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Üçlü senkron tümörler: mide, safra kesesi ve sigmoid adenokarsinom olgu sunumu

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 13 - 16, 29.11.2024


Bu olgu sunumunda, gastrik adenokarsinom, safra kesesi adenokarsinomu ve sigmoid kolon adenokarsinomu olmak üzere üçlü senkron tümörü olan bir hasta incelenmiştir. Kliniğimize kilo kaybı ve epigastrik ağrı öyküsü olan 86 yaşında kadın hasta başvurdu. Üst gastrointestinal sistem endoskopisi ve kolonoskopisinde mide antrum arka duvarında 2 cm büyüklüğünde polipoid kitle ve sigmoid kolonda 3,5 cm büyüklüğünde tümör saptandı. Ultrasonografi ve tomografi ile safra kesesinde üçüncü bir tümör tespit edildi. Aynı ameliyatta sigmoid kolon rezeksiyonu, kolesistektomi ve subtotal gastrektomi ile tüm tümörler çıkarıldı. Tümörlerin evreleri mide adenokarsinomu (pT1N0), safra kesesi adenokarsinomu (pT1N0) ve sigmoid adenokarsinom (pT4N0) idi. Ameliyattan 14 ay sonra hasta, kolon tümörünün nüksü sonucu oluşan ileus nedeniyle tekrar ameliyat edildi. Sol hemikolektomi, ince barsak adezyonu için parsiyel rezeksiyon ve yan yana anastomoz yapıldı. Yoğun bakım ünitesinde yatan hasta ameliyat sonrası 4. gününde serebrovasküler olay sonucu kaybedildi. Yaşlı kanser hastalarının tedavi ve izlemi boyunca birden fazla primer malignite bulma şansı her zaman düşünülmelidir. Uygun tedaviyi elde etmek için mutiple kanserin ortaya çıkma olasılıklarına karşı uyanık olunmalıdır.

Etik Beyan

Helsinki kriterlerine uygun hasta onamı alınarak olgu sunumu yapılmıştır


  • Bannon, M., Marak, C., Bastible, S. T., Ashraf, A., Guddati, A. K., & Kaushik, P. (2023). An Unusual Case of Triple Synchronous Malignancies in a Middle-Aged Male Smoker: A Case Report and a Brief Literature Review. Am J Med, 8(4).
  • Demirci U, Coşkun U., Göçün PU et all.(2010) Four different malignancies in one patient: a case report Cases Journal 3:53.
  • Howe HL (ed). (2003)A Review of the Definition for Multiple Primary Cancers inthe United States. Workshop Proceedings From December 4–6, 2002, in Princeton, New Jersey. Springfield (IL): North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, May .
  • Findakly, D., & Amar, S. (2020). Trıple synchronous prımary lung and esophageal tumors ın an adult: a rare and novel occurrence. Chest, 158(4), A1553.
  • Lee TK, Barringer M, Myers RT Sterch JM.(1982) Multiple primary carcinomas of the colon and associated extracolonic primary malignant Tumors. Ann Surg. 1982; 195: 501-7.
  • Moertel CG, Dockerty MB, AH(1961) Baggenstoss. Multiple primary malignant neoplasms. I. Introduction and presentation of data. Cancer 14: 221-30
  • Nomura H, Ikki A, Fusegi A, Omi M, Aoki Y, Netsu S, Tanigawa T, Matoda M, Okamoto S, Omatsu K, et al(2021) Clinical and pathological outcomes of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy for Japanese women with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Int J Clin Oncol. 26:2331–2337.
  • Saha, S., Goel, V., Chakraborty, A., & Talwar, V. (2024). Synchronous Triple Malignancy of Esophagus, Pancreas, and Pyriform Sinus: A Prima Facie Report. Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, 15(Suppl 2), 349-354.
  • Tamura M, Shinagawa M, Funaki Y.(2003) Synchronous triple early cancers occurring in the stomach, colon, gallbladder nd. Asian J Surg. 26 (1): 46-8
  • Warren S, Gates 0. Multiple primary malignant Tumors. A survey of the literature and statistical study. Am J Cancer 1932; 16: 1358-1414.
  • Werthamer S., Jabush M., Schulman J, Multiple (1961)Primary Malignancies JAMA. 175(7):558-562.
  • Yoshino K, Asanuma F, Hanatani Y, Kuma K, K.(1984)Statistical studies on multiple primary cancers in Ishibi Including gastric cancers. Gan No Rinsho 30: 1514- 23.

Triple synchronous tumors: gastric, gallbladder, and sigmoid adenocarcinoma case report

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 13 - 16, 29.11.2024


In this case report a patient with triple synchronous tumors: gastric adenocarcinoma, gallbladder adenocarcinoma, and adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon has been presented. An 86-year-old female patient with a history of weight loss and epigastric pain was admitted to our department. Her upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy showed a 2 cm-sized polypoid mass in the posterior wall of the gastric antrum and a 3,5 cm-sized tumor in the sigmoid colon. A third tumor was detected in the gallbladder by ultrasonography and tomography. In the same operation, all tumors were removed by sigmoid colon resection, cholecystectomy, and subtotal gastrectomy. Stages of tumors were for gastric adenocarcinoma (pT1N0), gallbladder adenocarcinoma (pT1N0), and sigmoid adenocarcinoma (pT4N0). 14 months after surgery the patient was re-operated due to ileus caused by recurrence of colonic tumor. Left hemicolectomy, partial resection for adhesion of the small intestine, and side-by-side anastomosis were performed. In the intensive care unit, the patient died of cerebrovascular incident after 4th day of surgery. The chance of finding multiple primary malignancies should always be thought of throughout the treatment and follow-up of elderly cancer patients. The physician should be alert to the possibility of their occurrence to achieve proper treatment.


  • Bannon, M., Marak, C., Bastible, S. T., Ashraf, A., Guddati, A. K., & Kaushik, P. (2023). An Unusual Case of Triple Synchronous Malignancies in a Middle-Aged Male Smoker: A Case Report and a Brief Literature Review. Am J Med, 8(4).
  • Demirci U, Coşkun U., Göçün PU et all.(2010) Four different malignancies in one patient: a case report Cases Journal 3:53.
  • Howe HL (ed). (2003)A Review of the Definition for Multiple Primary Cancers inthe United States. Workshop Proceedings From December 4–6, 2002, in Princeton, New Jersey. Springfield (IL): North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, May .
  • Findakly, D., & Amar, S. (2020). Trıple synchronous prımary lung and esophageal tumors ın an adult: a rare and novel occurrence. Chest, 158(4), A1553.
  • Lee TK, Barringer M, Myers RT Sterch JM.(1982) Multiple primary carcinomas of the colon and associated extracolonic primary malignant Tumors. Ann Surg. 1982; 195: 501-7.
  • Moertel CG, Dockerty MB, AH(1961) Baggenstoss. Multiple primary malignant neoplasms. I. Introduction and presentation of data. Cancer 14: 221-30
  • Nomura H, Ikki A, Fusegi A, Omi M, Aoki Y, Netsu S, Tanigawa T, Matoda M, Okamoto S, Omatsu K, et al(2021) Clinical and pathological outcomes of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy for Japanese women with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Int J Clin Oncol. 26:2331–2337.
  • Saha, S., Goel, V., Chakraborty, A., & Talwar, V. (2024). Synchronous Triple Malignancy of Esophagus, Pancreas, and Pyriform Sinus: A Prima Facie Report. Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, 15(Suppl 2), 349-354.
  • Tamura M, Shinagawa M, Funaki Y.(2003) Synchronous triple early cancers occurring in the stomach, colon, gallbladder nd. Asian J Surg. 26 (1): 46-8
  • Warren S, Gates 0. Multiple primary malignant Tumors. A survey of the literature and statistical study. Am J Cancer 1932; 16: 1358-1414.
  • Werthamer S., Jabush M., Schulman J, Multiple (1961)Primary Malignancies JAMA. 175(7):558-562.
  • Yoshino K, Asanuma F, Hanatani Y, Kuma K, K.(1984)Statistical studies on multiple primary cancers in Ishibi Including gastric cancers. Gan No Rinsho 30: 1514- 23.
Toplam 12 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Tıp Eğitimi
Bölüm Olgu Sunumları

Günhan Can 0000-0003-1584-2510

Hasan Bektaş 0000-0002-6307-6075

Acar Aren 0000-0001-6797-3657

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Kasım 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Can, G., Bektaş, H., & Aren, A. (2024). Triple synchronous tumors: gastric, gallbladder, and sigmoid adenocarcinoma case report. Istanbul Kent University Journal of Health Sciences, 3(3), 13-16.
AMA Can G, Bektaş H, Aren A. Triple synchronous tumors: gastric, gallbladder, and sigmoid adenocarcinoma case report. IKUJHS. Kasım 2024;3(3):13-16.
Chicago Can, Günhan, Hasan Bektaş, ve Acar Aren. “Triple Synchronous Tumors: Gastric, Gallbladder, and Sigmoid Adenocarcinoma Case Report”. Istanbul Kent University Journal of Health Sciences 3, sy. 3 (Kasım 2024): 13-16.
EndNote Can G, Bektaş H, Aren A (01 Kasım 2024) Triple synchronous tumors: gastric, gallbladder, and sigmoid adenocarcinoma case report. Istanbul Kent University Journal of Health Sciences 3 3 13–16.
IEEE G. Can, H. Bektaş, ve A. Aren, “Triple synchronous tumors: gastric, gallbladder, and sigmoid adenocarcinoma case report”, IKUJHS, c. 3, sy. 3, ss. 13–16, 2024.
ISNAD Can, Günhan vd. “Triple Synchronous Tumors: Gastric, Gallbladder, and Sigmoid Adenocarcinoma Case Report”. Istanbul Kent University Journal of Health Sciences 3/3 (Kasım 2024), 13-16.
JAMA Can G, Bektaş H, Aren A. Triple synchronous tumors: gastric, gallbladder, and sigmoid adenocarcinoma case report. IKUJHS. 2024;3:13–16.
MLA Can, Günhan vd. “Triple Synchronous Tumors: Gastric, Gallbladder, and Sigmoid Adenocarcinoma Case Report”. Istanbul Kent University Journal of Health Sciences, c. 3, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 13-16.
Vancouver Can G, Bektaş H, Aren A. Triple synchronous tumors: gastric, gallbladder, and sigmoid adenocarcinoma case report. IKUJHS. 2024;3(3):13-6.