Research Article
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The Worth and Status of Historical Figures and Places with Respect to Current Public Opinion (Example of Kütahya Province)

Year 2018, , 124 - 148, 31.12.2018



Every society has some value judgements such as moral, aesthetic,
theological, ideological etc. Embodiment of these valuable things are
individuals and places that went down in history. Relation between historical
places and individuals, beyond an ordinary one, has a feature that provides the
city and its people with identity and character. Relation between place and
individual has an effect on formation of identity. Because place is the key
element of his or her identity. There are some unique people who add meaning to
the places with their identities, the places are depicted with them. There are
lots of examples of this. For instance Kütahya Lodge of Mevlevi Dervishes,
Vacidiye Madrasah and Evliya Çelebi, Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî and Ergun Çelebi are
among the people of great merit. However, urban life, social variation and
particularly globalization has eroded these merits as it eroded lots of many
other merits.
One of
these values is the important personalities and places in the history of
society or city.

In this study primarily city and merit terms were discussed
sociologically. Secondarily, the study tries to find the places and values of
Kütahya Lodge of Mevlevi Dervishes, Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî and Ergun Çelebi in the
present day collective idea. After the theoretical application and questionnare
carried out it is found out that merits that belong to the city is directly
proportional to the educational and information levels of the people.  


Every society has some
value judgements such as moral, aesthetic, theological, ideological etc.
Embodiment of these valuable things are individuals and places that went down
in history. Relation between historical places and individuals, beyond an
ordinary one, has a feature that provides the city and its people with identity
and character. Relation between place and individual has an effect on formation
of identity. Because place is the key element of his or her identity. There are
some unique people who add meaning to the places with their identities, the
places are depicted with them. There are lots of examples of this. For instance
Kütahya Lodge of Mevlevi Dervishes, Vacidiye Madrasah and Evliya Çelebi,
Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî and Ergun Çelebi are among the people of great merit.
However, urban life, social variation and particularly globalization has eroded
these merits as it eroded lots of many other merits.

In this study primarily city and
merit terms were discussed sociologically. Secondarily, the study tries to find
the places and values of Kütahya Lodge of Mevlevi Dervishes, Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî
and Ergun Çelebi in the present day collective idea. After the theoretical
application and questionnare carried out it is found out that merits that
belong to the city is directly proportional to the educational and information
levels of the people.

Social changes bring about
alterations along with cultural values side by side. One of these values is the
important personalities and places in the history of society or city. The
formation and preservation of culture are possible by transferring it from
generation to generation. As a matter of fact, as the behaviors are repeated,
it turns into norm and model after a certain amount of time. One of the reasons
of many attitudes and behaviors that are not compatible with our cultural
values in the younger generations today is the lack of adequate presentation of
model characters that can be an example to our youth. In this respect,
historical personalities and places are important in the transfer of cultural
heritage. Sun’ullah-ı Gaybî, Ergun Çelebi, and Kütahya Mevlevihane are also
important in terms of being a role model for the transfer of cultural heritage
to the next generation.

Sociology takes effect in two ways.
They can either leave a trace or perform in society through rational means or
charisma. Charismatic people are the natural leaders of the most troubled times
of societies. They are people with special abilities that cannot be possessed
by others in the body and soul. The purpose of studying charismatic people is
to understand the extent to which their actions have cost the institutions of
history and their continuity.

Sociology is concerned with the value
or effect that the influential people have on the whole society, rather than
their individual superior qualities.

Social change, especially nowadays,
is a process of rapid globalization which can make something worthwhile to be
worthless in a very short time. It is necessary to emphasize what sociological
“value “is before the effect of the change on values. What is done and how to
do it in a subject, social or individual ideas, beliefs and acceptance. For
example, the moral, aesthetic, theological, ideological and so on. It is
judged. The construction of a society may also be possible with these
well-defined principles. Otherwise, a human crowd rather than a human society
is a possibility.

On the other hand, the values of
society refer to a meaningful whole as a common worldview. The values are
brief, the way in which a society exists or acts. In this respect, social
values can be found in all areas of life.

In the global age, depreciation is
experienced faster. They need to be brought back to the attention of society.
The findings of this study include data on the effects of cultural corruption
and on the transfer of religious and cultural tradition to future generations.

The study aims to determine and
analyze the place of historical places and personalities in the collective
consciousness in Kütahya province. The research consists of two parts as
theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical section, documentation methods
and techniques are used from the information collection tools used in religious
and social sciences. In the experimental section, the data obtained through the
survey and interview were evaluated.

Our research examines the value and
place of the historical personalities and spaces in the identity and collective
imagination of today's society in the universe of Kütahya. It has been tried to
determine the awareness of contemporary people about historical figures and
places which are concrete examples of the relationship with the past. Thus, the
effects of social change, urbanization, and globalization on these values are
examined. With the study, important findings have been obtained about reaching
these two goals.

A certain awareness was established
about the Ergun Çelebi and Mevlevihane which we selected as a sample. However,
it is possible to say that the mentioned mission is not known enough and it
indicates the identity erosion and alienation.

Significant differences have been
identified between the residents of the neighborhood and the elementary school
students in the awareness of the values of the city. This difference was due to
education level. It has been determined that activities towards students about
the values of the city have important effects.


  • Abuzar, C, (2009) “Şair Nabi’nin Şanlıurfa’daki İzleri”, Şair Nâbî Sempozyumu, Sembol Ofset, ss. 445-455, Şanlıurfa.
  • Aydemir, S. (2017) “Harran Kent Kimliğinin Oluşması ve Korunmasında Dini Şahsiyetlerin Yeri” İslâm Tarihi Ve Medeniyetinde Harran, ss. 646-650, Şanlıurfa.
  • Aydın, M. Z., (2012) Okulda Değerler Eğitimi, Nobel Yayıncılık, Ankara, ss. 1-256.
  • Coşkun, A., (2014) Osmanlı’da Din Sosyolojisi Nâimâ Örneği, İz Yayıncılık, İstanbul, ss. 1-214.
  • Çapçıoğlu, İ., (2010) Şahin, M. C., Erdoğruca, N., “Max Weber Sosyolojisinde Karizmatik Otorite ve Dini Liderlik”, Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, yıl 14, sayı 19, Ağustos,. ss. 51-76.
  • Çiftçi, A., (2012) Sosyolojiye Giriş, Yayın Evi, Ankara, ss. 1-205.
  • Doğan, İ., (2010) Sosyoloji Kavramlar ve Sorunlar, Pegem Akademi Yayınları, Ankara, ss. 1-736.
  • Erkal, M., (1984) Sosyal Meselelerimiz ve Sosyal Değişme, Mayaş Yayınları, Ankara, ss. 1-384.
  • Fichter, J., (1994) Sosyoloji, çev. Çelebi, N., Attila Kitapevi, Ankara, ss. 1-213.
  • Günay, Ü., (2003) Din Sosyolojisi, İnsan Yayınları, İstanbul, ss.1-677.
  • Kemikli, B., (2009) Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî Dîvânı, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • ……….….., (2009) “Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (DİA), XXXVII, İstanbul, ss. 532-533.
  • …………..., (2013) Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî Dîvânı, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, İstanbul, ss. 1-115.
  • ………….., (2001) “Popüler Dinî Kültüre Dair Bir Manzume ve Üç Şair: Hudâ Rabbim Manzumesi Etrafında Tartışmalar”, İslâmî Araştırmalar, XIV (3-4), İstanbul, 492-500.
  • Özönder, H. (2014) “Kütahya Mevlevihanesi”,, erişim tarihi, 11.12.2014.2014, s. 69.
  • Parlak, S., (2003) Tanrıkorur, B.,“Kütahya Mevlevihanesi”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, XXVII, TDV Yayın, Ankara, ss. 1-2.
  • Türkel, R. (2016) “Sofça Örnekleminde Kalburcu Şeyhi Pîr Ahmed Efendi ve Alevilik Anlayışı” İnsan ve Toplum 6 (1), İstanbul, 1.
  • Weber, M., (1989) Sosyoloji Yazıları, çev. Pala, T., İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, 1989, ss. 1-547.


Year 2018, , 124 - 148, 31.12.2018


Her toplumun ahlaki,
estetik, teolojik, ideolojik vb. değer yargıları vardır. Bu değerlerin
somutlaşmış örnekleri ise tarihe mal olmuş şahıslar ve mekânlardır. Tarihi
mekânlar ve şahsiyetler arasındaki münasebet sıradan bir ilişkinin ötesinde,
şehre ve halkına kimlik ve kişilik kazandıran bir özelliğe sahiptir. Mekan
şahıs ilişkisi k
imliğin oluşumunda etkilidir. Çünkü mekan onun
kimliğinin temel öğesidir. Bazı kişiler de
vardır ki, mekâna kimliği ile anlam katar,
mekân kendisi ile tanımlanır.
Kütahya’da da bunun pek çok örnekleri bulunur. Mesela Kütahya
Mevlevihanesi, Vacidiye Medresesi, Evliya Çelebi, Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî ve Ergun
Çelebi şehrin önemli değerleri arasındadır. Ancak şehir hayatı, toplumsal
değişme ve özellikle küreselleşme süreci pek çok değeri aşındırdığı gibi bu
değerleri de aşındırmıştır. Bu değerlerden biri de toplumun veya şehrin
tarihinde yer tutan önemli şahsiyet ve mekânlardır.

Bu çalışma öncelikle
sosyolojik olarak şehir ve değer kavramları ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra
araştırma Kütahya Mevlevihanesi, Ergun Çelebi, Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî örneklerinden
hareketle bu değerlerin günümüz kolektif tasavvurundaki değeri ve yerini tespit
etmeye çalışmaktadır.


  • Abuzar, C, (2009) “Şair Nabi’nin Şanlıurfa’daki İzleri”, Şair Nâbî Sempozyumu, Sembol Ofset, ss. 445-455, Şanlıurfa.
  • Aydemir, S. (2017) “Harran Kent Kimliğinin Oluşması ve Korunmasında Dini Şahsiyetlerin Yeri” İslâm Tarihi Ve Medeniyetinde Harran, ss. 646-650, Şanlıurfa.
  • Aydın, M. Z., (2012) Okulda Değerler Eğitimi, Nobel Yayıncılık, Ankara, ss. 1-256.
  • Coşkun, A., (2014) Osmanlı’da Din Sosyolojisi Nâimâ Örneği, İz Yayıncılık, İstanbul, ss. 1-214.
  • Çapçıoğlu, İ., (2010) Şahin, M. C., Erdoğruca, N., “Max Weber Sosyolojisinde Karizmatik Otorite ve Dini Liderlik”, Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, yıl 14, sayı 19, Ağustos,. ss. 51-76.
  • Çiftçi, A., (2012) Sosyolojiye Giriş, Yayın Evi, Ankara, ss. 1-205.
  • Doğan, İ., (2010) Sosyoloji Kavramlar ve Sorunlar, Pegem Akademi Yayınları, Ankara, ss. 1-736.
  • Erkal, M., (1984) Sosyal Meselelerimiz ve Sosyal Değişme, Mayaş Yayınları, Ankara, ss. 1-384.
  • Fichter, J., (1994) Sosyoloji, çev. Çelebi, N., Attila Kitapevi, Ankara, ss. 1-213.
  • Günay, Ü., (2003) Din Sosyolojisi, İnsan Yayınları, İstanbul, ss.1-677.
  • Kemikli, B., (2009) Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî Dîvânı, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • ……….….., (2009) “Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (DİA), XXXVII, İstanbul, ss. 532-533.
  • …………..., (2013) Sun’ullâh-ı Gaybî Dîvânı, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, İstanbul, ss. 1-115.
  • ………….., (2001) “Popüler Dinî Kültüre Dair Bir Manzume ve Üç Şair: Hudâ Rabbim Manzumesi Etrafında Tartışmalar”, İslâmî Araştırmalar, XIV (3-4), İstanbul, 492-500.
  • Özönder, H. (2014) “Kütahya Mevlevihanesi”,, erişim tarihi, 11.12.2014.2014, s. 69.
  • Parlak, S., (2003) Tanrıkorur, B.,“Kütahya Mevlevihanesi”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, XXVII, TDV Yayın, Ankara, ss. 1-2.
  • Türkel, R. (2016) “Sofça Örnekleminde Kalburcu Şeyhi Pîr Ahmed Efendi ve Alevilik Anlayışı” İnsan ve Toplum 6 (1), İstanbul, 1.
  • Weber, M., (1989) Sosyoloji Yazıları, çev. Pala, T., İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, 1989, ss. 1-547.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section ARTICLES

Ümit Aktı 0000-0002-4301-1813

Publication Date December 31, 2018
Submission Date December 2, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018



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Minimalist Values and Life Practiceshe
Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD)