e-ISSN: 2149-0872
Founded: 2014
Publisher: Kütahya Dumlupinar University
Cover Image

Journal of Islamic Civilization Studies, which started its publication life in 2014, is an international academic journal published electronically by Kütahya Dumlupınar University, twice a year in June 21 and December 21. Journal of Islamic Civilization Studies aims to publish original research, evaluation (article, book, scientific meeting), review, compilation, statement, interview and critical style studies in fields such as theology, history, sociology, architecture, traditional arts, economics, political science, international relations, anthropology, literature within the scope of Islamic civilization and share them with the public. Although the publication language is Turkish, scientific studies prepared in Arabic and English are also accepted. Submitted works are verified as unpublished and free of plagiarism through plagiarism screening. Submitted studies are subjected to both side blind-review evaluation by at least two referees.

Article acceptance dates: 01 January - 01 April for the June issue; For the December issue, 01 July - 01 October

Article acceptance for our December issue has ended. Article acceptance continues for the special issue of "Religion Phenomenon" https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/imad/page/15519 , which will be published in February.

Please contact us to submit an article to our special issue, which will be published in February. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/imad/contacts