Research Article
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The Main Principles of Living Together in al-Fārābī’s Virtuous State

Year 2022, Issue: 57, 38 - 45, 30.06.2022


As a Turkish philosopher, it is important in terms of indicating the news perspectives that brought to Islamic
political philosophy in al-Madīna al-Fāḍilah and his other works, which al-Fārābī wrote with a different point of
view. Al-Fārābī’s thought of virtuous state, which he framed with moral principles, stands in a original place in
terms of signifying what should be, although it is claimed to be utopian. The Second Teacher divides the state
into two as virtuous and unvirtuous in general. Besides, the most basic point to be underlined in al-Fārābī’s
understanding of ideal or world state within the virtuous society is that all individuals in there have an comprehension of living together and for this reason they agree on certain principles. Some of these principles
are related both the ruler and ruled. Nevertheless, al-Fārābī emphasizes other principles such as justice, cooperation, love and merit. These teachings put forward by the philosopher exactly coincide with the universal
principles that humanity reached as a result of various experiences in the modern period. In this study, we will
examine the principles that al-Fārābī emphasized in his ideal state and try to evaluate how these will contribute to the opinion of living together.


  • Al-Mudhareb, Abdulraazaq A. The Political Philosophy of Plato and Al-Farabi: “The Republic” and “The Virtuous City”. Wassington: American University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1988.
  • Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. çev. Terence Irwin. Indiana: Hackett Publishing Company, Second Edition, 1999.
  • Aristotle. Politics. çev. H. Rackham. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1959.
  • Aristotle. The Politics and The Constitution of Athens. ed. Stephen Everson. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  • Azerbayev, A. Dybysbekovich - Nurmanbetova, J. Nusupzhanovna. “Al-Farabi’s Virtuous City as the Prototype of Civil Society”.
  • European Journal of Science and Theology 12 (December 2016), 199-209.
  • Bowering, Gerhard (ed). Islamic Political Thought. United Kingdom: Princiton University Press, 2015.
  • Butterworth, Charles E. “Ethical and Political Philosophy”. The Cambridge Campanion to Arabic Philosophy. ed. P. Adamson - R. C. Taylor. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Callataÿ, Godefroid de. Ikhwan al-Safa’ A Brotherhood of Idealists on the Fringe of Orthodox Islam. London: Oneworld Academic Publications, 2005.
  • Ernsten, Christian. “Utopia and Distopia in the Post-Apartheid City: The Praxis of the Future of Cape Town”. Social Dynamics- A Journal of African Studies 45 (May 2019), 286-302.
  • Fârâbî, Ebû Nasr. “Kitâb al-Fuṣūl al-madanī” Fârâbî’nin İki Eseri. çev. Hanifi Özcan. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Yayınları, 2005.
  • Fârâbî, Ebû Nasr. Kitāb al-Siyāsah al-madaniyyah. ed. Fevzi Mitrî Neccâr. Beyrut: Dār al-Mashriq, 1993.
  • Fârâbî, Ebû Nasr. Kitâbu Ârâi ehli’l-medîneti’l-fâzıla. ed. Elbîr Nasrî Nâdir, Beyrut: Dār al-Mashriq, 1986.
  • Fârâbî, Ebû Nasr. Kitâbu Tahsîli’s-saâde. ed. Ali Bȗ Melham. Dâr ve Mektebetu Hilâl, Beyrut 1995.
  • Fârâbî, Ebû Nasr. Taḥṣīl al-saādah. ed. Salahaddîn el-Havvârî. Beyrut: al-Maktaba al-Asriyya, 2012.
  • Heywood, Andrew. Key Concept in Politics and International Relationship. PDF: New York: Palgrave Macmillian Publisher, Second Edition, 2015.
  • Heywood, Andrew. Political Theory An Introduction. Third Edition. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. De Cive - The English Version - ed. Howard Warrender. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
  • Hornby, Albert Sydney. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Seventh Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Ilson, Robert (ed.) Reader’s Digest Great Illustrated Dictionary. New York: The Reader’s Digest Association Limited, 1984.
  • İbn Sînâ, Ebû Ali Hüseyin. Kitâbu’ş-Şifâ-Metafizik. çev. E. Demirli - Ö. Türker. İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2005. Kabadayı, Talip. “The Perfect State in Plato and Al-Farabi”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 6/2 (2004), 237-248.
  • Kemerbay, Rauan - Yessim, Garifolla et al. “Elements of Utopianism in The Views of Asan Qaigy, Confucius, Plato and Al-Farabi Comparative Analysis”. European Journal of Science and Theology 16 (February 2020), 131-139.
  • Kenny, Anthony. A New History of Western Philosophy Ancient Philosophy. 1. Cilt. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • Kögler, Hans - Herbert. “Utopianism”. The Oxford Companion To Philosophy. ed. Ted Honderich, Second Edition. New York: Oxford University Press 2005.
  • Kurtz, Joachim. “Chinese Dreams of the Middle Ages: Nostalgia, Utopia, Propaganda”. Medevial History Journal 21 (April 2018), 1-24.
  • Kymlicka, Will. Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights. U.S.A.: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • Levitas, Ruth. The Concept of Utopia. Bern: Peter Lang Publishers, 2010.
  • Madkour, Ibrahim. “Al- Fārābī”. A History of Muslim Philosophy. ed. M.M. Sharif. 1/450-468. Delhi: Adam Publishers, 2001.
  • More, Thomas. Utopia. çev. Paul Turner London: Penguin Books, 2003.
  • Mücahid, H. Tevfik. Fârâbî’den Abduh’a Siyasî Düşünce. çev. Vecdi Akyüz, İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2012.
  • Plato, The Republic. çev. Melissa Lane. London: Penguin Classics, 2007.
  • Tahqiq, Nanang. “The Relation of Metaphisics to Political Theory in the Thought of al-Fârâbî”. Refleksi 1 (June-August 1999), 43-58.
  • Turgut, A. Kürşat. “Codes of Multiculturalism in Islamic Philosophy”. Migration, Politics, Violence and Women’s Studies. ed. Leyla Aydemir. 395-406. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovać, 2018.
  • Turner, William. History of Philosophy. London: Ginn & Company Publishers The Athenaeum Press, 1903.
  • Vieira, Fátima. “The Concept of Utopia”. The Cambridge Companion To Utopian Literature. ed. Gregory Claeys. 3-27. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Fârâbî’nin Erdemli Devleti’nde Birlikte Yaşamanın Temel İlkeleri

Year 2022, Issue: 57, 38 - 45, 30.06.2022


İlk Türk-İslâm filozofu olarak Fârâbî’nin yeni perspektifle kaleme aldığı el-Medinetü’l-fâzıla ve diğer eserlerinde
İslam’ın siyaset felsefesine getirdiği yeni bakış açılarını göstermesi açısından önemlidir. Ahlâkî ilkelerle çerçevesini çizdiği Fârâbî’nin ideal devlet anlayışı her ne kadar ütopik olduğu iddia edilse de olması gerekeni imlemesi açısından da farklı bir yerde durmaktadır. İkinci Muallim, devleti genel anlamda erdemli ve erdemsiz olmak
üzere ikiye ayırmaktadır. Fârâbî’nin erdemli devlet içinde ele aldığı ideal veya dünya devleti anlayışında, altı
çizilmesi gereken en temel husus, toplumdaki bütün bireylerin birlikte yaşama anlayışı içerisinde olmaları ve
bunun için de belli başlı prensiplerde fikir birliği etmeleridir. Bu prensiplerden bazıları hem idareci hem de halkla
ilgilidir. Fârâbî’nin üzerinde durduğu bu ilkelerin belli başlıları adalet, yardımlaşma, sevgi ve liyakattir. Filozofun
ortaya koyduğu bu öğretiler, modern dönemde insanlığın çeşitli tecrübeler neticesinde ulaştığı evrensel ilkelerle birebir örtüşmektedir. Bu çalışmada biz, Fârâbî’nin ideal devletinde vurguladığı ilkeleri irdeleyip, bunların
birlikte yaşama düşüncesine nasıl katkı sunacağını değerlendirmeye çalışacağız.


  • Al-Mudhareb, Abdulraazaq A. The Political Philosophy of Plato and Al-Farabi: “The Republic” and “The Virtuous City”. Wassington: American University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1988.
  • Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. çev. Terence Irwin. Indiana: Hackett Publishing Company, Second Edition, 1999.
  • Aristotle. Politics. çev. H. Rackham. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1959.
  • Aristotle. The Politics and The Constitution of Athens. ed. Stephen Everson. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  • Azerbayev, A. Dybysbekovich - Nurmanbetova, J. Nusupzhanovna. “Al-Farabi’s Virtuous City as the Prototype of Civil Society”.
  • European Journal of Science and Theology 12 (December 2016), 199-209.
  • Bowering, Gerhard (ed). Islamic Political Thought. United Kingdom: Princiton University Press, 2015.
  • Butterworth, Charles E. “Ethical and Political Philosophy”. The Cambridge Campanion to Arabic Philosophy. ed. P. Adamson - R. C. Taylor. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Callataÿ, Godefroid de. Ikhwan al-Safa’ A Brotherhood of Idealists on the Fringe of Orthodox Islam. London: Oneworld Academic Publications, 2005.
  • Ernsten, Christian. “Utopia and Distopia in the Post-Apartheid City: The Praxis of the Future of Cape Town”. Social Dynamics- A Journal of African Studies 45 (May 2019), 286-302.
  • Fârâbî, Ebû Nasr. “Kitâb al-Fuṣūl al-madanī” Fârâbî’nin İki Eseri. çev. Hanifi Özcan. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Yayınları, 2005.
  • Fârâbî, Ebû Nasr. Kitāb al-Siyāsah al-madaniyyah. ed. Fevzi Mitrî Neccâr. Beyrut: Dār al-Mashriq, 1993.
  • Fârâbî, Ebû Nasr. Kitâbu Ârâi ehli’l-medîneti’l-fâzıla. ed. Elbîr Nasrî Nâdir, Beyrut: Dār al-Mashriq, 1986.
  • Fârâbî, Ebû Nasr. Kitâbu Tahsîli’s-saâde. ed. Ali Bȗ Melham. Dâr ve Mektebetu Hilâl, Beyrut 1995.
  • Fârâbî, Ebû Nasr. Taḥṣīl al-saādah. ed. Salahaddîn el-Havvârî. Beyrut: al-Maktaba al-Asriyya, 2012.
  • Heywood, Andrew. Key Concept in Politics and International Relationship. PDF: New York: Palgrave Macmillian Publisher, Second Edition, 2015.
  • Heywood, Andrew. Political Theory An Introduction. Third Edition. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. De Cive - The English Version - ed. Howard Warrender. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
  • Hornby, Albert Sydney. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Seventh Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Ilson, Robert (ed.) Reader’s Digest Great Illustrated Dictionary. New York: The Reader’s Digest Association Limited, 1984.
  • İbn Sînâ, Ebû Ali Hüseyin. Kitâbu’ş-Şifâ-Metafizik. çev. E. Demirli - Ö. Türker. İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2005. Kabadayı, Talip. “The Perfect State in Plato and Al-Farabi”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 6/2 (2004), 237-248.
  • Kemerbay, Rauan - Yessim, Garifolla et al. “Elements of Utopianism in The Views of Asan Qaigy, Confucius, Plato and Al-Farabi Comparative Analysis”. European Journal of Science and Theology 16 (February 2020), 131-139.
  • Kenny, Anthony. A New History of Western Philosophy Ancient Philosophy. 1. Cilt. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • Kögler, Hans - Herbert. “Utopianism”. The Oxford Companion To Philosophy. ed. Ted Honderich, Second Edition. New York: Oxford University Press 2005.
  • Kurtz, Joachim. “Chinese Dreams of the Middle Ages: Nostalgia, Utopia, Propaganda”. Medevial History Journal 21 (April 2018), 1-24.
  • Kymlicka, Will. Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights. U.S.A.: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • Levitas, Ruth. The Concept of Utopia. Bern: Peter Lang Publishers, 2010.
  • Madkour, Ibrahim. “Al- Fārābī”. A History of Muslim Philosophy. ed. M.M. Sharif. 1/450-468. Delhi: Adam Publishers, 2001.
  • More, Thomas. Utopia. çev. Paul Turner London: Penguin Books, 2003.
  • Mücahid, H. Tevfik. Fârâbî’den Abduh’a Siyasî Düşünce. çev. Vecdi Akyüz, İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2012.
  • Plato, The Republic. çev. Melissa Lane. London: Penguin Classics, 2007.
  • Tahqiq, Nanang. “The Relation of Metaphisics to Political Theory in the Thought of al-Fârâbî”. Refleksi 1 (June-August 1999), 43-58.
  • Turgut, A. Kürşat. “Codes of Multiculturalism in Islamic Philosophy”. Migration, Politics, Violence and Women’s Studies. ed. Leyla Aydemir. 395-406. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovać, 2018.
  • Turner, William. History of Philosophy. London: Ginn & Company Publishers The Athenaeum Press, 1903.
  • Vieira, Fátima. “The Concept of Utopia”. The Cambridge Companion To Utopian Literature. ed. Gregory Claeys. 3-27. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Ali Kürşat Turgut This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date March 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 57


APA Turgut, A. K. (2022). The Main Principles of Living Together in al-Fārābī’s Virtuous State. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi(57), 38-45.
AMA Turgut AK. The Main Principles of Living Together in al-Fārābī’s Virtuous State. ilted. June 2022;(57):38-45.
Chicago Turgut, Ali Kürşat. “The Main Principles of Living Together in Al-Fārābī’s Virtuous State”. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi, no. 57 (June 2022): 38-45.
EndNote Turgut AK (June 1, 2022) The Main Principles of Living Together in al-Fārābī’s Virtuous State. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 57 38–45.
IEEE A. K. Turgut, “The Main Principles of Living Together in al-Fārābī’s Virtuous State”, ilted, no. 57, pp. 38–45, June 2022.
ISNAD Turgut, Ali Kürşat. “The Main Principles of Living Together in Al-Fārābī’s Virtuous State”. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 57 (June 2022), 38-45.
JAMA Turgut AK. The Main Principles of Living Together in al-Fārābī’s Virtuous State. ilted. 2022;:38–45.
MLA Turgut, Ali Kürşat. “The Main Principles of Living Together in Al-Fārābī’s Virtuous State”. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi, no. 57, 2022, pp. 38-45.
Vancouver Turgut AK. The Main Principles of Living Together in al-Fārābī’s Virtuous State. ilted. 2022(57):38-45.