ulusal Medikal Kurtarma Ekibi (UMKE). [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: TR-80255/ulusal-medikal-kurtarma-ekibi-birimi-umke.html.
Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı. Türkiye Afet Müdahale Planı. Available from: / Kutuphane/Planlar/TAMP.pdf.
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. Emergency and Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning: A Guide for Boards of Pharmacy. Illimois; 2006. Available from: uploads/2016/07/06Emergency_Preparedness_Guide.pdf.
ASHP Statement on the role of health-system pharmacists in emergency preparedness. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2003 Oct 1;60(19):1993-5.
Noe B, Smith A. Development of a community pharmacy disaster preparedness manual. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2013 Jul-Aug;53(4):432-7.
Hsu EB, Casani JA, Romanosky A, Millin MG, Singleton CM, Donohue J, et al. Are regional hospital pharmacies prepared for public health emergencies? Biosecur Bioterror. 2006;4(3):237-43.
Summary of the executive session on emergency preparedness and the pharmaceutical supply chain. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2002 Feb 1;59(3):247– 53.
Gaudette R, Schnitzer J, George E, Briggs S. Lessons learned from september 11th World Trade Center disaster: pharmacy preparedness and participation in an ınternational medical and surgical response team. Pharmacotherapy. 2002 Mar;22(3):271-81.
Hogue MD, Hogue HB, Lander RD, Avent K, Fleenor M. The nontraditional role of pharmacists after hurricane Katrina: process description and lessons learned. Public Health Rep. 2009 Mar-Apr;124(2):217-23.
World Health Organisation (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Humanitarian supply management and logistics in the health sector. Washington; 2001. Available from: dmdocuments/humanitarianSupplyBook.pdf. [Internet]. Interagency emergency health kit 2017. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: kits/interagency-emergency-health-kit-2017.
National Clinical Homecare Association. NCHA Adverse Weather Guideline. 2012. Available from: uploads/2017/01/ncha_adverse_weather_guideline_v1-2_final. pdf.
Sorfleet C, Vaillancourt R, Groves S, Dawson J. Design, development and evaluation of pictographic instructions for medications used during humanitarian missions. Can Pharm J. 2009;142(2):82-8.
International Pharmaceutical Federation. World Health Pictograms Instructions for Use. Available from: PictogramsInstructions2009-07.pdf. [Internet]. Immunization Recommendations for Disaster Responders. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: disasters/disease/responderimmun.html. [Internet]. NIOSH Directory of Personal Protective Equipment. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: [Internet]. Emergency Preparedness and Response. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from:
Bayntun C, Rockenschaub G, Murray V. Developing a health system approach to disaster management: A qualitative analysis of the core literature to complement the WHO Toolkit for assessing health-system capacity for crisis management. PLoS Curr. 2012 Aug;4:e5028b6037259a.
International Pharmacists Federation, World Health Organization (WHO). Joint FIP/WHO guidelines on good pharmacy practice: Standards for quality of pharmacy services. 2011. Available from: https://www.who. int/docs/default-source/medicines/norms-and-standards/guidelines/ distribution/trs961-annex8-fipwhoguidelinesgoodpharmacypractice.pdf.,
Lindell, M. Recovery and reconstruction after disaster. In: Bobrowsky PT, editor, Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards, Dordrecht: Springer; 2016. P. 812-24. [Internet]. Basın Açıklaması. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from:ın-Açıklaması. [Internet]. Afet Bölgesinde Yapılacak Uygulamalar Hakkında. [cited 2023 Mar 12]. Available from: https://www.sgk. Hakkinda-2023-02-22-05-03-22.
İstanbullu, H., & Turunç, E. (2023). Afetlerde Eczacılık Hizmetleri. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 735-739.
İstanbullu H, Turunç E. Afetlerde Eczacılık Hizmetleri. İKÇÜSBFD. June 2023;8(2):735-739.
İstanbullu, Hüseyin, and Ezgi Turunç. “Afetlerde Eczacılık Hizmetleri”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8, no. 2 (June 2023): 735-39.
İstanbullu H, Turunç E (June 1, 2023) Afetlerde Eczacılık Hizmetleri. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8 2 735–739.
H. İstanbullu and E. Turunç, “Afetlerde Eczacılık Hizmetleri”, İKÇÜSBFD, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 735–739, 2023.
İstanbullu, Hüseyin - Turunç, Ezgi. “Afetlerde Eczacılık Hizmetleri”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8/2 (June 2023), 735-739.
İstanbullu H, Turunç E. Afetlerde Eczacılık Hizmetleri. İKÇÜSBFD. 2023;8:735–739.
İstanbullu, Hüseyin and Ezgi Turunç. “Afetlerde Eczacılık Hizmetleri”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2023, pp. 735-9.
İstanbullu H, Turunç E. Afetlerde Eczacılık Hizmetleri. İKÇÜSBFD. 2023;8(2):735-9.