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İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sanal Zorba ve Mağdur Olma Durumu

Year 2012, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 2 - 13, 26.06.2012


Bu araştırmanın amacı ilköğretim ikinci kademe öğrencilerinin sanal zorba ve mağdur olma durumlarının incelenmesi ve bu durumun cinsiyet ve sınıf düzeyiyle arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2010-2011 öğretim yılı 2. döneminde Trabzon ili merkezinde öğrenim görmekte olan 209’u erkek 204’ü kız toplam 413 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada kesitsel tarama modeline uygun olarak öğrencilerin sanal zorba ve mağdur olma durumlarını belirlemek üzere sanal zorba ve mağdur anketi kullanılmıştır. Toplanan veriler frekans, yüzde ve ki kare analizi ile test edilmiştir. Yapılan araştırma sonucunda öğrencilerin %18,6’sının sanal zorbalığa maruz kaldığı, %11,6’sının sanal zorbalık davranışlarını sergilediği görülmüştür. Araştırmada 8. sınıfa devam eden öğrencilerin diğer sınıflardaki öğrencilere göre daha fazla sanal zorbalık yaptığı, 6. Sınıf öğrencilerin ise daha fazla sanal zorbalığa maruz kaldıkları bulunmuştur. Araştırmaya katılan öğrencilerin daha çok msn ve sohbet odalarını kullanarak sanal zorbalık yaptığı ve sanal zorbalığa maruz kaldığı bulunmuştur


  • Aftab, P. (2006). Stop cyberbullying. adresinden 05.06.2010 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Agatston, P. W., Kowalski, R., & Limber, S. (2007). Students’ perspectives on cyber bullying. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 59-60.
  • Agatston, P., & Carpenter, M. (2006). Electronic bullying survey. Unpublished manuscript.
  • Akbulut, Y., Sahin, Y. L., & Eristi, B. (2010a). Cyberbullying victimization among Turkish online social utility members. Educational Technology & Society, 13 (4), 192–201.
  • Akbulut, Y., Sahin, Y. L., & Eristi, B. (2010b). Development of a scale to investigate cybervictimization among online social utility members. Contemporary Educational Technology, 1(1), 46-59.
  • Arıcak, O. T. (2009). Psychiatric symptomatology as a predictor of cyberbullying among university students. Eğitim Araştirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 34, 167-184.
  • Aricak, T.; Siyahhan, S.; Uzunhasanoglu, A.; Sarıbeyoglu, S.; Cıplak, S.; Yılmaz, N. ve Memmedov, C. (2008). Cyberbullying among Turkish Adolescents. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 11(3), 253-261.
  • Ayas, T. (2011). Lise öğrencilerinin sanal zorba ve mağdur olma yaygınlığı. XI. Ulusal Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Kongresi 3–5 Ekim 2011 İzmir.
  • Ayas, T. ve Horzum, M.B. (2011). Öğretmenlerin sanal zorbalık algılarının çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(2), 619-640.
  • Aydoğan, D., Dilmaç, B. ve Deniz, M. E. (2009). İlköğretim Öğrencilerinde Sosyal Destek ve Siber Zorbalığın İncelenmesi. 18. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı, 1-3 Ekim, İzmir.
  • Beale, A.V., & Scott, P. C. (2001). “Bullybusters”: Using drama to empower students to take a stand against bullying behavior. Professional School Counseling, 4(3), 300–305.
  • Belsey, B. (2007, Fall). Cyberbullying: A real and growing threat. ATA Magazine, 88(1), 14-21.
  • Beran, T., & Li, Q. (2005). Cyber-harassment: A study of a new method for an old behavior. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 32, 265–277.
  • Campbell, M. A. (2005). Cyber bullying: An old problem in a new guise? Australian Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 15, 68-76.
  • Chisholm, J. F. (2006). Cyberspace violence against girls and adolescent females. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1087, 74-89.
  • Dehue, F., Bolman, C., & Völlink, T. (2008) Cyberbullying: Youngsters’ experiences and parental perception. Cyberpsychology &Behavior, 11(2), 217-223
  • Diamanduros,T., Downs, E. & Jenkins, J.S (2008) The role of school psychologısts in the assessment, prevention and intervention cyberbullying. Psychology in the Schools, 45(8), 693-704.
  • Dilmaç, B. ve Aydoğan, D. (2010). Values as a Predictor of Cyber-bullying Among Secondary School Students. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 5(3), 185-188.
  • Dilmaç, B.(2009) Cyber bullying: a Preliminary Report on College Students. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 9(3) 1307-1325.
  • Doneman, P. (2008). School computer feud linked to hit-run injury. Retrieved April 5, 2008, from,23739,23264806- 952,00.html.
  • Dursun, Ö. Ö., & Akbulut, Y. (2010). Investigation of cyberbullying victimization and communication styles in a hybrid learning environment. Paper presented at IODL & ICEM International Joint Conference and Media Days, Eskisehir, Turkey.
  • Erdur-Baker, Ö. (2010). Cyber bullying and its correlation to traditional bullying, gender, and frequent and risky usage of internet mediated communication tools. New Media and Society, 12, 109-126.
  • Erdur-Baker, Ö. ve Kavşut, F. (2007). Akran Zorbalığının Yeni Yüzü: Siber Zorbalık. Eğitim Araştırmaları, 27, 31-42.
  • Erdur-Baker, Ö., & Tanrıkulu, İ. (2009). Cyber bullying in Turkey: Its correlates and links to depressive symptoms. Journal of eHealth Technology and Application, 7, 16-23.
  • Fight crime sponsored studies: Opinion research corporation. (2006). Cyber bully preteen. Available:
  • Hawker, D. S. J. & Boulton, M. J. (2000). Twenty years’ research on peer victimization and psychosocial maladjustment: A meta-analytic review of crosssectional studies. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 41, 441–455.
  • Hazler, R.J., Carney, J.V., & Granger, D.A. (2006). Integrating biological measures into the study of bullying. Journal of Counseling and Development, 84, 298–307.
  • Horzum, M.B. (2011). İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Bilgisayar Oyunu Bağımlılık Düzeylerinin Çeşitli Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi. Eğitim ve Bilim, 36(159), 56-68.
  • International Telecommunication Union (2009a). International Telecommunication Union: Information Society Statistical Profiles 2009 World. adresinden 12.07.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • International Telecommunication Union (2009b). International Telecommunication Union: Information Society Statistical Profiles 2009 Europa. E.pdf adresinden 12.07.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • Internet bullies: The growing problem of internet bullying and “flaming.” (2006, August). Retrieved August 22, 2006, from room_fl aming.htm.
  • Internet World Stats (2009). Usage and Population Statistics. adresinden 12.07.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • Karasar, N. (1995). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi - kavramlar, ilkeler, teknikler: 7. baskı. Ankara: 3A Araştırma, Eğitim, Danışmanlık Ltd.
  • Keith, S., & Martin, M.E. (2005). Cyber-Bullying: Creating a Culture of Respect in a Cyber World. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 13, 224-228.
  • Kirby, E. (2008). Eliminate bullying - A legal imperative. A Legal Memorandum, 8(2),1-6.
  • Kowalski, R.M. & Limber, S.P. (2007). Electronic bullying among middle school students. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 41(6), 22-30. Kowalski, R.M., & Witte, J. (2006). Youth Internet adresinden 12.07.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • Kowalski,M.R; Limber, P.S. & Agatston, W.P (2008) Cyber Bullying in the Digital Age. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Kraft, E. (2006). Cyber bullying: A worldwide trend of misusing technology to harass others. The Internet Society II: Advances in Education, Commerce, &Governance, 36, 155–166.
  • Li, Q. (2006). Cyberbullying in schools: A research of gender differences. School Psychology International, 27(2), 157 – 170.
  • Li, Q. (2008). A cross-cultural comparison of adolescents’ experience related to cyberbullying. Educational Research, 50(3), 223-234.
  • Mark, L.K. (2009). Student, educator, and parent perceptions of cyber bullying in three Hawai’i middle schools. Unpublished thesis. University of Hawai’i Educational Psychology.
  • Mason, L.K. (2008). Cyberbullying: a preliminary assessment for school personnel. Psychology in the Schools, 45(4), 323-348
  • Menesini, E., Sanchez, V., Fonzi, A., Ortega, R., Costabile, A., & Feudo, G. L.(2003). Moral emotions and bullying: A cross-national comparison of diff erences between bullies, victims and outsiders. Aggressive Behavior, 29, 515-530.
  • NCH: The Children’s Charity (2005). Putting U in the picture — Mobile bullying survey Nelson, M. (2003). School bullies going high tech.
  • LondonFreePress/2003/09/02/1744030 adresinden 6 Mayıs 2010 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Nishina, A., Juvonen, J., & Witkow, M.R. (2005). Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will make me feel sick: The psychosocial, somatic, and scholastic consequences of peer harassment. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 34(1), 37–48.
  • Patchin, J.W. & Hinduja, S. (2006). Bullies move beyond the school yard: A preliminary look at cyber bullying. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 4(2), 148–169
  • Pellegrini, A.D. (2001). A longitudinal study of heterosexual relationships, aggression, and sexual harassment during the transition from primary school through middle school. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 22, 1–15.
  • Slonje, R. & Smith, P. K. (2008). Cyberbullying: Another main type of bullying? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49, 147-154.
  • Smith, P., Mahdavi, J., Carvalho, M. & Tippett, N. (2006). An investigation into cyberbullying, its forms, awareness and impact, and the relationship between age and gender in cyberbullying. A Report to the Anti-Bullying Alliance. adresinden 09.02.2009 tarihinde erişilmiştir
  • Smith, P., Mandavi, J., Carvalho, M., & Tippett, N. (2005). An investigation into cyberbullying, its forms, awareness and impact, and the relationship between age and gender in cyberbullying (A Report to the Anti-Bullying Alliance). University of London, Goldsmiths College, Unit for School and Family Studies, p.6.Retrieved January final230106_000.pdf. from
  • Storm, P. S. & Storm, R. D. (2005). Cyberbullying by adolescents: A preliminary assessment. The Educational Forum, 70, 21 – 32.
  • Syts, Y. (2004). Beyond the schoolyard: Examining electronic bullying among Canadian youth. Unpublished Master Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.
  • Topçu, Ç., Erdur-Baker, Ö., & Çapa-Aydin, Y. (2008). Examination of cyberbullying experiences among Turkish students from different school types. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11 (6), 643-648.
  • Vandebosch, H., Van Cleemput, K., Mortelmans, D., & Walrave, M.(2006). Cyberbullying among youngsters in Flanders. from Retrieved June 16, 2007 Willard, N. (2005). Educator’s Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats. adresinden 08.09.2009 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Williams, K.R & Guerra, N.G. (2007). Prevalence and predictors of internet bullying. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 51-58
  • Wolak, J., Mitchell, K.J., & Finkelhor, D. (2007). Does online harassment constitute bullying? An exploration of online harassment by known peers and online-only contacts, Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 51-58.
  • Ybarra, M L., Espelage, D.L., & Mitchell, K.J. (2007). The co-occurence of Internet harassment and unwanted sexual solicitation victimization and perpetration: Associations with psychosocial indicators. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 31-41.
  • Ybarra, M. L., Diener-West, M. & Leaf, P. J. (2007). Examining the overlapin Internet harassment and school bullying: Implications for school intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 42-50.
  • Ybarra, M.L and Mitchell, K.J. (2004). Online aggressor/targets, aggressors, and targets: a comparison of associated youth characteristics. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45, 1308-1316.

On Being Cyber Bully and Victim among Primary School Students

Year 2012, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 2 - 13, 26.06.2012


The aim of this research is to study the cyber bullying and victim incidents among primary school
students. A total of 413 students studying in Trabzon city center during the second term of 2010-2011 academic-year
constitute the study group of the research. Cyber bullying and victim questionnaire was used to determine the cyber
bullying and victim incidences among the students in the research. As a result of the study, it was determined that
18,6% of the students fall victim to cyber bullying and 11,6% of them display the cyber bullying behaviors. In the
research, it was found than students studying in 8th grade display more cyber bullying behaviors than the students in
other grades and 6th grade students suffer more from cyber bullying. It was found that the students in the research get
involved in cyber bullying and fall victim to such behaviors mostly while using msn and chat rooms.


  • Aftab, P. (2006). Stop cyberbullying. adresinden 05.06.2010 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Agatston, P. W., Kowalski, R., & Limber, S. (2007). Students’ perspectives on cyber bullying. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 59-60.
  • Agatston, P., & Carpenter, M. (2006). Electronic bullying survey. Unpublished manuscript.
  • Akbulut, Y., Sahin, Y. L., & Eristi, B. (2010a). Cyberbullying victimization among Turkish online social utility members. Educational Technology & Society, 13 (4), 192–201.
  • Akbulut, Y., Sahin, Y. L., & Eristi, B. (2010b). Development of a scale to investigate cybervictimization among online social utility members. Contemporary Educational Technology, 1(1), 46-59.
  • Arıcak, O. T. (2009). Psychiatric symptomatology as a predictor of cyberbullying among university students. Eğitim Araştirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 34, 167-184.
  • Aricak, T.; Siyahhan, S.; Uzunhasanoglu, A.; Sarıbeyoglu, S.; Cıplak, S.; Yılmaz, N. ve Memmedov, C. (2008). Cyberbullying among Turkish Adolescents. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 11(3), 253-261.
  • Ayas, T. (2011). Lise öğrencilerinin sanal zorba ve mağdur olma yaygınlığı. XI. Ulusal Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Kongresi 3–5 Ekim 2011 İzmir.
  • Ayas, T. ve Horzum, M.B. (2011). Öğretmenlerin sanal zorbalık algılarının çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(2), 619-640.
  • Aydoğan, D., Dilmaç, B. ve Deniz, M. E. (2009). İlköğretim Öğrencilerinde Sosyal Destek ve Siber Zorbalığın İncelenmesi. 18. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı, 1-3 Ekim, İzmir.
  • Beale, A.V., & Scott, P. C. (2001). “Bullybusters”: Using drama to empower students to take a stand against bullying behavior. Professional School Counseling, 4(3), 300–305.
  • Belsey, B. (2007, Fall). Cyberbullying: A real and growing threat. ATA Magazine, 88(1), 14-21.
  • Beran, T., & Li, Q. (2005). Cyber-harassment: A study of a new method for an old behavior. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 32, 265–277.
  • Campbell, M. A. (2005). Cyber bullying: An old problem in a new guise? Australian Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 15, 68-76.
  • Chisholm, J. F. (2006). Cyberspace violence against girls and adolescent females. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1087, 74-89.
  • Dehue, F., Bolman, C., & Völlink, T. (2008) Cyberbullying: Youngsters’ experiences and parental perception. Cyberpsychology &Behavior, 11(2), 217-223
  • Diamanduros,T., Downs, E. & Jenkins, J.S (2008) The role of school psychologısts in the assessment, prevention and intervention cyberbullying. Psychology in the Schools, 45(8), 693-704.
  • Dilmaç, B. ve Aydoğan, D. (2010). Values as a Predictor of Cyber-bullying Among Secondary School Students. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 5(3), 185-188.
  • Dilmaç, B.(2009) Cyber bullying: a Preliminary Report on College Students. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 9(3) 1307-1325.
  • Doneman, P. (2008). School computer feud linked to hit-run injury. Retrieved April 5, 2008, from,23739,23264806- 952,00.html.
  • Dursun, Ö. Ö., & Akbulut, Y. (2010). Investigation of cyberbullying victimization and communication styles in a hybrid learning environment. Paper presented at IODL & ICEM International Joint Conference and Media Days, Eskisehir, Turkey.
  • Erdur-Baker, Ö. (2010). Cyber bullying and its correlation to traditional bullying, gender, and frequent and risky usage of internet mediated communication tools. New Media and Society, 12, 109-126.
  • Erdur-Baker, Ö. ve Kavşut, F. (2007). Akran Zorbalığının Yeni Yüzü: Siber Zorbalık. Eğitim Araştırmaları, 27, 31-42.
  • Erdur-Baker, Ö., & Tanrıkulu, İ. (2009). Cyber bullying in Turkey: Its correlates and links to depressive symptoms. Journal of eHealth Technology and Application, 7, 16-23.
  • Fight crime sponsored studies: Opinion research corporation. (2006). Cyber bully preteen. Available:
  • Hawker, D. S. J. & Boulton, M. J. (2000). Twenty years’ research on peer victimization and psychosocial maladjustment: A meta-analytic review of crosssectional studies. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 41, 441–455.
  • Hazler, R.J., Carney, J.V., & Granger, D.A. (2006). Integrating biological measures into the study of bullying. Journal of Counseling and Development, 84, 298–307.
  • Horzum, M.B. (2011). İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Bilgisayar Oyunu Bağımlılık Düzeylerinin Çeşitli Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi. Eğitim ve Bilim, 36(159), 56-68.
  • International Telecommunication Union (2009a). International Telecommunication Union: Information Society Statistical Profiles 2009 World. adresinden 12.07.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • International Telecommunication Union (2009b). International Telecommunication Union: Information Society Statistical Profiles 2009 Europa. E.pdf adresinden 12.07.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • Internet bullies: The growing problem of internet bullying and “flaming.” (2006, August). Retrieved August 22, 2006, from room_fl aming.htm.
  • Internet World Stats (2009). Usage and Population Statistics. adresinden 12.07.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • Karasar, N. (1995). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi - kavramlar, ilkeler, teknikler: 7. baskı. Ankara: 3A Araştırma, Eğitim, Danışmanlık Ltd.
  • Keith, S., & Martin, M.E. (2005). Cyber-Bullying: Creating a Culture of Respect in a Cyber World. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 13, 224-228.
  • Kirby, E. (2008). Eliminate bullying - A legal imperative. A Legal Memorandum, 8(2),1-6.
  • Kowalski, R.M. & Limber, S.P. (2007). Electronic bullying among middle school students. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 41(6), 22-30. Kowalski, R.M., & Witte, J. (2006). Youth Internet adresinden 12.07.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • Kowalski,M.R; Limber, P.S. & Agatston, W.P (2008) Cyber Bullying in the Digital Age. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Kraft, E. (2006). Cyber bullying: A worldwide trend of misusing technology to harass others. The Internet Society II: Advances in Education, Commerce, &Governance, 36, 155–166.
  • Li, Q. (2006). Cyberbullying in schools: A research of gender differences. School Psychology International, 27(2), 157 – 170.
  • Li, Q. (2008). A cross-cultural comparison of adolescents’ experience related to cyberbullying. Educational Research, 50(3), 223-234.
  • Mark, L.K. (2009). Student, educator, and parent perceptions of cyber bullying in three Hawai’i middle schools. Unpublished thesis. University of Hawai’i Educational Psychology.
  • Mason, L.K. (2008). Cyberbullying: a preliminary assessment for school personnel. Psychology in the Schools, 45(4), 323-348
  • Menesini, E., Sanchez, V., Fonzi, A., Ortega, R., Costabile, A., & Feudo, G. L.(2003). Moral emotions and bullying: A cross-national comparison of diff erences between bullies, victims and outsiders. Aggressive Behavior, 29, 515-530.
  • NCH: The Children’s Charity (2005). Putting U in the picture — Mobile bullying survey Nelson, M. (2003). School bullies going high tech.
  • LondonFreePress/2003/09/02/1744030 adresinden 6 Mayıs 2010 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Nishina, A., Juvonen, J., & Witkow, M.R. (2005). Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will make me feel sick: The psychosocial, somatic, and scholastic consequences of peer harassment. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 34(1), 37–48.
  • Patchin, J.W. & Hinduja, S. (2006). Bullies move beyond the school yard: A preliminary look at cyber bullying. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 4(2), 148–169
  • Pellegrini, A.D. (2001). A longitudinal study of heterosexual relationships, aggression, and sexual harassment during the transition from primary school through middle school. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 22, 1–15.
  • Slonje, R. & Smith, P. K. (2008). Cyberbullying: Another main type of bullying? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49, 147-154.
  • Smith, P., Mahdavi, J., Carvalho, M. & Tippett, N. (2006). An investigation into cyberbullying, its forms, awareness and impact, and the relationship between age and gender in cyberbullying. A Report to the Anti-Bullying Alliance. adresinden 09.02.2009 tarihinde erişilmiştir
  • Smith, P., Mandavi, J., Carvalho, M., & Tippett, N. (2005). An investigation into cyberbullying, its forms, awareness and impact, and the relationship between age and gender in cyberbullying (A Report to the Anti-Bullying Alliance). University of London, Goldsmiths College, Unit for School and Family Studies, p.6.Retrieved January final230106_000.pdf. from
  • Storm, P. S. & Storm, R. D. (2005). Cyberbullying by adolescents: A preliminary assessment. The Educational Forum, 70, 21 – 32.
  • Syts, Y. (2004). Beyond the schoolyard: Examining electronic bullying among Canadian youth. Unpublished Master Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.
  • Topçu, Ç., Erdur-Baker, Ö., & Çapa-Aydin, Y. (2008). Examination of cyberbullying experiences among Turkish students from different school types. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11 (6), 643-648.
  • Vandebosch, H., Van Cleemput, K., Mortelmans, D., & Walrave, M.(2006). Cyberbullying among youngsters in Flanders. from Retrieved June 16, 2007 Willard, N. (2005). Educator’s Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats. adresinden 08.09.2009 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Williams, K.R & Guerra, N.G. (2007). Prevalence and predictors of internet bullying. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 51-58
  • Wolak, J., Mitchell, K.J., & Finkelhor, D. (2007). Does online harassment constitute bullying? An exploration of online harassment by known peers and online-only contacts, Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 51-58.
  • Ybarra, M L., Espelage, D.L., & Mitchell, K.J. (2007). The co-occurence of Internet harassment and unwanted sexual solicitation victimization and perpetration: Associations with psychosocial indicators. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 31-41.
  • Ybarra, M. L., Diener-West, M. & Leaf, P. J. (2007). Examining the overlapin Internet harassment and school bullying: Implications for school intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 42-50.
  • Ybarra, M.L and Mitchell, K.J. (2004). Online aggressor/targets, aggressors, and targets: a comparison of associated youth characteristics. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45, 1308-1316.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Tuncay Ayas

Mehmet Barış Horzum

Publication Date June 26, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Ayas, T., & Horzum, M. B. (2012). İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sanal Zorba ve Mağdur Olma Durumu. İlköğretim Online, 11(2), 2-13.
AMA Ayas T, Horzum MB. İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sanal Zorba ve Mağdur Olma Durumu. İOO. June 2012;11(2):2-13.
Chicago Ayas, Tuncay, and Mehmet Barış Horzum. “İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sanal Zorba Ve Mağdur Olma Durumu”. İlköğretim Online 11, no. 2 (June 2012): 2-13.
EndNote Ayas T, Horzum MB (June 1, 2012) İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sanal Zorba ve Mağdur Olma Durumu. İlköğretim Online 11 2 2–13.
IEEE T. Ayas and M. B. Horzum, “İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sanal Zorba ve Mağdur Olma Durumu”, İOO, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 2–13, 2012.
ISNAD Ayas, Tuncay - Horzum, Mehmet Barış. “İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sanal Zorba Ve Mağdur Olma Durumu”. İlköğretim Online 11/2 (June 2012), 2-13.
JAMA Ayas T, Horzum MB. İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sanal Zorba ve Mağdur Olma Durumu. İOO. 2012;11:2–13.
MLA Ayas, Tuncay and Mehmet Barış Horzum. “İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sanal Zorba Ve Mağdur Olma Durumu”. İlköğretim Online, vol. 11, no. 2, 2012, pp. 2-13.
Vancouver Ayas T, Horzum MB. İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sanal Zorba ve Mağdur Olma Durumu. İOO. 2012;11(2):2-13.