Research Article
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COVID-19 Fobisi ile Sağlık Bilişleri ve Psikososyal Faktörlerin İlişkisi

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 1027 - 1032, 08.10.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türk toplumunu temsil eden geniş bir popülasyonda bireylerin koronafobi düzeylerini ve koronafobinin sağlık bilişleri ile psikososyal faktörler arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı, kesitsel ve ilişkisel araştırma, Türkiye'nin farklı bölgelerinde yaşayan 1620 katılımcı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler bir bilgi formu, COVID-19 Fobi Ölçeği (C19P-S) ve Sağlık Bilişleri Anketi kullanılarak toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Katılımcıların yaş ortalaması 34,13±10,90 olup %62,8’i kadındır. COVID-19 fobi puanı 51,84±13,53 ve sağlık bilişleri puan ortalaması 60,17±9,61’dir. COVID-19 fobisi, hastalıkla başa çıkma zorluğu, tıbbi hizmetlerin yeterliliği, hastalığın korkunçluğu ve hastalık olasılığı bilişleri ile anlamlı şekilde ilişkiliydi. Katılımcıların C19P-S'lerini etkileyen faktörler; kadın olmak, kronik hastalığı olmak, günlük yaşamın çok fazla etkilenmesi, hastalıkla baş etmede güçlük, hastalığın korkunçluğu, hastalık olasılığıdır.
Sonuç: Toplumun COVID-19 farkındalığını artırmak ve koronafobi düzeylerini azaltmak için müdahalelerin planlanması önerilmektedir. Bu müdahaleler özellikle koronafobinin kronik hastalığı olan kişiler ve kadınların ruh sağlığı üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerine yönelik olmalıdır.

Project Number



  • World Health Organization (WHO) [Internet]. Coronavirus disease 2019 situation report; 2021 [cited 2021 Aug 21]. Available from:
  • World Health Organization (WHO) [Internet]. World health organization Covid-19 deashboard; 2022 [cited 2022 April 2]. Available from:
  • Budak F, Korkmaz S. An overall evaluation for the Covid-19 pandemic process: The case of Turkey. Journal of Social Research and Management. 2020; 1: 62-79. doi:10.35375/sayod.738657.
  • Egilmez OK, Yilmaz MS. Covid-19 Outbreak in terms of otorhinolaryngology. Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health Research. 2020; 1: 140-146. doi: 10.34084/bshr.724587.
  • Gencalp DK. Evaluation of dietary habits and physical activity status of first and emergency aid students in Covid-19 outbreak period. Journal of Paramedic and Emergency Health Services. 2020; 1(1): 1-15.
  • Karatas Z. Social impacts of Covid-19 pandemic, change and empowerment. Turkish Journal of Social Work Research. 2020; 4(1): 3-15.
  • Ustun C, Ozciftci S. Effects of Covid-19 pandemic on social life and ethical plane: An evaluation study. Anatol Clin. 2020; 25: 142-153. doi: 10.21673/anadoluklin.721864.
  • Nigatu YT, Elton-Marshall T, Wells S, Jankowicz D, Wickens CM, Hamilton HA. The association between Covid-19 diagnosis or having symptoms and anxiety among Canadians: A repeated cross-sectional study. Anxiety, Stress & Coping. 2021; 34(5): 503-512. doi: 10.1080/10615806.2021.1932837.
  • Askin R, Bozkurt Y, Zeybek Z. Covid-19 pandemic: Psychological effects and therapeutic interventions. Istanbul Commerce University Journal of Social Science. 2020; 37: 304-318.
  • Ness MM, Saylor J, Di Fusco LA, Evas K. Healthcare providers' challenges during the coronavirus disease pandemic: A qualitative approach. Nurs Health Sci. 2021; 23(2): 389-397. doi: 10.1111/nhs.12820.
  • Wang C, Pan R, Wan X, Tan Y, Xu L, Ho CS, et al. Immediate psychological responses and associated factors during the initial stage of the 2019 coronavirus disease epidemic among the general population in China. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020; 17(5): 2-25. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17051729.
  • Huang Y, Zhao N. Generalized anxiety disorder, depressive symptoms and sleep quality during Covid-19 outbreak in China: a web-based cross-sectional survey. Psychiatry Research. 2020; 288: 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.112954.
  • Lee AM, Wong JG, McAlonan GM, Cheung V, Cheung C, Sham PC, et al. Stress and psychological distress among SARS survivors 1 year after the outbreak. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 2007; 52(4): 233-240. doi: 10.1177/070674370705200405.
  • Lau JT, Yang X, Pang E, Tsui HY, Wong E, Wing YK. SARS related perceptions in Hong Kong. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2005; 11(3): 417–424. doi: 10.3201/eid1103.040675.
  • Carleton, N. Fear of the unknown: One fear to rule them all? Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2016; 41: 5–21. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2016.03.011.
  • Serafini G, Parmigiani B, Amerio A, Aguglia A, Sher L, Amore M. The psychological impact of Covid-19 on the mental health in the general population. QJM. 2020; 113(8): 531–7. doi: 10.1093/qjmed/hcaa201.
  • Arpaci I, Karatas K, Baloglu M. The development and initial tests for the psychometric properties of the Covid-19 Phobia Scale. Personality and Individual Differences. 2020; 164: 110-108. doi: 10.1016/j. paid.2020.110108.
  • Hadjistavropoulos HD, Janzen JA, Kehler MD, Leclerc JA, Sharpe D, Bourgault-Fagnou MD. Core cognitions related to health anxiety in self- reported medical and non-medical samples. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2012; 35: 167-178. doi: 10.1007/s10865-011-9339-3.
  • Yilmaz O, Dirik G. Examination of the psychometric properties of Health Cognitions Questionnaire (HCQ)’s Turkish Version. Nesne. 2018; 6(13): 337-36. doi: 10.7816/nesne-06-13-05.
  • Turan GB, Aksoy M, Ozer Z, Demir C. The association between coronaphobia and attitude towards Covid-19 vaccine: A sample in the east of Turkey. L’Encephale. 2022; 48(1): 38-42. doi: 10.1016/j. encep.2021.04.002.
  • Baloglu M, Karatas K, Arpaci I. Psychological and socio-economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on Turkish population. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 2021; 348: 245–258. doi: 10.1007/978- 3-030-67716-9_15.
  • Arpaci I, Karatas K, Baloglu M, Haktanir A. Covid-19 phobia in the United States: Validation of the Covid-19 Phobia Scale. Death Studies. 2022; 46(3): 553-59. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2020.1848945.
  • Alebiosu YO, Ogundokun MO, Raji MN. Emotional intelligence and corona-phobia: The moderating influence of age, family and gender. Journal of Multicultural Studies in Guidance and Counseling. 2021; 6(1): 86-100.
  • Giordani RCF, Silva MZ, Muhl C, Giolo SR. Fear of Covid-19 scale: Assessing fear of the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil. Journal of Health Psychology. 2022; 27(4): 901-912. doi: 10.1177/1359105320982035.
  • Moghanibashi-Mansourieh A. Assessing the anxiety level of Iranian general population during Covid-19 outbreak. Asian J Psychiatr. 2020; 51: 1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2020.102076.
  • Yuksel N. Ruhsal hastalıklar. Ankara: Akademisyen; 2014. 280 p.
  • Oosterink FM, de Jongh A, Hoogstraten J. Prevalence of dental fear and phobia relative to other fear and phobia subtypes. Eur J Oral Sci. 2009; 117(2): 135-43. doi: org/10.1111/j.1600-0722.2008.00602.x.
  • Reichenberger J, Pfaller M, Forster D, Gerczuk J, Shiban Y, Mühlberger A. Men scare me more: gender differences in social fear conditioning in virtual reality. Front Psychol. 2019; 10: 1617. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01617.
  • Heiat M, Heiat F, Halaji M, Ranjbar R, Marvasti ZT, Yaali-Jahromi E, et al. Phobia and fear of Covid-19: origins, complications and management, a narrative review. Ann Ig. 2021; 33(4): 360-370. doi: 10.7416/ai.2021.2446.
  • Karaaslan Y, Mete O, Karadag M, Ozer DK, Toprak ŞÇ. An investigation of potential coronaphobia-related factors in adults and sleep quality relations. Sleep Medicine. 2021; 84: 356-361. doi: 10.1016/j. sleep.2021.06.016.
  • Bilgic S, Baloglu M, Tokalilar S. Adapting and validating the coronavirus-19 phobia scale in Korea. Death Studies. 2021; 46(3): 1-5. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2021.1924897.
  • Asmundson G, Taylor S. Coronaphobia: Fear and the 2019-nCoV outbreak. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2020; 70: 102196. doi: 10.1016/j. janxdis.2020.102196.
  • Petzold MB, Bendau A, Plag J, Pyrkosch L, Mariic LM, Betzler F, et al. Risk, resilience, psychological distress, and anxiety at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany. Brain and Behavior. 2020; 10(9): 1-10. doi: 10.1002/brb3.1745.
  • Ozdemir U, Tasci S. Psychosocial problems and care of chronic disease. Erciyes University Journal of Health Sciences. 2013; 1: 57-72.
  • Lindinger-Sternart S, Widyaningsih Y, Kaur V, Ak P. A global pandemic: How different nations coped with Covid-19 phobia. J Psychiatry Mental Disord. 2021; 6(3): 1041. doi: 10.26420/ jpsychiatrymentaldisord.2021.1041.

The Relationship between COVID-19 Phobia and Health Cognitions and Psychosocial Factors

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 1027 - 1032, 08.10.2023


Objective: The study aimed to determine the levels of corona-phobia experienced by individuals in a broad population representative of Turkish society, and the correlation with health cognitions and psychosocial factors.
Material and Method: This descriptive, cross-sectional, and correlational study was conducted with 1620 participants who lived in different regions of Turkey. Data were collected using an information form, the COVID-19 Phobia Scale (C19P-S), and the Health Cognitions Questionnaire.
Results: The mean age of the participants was 34.13±10.90 and 62.8% of them were female. The mean score of COVID-19 phobia score was 51.84±13.53 and health cognition was 60.17±9.61. COVID-19 phobia was significantly related to cognitions of difficulty coping with illness, medical services adequacy, the awfulness of illness and the likelihood of illness. The factors influencing the C19P-S of participants were, being female, having a chronic illness, having too much impact on daily life, difficulty coping with illness, awfulness of illness, and likelihood of illness.
Conclusion: It is recommended to plan interventions to increase public awareness of COVID-19 and to reduce corona-phobia. These interventions should be especially about the negative impact of corona-phobia on people with a chronic illness and women’s mental health.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • World Health Organization (WHO) [Internet]. Coronavirus disease 2019 situation report; 2021 [cited 2021 Aug 21]. Available from:
  • World Health Organization (WHO) [Internet]. World health organization Covid-19 deashboard; 2022 [cited 2022 April 2]. Available from:
  • Budak F, Korkmaz S. An overall evaluation for the Covid-19 pandemic process: The case of Turkey. Journal of Social Research and Management. 2020; 1: 62-79. doi:10.35375/sayod.738657.
  • Egilmez OK, Yilmaz MS. Covid-19 Outbreak in terms of otorhinolaryngology. Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health Research. 2020; 1: 140-146. doi: 10.34084/bshr.724587.
  • Gencalp DK. Evaluation of dietary habits and physical activity status of first and emergency aid students in Covid-19 outbreak period. Journal of Paramedic and Emergency Health Services. 2020; 1(1): 1-15.
  • Karatas Z. Social impacts of Covid-19 pandemic, change and empowerment. Turkish Journal of Social Work Research. 2020; 4(1): 3-15.
  • Ustun C, Ozciftci S. Effects of Covid-19 pandemic on social life and ethical plane: An evaluation study. Anatol Clin. 2020; 25: 142-153. doi: 10.21673/anadoluklin.721864.
  • Nigatu YT, Elton-Marshall T, Wells S, Jankowicz D, Wickens CM, Hamilton HA. The association between Covid-19 diagnosis or having symptoms and anxiety among Canadians: A repeated cross-sectional study. Anxiety, Stress & Coping. 2021; 34(5): 503-512. doi: 10.1080/10615806.2021.1932837.
  • Askin R, Bozkurt Y, Zeybek Z. Covid-19 pandemic: Psychological effects and therapeutic interventions. Istanbul Commerce University Journal of Social Science. 2020; 37: 304-318.
  • Ness MM, Saylor J, Di Fusco LA, Evas K. Healthcare providers' challenges during the coronavirus disease pandemic: A qualitative approach. Nurs Health Sci. 2021; 23(2): 389-397. doi: 10.1111/nhs.12820.
  • Wang C, Pan R, Wan X, Tan Y, Xu L, Ho CS, et al. Immediate psychological responses and associated factors during the initial stage of the 2019 coronavirus disease epidemic among the general population in China. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020; 17(5): 2-25. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17051729.
  • Huang Y, Zhao N. Generalized anxiety disorder, depressive symptoms and sleep quality during Covid-19 outbreak in China: a web-based cross-sectional survey. Psychiatry Research. 2020; 288: 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.112954.
  • Lee AM, Wong JG, McAlonan GM, Cheung V, Cheung C, Sham PC, et al. Stress and psychological distress among SARS survivors 1 year after the outbreak. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 2007; 52(4): 233-240. doi: 10.1177/070674370705200405.
  • Lau JT, Yang X, Pang E, Tsui HY, Wong E, Wing YK. SARS related perceptions in Hong Kong. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2005; 11(3): 417–424. doi: 10.3201/eid1103.040675.
  • Carleton, N. Fear of the unknown: One fear to rule them all? Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2016; 41: 5–21. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2016.03.011.
  • Serafini G, Parmigiani B, Amerio A, Aguglia A, Sher L, Amore M. The psychological impact of Covid-19 on the mental health in the general population. QJM. 2020; 113(8): 531–7. doi: 10.1093/qjmed/hcaa201.
  • Arpaci I, Karatas K, Baloglu M. The development and initial tests for the psychometric properties of the Covid-19 Phobia Scale. Personality and Individual Differences. 2020; 164: 110-108. doi: 10.1016/j. paid.2020.110108.
  • Hadjistavropoulos HD, Janzen JA, Kehler MD, Leclerc JA, Sharpe D, Bourgault-Fagnou MD. Core cognitions related to health anxiety in self- reported medical and non-medical samples. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2012; 35: 167-178. doi: 10.1007/s10865-011-9339-3.
  • Yilmaz O, Dirik G. Examination of the psychometric properties of Health Cognitions Questionnaire (HCQ)’s Turkish Version. Nesne. 2018; 6(13): 337-36. doi: 10.7816/nesne-06-13-05.
  • Turan GB, Aksoy M, Ozer Z, Demir C. The association between coronaphobia and attitude towards Covid-19 vaccine: A sample in the east of Turkey. L’Encephale. 2022; 48(1): 38-42. doi: 10.1016/j. encep.2021.04.002.
  • Baloglu M, Karatas K, Arpaci I. Psychological and socio-economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on Turkish population. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 2021; 348: 245–258. doi: 10.1007/978- 3-030-67716-9_15.
  • Arpaci I, Karatas K, Baloglu M, Haktanir A. Covid-19 phobia in the United States: Validation of the Covid-19 Phobia Scale. Death Studies. 2022; 46(3): 553-59. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2020.1848945.
  • Alebiosu YO, Ogundokun MO, Raji MN. Emotional intelligence and corona-phobia: The moderating influence of age, family and gender. Journal of Multicultural Studies in Guidance and Counseling. 2021; 6(1): 86-100.
  • Giordani RCF, Silva MZ, Muhl C, Giolo SR. Fear of Covid-19 scale: Assessing fear of the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil. Journal of Health Psychology. 2022; 27(4): 901-912. doi: 10.1177/1359105320982035.
  • Moghanibashi-Mansourieh A. Assessing the anxiety level of Iranian general population during Covid-19 outbreak. Asian J Psychiatr. 2020; 51: 1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2020.102076.
  • Yuksel N. Ruhsal hastalıklar. Ankara: Akademisyen; 2014. 280 p.
  • Oosterink FM, de Jongh A, Hoogstraten J. Prevalence of dental fear and phobia relative to other fear and phobia subtypes. Eur J Oral Sci. 2009; 117(2): 135-43. doi: org/10.1111/j.1600-0722.2008.00602.x.
  • Reichenberger J, Pfaller M, Forster D, Gerczuk J, Shiban Y, Mühlberger A. Men scare me more: gender differences in social fear conditioning in virtual reality. Front Psychol. 2019; 10: 1617. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01617.
  • Heiat M, Heiat F, Halaji M, Ranjbar R, Marvasti ZT, Yaali-Jahromi E, et al. Phobia and fear of Covid-19: origins, complications and management, a narrative review. Ann Ig. 2021; 33(4): 360-370. doi: 10.7416/ai.2021.2446.
  • Karaaslan Y, Mete O, Karadag M, Ozer DK, Toprak ŞÇ. An investigation of potential coronaphobia-related factors in adults and sleep quality relations. Sleep Medicine. 2021; 84: 356-361. doi: 10.1016/j. sleep.2021.06.016.
  • Bilgic S, Baloglu M, Tokalilar S. Adapting and validating the coronavirus-19 phobia scale in Korea. Death Studies. 2021; 46(3): 1-5. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2021.1924897.
  • Asmundson G, Taylor S. Coronaphobia: Fear and the 2019-nCoV outbreak. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2020; 70: 102196. doi: 10.1016/j. janxdis.2020.102196.
  • Petzold MB, Bendau A, Plag J, Pyrkosch L, Mariic LM, Betzler F, et al. Risk, resilience, psychological distress, and anxiety at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany. Brain and Behavior. 2020; 10(9): 1-10. doi: 10.1002/brb3.1745.
  • Ozdemir U, Tasci S. Psychosocial problems and care of chronic disease. Erciyes University Journal of Health Sciences. 2013; 1: 57-72.
  • Lindinger-Sternart S, Widyaningsih Y, Kaur V, Ak P. A global pandemic: How different nations coped with Covid-19 phobia. J Psychiatry Mental Disord. 2021; 6(3): 1041. doi: 10.26420/ jpsychiatrymentaldisord.2021.1041.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mental Health Nursing
Journal Section Research Articles

Nihan Durgu 0000-0001-7430-9316

Cansu Güler 0000-0002-0939-1760

Sema Üstündağ 0000-0001-5010-1756

Gamze Ünver 0000-0003-2033-1926

Project Number -
Early Pub Date October 8, 2023
Publication Date October 8, 2023
Submission Date August 11, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


APA Durgu, N., Güler, C., Üstündağ, S., Ünver, G. (2023). The Relationship between COVID-19 Phobia and Health Cognitions and Psychosocial Factors. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(3), 1027-1032.
AMA Durgu N, Güler C, Üstündağ S, Ünver G. The Relationship between COVID-19 Phobia and Health Cognitions and Psychosocial Factors. İKÇÜSBFD. October 2023;8(3):1027-1032. doi:10.61399/ikcusbfd.1341672
Chicago Durgu, Nihan, Cansu Güler, Sema Üstündağ, and Gamze Ünver. “The Relationship Between COVID-19 Phobia and Health Cognitions and Psychosocial Factors”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8, no. 3 (October 2023): 1027-32.
EndNote Durgu N, Güler C, Üstündağ S, Ünver G (October 1, 2023) The Relationship between COVID-19 Phobia and Health Cognitions and Psychosocial Factors. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8 3 1027–1032.
IEEE N. Durgu, C. Güler, S. Üstündağ, and G. Ünver, “The Relationship between COVID-19 Phobia and Health Cognitions and Psychosocial Factors”, İKÇÜSBFD, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1027–1032, 2023, doi: 10.61399/ikcusbfd.1341672.
ISNAD Durgu, Nihan et al. “The Relationship Between COVID-19 Phobia and Health Cognitions and Psychosocial Factors”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 8/3 (October 2023), 1027-1032.
JAMA Durgu N, Güler C, Üstündağ S, Ünver G. The Relationship between COVID-19 Phobia and Health Cognitions and Psychosocial Factors. İKÇÜSBFD. 2023;8:1027–1032.
MLA Durgu, Nihan et al. “The Relationship Between COVID-19 Phobia and Health Cognitions and Psychosocial Factors”. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 3, 2023, pp. 1027-32, doi:10.61399/ikcusbfd.1341672.
Vancouver Durgu N, Güler C, Üstündağ S, Ünver G. The Relationship between COVID-19 Phobia and Health Cognitions and Psychosocial Factors. İKÇÜSBFD. 2023;8(3):1027-32.

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.