Aim & Scope

Interdisciplinary Media and Communication Studies (IMCS) aims to be a peer-reviewed, electronic, and international journal that publishes theoretical and applied academic studies that contextualize, compare, and interdisciplinarily understand communication, media, cinema, public relations, advertising, visual communication design, and new media products by associating them with the cultural, social, economic, and historical data of the geography in which they are produced.

The journal seeks to:

Provide a platform for the dissemination of original research and scholarship in the fields of communication, media, and culture.
Foster interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration between scholars from different disciplines.
Promote a contextual, comparative, and interdisciplinary understanding of communication, media, and culture.
Encourage the development of new theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of communication, media, and culture.
The journal publishes the following types of articles:

Research Articles: Original research that reports on the findings of empirical studies.
Theoretical Articles: Articles that develop or advance theoretical frameworks or perspectives.
Review Articles: Critical reviews of the literature on a particular topic.
Book Reviews: Reviews of recently published books in the fields of communication, media, and culture.

Period Months
May November