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Diplomatik Arabuluculuğun Farklı Yönleri: Diplomatik Ortamlarda Tercüman Bulundurmanın Dil Dışı Nedenleri

Year 2024, , 75 - 89, 20.07.2024


Diplomasi, günlük yaşamın pek çok alanına sirayet eden bir kavramdır. Bu kavramın medya ortamlarında sıklıkla yer alması ve tartışılması, akademik boyutlarda da ele alınmasına neden olmuştur. Diplomasinin uygulama sürecine dâhil olan her bir uzmanlık ve meslek alanı, bu süreçte önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, sözlü çeviri büyük önem arz etmektedir. Çeviribilimin önemli bir alt dalı olan sözlü çeviri uğraşı, esasında antik dönemlere kadar uzanan köklü bir geçmişe haizdir. Ancak sözlü çeviri, çeviribilimin diğer alt alanlarına kıyasla nispeten daha az çalışılmış bir alandır. Sözlü çevirinin bilimsel düzlemde irdelenmesinin gecikmesi, diplomasi sürecindeki rolünün tartışılmasını da geciktirmiş; bu alanda yapılan kısıtlı çalışmalar ise çevirinin diplomasideki rolünün yalnızca dilsel boyutlarını ele almıştır. Siyasi ve diplomatik ortamlarda önemli bir yeri olan diplomasi çevirmenliği, gizlilik ve diğer bazı sebeplerle yeterince incelenememiştir. Dolayısıyla bu çalışma, diplomasi alanında çalışan sözlü çevirmenlerin yalnızca dilsel nedenlerle değil, -diplomasi sürecindeki tüm paydaşların ortak dil bilmelerine ve ilk bakışta bir tercüman bulundurmaya gerek duyulmamasına rağmen- dil dışı nedenlerle de istihdam edilebileceklerini konu edinmektedir. Bu husus, hem diplomasi hem de çeviri alanı için önem arz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda, makale boyunca çevirmenlerin diplomasi süreçlerinde ülkenin millî dilini temsil etme, iletişim hatalarını üstlenme, diplomatlara danışmanlık yapma ve zaman kazandırma gibi dil dışı rolleri irdelenmiştir.


  • Aksoy, M. & Çiçek, A. S. (2018). Redefining diplomacy in the 21st ceuntry & examining the characteristics of an ideal diplomat. MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 7(3), 907-921.
  • Alexieva, B. (1997). A typology of interpreter-mediated events. The Translator, 3(2), 153–174.
  • Aydın, B. (2007). Divan-ı Hümayun tercümanları ve Osmanlı kültür ve diplomasisindeki yerleri. Osmanlı Araştırmaları XXIX, 29(29), 41-86.
  • Beyaz Saray’daki tercüman... (2007, September 9). Yeniçağ Gazetesi. Retrieved from
  • Bobeica, G. (2022). Diplomatic language as part of the language for specific purposes. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (8), 600–610.
  • Bulut, A. (2015). Tercüme hatası!, İstanbul: Çeviri Bilim
  • Buri, M. R. (2020). Interpreting in diplomatic settings. Retrieved from en/interpreting-in-diplomatic-settings-2/
  • Chao, C. (2007). War interpreters should be given red cross protection status. Retrieved from http://
  • Colson, T. (2021). Kremlin denies Grisham’s claim that it picked an “attractive” translator to distract Trump in a G20 meeting with Putin. Business Insider. Retrieved from
  • Diriker, E. (2004). De-/Re-Contextualizing conference interpreting: Interpreters in the Ivory Tower? Retrieved from
  • Doğan, A. (2009). Sözlü çeviri çalışmaları ve uygulamaları. Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Eraslan Gerçek, Ş. (2008). “Cultural Mediator’” or ‘Scrupulous Translator”? revisiting role, context and culture in consecutive conference interpreting. CETRA, Retrieved from https://www.
  • Gülmez, S. B., Yetkin Karakoç, N., & Buhari Gülmez, D. (2020). Diplomatik aktör olarak çevirmenler: Trump döneminde çevirmenlerin Amerikan diplomasisine etkileri. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi.
  • Grisham, S. (2021). I’ll take your questions now. Harper.
  • Jönsson, C., & Hall, M. (2003). Communication: an essential aspect of diplomacy. International Studies Perspectives, 4(2), 195–210.
  • Kadrić, M., Rennert, S., Schäffner, C., & Krois, P. (2021). Diplomatic and political interpreting explained. In Routledge eBooks.
  • Kelley, T. (2002). “Vernon A. Walters, 85, Former Envoy to U.N.” The New York Times, February 15, 2002, sec. World. Retrieved from
  • Kocabıyık, H. (2019) Değişen diplomasi anlayışı, kamu diplomasisi ve Türkiye. Avrasya Etüdleri 55(1), 163-196.
  • Kurbalija, J., & Slavik, H. (2001). Language and diplomacy. Diplo Foundation.
  • Linell, P. (1997). Interpreting as Interaction. Y. Gambier, D. Gile and C. Taylor (ed.), In Conference Interpreting: Current Trends in Research. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Marquez de la Plata Valverde, P. (2019). Interpreters and fixers in conflict zones: Iraq and Afghanistan. Retrieved from
  • Metzger, M. (2003). From topic boundaries to omission: New Research on Interpretation. Gallaudet University Press.
  • Nigro, L. J. (2010). Theory and practice of modern diplomacy. Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College.
  • Obst, H. (2010). White House interpreter: The Art of Interpretation. AuthorHouse.
  • Ohsawa, Y. (2023). Ernest Mason Satow a diplomat in Japan (1921). In A Diplomat in Japan (pp. 13–16).
  • Özdan, S. (2019). Subverting the art of diplomacy: bullshit, lies and Trump. Postdigital Science and Education, 2(1), 95–112. p.98
  • Pöchhacker, F. (2000). Dolmetschen: konzeptuelle Grundlagen und deskriptive Untersuchungen.
  • Sayın, F. M., & Sayın, B. A. (2013) Old and new diplomacy and the role of communication. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(9), 15-30.
  • Schwab, N., Goodin, E., Earle, G., & Phillips, M. (2021). Hill confirms Kremlin swapped in an attractive interpreter to distract Trump. Mail Online. Retrieved from
  • Setton, R., & Dawrant, A. (2016). Conference interpreting – a complete course. In Benjamins translation library.
  • Smith, N. R. & Fallon, T. (2022). The importance of bona fide friendships to international politics: China’s quest for friendships that matter. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. https://
  • Steinbuch, Y. (2021). Get to know the stunning Russian translator Putin brought to Trump meeting. New York Post. Retrieved from
  • Teng, T., J. (2021) “Meet Zhang Jing, the ‘Interpreter Goddess’ lighting up China’s social media.” South China Morning Post. Retrieved from
  • Vardar, S. (2019). Bu kulaklar neler duydu: Türkiye'de konferans çevirmenliğinin 50 yılı. İstanbul: h20 Kitap.
  • Yanardağ, A. (2019) Şahin Ciner | Büyükelçilik yolunu kapalı kapılar mı açıyor? Tele1. Retrieved from
  • Yetkin Karakoç, N. (2022). Çeviri ve diplomasi. İstanbul: Çeviri Bilim.

The Different Aspects of Diplomatic Mediation: The Extralinguistic Motives of Having an Interpreter in the Diplomatic Settings

Year 2024, , 75 - 89, 20.07.2024


Diplomacy is a concept that permeates many aspects of the daily life. The fact that it has always been displayed and discussed in the media has generated much academic interest. Each expertise and profession involved in the implementation of diplomacy plays an essential role in the process of diplomacy. Within this context, the interpreting is of vital importance. The history of the practice of interpretation, as one of the most important fields of Translation Studies, dates back to ancient times. However, the interpretation studies have fallen behind relative to the wide range of studies conducted for the field of translation. The delay in examining interpretation on a scientific level has similarly delayed the discussion of its role in the diplomatic process; the limited studies conducted in this field have only addressed the linguistic dimensions of translation's role in diplomacy. Of all types of interpretations, diplomatic interpretation, having a unique role in the political and diplomatic settings, has been understudied, confidentiality being one of the reasons among - others. This paper, therefore, aims to demonstrate some of the extralinguistic aspects of political interpretation that might prompt the interlocutors to hire an interpreter, even when both of the parties share a common language and do not seem to need an interpreter at first glance. This issue appears to be significant both for translation and diplomacy studies. In this context, throughout the article, the non-linguistic roles of translators in diplomatic processes, such as representing the national language of the country, assuming responsibility for communication errors, advising diplomats, and saving time, are examined.


  • Aksoy, M. & Çiçek, A. S. (2018). Redefining diplomacy in the 21st ceuntry & examining the characteristics of an ideal diplomat. MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 7(3), 907-921.
  • Alexieva, B. (1997). A typology of interpreter-mediated events. The Translator, 3(2), 153–174.
  • Aydın, B. (2007). Divan-ı Hümayun tercümanları ve Osmanlı kültür ve diplomasisindeki yerleri. Osmanlı Araştırmaları XXIX, 29(29), 41-86.
  • Beyaz Saray’daki tercüman... (2007, September 9). Yeniçağ Gazetesi. Retrieved from
  • Bobeica, G. (2022). Diplomatic language as part of the language for specific purposes. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (8), 600–610.
  • Bulut, A. (2015). Tercüme hatası!, İstanbul: Çeviri Bilim
  • Buri, M. R. (2020). Interpreting in diplomatic settings. Retrieved from en/interpreting-in-diplomatic-settings-2/
  • Chao, C. (2007). War interpreters should be given red cross protection status. Retrieved from http://
  • Colson, T. (2021). Kremlin denies Grisham’s claim that it picked an “attractive” translator to distract Trump in a G20 meeting with Putin. Business Insider. Retrieved from
  • Diriker, E. (2004). De-/Re-Contextualizing conference interpreting: Interpreters in the Ivory Tower? Retrieved from
  • Doğan, A. (2009). Sözlü çeviri çalışmaları ve uygulamaları. Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Eraslan Gerçek, Ş. (2008). “Cultural Mediator’” or ‘Scrupulous Translator”? revisiting role, context and culture in consecutive conference interpreting. CETRA, Retrieved from https://www.
  • Gülmez, S. B., Yetkin Karakoç, N., & Buhari Gülmez, D. (2020). Diplomatik aktör olarak çevirmenler: Trump döneminde çevirmenlerin Amerikan diplomasisine etkileri. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi.
  • Grisham, S. (2021). I’ll take your questions now. Harper.
  • Jönsson, C., & Hall, M. (2003). Communication: an essential aspect of diplomacy. International Studies Perspectives, 4(2), 195–210.
  • Kadrić, M., Rennert, S., Schäffner, C., & Krois, P. (2021). Diplomatic and political interpreting explained. In Routledge eBooks.
  • Kelley, T. (2002). “Vernon A. Walters, 85, Former Envoy to U.N.” The New York Times, February 15, 2002, sec. World. Retrieved from
  • Kocabıyık, H. (2019) Değişen diplomasi anlayışı, kamu diplomasisi ve Türkiye. Avrasya Etüdleri 55(1), 163-196.
  • Kurbalija, J., & Slavik, H. (2001). Language and diplomacy. Diplo Foundation.
  • Linell, P. (1997). Interpreting as Interaction. Y. Gambier, D. Gile and C. Taylor (ed.), In Conference Interpreting: Current Trends in Research. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Marquez de la Plata Valverde, P. (2019). Interpreters and fixers in conflict zones: Iraq and Afghanistan. Retrieved from
  • Metzger, M. (2003). From topic boundaries to omission: New Research on Interpretation. Gallaudet University Press.
  • Nigro, L. J. (2010). Theory and practice of modern diplomacy. Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College.
  • Obst, H. (2010). White House interpreter: The Art of Interpretation. AuthorHouse.
  • Ohsawa, Y. (2023). Ernest Mason Satow a diplomat in Japan (1921). In A Diplomat in Japan (pp. 13–16).
  • Özdan, S. (2019). Subverting the art of diplomacy: bullshit, lies and Trump. Postdigital Science and Education, 2(1), 95–112. p.98
  • Pöchhacker, F. (2000). Dolmetschen: konzeptuelle Grundlagen und deskriptive Untersuchungen.
  • Sayın, F. M., & Sayın, B. A. (2013) Old and new diplomacy and the role of communication. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(9), 15-30.
  • Schwab, N., Goodin, E., Earle, G., & Phillips, M. (2021). Hill confirms Kremlin swapped in an attractive interpreter to distract Trump. Mail Online. Retrieved from
  • Setton, R., & Dawrant, A. (2016). Conference interpreting – a complete course. In Benjamins translation library.
  • Smith, N. R. & Fallon, T. (2022). The importance of bona fide friendships to international politics: China’s quest for friendships that matter. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. https://
  • Steinbuch, Y. (2021). Get to know the stunning Russian translator Putin brought to Trump meeting. New York Post. Retrieved from
  • Teng, T., J. (2021) “Meet Zhang Jing, the ‘Interpreter Goddess’ lighting up China’s social media.” South China Morning Post. Retrieved from
  • Vardar, S. (2019). Bu kulaklar neler duydu: Türkiye'de konferans çevirmenliğinin 50 yılı. İstanbul: h20 Kitap.
  • Yanardağ, A. (2019) Şahin Ciner | Büyükelçilik yolunu kapalı kapılar mı açıyor? Tele1. Retrieved from
  • Yetkin Karakoç, N. (2022). Çeviri ve diplomasi. İstanbul: Çeviri Bilim.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Multicultural, Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Studies, Cultural Studies (Other), International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Yaşar Akgün 0000-0002-8728-2615

Nihal Yetkin Karakoç 0000-0002-7649-5949

Publication Date July 20, 2024
Submission Date May 23, 2024
Acceptance Date July 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Akgün, Y., & Yetkin Karakoç, N. (2024). The Different Aspects of Diplomatic Mediation: The Extralinguistic Motives of Having an Interpreter in the Diplomatic Settings. İletişim Ve Diplomasi(12), 75-89.