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Öğrencilerin Sınav Başarılarına Etki Eden Faktörler: LGS/ÖSS Sınavlarındaki Başarılı İller Örneği

Year 2008, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 2 - 18, 26.06.2008


Bu çalı manın amacı 2004 yılı Ortaö retim Kurumları Ö renci Seçme ve Yerle tirme Sınavı (LGS) ile Ö renci Seçme ve Yerle tirme Sınavlarında (ÖSS) ba arılı olan ve dereceye giren illerde görev yapan e itim yöneticilerinin gözünde, ö rencilerin sınavlardaki ba arılarına etki eden faktörleri belirlemektir. Ara tırma verileri Kahramanmara l Milli E itim Müdürlü ünce 09- 17 A ustos 2004 tarihlerinde görü me yoluyla toplanmı tır. Verilerin analizinde içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmı tır. Veriler her iki ara tırmacı tarafından ayrı ayrı kodlanmı ve temalar ortaya çıkarılmı tır. Okulların yeterli fiziki altyapıya sahip olması, Milli E itim müdürlüklerinin okul ve dershanelerle i birli i içinde olması, velilerin, dershanelerin ve özel sektörün e itime destek sa laması, ö retmen ve yöneticilerin yeterliliklerin saptanması ve geli tirilmesi, il düzeyinde ve okullarda deneme sınavlarının yapılması ve okul öncesi e itimin yaygınla tırılmasının, e itim yöneticilerinin gözünde, ba arıyı olumlu yönde etkiledi i saptanmı tır


  • Amrein, A. L. & Berliner, D. C. (2002). The impact if high-stakes tests on student academic performance: An analysis of NAEP results in states with high-stakes test and ACT, SAT and AP test results in states with high school graduation exam. Education Policy Research Unit, Arizona State University. Baker, A., & Soden, L. (1998). The challenges of parent involvement research. New York: NY: ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education. (ED419030). Bacı-Kılıç, B. (2003). Üçüncü Uluslar arası Matematik ve Fen Aratırması (TIMSS): Fen Öretimi, Bilimsel Aratırma ve Bilimin Doası. lköretim-Online, 2(1), 42-51. Bacı-Kılıç, B. (2003). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Fen Öretimi. V. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eitimi Kongresi. 16-18 Eylül 2002, ODTÜ. Ankara. Balcı, A. (1993). Etkili Okul. Yavuz Daıtım. Ankara. Bean, R.A., Bush, K. R., McKenry, P.C., & Wilson, S.M. (2003). The Impact of parental, support, behavioral control, and psychological control on the academic achievement and self-esteem of African-American and European American Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 18(5), 523-541. Beidel, D. C., Turner, S. M. & Taylor-Ferreira, J. C. (1999) Teaching Study Skills and Test-Taking Strategies to Elementary School Students. Behavior Modification. 23 (4), 630-646. Bredeson, P.V. (1996). New directions in the prepration of educational leaders. In K. Leithwood, J. Chapman, D. Corson, P.Hallinger, & A. Hart (Eds.). International handbook of educational leadership and administration (pp.251-277). Dordrecht, the Nederlands: Kluwer Academics. Bokser, R.J., & Witziers, B. (1996). The true size of school effects. Paper presented at the AERA. New York. Boozer , M & Rouse, C. (2001). Intraschool Variation in Class Size: Patterns and Implications. Journal of Urban Economics. 50 (1):163-189 Brookover, W.B., Beady, C., Flood, P., Scweithzer, J., & Wisenbaker, (1979). School social systems and student achievement. Schools can make a difference. New York: Preager. Bourke, S. (1986). How smaller is better: Some relationships between class size, teaching practices and student achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 23, 558–571. Considine, G., & Zappala, G. (2002). The influence of social and emaotional disadvantage in the academic performance of school students in Austrialia. Journal of Sociology, 38(2), 129-148. Çakan, M. (2002). Bilisel stil ile zeka kavramlarının örenci baarısı açısından irdelenmesi ve taıdıkları önem. Eitim Aratırmaları, 8, 86-95. Darling-Hamond, L. (2000). Teacher quality and student achievement: A review of state policy evidence. EPAA. 8(1), 1-46. Dinç, B. Okulöncesi Eitimin 4-5 Ya Çocuunun Sosyal Geliimine Etkileri Konusunda Öretmen Görüleri. OMEP 2003 Dünya Konsey Toplantısı ve Konferansı, Kuadası, 2002. ----------- Dört Sıfırdan Üçü Erkek. Radikal Gazetesi. 6 Austos 2004. Edmonds, R. (1979). Some schools work and more can. Social Policy. 9, 28-32. Finn, J.D. ve Achilles, C.M. (1999). Tennessee's class size study: Findings, implications, misconceptions. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 21(2), 97–109. Finn-Stevenson., M. Desimone, L., & Chung, A. (1998). Linking Child Care Support Service with the School: Pilot Evaluation of the School of the 21st Century. ndirildii tarih. 16.12.2004. Goddard, R.D., Sweetland, S.R., & Hoy, W.K. (2000). Academic Emphasis of Urban Elementary Schools and Student Achievement in Reading and Matematics: A Multilevel Analysis. Educational Edministration Quarterly, 36(5),683-702. Hattie. J.A.C. (2002) Classroom composition and peer effects. International Journal of Educational Research. 37 (5): 449-481. Hallinger, P., & Heck, R.H. (1996). The principal’s role in school effectiveness: An assesment of methodoligical progress, 19080-1995. Paper presented at the AERA. New York. Hanushek, E.A. (1999). Some findings from an independent investigation of the Tennessee STAR experiment and from other investigations of class size effects. Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis 21 (2), 143–163. Hanushek, E.A., Rivkin, S.G. ve Taylor, L.L. (1996). Aggregation and the estimated effects of school resources. Review of Economics & Statistics 78 (4), 611–627. Abstract-EconLit Hedges, L.V. and Stock, W. (1983). The effects of class size: An examination of rival hypotheses. American Educational Research Journal 20, 63–65. Hoy, W.K., Sweetland, S.R. & Smith, P.A. (2002). Toward an Organizational Model of Achievement in High Schools: The Significance of Collective Efficacy. Educational Edministration Quarterly, 38(1) 77-93. Leithwood, K., & Montgomery, D. (1982). The role of the elementary school principal in program improvement. Reviev of Educational Reserach, 52, 309-339. Lockheed, M. E. ve and Komenan, A. (1989). Teaching quality and student achievement in Africa: The case of Nigeria and Swaziland. Teaching and Teacher Education. 5(2), 93- 113. Mastropieri, M. ve Scruggs, T. (1999). Teaching Test Taking Skills Helping Students Show What They Know. Cambridge, MA. Brookline Books. Maton, K.I., & Hrabowski III, F.A. (1998). Preparing the way: A qualitative study of highachieving African American Males and the role of the family. American Journal of Community Psychology, 26(4), 639-668. McGiverin, J., Gilman, C., ve Tillitski, A. (1989). Meta-analysis of the relation between class size and achievement. Elementary School Journal 90 (1), 47–56. Abstract-PsycINFO ------------MEB’e göre ÖSS’den sıfır alanlar öylesine sınava girenler. Zaman Gazetesi, 24.07.2004. Molnar, A., Smith, P., Zahorik, J., Palmer, A., Halbach, A. ve Ehrle, K. (1999). Evaluating the SAGE program: A pilot program in targeted pupil-teacher reduction in Wisconsin. Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis 21 (2), 165–177. Murphy, J. (1988). Methodological, measurement and conceptual problems in the study of instructional leadership. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 4(4), 290-310. Scruggs, T. E. & Mastropieri, M. A. (1992). Teaching Test-Taking Skills. Cambridge: Brookline Books. Shapson, S.M., Wright, E.N., Eason, G., & Fitzgerald, J. (1980). An experimental study of effects of class size. American Educational Research Journal 17, 141–152. Abstract-PsycINFO Stedman, L. C. (1987). It’s time we change the effective school formula. Phi Delta Kapan, 69, 214- 224. Van de Grift, V. (1990). Educational leadership and academic achievement in elementary education. School Effectiveness and School Improvement,1(3), 26-40. Van de Grift, V., & Houtveen, A.A.M. (1999). Educational leadership and pupil achievement in primary education. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 10(2), 173-184. Witzier, B. Bokser, R.J., & Krüger, M.L. (2003). Educational Leadership and Student Achievement: The Elusive Search for an Association. Educational Edministration Quarterly, 39(3),398-425. Internetten indirilen kaynaklar: 16 Aralık 2004 tarihinde indirilmitir. http://www.ogretmenlerodası.com/lgsde_basarı.htm. Kahramanmara Milli Eitim Müdürlüü Ortaöretim Kurumları Örenci Seçme ve Yerletirme Sınavında Baarılı Olan llerde Yapılan Görüme Raporu. 25.09.2004 tarihinde indirilmitir. . PISA Raporu sonuçları. 14.12.2004 tarihinde indirilmitir. MEB. 14.12.2004 tarihinde indirilmitir.

Factors Affecting Student Success on Exams: The case of Sucessful cities on LGS/ÖSS Exams

Year 2008, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 2 - 18, 26.06.2008


The aim of this study is to find out what kind of factors have affects on students’ success on
large scale exams from the point of the educational administartors views that are working at Ministry of
National Educational Directotates in cities where students demostrate high level of sucess at two large scale
national exams. Data were collected by educational administrators through interviewing educational
administrators who are working in successful cities. Collected data were analysed by using content analysis.
It was found that students’ exam success were affected by preschool education, infrastructure, coordination,
support to the school education, qualified educators, and practice exams


  • Amrein, A. L. & Berliner, D. C. (2002). The impact if high-stakes tests on student academic performance: An analysis of NAEP results in states with high-stakes test and ACT, SAT and AP test results in states with high school graduation exam. Education Policy Research Unit, Arizona State University. Baker, A., & Soden, L. (1998). The challenges of parent involvement research. New York: NY: ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education. (ED419030). Bacı-Kılıç, B. (2003). Üçüncü Uluslar arası Matematik ve Fen Aratırması (TIMSS): Fen Öretimi, Bilimsel Aratırma ve Bilimin Doası. lköretim-Online, 2(1), 42-51. Bacı-Kılıç, B. (2003). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Fen Öretimi. V. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eitimi Kongresi. 16-18 Eylül 2002, ODTÜ. Ankara. Balcı, A. (1993). Etkili Okul. Yavuz Daıtım. Ankara. Bean, R.A., Bush, K. R., McKenry, P.C., & Wilson, S.M. (2003). The Impact of parental, support, behavioral control, and psychological control on the academic achievement and self-esteem of African-American and European American Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 18(5), 523-541. Beidel, D. C., Turner, S. M. & Taylor-Ferreira, J. C. (1999) Teaching Study Skills and Test-Taking Strategies to Elementary School Students. Behavior Modification. 23 (4), 630-646. Bredeson, P.V. (1996). New directions in the prepration of educational leaders. In K. Leithwood, J. Chapman, D. Corson, P.Hallinger, & A. Hart (Eds.). International handbook of educational leadership and administration (pp.251-277). Dordrecht, the Nederlands: Kluwer Academics. Bokser, R.J., & Witziers, B. (1996). The true size of school effects. Paper presented at the AERA. New York. Boozer , M & Rouse, C. (2001). Intraschool Variation in Class Size: Patterns and Implications. Journal of Urban Economics. 50 (1):163-189 Brookover, W.B., Beady, C., Flood, P., Scweithzer, J., & Wisenbaker, (1979). School social systems and student achievement. Schools can make a difference. New York: Preager. Bourke, S. (1986). How smaller is better: Some relationships between class size, teaching practices and student achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 23, 558–571. Considine, G., & Zappala, G. (2002). The influence of social and emaotional disadvantage in the academic performance of school students in Austrialia. Journal of Sociology, 38(2), 129-148. Çakan, M. (2002). Bilisel stil ile zeka kavramlarının örenci baarısı açısından irdelenmesi ve taıdıkları önem. Eitim Aratırmaları, 8, 86-95. Darling-Hamond, L. (2000). Teacher quality and student achievement: A review of state policy evidence. EPAA. 8(1), 1-46. Dinç, B. Okulöncesi Eitimin 4-5 Ya Çocuunun Sosyal Geliimine Etkileri Konusunda Öretmen Görüleri. OMEP 2003 Dünya Konsey Toplantısı ve Konferansı, Kuadası, 2002. ----------- Dört Sıfırdan Üçü Erkek. Radikal Gazetesi. 6 Austos 2004. Edmonds, R. (1979). Some schools work and more can. Social Policy. 9, 28-32. Finn, J.D. ve Achilles, C.M. (1999). Tennessee's class size study: Findings, implications, misconceptions. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 21(2), 97–109. Finn-Stevenson., M. Desimone, L., & Chung, A. (1998). Linking Child Care Support Service with the School: Pilot Evaluation of the School of the 21st Century. ndirildii tarih. 16.12.2004. Goddard, R.D., Sweetland, S.R., & Hoy, W.K. (2000). Academic Emphasis of Urban Elementary Schools and Student Achievement in Reading and Matematics: A Multilevel Analysis. Educational Edministration Quarterly, 36(5),683-702. Hattie. J.A.C. (2002) Classroom composition and peer effects. International Journal of Educational Research. 37 (5): 449-481. Hallinger, P., & Heck, R.H. (1996). The principal’s role in school effectiveness: An assesment of methodoligical progress, 19080-1995. Paper presented at the AERA. New York. Hanushek, E.A. (1999). Some findings from an independent investigation of the Tennessee STAR experiment and from other investigations of class size effects. Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis 21 (2), 143–163. Hanushek, E.A., Rivkin, S.G. ve Taylor, L.L. (1996). Aggregation and the estimated effects of school resources. Review of Economics & Statistics 78 (4), 611–627. Abstract-EconLit Hedges, L.V. and Stock, W. (1983). The effects of class size: An examination of rival hypotheses. American Educational Research Journal 20, 63–65. Hoy, W.K., Sweetland, S.R. & Smith, P.A. (2002). Toward an Organizational Model of Achievement in High Schools: The Significance of Collective Efficacy. Educational Edministration Quarterly, 38(1) 77-93. Leithwood, K., & Montgomery, D. (1982). The role of the elementary school principal in program improvement. Reviev of Educational Reserach, 52, 309-339. Lockheed, M. E. ve and Komenan, A. (1989). Teaching quality and student achievement in Africa: The case of Nigeria and Swaziland. Teaching and Teacher Education. 5(2), 93- 113. Mastropieri, M. ve Scruggs, T. (1999). Teaching Test Taking Skills Helping Students Show What They Know. Cambridge, MA. Brookline Books. Maton, K.I., & Hrabowski III, F.A. (1998). Preparing the way: A qualitative study of highachieving African American Males and the role of the family. American Journal of Community Psychology, 26(4), 639-668. McGiverin, J., Gilman, C., ve Tillitski, A. (1989). Meta-analysis of the relation between class size and achievement. Elementary School Journal 90 (1), 47–56. Abstract-PsycINFO ------------MEB’e göre ÖSS’den sıfır alanlar öylesine sınava girenler. Zaman Gazetesi, 24.07.2004. Molnar, A., Smith, P., Zahorik, J., Palmer, A., Halbach, A. ve Ehrle, K. (1999). Evaluating the SAGE program: A pilot program in targeted pupil-teacher reduction in Wisconsin. Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis 21 (2), 165–177. Murphy, J. (1988). Methodological, measurement and conceptual problems in the study of instructional leadership. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 4(4), 290-310. Scruggs, T. E. & Mastropieri, M. A. (1992). Teaching Test-Taking Skills. Cambridge: Brookline Books. Shapson, S.M., Wright, E.N., Eason, G., & Fitzgerald, J. (1980). An experimental study of effects of class size. American Educational Research Journal 17, 141–152. Abstract-PsycINFO Stedman, L. C. (1987). It’s time we change the effective school formula. Phi Delta Kapan, 69, 214- 224. Van de Grift, V. (1990). Educational leadership and academic achievement in elementary education. School Effectiveness and School Improvement,1(3), 26-40. Van de Grift, V., & Houtveen, A.A.M. (1999). Educational leadership and pupil achievement in primary education. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 10(2), 173-184. Witzier, B. Bokser, R.J., & Krüger, M.L. (2003). Educational Leadership and Student Achievement: The Elusive Search for an Association. Educational Edministration Quarterly, 39(3),398-425. Internetten indirilen kaynaklar: 16 Aralık 2004 tarihinde indirilmitir. http://www.ogretmenlerodası.com/lgsde_basarı.htm. Kahramanmara Milli Eitim Müdürlüü Ortaöretim Kurumları Örenci Seçme ve Yerletirme Sınavında Baarılı Olan llerde Yapılan Görüme Raporu. 25.09.2004 tarihinde indirilmitir. . PISA Raporu sonuçları. 14.12.2004 tarihinde indirilmitir. MEB. 14.12.2004 tarihinde indirilmitir.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Sadegül Akbaba Altun

Mehtap Çakan This is me

Publication Date June 26, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Altun, S. A., & Çakan, M. (2008). Öğrencilerin Sınav Başarılarına Etki Eden Faktörler: LGS/ÖSS Sınavlarındaki Başarılı İller Örneği. İlköğretim Online, 7(1), 2-18.
AMA Altun SA, Çakan M. Öğrencilerin Sınav Başarılarına Etki Eden Faktörler: LGS/ÖSS Sınavlarındaki Başarılı İller Örneği. İOO. March 2008;7(1):2-18.
Chicago Altun, Sadegül Akbaba, and Mehtap Çakan. “Öğrencilerin Sınav Başarılarına Etki Eden Faktörler: LGS/ÖSS Sınavlarındaki Başarılı İller Örneği”. İlköğretim Online 7, no. 1 (March 2008): 2-18.
EndNote Altun SA, Çakan M (March 1, 2008) Öğrencilerin Sınav Başarılarına Etki Eden Faktörler: LGS/ÖSS Sınavlarındaki Başarılı İller Örneği. İlköğretim Online 7 1 2–18.
IEEE S. A. Altun and M. Çakan, “Öğrencilerin Sınav Başarılarına Etki Eden Faktörler: LGS/ÖSS Sınavlarındaki Başarılı İller Örneği”, İOO, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 2–18, 2008.
ISNAD Altun, Sadegül Akbaba - Çakan, Mehtap. “Öğrencilerin Sınav Başarılarına Etki Eden Faktörler: LGS/ÖSS Sınavlarındaki Başarılı İller Örneği”. İlköğretim Online 7/1 (March 2008), 2-18.
JAMA Altun SA, Çakan M. Öğrencilerin Sınav Başarılarına Etki Eden Faktörler: LGS/ÖSS Sınavlarındaki Başarılı İller Örneği. İOO. 2008;7:2–18.
MLA Altun, Sadegül Akbaba and Mehtap Çakan. “Öğrencilerin Sınav Başarılarına Etki Eden Faktörler: LGS/ÖSS Sınavlarındaki Başarılı İller Örneği”. İlköğretim Online, vol. 7, no. 1, 2008, pp. 2-18.
Vancouver Altun SA, Çakan M. Öğrencilerin Sınav Başarılarına Etki Eden Faktörler: LGS/ÖSS Sınavlarındaki Başarılı İller Örneği. İOO. 2008;7(1):2-18.