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Modern Slavery in International Business as a Human Rights Violation: An Overview and Strategies to Combat

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 26, 362 - 379, 28.02.2025


This article explores modern slavery in international business and examines the positive role that corporations can play in addressing this global problem. Modern slavery is a human rights crisis that encompasses forms of exploitation, particularly forced labour, child labour, and human trafficking. The International Labor Organization (ILO) and other global organizations provide data on the prevalence of modern slavery, showing that millions of people around the world are affected. Case study analysis was adopted as the research methodology, focusing on successful practices in combating modern slavery. In this context, how various international organizations and large corporations combat modern slavery was examined. It was observed that companies have taken steps to develop effective strategies against modern slavery, such as transparent supply chain management, ethical recruitment processes and practices that protect labour rights. For example, some companies have reduced labour exploitation by developing fair trade-certified products, while others have collaborated with civil society organizations to engage in initiatives to prevent forced labour. The paper finds that modern slavery persists in global supply chains due to complexity, legal gaps and economic pressures. However, it emphasizes that companies can actively contribute to solving this problem through transparency, strengthening labour rights and responsible business practices.


  • Asbed, G. ve Hitov, S. (2017). Preventing forced labor in corporate supply chains: The fair food program and worker-driven social responsibility. Wake forest l. rev., 52, 497.
  • Baderschneider, J. ve Friedman, A. K. (2021). Addressing modern slavery in global supply chains: The role of business.
  • Chisolm-Straker, M. ve Chon, K. (Ed.),The Historical Roots of Human Trafficking: Informing Primary Prevention of Commercialized Violence. 101-119. Springer International Publishing.
  • Bakirci, K. ve Ritchie, G. (2022). Corporate liability for modern slavery. Journal of Financial Crime, 29(2), 576-588.
  • Banerjee, B. (2021). Modern slavery is an enabling condition of global neoliberal capitalism: commentary on modern slavery in business. Business & Society, 60(2), 415-419.
  • Bennett, E. A. (2022). The efficacy of voluntary standards, sustainability certifications, and ethical labels. Research handbook on global governance, business and human rights (177-204). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Benstead, A. V., Hendry, L. C. ve Stevenson, M. (2018). Horizontal collaboration in response to modern slavery legislation: An action research project. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(12), 2286-2312.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Komisyonu. (2000). Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons especially women and children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against transnational organized crime.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler. (2023). Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all. (Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2024)
  • Blitz, B. ve Simic, A. (2019). The modern slavery regime: a critical evaluation. Journal of the British Academy, 7 (Supp. 1), 1-34.
  • Byerly, R. T. (2012). Combating modern slavery: What can business do?. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 9(5), 25-34.
  • Carrington, M., Chatzidakis, A. ve Shaw, D. (2021a). Addressing consumer awareness and (in) action towards modern slavery. Modern Slavery ve Human Rights, Policy& Evidence Centre.
  • Carrington, M., Chatzidakis, A. ve Shaw, D. (2021b). Consuming worker exploitation? Accounts and justifications for consumer (in) action to modern slavery. Work, Employment and Society, 35(3), 432-450.
  • Caruana, R., Crane, A., Gold, S. ve LeBaron, G. (2021). Modern slavery in business: The sad and sorry state of a non-field. Business & Society, 60(2), 251-287.
  • Christ, K. L. ve Burritt, R. L. (2018). Current perceptions on the problem of modern slavery in business. Business Strategy & Development, 1(2), 103-114.
  • Coalition of Immokalee Workers, (2020). Fair Food Program.
  • Cockayne, J. (2021). Developing freedom: The sustainable development case for ending modern slavery, forced labour, human trafficking. New York: United Nations University.
  • Congressional Research Service. (2023). Section 307 and Imports Produced by Forced Labor.
  • Crane, A., LeBaron, G., Phung, K., Behbahani, L. ve Allain, J. (2022). Confronting the business models of modern slavery. Journal of Management Inquiry, 31(3), 264-285.
  • Davidson, J. O. C. (2015). Modern slavery: The margins of freedom. Springer.
  • De Haan, E. ve Van Dijk, M. (2003). Labour conditions in IKEA’s supply chain. SOMO, September.
  • E Silva, B. A. (2021). CSR Authenticity and Consumers´ Attitudes in the Context of Food Waste: The Case Study of Too Good to Go (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Universidade Catolica Portuguesa. Portekiz.
  • Eckert, S. (2013). The Business Transparency on Trafficking and Slavery Act: Fighting Forced Labor in Complex Global Supply Chains. J. Int'l Bus. & L., 12, 383.
  • Feasley, A. (2016). Eliminating corporate exploitation: Examining accountability regimes as means to eradicate forced labor from supply chains. Journal of Human Trafficking, 2(1), 15-31.
  • Flynn, A. (2020). Determinants of corporate compliance with modern slavery reporting. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 25(1), 1-16.
  • Flynn, A. ve Walker, H. (2021). Corporate responses to modern slavery risks: An institutional theory perspective. European Business Review, 33(2), 295-315.
  • Giuliano, P. (2017). Gender: An historical perspective.
  • Gold, S., Trautrims, A. ve Trodd, Z. (2015). Modern slavery challenges to supply chain management. Supply chain management: an international journal, 20(5), 485-494.
  • GoodWeave International. (2022). Annual Report 2022 Transforming Supply Chains, Transforming Lives.
  • Gould, Amanda J. (2010, 30 Eylül- 2 Ekim). Modern slavery: A regional focus [Konferans sunumu özeti]. Second Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, Nebraska, ABD.
  • Han, C., Jia, F., Jiang, M. ve Chen, L. (2024). Modern slavery in supply chains: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 27(7), 1206-1227.
  • IFBWW. (1998). IFBWW-IKEA agreement on rights of workers.
  • IKEA Social Entrepreneurship. (2022). Refugee employment initiative.
  • ILO.(2024). Conventions, protocols and recommendations.
  • ILO. (2015). 105 no’lu zorla çalıştırmanın kaldırılması sözleşmesi.
  • Institute for Human Rights and Business. (2022). The leadership group for responsible recruitment.
  • International Cocoa Initiative. (2017). New report highlights Nestlé’s efforts to tackle child labour in its cocoa supply chain.
  • International Labor Organization ve Walk Free Foundation. (2016). Global estimates of modern slavery.
  • Islam, M. A. ve Van Staden, C. J. (2022). Modern slavery disclosure regulation and global supply chains: Insights from stakeholder narratives on the UK Modern Slavery Act. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-25.
  • Jardine, A. ve Muaid, R. (2022). Campaigning against modern slavery: social assets for business action. Journal of Modern Slavery: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Human Trafficking Solutions, 7(2).
  • Kneebone, S. (2014). The Bali process and global refugee policy in the Asia–Pacific region. Journal of Refugee Studies, 27(4), 596-618.
  • Kolben, K. (2019). The consumer imaginary: Labor rights, human rights, and citizen-consumers in the global supply chain. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 52, 839-898.
  • Lamas, B. (2023). Modern slavery in the global economy. Pargas, D. A. ve Schiel, J. (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History. 661-680. Springer International Publishing.
  • Landman, T. ve Silverman, B. W. (2019). Globalization and modern slavery. Politics and Governance, 7(4), 275-290.
  • LeBaron, G. (2020). Combatting modern slavery: Why labour governance is failing and what we can do about it. John Wiley & Sons.
  • LeBaron, G. (2021). The role of supply chains in the global business of forced labour. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 57(2), 29-42.
  • LeBaron, G., Howard, N., Thibos, C. ve Kyristis, P. (2018). Confronting root causes: forced labour in global supply chains. openDemocracy.
  • LeBaron, G. ve Ayers, A. J. (2013). The rise of a ‘new slavery’? Understanding African unfree labour through neoliberalism. Third World Quarterly, 34(5), 873-892.
  • LeBaron, G. ve Howard, N. (2015). Forced labour in the global economy, Beyond Trafficking and Slavery Short Course Volume 2.
  • LeBaron, G. ve Rühmkorf, A. (2017). Steering CSR through home state regulation: A comparison of the impact of the UK bribery act and modern slavery act on global supply chain governance. Global policy, 8, 15-28.
  • Lusty, N. ve Richards, H. (2024). Modern slavery legislation and the limits of ethical fashion. Cultural studies, 38(2), 322-347.
  • Mehmood, W., Ahmad, A., Aman‐Ullah, A. ve Mohd‐Rashid, R. (2023). Modern slavery: A literature review using bibliometric analysis and the nexus of governance. Journal of Public Affairs, 23(1), e2832.
  • Mehra, A. ve Shay, K. (2016). Corporate responsibility and accountability for modern forms of slavery. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 14(2), 453-468.
  • Mende, J. (2019). The concept of modern slavery: definition, critique, and the human rights frame. Human Rights Review, 20(2), 229-248.
  • Nardella, G., Surdu, I. ve Brammer, S. (2023). What happens abroad, stays abroad? Exploring how corporate social irresponsibility in domestic and international markets influences corporate reputation. Journal of World Business, 58(4), 101420.
  • Nestle Cocoa Plan. (2019). Tackling child labor 2019 report.
  • Nikolova, V. ve Arsić, S. (2017). The stakeholder approach in corporate social responsibility. Engineering management, 3(1), 24-35.
  • Nolan, J. ve Bott, G. (2018). Global supply chains and human rights: Spotlight on forced labour and modern slavery practices. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 24(1), 44-69.
  • Nudie Jeans. (2021). Nudie Jeans social report 2021.
  • Odia, J. (2020). Modern slavery in the global supply chains: the challenges of legislations and mandatory disclosures. Techniques, tools and methodologies applied to global supply chain ecosystems, 53-72.
  • O'Rourke, D. (2003). Outsourcing regulation: Analyzing nongovernmental systems of labor standards and monitoring. Policy Studies Journal, 31(1), 1-29.
  • Patagonia Inc. (2023). Patagonia, Inc. Statement on modern slavery.
  • Phung, K. ve Crane, A. (2018). The business of modern slavery: Management and organizational perspectives.
  • Clark, J. B. ve Poucki S. (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of human trafficking and modern day slavery içinde (s. 177-197). SAGE.
  • Porter, M. E. ve Kramer, M. R. (2006). The link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Harvard Business Review, 84.12: 78-92.
  • Rioux, S., LeBaron, G. ve Verovšek, P. J. (2020). Capitalism and unfree labor: a review of Marxist perspectives on modern slavery. Review of International Political Economy, 27(3), 709-731.
  • Schwartz, M. S. (2013). Developing and sustaining an ethical corporate culture: The core elements. Business Horizons, 56(1), 39-50.
  • Sigmon, J. N. (2008). Combating modern-day slavery: Issues in identifying and assisting victims of human trafficking worldwide. Victims and Offenders, 3(2-3), 245-257.
  • Sinclair, A. ve Nolan, J. (2020). Modern slavery laws in Australia: Steps in the right direction?. Business and Human Rights Journal, 5(1), 164-170.
  • Smith, A. ve Johns, J. (2020). Historicizing modern slavery: Free-grown sugar as an ethics-driven market category in nineteenth-century Britain. Journal of business ethics, 166(2), 271-292.
  • Sparkes, R. (2003). Socially responsible investment: A global revolution. John Wiley Sons.
  • Stevenson, M. ve Cole, R. (2018). Modern slavery in supply chains: a secondary data analysis of detection, remediation and disclosure. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 23(2), 81-99.
  • Stringer, C. ve Michailova, S. (2018). Why modern slavery thrives in multinational corporations’ global value chains. Multinational Business Review, 26(3), 194-206.
  • Szablewska, N. ve Kubacki, K. (2023). Empirical business research on modern slavery in supply chains: A systematic review. Journal of Business Research, 164, 113988.
  • The Consumer Goods Forum. (2018). Guidance on the Priority Industry Principles.
  • The Consumer Goods Forum. (2020). Business actions against forced labor.
  • Theron, C. (2022). The role of business in the exploitation and rehabilitation of victims of modern slavery. In Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (73-92). Policy Press.
  • Tzvetkova, M. (2002). NGO responses to trafficking in women. Gender & Development, 10(1), 60-68. IUF. (2024). Agreements.
  • Walker, M. R. (2019). Protecting the workforce: A defense of workers’ rights in global supply chains. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Yagci Sokat, K. veAltay, N. (2023). Impact of modern slavery allegations on operating performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 28(3), 470-485.
  • Yeates, N. ve Pillinger, J. (2019). International health worker migration and recruitment: global governance, politics and policy. Routledge.

Bir İnsan Hakları İhlali Olarak Uluslararası İşletmelerde Modern Kölelik: Genel Bir Bakış ve Mücadele Stratejileri

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 26, 362 - 379, 28.02.2025


Bu makale, uluslararası iş dünyasında modern köleliği ele alırken şirketlerin bu küresel sorunun çözümünde oynayabileceği olumlu rolleri incelemektedir. Modern kölelik, özellikle zorla çalıştırma, çocuk işçiliği ve insan kaçakçılığı gibi sömürü biçimlerini kapsayan bir insan hakları krizidir. Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü (ILO) ve diğer küresel kuruluşlar, modern köleliğin yaygınlığını ortaya koyan veriler sunmakta ve dünya genelinde milyonlarca insanın bu durumdan etkilendiğini göstermektedir. Araştırma yöntemi olarak vaka analizi benimsenmiş ve modern kölelikle mücadelede başarılı uygulamalara odaklanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda, çeşitli uluslararası organizasyonların ve büyük şirketlerin modern kölelikle nasıl mücadele ettikleri incelenmiştir. Şirketlerin modern köleliğe karşı etkin stratejiler geliştirmek için şeffaf tedarik zinciri yönetimi, etik işe alım süreçleri ve işçi haklarını koruyan uygulamalar gibi adımlar attığı görülmüştür. Örneğin bazı firmalar adil ticaret sertifikalı ürünler geliştirerek işgücü sömürüsünü azaltmış, diğerleri ise sivil toplum kuruluşlarıyla iş birliği yaparak zorla çalıştırmayı önleme girişimlerine katılmıştır. Makalenin bulgularına göre modern kölelik küresel tedarik zincirlerinde karmaşıklık, yasal boşluklar ve ekonomik baskılar nedeniyle devam etmektedir. Ancak şirketlerin şeffaflık, işçi haklarını güçlendirme ve sorumlu iş uygulamaları aracılığıyla bu sorunun çözümüne aktif katkı sağlayabileceği vurgulanmaktadır.


  • Asbed, G. ve Hitov, S. (2017). Preventing forced labor in corporate supply chains: The fair food program and worker-driven social responsibility. Wake forest l. rev., 52, 497.
  • Baderschneider, J. ve Friedman, A. K. (2021). Addressing modern slavery in global supply chains: The role of business.
  • Chisolm-Straker, M. ve Chon, K. (Ed.),The Historical Roots of Human Trafficking: Informing Primary Prevention of Commercialized Violence. 101-119. Springer International Publishing.
  • Bakirci, K. ve Ritchie, G. (2022). Corporate liability for modern slavery. Journal of Financial Crime, 29(2), 576-588.
  • Banerjee, B. (2021). Modern slavery is an enabling condition of global neoliberal capitalism: commentary on modern slavery in business. Business & Society, 60(2), 415-419.
  • Bennett, E. A. (2022). The efficacy of voluntary standards, sustainability certifications, and ethical labels. Research handbook on global governance, business and human rights (177-204). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Benstead, A. V., Hendry, L. C. ve Stevenson, M. (2018). Horizontal collaboration in response to modern slavery legislation: An action research project. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(12), 2286-2312.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Komisyonu. (2000). Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons especially women and children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against transnational organized crime.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler. (2023). Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all. (Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2024)
  • Blitz, B. ve Simic, A. (2019). The modern slavery regime: a critical evaluation. Journal of the British Academy, 7 (Supp. 1), 1-34.
  • Byerly, R. T. (2012). Combating modern slavery: What can business do?. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 9(5), 25-34.
  • Carrington, M., Chatzidakis, A. ve Shaw, D. (2021a). Addressing consumer awareness and (in) action towards modern slavery. Modern Slavery ve Human Rights, Policy& Evidence Centre.
  • Carrington, M., Chatzidakis, A. ve Shaw, D. (2021b). Consuming worker exploitation? Accounts and justifications for consumer (in) action to modern slavery. Work, Employment and Society, 35(3), 432-450.
  • Caruana, R., Crane, A., Gold, S. ve LeBaron, G. (2021). Modern slavery in business: The sad and sorry state of a non-field. Business & Society, 60(2), 251-287.
  • Christ, K. L. ve Burritt, R. L. (2018). Current perceptions on the problem of modern slavery in business. Business Strategy & Development, 1(2), 103-114.
  • Coalition of Immokalee Workers, (2020). Fair Food Program.
  • Cockayne, J. (2021). Developing freedom: The sustainable development case for ending modern slavery, forced labour, human trafficking. New York: United Nations University.
  • Congressional Research Service. (2023). Section 307 and Imports Produced by Forced Labor.
  • Crane, A., LeBaron, G., Phung, K., Behbahani, L. ve Allain, J. (2022). Confronting the business models of modern slavery. Journal of Management Inquiry, 31(3), 264-285.
  • Davidson, J. O. C. (2015). Modern slavery: The margins of freedom. Springer.
  • De Haan, E. ve Van Dijk, M. (2003). Labour conditions in IKEA’s supply chain. SOMO, September.
  • E Silva, B. A. (2021). CSR Authenticity and Consumers´ Attitudes in the Context of Food Waste: The Case Study of Too Good to Go (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Universidade Catolica Portuguesa. Portekiz.
  • Eckert, S. (2013). The Business Transparency on Trafficking and Slavery Act: Fighting Forced Labor in Complex Global Supply Chains. J. Int'l Bus. & L., 12, 383.
  • Feasley, A. (2016). Eliminating corporate exploitation: Examining accountability regimes as means to eradicate forced labor from supply chains. Journal of Human Trafficking, 2(1), 15-31.
  • Flynn, A. (2020). Determinants of corporate compliance with modern slavery reporting. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 25(1), 1-16.
  • Flynn, A. ve Walker, H. (2021). Corporate responses to modern slavery risks: An institutional theory perspective. European Business Review, 33(2), 295-315.
  • Giuliano, P. (2017). Gender: An historical perspective.
  • Gold, S., Trautrims, A. ve Trodd, Z. (2015). Modern slavery challenges to supply chain management. Supply chain management: an international journal, 20(5), 485-494.
  • GoodWeave International. (2022). Annual Report 2022 Transforming Supply Chains, Transforming Lives.
  • Gould, Amanda J. (2010, 30 Eylül- 2 Ekim). Modern slavery: A regional focus [Konferans sunumu özeti]. Second Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, Nebraska, ABD.
  • Han, C., Jia, F., Jiang, M. ve Chen, L. (2024). Modern slavery in supply chains: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 27(7), 1206-1227.
  • IFBWW. (1998). IFBWW-IKEA agreement on rights of workers.
  • IKEA Social Entrepreneurship. (2022). Refugee employment initiative.
  • ILO.(2024). Conventions, protocols and recommendations.
  • ILO. (2015). 105 no’lu zorla çalıştırmanın kaldırılması sözleşmesi.
  • Institute for Human Rights and Business. (2022). The leadership group for responsible recruitment.
  • International Cocoa Initiative. (2017). New report highlights Nestlé’s efforts to tackle child labour in its cocoa supply chain.
  • International Labor Organization ve Walk Free Foundation. (2016). Global estimates of modern slavery.
  • Islam, M. A. ve Van Staden, C. J. (2022). Modern slavery disclosure regulation and global supply chains: Insights from stakeholder narratives on the UK Modern Slavery Act. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-25.
  • Jardine, A. ve Muaid, R. (2022). Campaigning against modern slavery: social assets for business action. Journal of Modern Slavery: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Human Trafficking Solutions, 7(2).
  • Kneebone, S. (2014). The Bali process and global refugee policy in the Asia–Pacific region. Journal of Refugee Studies, 27(4), 596-618.
  • Kolben, K. (2019). The consumer imaginary: Labor rights, human rights, and citizen-consumers in the global supply chain. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 52, 839-898.
  • Lamas, B. (2023). Modern slavery in the global economy. Pargas, D. A. ve Schiel, J. (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History. 661-680. Springer International Publishing.
  • Landman, T. ve Silverman, B. W. (2019). Globalization and modern slavery. Politics and Governance, 7(4), 275-290.
  • LeBaron, G. (2020). Combatting modern slavery: Why labour governance is failing and what we can do about it. John Wiley & Sons.
  • LeBaron, G. (2021). The role of supply chains in the global business of forced labour. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 57(2), 29-42.
  • LeBaron, G., Howard, N., Thibos, C. ve Kyristis, P. (2018). Confronting root causes: forced labour in global supply chains. openDemocracy.
  • LeBaron, G. ve Ayers, A. J. (2013). The rise of a ‘new slavery’? Understanding African unfree labour through neoliberalism. Third World Quarterly, 34(5), 873-892.
  • LeBaron, G. ve Howard, N. (2015). Forced labour in the global economy, Beyond Trafficking and Slavery Short Course Volume 2.
  • LeBaron, G. ve Rühmkorf, A. (2017). Steering CSR through home state regulation: A comparison of the impact of the UK bribery act and modern slavery act on global supply chain governance. Global policy, 8, 15-28.
  • Lusty, N. ve Richards, H. (2024). Modern slavery legislation and the limits of ethical fashion. Cultural studies, 38(2), 322-347.
  • Mehmood, W., Ahmad, A., Aman‐Ullah, A. ve Mohd‐Rashid, R. (2023). Modern slavery: A literature review using bibliometric analysis and the nexus of governance. Journal of Public Affairs, 23(1), e2832.
  • Mehra, A. ve Shay, K. (2016). Corporate responsibility and accountability for modern forms of slavery. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 14(2), 453-468.
  • Mende, J. (2019). The concept of modern slavery: definition, critique, and the human rights frame. Human Rights Review, 20(2), 229-248.
  • Nardella, G., Surdu, I. ve Brammer, S. (2023). What happens abroad, stays abroad? Exploring how corporate social irresponsibility in domestic and international markets influences corporate reputation. Journal of World Business, 58(4), 101420.
  • Nestle Cocoa Plan. (2019). Tackling child labor 2019 report.
  • Nikolova, V. ve Arsić, S. (2017). The stakeholder approach in corporate social responsibility. Engineering management, 3(1), 24-35.
  • Nolan, J. ve Bott, G. (2018). Global supply chains and human rights: Spotlight on forced labour and modern slavery practices. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 24(1), 44-69.
  • Nudie Jeans. (2021). Nudie Jeans social report 2021.
  • Odia, J. (2020). Modern slavery in the global supply chains: the challenges of legislations and mandatory disclosures. Techniques, tools and methodologies applied to global supply chain ecosystems, 53-72.
  • O'Rourke, D. (2003). Outsourcing regulation: Analyzing nongovernmental systems of labor standards and monitoring. Policy Studies Journal, 31(1), 1-29.
  • Patagonia Inc. (2023). Patagonia, Inc. Statement on modern slavery.
  • Phung, K. ve Crane, A. (2018). The business of modern slavery: Management and organizational perspectives.
  • Clark, J. B. ve Poucki S. (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of human trafficking and modern day slavery içinde (s. 177-197). SAGE.
  • Porter, M. E. ve Kramer, M. R. (2006). The link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Harvard Business Review, 84.12: 78-92.
  • Rioux, S., LeBaron, G. ve Verovšek, P. J. (2020). Capitalism and unfree labor: a review of Marxist perspectives on modern slavery. Review of International Political Economy, 27(3), 709-731.
  • Schwartz, M. S. (2013). Developing and sustaining an ethical corporate culture: The core elements. Business Horizons, 56(1), 39-50.
  • Sigmon, J. N. (2008). Combating modern-day slavery: Issues in identifying and assisting victims of human trafficking worldwide. Victims and Offenders, 3(2-3), 245-257.
  • Sinclair, A. ve Nolan, J. (2020). Modern slavery laws in Australia: Steps in the right direction?. Business and Human Rights Journal, 5(1), 164-170.
  • Smith, A. ve Johns, J. (2020). Historicizing modern slavery: Free-grown sugar as an ethics-driven market category in nineteenth-century Britain. Journal of business ethics, 166(2), 271-292.
  • Sparkes, R. (2003). Socially responsible investment: A global revolution. John Wiley Sons.
  • Stevenson, M. ve Cole, R. (2018). Modern slavery in supply chains: a secondary data analysis of detection, remediation and disclosure. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 23(2), 81-99.
  • Stringer, C. ve Michailova, S. (2018). Why modern slavery thrives in multinational corporations’ global value chains. Multinational Business Review, 26(3), 194-206.
  • Szablewska, N. ve Kubacki, K. (2023). Empirical business research on modern slavery in supply chains: A systematic review. Journal of Business Research, 164, 113988.
  • The Consumer Goods Forum. (2018). Guidance on the Priority Industry Principles.
  • The Consumer Goods Forum. (2020). Business actions against forced labor.
  • Theron, C. (2022). The role of business in the exploitation and rehabilitation of victims of modern slavery. In Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (73-92). Policy Press.
  • Tzvetkova, M. (2002). NGO responses to trafficking in women. Gender & Development, 10(1), 60-68. IUF. (2024). Agreements.
  • Walker, M. R. (2019). Protecting the workforce: A defense of workers’ rights in global supply chains. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Yagci Sokat, K. veAltay, N. (2023). Impact of modern slavery allegations on operating performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 28(3), 470-485.
  • Yeates, N. ve Pillinger, J. (2019). International health worker migration and recruitment: global governance, politics and policy. Routledge.
There are 81 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Corporation
Journal Section Review Papers

Münire Tuğba Erdem Aladağ 0009-0000-0229-2359

Early Pub Date February 28, 2025
Publication Date February 28, 2025
Submission Date May 29, 2024
Acceptance Date October 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 10 Issue: 26


APA Erdem Aladağ, M. T. (2025). Bir İnsan Hakları İhlali Olarak Uluslararası İşletmelerde Modern Kölelik: Genel Bir Bakış ve Mücadele Stratejileri. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10(26), 362-379.
AMA Erdem Aladağ MT. Bir İnsan Hakları İhlali Olarak Uluslararası İşletmelerde Modern Kölelik: Genel Bir Bakış ve Mücadele Stratejileri. JEBUPOR. February 2025;10(26):362-379. doi:10.25204/iktisad.1492068
Chicago Erdem Aladağ, Münire Tuğba. “Bir İnsan Hakları İhlali Olarak Uluslararası İşletmelerde Modern Kölelik: Genel Bir Bakış Ve Mücadele Stratejileri”. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 10, no. 26 (February 2025): 362-79.
EndNote Erdem Aladağ MT (February 1, 2025) Bir İnsan Hakları İhlali Olarak Uluslararası İşletmelerde Modern Kölelik: Genel Bir Bakış ve Mücadele Stratejileri. İktisadi İdari ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 10 26 362–379.
IEEE M. T. Erdem Aladağ, “Bir İnsan Hakları İhlali Olarak Uluslararası İşletmelerde Modern Kölelik: Genel Bir Bakış ve Mücadele Stratejileri”, JEBUPOR, vol. 10, no. 26, pp. 362–379, 2025, doi: 10.25204/iktisad.1492068.
ISNAD Erdem Aladağ, Münire Tuğba. “Bir İnsan Hakları İhlali Olarak Uluslararası İşletmelerde Modern Kölelik: Genel Bir Bakış Ve Mücadele Stratejileri”. İktisadi İdari ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 10/26 (February 2025), 362-379.
JAMA Erdem Aladağ MT. Bir İnsan Hakları İhlali Olarak Uluslararası İşletmelerde Modern Kölelik: Genel Bir Bakış ve Mücadele Stratejileri. JEBUPOR. 2025;10:362–379.
MLA Erdem Aladağ, Münire Tuğba. “Bir İnsan Hakları İhlali Olarak Uluslararası İşletmelerde Modern Kölelik: Genel Bir Bakış Ve Mücadele Stratejileri”. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 26, 2025, pp. 362-79, doi:10.25204/iktisad.1492068.
Vancouver Erdem Aladağ MT. Bir İnsan Hakları İhlali Olarak Uluslararası İşletmelerde Modern Kölelik: Genel Bir Bakış ve Mücadele Stratejileri. JEBUPOR. 2025;10(26):362-79.