Author Directory

1. The Journal of Islamic Civilization Studies does not demand copyright transfer and charge any fee from the authors for the article evaluation and publication process.
2. The approval of the ethics committee should be obtained for studies that require ethics committee approval, and this approval (committee name, date, and number) should be mentioned on the first page and in the method section of the study. Please review the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy of the journal for research that requires ethics committee approval.
3. Turkish, Arabic and English articles can be published in the journal. Turkish, Arabic, and English abstract is required for Arabic articles.
4. Only one study by the same author can be published in one number.
5. Articles submitted for publication have been going through the phase of pre-control, plagiarism screening, language control, and referee evaluation.
6. The study, which does not pass this process even though it has been examined three times during the Pre-Check Stage, is returned to the author and is not accepted again in the same publication period.
7. Studies that pass the Pre-Check stage are included in the evaluation process in which at least two referees are assigned within the framework of the double-blind refereeing principle.
8. Studies about which at least two referees have decided to be "publishable" are listed according to their acceptance dates and published.
9. At the end of the studies with more than one author whose peer-review process has been completed, a statement of contribution rate, a notice of support and acknowledgment, if any, and a conflict statement should be included. In addition, a conflict of interest declaration form should be filled and uploaded to the system.
10. Click for Spelling Rules.
11. For the blind refereeing application to run smoothly, the names of the authors should not be included in the username in the word program. For this, please do not forget to review the username from the general settings section in the word options.

Last Update Time: 8/17/21, 2:17:25 PM