Research Article
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Year 2022, , 89 - 110, 15.07.2022



  • Abbar, S., Mejova, Y. ve Weber, I. (2015). You Tweet What You Eat: Studying Food Consumption Through Twitter, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (3197-3206).
  • Baraniuk, C. (2019, 10 Aralık). The Secrets of 'Food Porn' Viral Videos. (Erişim: 31.12.2021).
  • Baritci, F., Fidan, Z. (2018). Sosyal Ağlarda Benlik Sunumuna Dair Bir Distopya: Black Mirror Dizisi Örneği, Connectist: Istanbul University Journal Of Communication Sciences, 54, 37-63.
  • Beardsworth, A., Keil, T. (2002). Sociology on the Menu: An Invitation to the Study of Food and Society, E-Library Edition, London: Routledge.
  • Bloch, M. (1999). Commensality and Poisoning, Social Research, 66(1), 133-149.
  • Cavazza, N., Graziani, A. R. ve Guidetti, M. (2020). Impression Formation Via #Foodporn: Effects of Posting Gender-Stereotyped Food Pictures on Instagram Profiles, Appetite, 147, 1-7.
  • Celuch, K. (2021). Hashtag Usage and User Engagement on Instagram: The Case of #foodfestivals, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(2), 966 – 973.
  • Chu, M. (2018, 7 Ağustos). How Bad Are ‘Mukbang’ Shows, Really?. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).
  • Coary, S., Poor, M. (2016). How Consumer-Generated Images Shape Important Consumption Outcomes in The Food Domain, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33(1), 1-8.
  • Çavuş, N. (2021). Çin Hükümeti, Yeni Bir Yasa ile Mukbang Videolarını Yasakladı. (Erişim: 07.10.2021).
  • Çelik, R. Y., Özçınar, M. (2020). Geleceğin Distopyası Olarak Black Mirror Dizisinin Göstergebilimsel Çözümlemesi, Maltepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(1), 68-101.
  • Dawkins, R. (2020). Using Peirce (and Deleuze’s Peirce) to Think About #Foodporn and Other Instagram Signs, Angelaki, 25(5), 101-117.
  • de la Barre, S., Brouder, P. (2013). Consuming Stories: Placing Food in the Arctic Tourism Experience, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 8(2-3), 213-223.
  • Donnar, G. (2017). ‘Food Porn’ or Intimate Sociality: Committed Celebrity and Cultural Performances of Overeating in Meokbang, Celebrity Studies, 8(1), 122-127.
  • Doster, L. (2013). Fear of Missing Out: is Voyeurism the Real Motive Behind Teen Consumption of Social Media?, European Advances in Consumer Research, 10, 146-147.
  • Eggleston, E. M., Weitzman, E. R. (2014). Innovative Uses of Electronic Health Records and Social Media for Public Health Surveillance, Current Diabetes Reports, 14(3), 468.
  • Erol, H., Özdemir, A. (2020). Covid-19 Pandemisinin İşgücü Piyasasına Etkileri, Özdemir, A., Eser, M. (Eds.), Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinin Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Politik Etkileri İçinde (199-224), Birinci Basım, Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Fried, D., Surdeanu, M., Kobourov, S. vd. (2014). Analyzing the Language of Food on Social Media, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (778-783).
  • Hasford, J., Kidwell, B. ve Lopez-Kidwell, V. (2017). Happy Wife, Happy Life: Food Choices in Romantic Relationships, Journal of Consumer Research, 44(6), 1238-1256.
  • Hays, S., Page, S. J. ve Buhalis, D. (2012). Social Media as a Destination Marketing Tool: Its Use by National Tourism Organisations, Current Issues in Tourism, 16(3), 211-239.
  • Herman, C. P., Roth, D. A. ve Polivy, J. (2003). Effects of The Presence of Others on Food İntake: A Normative İnterpretation, Psychological Bulletin, 129(6), 873-886.
  • Hong, E. (2016, 16 Ocak). Why Some Koreans Make $10,000 A Month to Eat on Camera. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).
  • Hotson, E. (2018, 8 Ekim). The Serious Business of #FoodPorn. (Erişim: 28.09.2021).
  • Ibrahim, Y. (2015). Food Porn and The İnvitation to Gaze: Ephemeral Consumption and the Digital Spectacle, International Journal of E-Politics, 6(3), 1-12.
  • Instagram. (2021a, 31 Aralık). #Foodporn. (Erişim: 31.12.2021).
  • Instagram. (2021b, 2 Ekim). Cookingforbae. (Erişim: 02.10.2021).
  • Instagram. (2021c, 2 Ekim). Yemekterorleri. (Erişim: 02.10.2021).
  • Jackson, K. (2018, 5 Nisan). What is 'Mukbang'? Inside The Viral Korean Food YouTube Trend. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).
  • Jin, S. V. (2018). Interactive Effects of Instagram Foodies ‘Hashtagged #Foodporn and Peer Users’ Eating Disorder on Eating İntention, Envy, Parasocial İnteraction and Online Friendship, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, And Social Networking, 21(3), 157-167.
  • Laurell, C., Björner, E. (2018). Digital Festival Engagement: On the Interplay Between Festivals, Place Brands, and Social Media, Event Management, 22(4), 527-540.
  • Lavis, A. (2017). Food Porn, Pro-Anorexia and The Viscerality of Virtual Affect: Exploring Eating in Cyberspace, Geoforum, 84, 198-205.
  • Lewis, T. (2018). Digital Food: From Paddock to Platform, Communication Research and Practice, 4(3), 212-228.
  • Lin, L., Mao, P. C. (2015). Food for Memories and Culture–A Content Analysis Study of Food Specialties and Souvenirs, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 22, 19-29.
  • Lo, D. (2014, 28 Nisan). The Opposite of Food Porn is This. (Erişim: 01.01.2022).
  • McBride, A. E. (2010). Food Porn, Gastronomica, 10(1), 38-46.
  • Mejova, Y., Abbar, S. ve Haddadi, H. (2016). Fetishizing Food in Digital Age: #Foodporn Around The World, Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, Mart 2016 (250-258).
  • Mejova, Y., Haddadi, H., Noulas, A. vd. (2015). #Foodporn: Obesity Patterns in Culinary İnteractions, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Health, Mayıs 2015 (51-58).
  • Oakes, M. E., Slotterback, C. S. (2004). Prejudgments of Those Who Eat A “Healthy” Versus An “Unhealthy” Food for Breakfast, Current Psychology, 23(4), 267-278.
  • Öztürk, Y., İspir, N. (2021). Sosyal Medyanın Yerel Yemek Kültürü Etkileri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme: Dijital Fenomenler, Elektronik Cumhuriyet İletişim Dergisi, 3(1), 9-26.
  • Pancer, E., Philp, M. (2021, 11 Mayıs). #FoodPorn: People are More Attracted to Social Media Content Showcasing Fatty Foods. (Erişim: 28.09.2021).
  • Paul, M. J., Dredze, M. (2011). You Are What You Tweet: Analyzing Twitter for Public Health, Fifth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Temmuz 2011.
  • Pelchat, M. L., Johnson, A., Chan, R. vd. (2004). Images of Desire: Food-Craving Activation During fMRI, Neuroimage, 23(4), 1486-1493.
  • Pennell, M. (2018). (Dis)Comfort Food: Connecting Food, Social Media and First-Year College Undergraduates, Food, Culture & Society, 21(2), 255-270.
  • Piatto, T. (2020, 20 Mart). Food Porn in 2020: A Marketing Industry. (Erişim: 28.09.2021).
  • Ranteallo, I. C., Andilolo, I. R. (2017). Food Representation and Media: Experiencing Culinary Tourism Through Foodgasm and Foodporn, Saufi, A., Andilolo, I. R., Othman, N. vd. (Eds.), Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations (eBook) İçinde (117-127), Singapore: Springer.
  • Reichert, R. (2020). #Foodporn Auf Instagram: Wettbewerb und Sozıalsteuerung, Pop, 9(1), 93-99.
  • Restaurant Marketing. (2015, 28 Ocak). Food Photography Marketing: How to Boost Sales With FoodPorn. (Erişim: 28.09.2021).
  • Rozin, P., Hormes, J. M., Faith, M. S. vd. (2012). Is Meat Male? A Quantitative Multimethod Framework to Establish Metaphoric Relationships, Journal of Consumer Research, 39(3), 629-643.
  • Saavedra, C. M. C., Bautista Jr, R. A. (2020). Are You “in” or Are You “out”?: Impact of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) on Generation Z’s Masstigebrand Apparel Consumption, Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, 20(2), 106-118.
  • Shah, N. (2020). #Foodporn in The Age of Coronavirus (An Epilogue), APRIA Journal, 2(1), 98-103.
  • Sheth, N. (2017, 27 Nisan). Five Steps to Restaurant Instagram Success. (Erişim: 06.10.2021).
  • Soelistyo, L. (2017, 3 Ocak). The Hidden Pleasures of Meokbang. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).
  • Statista. (2021a, 25 Şubat). Social Media - Statistics & Facts. (Erişim: 02.10.2021).
  • Statista. (2021b, 7 Eylül). Daily Time Spent on Social Networking by İnternet Users Worldwide From 2012 to 2020. (Erişim: 01.10.2021).
  • Strand, M., Gustafsson, S. A. (2020). Mukbang and Disordered Eating: A Netnographic Analysis of Online Eating Broadcasts, Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 44(4), 586-609.
  • Sue-min, K. (2021, 19 Ocak). Watching ‘Meokbang’ Can Lead to Health Issues Such As Obesity: Report. (Erişim: 29.09.2021).
  • Talas, M. (2005). Tarihi Süreçte Türk Beslenme Kültürü ve Mehmet Eröz’e Göre Türk Yemekleri, Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (18), 273-283.
  • The Economist. (2020, 8 Nisan). Home Baking Is on The Rise, Thanks to Coronavirus Lockdowns. (Erişim: 02.10.2021).
  • The Fork Manager. (2016, 2 Mayıs). #Foodporn: Free Marketing for Your Restaurant. (Erişim: 28.09.2021).
  • Timeo, S., Suitner, C. (2018). Eating Meat Makes You Sexy: Conformity to Dietary Gender Norms and Attractiveness, Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 19(3), 418-429.
  • Toruk, İ., Sine, R. (2015). Sosyal Medyanın Toplumsal Etkileri Bağlamında “Black Mirror” Dizisinin Alımlanması, Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 457-481.
  • Vartanian, L. R. (2015). Impression Management and Food Intake. Current Directions in Research, Appetite, 86, 74-80.
  • Vartanian, L. R., Herman, C. P. ve Polivy, J. (2007). Consumption Stereotypes and İmpression Management: How You Are What You Eat, Appetite, 48(3), 265-277.
  • Villamediana-Pedrosa, J. D., Vila-Lopez, N. ve Küster-Boluda, I. (2018). Secrets to Design an Effective Message on Facebook: an Application to a Touristic Destination Based on Big Data Analysis, Current Issues in Tourism, 22(15), 1841-1861.
  • Walsh, S. (2021, 12 Nisan). 52 Instagram Statistics and Facts for 2021. (Erişim: 01.10.2021).
  • Wiggins, S. (2002). Talking With Your Mouth Full: Gustatory Mmms and The Embodiment of Pleasure, Research on Language and Social İnteraction, 35(3), 311-336.
  • YouTube. (2020, 27 Mart). Carbo-Spicy Chicken Noodles Chicken Mukbang ASMR. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).
  • YouTube. (2021, 30 Eylül). ErikTheElectric. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).


Year 2022, , 89 - 110, 15.07.2022


Yemeğin, beslenme ve açlığı giderme amacı dışında imaj ve izlenim oluşturma, cinsiyet rollerini sergileme, yeni kimlikler yaratma gibi amaçları da bulunmaktadır. Paylaşım ekonomisinin aracıları olan sosyal medya platformlarında yiyecek-içecek görüntülerinin artması yemeğin anlamı dışına taşan bir forma dönüşmesine neden olmaktadır. Sosyal medyanın gıda ile olan yakın ilişkisi de bu yeni anlamlara hizmet etmekte ve gıdanın sosyal medyadaki yeni formunu güçlendirmektedir. Yiyeceklerin tedariği, üretimi, hazırlanması, sunumu ve tüketimine dair görüntülerin parlak, sanatsal ve kültürel özelliklerde sunulması, yemek yapmanın veya tüketmenin göz alıcı ve kusursuz bir görsel şölene dönüşmesi, kavramı pornografik bir seviyeye taşımıştır. Henüz Türkçe yazında ele alınmamış olan #foodporn kavramını açıklamak, ne olduğunu ortaya koymak ve beraberinde hangi akımların gıda ve sosyal medya arasındaki ilişkide rol oynadığını göstermek bu çalışmanın temel amaçlarındandır. #Foodporn kavramını açıklayan ilk Türkçe kaynak olma özelliğini taşıması ve gelecekte bu konuda yapılacak araştırmalara rehberlik etmesi bu çalışmayı önemli kılmaktadır.


  • Abbar, S., Mejova, Y. ve Weber, I. (2015). You Tweet What You Eat: Studying Food Consumption Through Twitter, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (3197-3206).
  • Baraniuk, C. (2019, 10 Aralık). The Secrets of 'Food Porn' Viral Videos. (Erişim: 31.12.2021).
  • Baritci, F., Fidan, Z. (2018). Sosyal Ağlarda Benlik Sunumuna Dair Bir Distopya: Black Mirror Dizisi Örneği, Connectist: Istanbul University Journal Of Communication Sciences, 54, 37-63.
  • Beardsworth, A., Keil, T. (2002). Sociology on the Menu: An Invitation to the Study of Food and Society, E-Library Edition, London: Routledge.
  • Bloch, M. (1999). Commensality and Poisoning, Social Research, 66(1), 133-149.
  • Cavazza, N., Graziani, A. R. ve Guidetti, M. (2020). Impression Formation Via #Foodporn: Effects of Posting Gender-Stereotyped Food Pictures on Instagram Profiles, Appetite, 147, 1-7.
  • Celuch, K. (2021). Hashtag Usage and User Engagement on Instagram: The Case of #foodfestivals, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(2), 966 – 973.
  • Chu, M. (2018, 7 Ağustos). How Bad Are ‘Mukbang’ Shows, Really?. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).
  • Coary, S., Poor, M. (2016). How Consumer-Generated Images Shape Important Consumption Outcomes in The Food Domain, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33(1), 1-8.
  • Çavuş, N. (2021). Çin Hükümeti, Yeni Bir Yasa ile Mukbang Videolarını Yasakladı. (Erişim: 07.10.2021).
  • Çelik, R. Y., Özçınar, M. (2020). Geleceğin Distopyası Olarak Black Mirror Dizisinin Göstergebilimsel Çözümlemesi, Maltepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(1), 68-101.
  • Dawkins, R. (2020). Using Peirce (and Deleuze’s Peirce) to Think About #Foodporn and Other Instagram Signs, Angelaki, 25(5), 101-117.
  • de la Barre, S., Brouder, P. (2013). Consuming Stories: Placing Food in the Arctic Tourism Experience, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 8(2-3), 213-223.
  • Donnar, G. (2017). ‘Food Porn’ or Intimate Sociality: Committed Celebrity and Cultural Performances of Overeating in Meokbang, Celebrity Studies, 8(1), 122-127.
  • Doster, L. (2013). Fear of Missing Out: is Voyeurism the Real Motive Behind Teen Consumption of Social Media?, European Advances in Consumer Research, 10, 146-147.
  • Eggleston, E. M., Weitzman, E. R. (2014). Innovative Uses of Electronic Health Records and Social Media for Public Health Surveillance, Current Diabetes Reports, 14(3), 468.
  • Erol, H., Özdemir, A. (2020). Covid-19 Pandemisinin İşgücü Piyasasına Etkileri, Özdemir, A., Eser, M. (Eds.), Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinin Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Politik Etkileri İçinde (199-224), Birinci Basım, Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Fried, D., Surdeanu, M., Kobourov, S. vd. (2014). Analyzing the Language of Food on Social Media, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (778-783).
  • Hasford, J., Kidwell, B. ve Lopez-Kidwell, V. (2017). Happy Wife, Happy Life: Food Choices in Romantic Relationships, Journal of Consumer Research, 44(6), 1238-1256.
  • Hays, S., Page, S. J. ve Buhalis, D. (2012). Social Media as a Destination Marketing Tool: Its Use by National Tourism Organisations, Current Issues in Tourism, 16(3), 211-239.
  • Herman, C. P., Roth, D. A. ve Polivy, J. (2003). Effects of The Presence of Others on Food İntake: A Normative İnterpretation, Psychological Bulletin, 129(6), 873-886.
  • Hong, E. (2016, 16 Ocak). Why Some Koreans Make $10,000 A Month to Eat on Camera. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).
  • Hotson, E. (2018, 8 Ekim). The Serious Business of #FoodPorn. (Erişim: 28.09.2021).
  • Ibrahim, Y. (2015). Food Porn and The İnvitation to Gaze: Ephemeral Consumption and the Digital Spectacle, International Journal of E-Politics, 6(3), 1-12.
  • Instagram. (2021a, 31 Aralık). #Foodporn. (Erişim: 31.12.2021).
  • Instagram. (2021b, 2 Ekim). Cookingforbae. (Erişim: 02.10.2021).
  • Instagram. (2021c, 2 Ekim). Yemekterorleri. (Erişim: 02.10.2021).
  • Jackson, K. (2018, 5 Nisan). What is 'Mukbang'? Inside The Viral Korean Food YouTube Trend. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).
  • Jin, S. V. (2018). Interactive Effects of Instagram Foodies ‘Hashtagged #Foodporn and Peer Users’ Eating Disorder on Eating İntention, Envy, Parasocial İnteraction and Online Friendship, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, And Social Networking, 21(3), 157-167.
  • Laurell, C., Björner, E. (2018). Digital Festival Engagement: On the Interplay Between Festivals, Place Brands, and Social Media, Event Management, 22(4), 527-540.
  • Lavis, A. (2017). Food Porn, Pro-Anorexia and The Viscerality of Virtual Affect: Exploring Eating in Cyberspace, Geoforum, 84, 198-205.
  • Lewis, T. (2018). Digital Food: From Paddock to Platform, Communication Research and Practice, 4(3), 212-228.
  • Lin, L., Mao, P. C. (2015). Food for Memories and Culture–A Content Analysis Study of Food Specialties and Souvenirs, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 22, 19-29.
  • Lo, D. (2014, 28 Nisan). The Opposite of Food Porn is This. (Erişim: 01.01.2022).
  • McBride, A. E. (2010). Food Porn, Gastronomica, 10(1), 38-46.
  • Mejova, Y., Abbar, S. ve Haddadi, H. (2016). Fetishizing Food in Digital Age: #Foodporn Around The World, Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, Mart 2016 (250-258).
  • Mejova, Y., Haddadi, H., Noulas, A. vd. (2015). #Foodporn: Obesity Patterns in Culinary İnteractions, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Health, Mayıs 2015 (51-58).
  • Oakes, M. E., Slotterback, C. S. (2004). Prejudgments of Those Who Eat A “Healthy” Versus An “Unhealthy” Food for Breakfast, Current Psychology, 23(4), 267-278.
  • Öztürk, Y., İspir, N. (2021). Sosyal Medyanın Yerel Yemek Kültürü Etkileri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme: Dijital Fenomenler, Elektronik Cumhuriyet İletişim Dergisi, 3(1), 9-26.
  • Pancer, E., Philp, M. (2021, 11 Mayıs). #FoodPorn: People are More Attracted to Social Media Content Showcasing Fatty Foods. (Erişim: 28.09.2021).
  • Paul, M. J., Dredze, M. (2011). You Are What You Tweet: Analyzing Twitter for Public Health, Fifth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Temmuz 2011.
  • Pelchat, M. L., Johnson, A., Chan, R. vd. (2004). Images of Desire: Food-Craving Activation During fMRI, Neuroimage, 23(4), 1486-1493.
  • Pennell, M. (2018). (Dis)Comfort Food: Connecting Food, Social Media and First-Year College Undergraduates, Food, Culture & Society, 21(2), 255-270.
  • Piatto, T. (2020, 20 Mart). Food Porn in 2020: A Marketing Industry. (Erişim: 28.09.2021).
  • Ranteallo, I. C., Andilolo, I. R. (2017). Food Representation and Media: Experiencing Culinary Tourism Through Foodgasm and Foodporn, Saufi, A., Andilolo, I. R., Othman, N. vd. (Eds.), Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations (eBook) İçinde (117-127), Singapore: Springer.
  • Reichert, R. (2020). #Foodporn Auf Instagram: Wettbewerb und Sozıalsteuerung, Pop, 9(1), 93-99.
  • Restaurant Marketing. (2015, 28 Ocak). Food Photography Marketing: How to Boost Sales With FoodPorn. (Erişim: 28.09.2021).
  • Rozin, P., Hormes, J. M., Faith, M. S. vd. (2012). Is Meat Male? A Quantitative Multimethod Framework to Establish Metaphoric Relationships, Journal of Consumer Research, 39(3), 629-643.
  • Saavedra, C. M. C., Bautista Jr, R. A. (2020). Are You “in” or Are You “out”?: Impact of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) on Generation Z’s Masstigebrand Apparel Consumption, Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, 20(2), 106-118.
  • Shah, N. (2020). #Foodporn in The Age of Coronavirus (An Epilogue), APRIA Journal, 2(1), 98-103.
  • Sheth, N. (2017, 27 Nisan). Five Steps to Restaurant Instagram Success. (Erişim: 06.10.2021).
  • Soelistyo, L. (2017, 3 Ocak). The Hidden Pleasures of Meokbang. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).
  • Statista. (2021a, 25 Şubat). Social Media - Statistics & Facts. (Erişim: 02.10.2021).
  • Statista. (2021b, 7 Eylül). Daily Time Spent on Social Networking by İnternet Users Worldwide From 2012 to 2020. (Erişim: 01.10.2021).
  • Strand, M., Gustafsson, S. A. (2020). Mukbang and Disordered Eating: A Netnographic Analysis of Online Eating Broadcasts, Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 44(4), 586-609.
  • Sue-min, K. (2021, 19 Ocak). Watching ‘Meokbang’ Can Lead to Health Issues Such As Obesity: Report. (Erişim: 29.09.2021).
  • Talas, M. (2005). Tarihi Süreçte Türk Beslenme Kültürü ve Mehmet Eröz’e Göre Türk Yemekleri, Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (18), 273-283.
  • The Economist. (2020, 8 Nisan). Home Baking Is on The Rise, Thanks to Coronavirus Lockdowns. (Erişim: 02.10.2021).
  • The Fork Manager. (2016, 2 Mayıs). #Foodporn: Free Marketing for Your Restaurant. (Erişim: 28.09.2021).
  • Timeo, S., Suitner, C. (2018). Eating Meat Makes You Sexy: Conformity to Dietary Gender Norms and Attractiveness, Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 19(3), 418-429.
  • Toruk, İ., Sine, R. (2015). Sosyal Medyanın Toplumsal Etkileri Bağlamında “Black Mirror” Dizisinin Alımlanması, Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 457-481.
  • Vartanian, L. R. (2015). Impression Management and Food Intake. Current Directions in Research, Appetite, 86, 74-80.
  • Vartanian, L. R., Herman, C. P. ve Polivy, J. (2007). Consumption Stereotypes and İmpression Management: How You Are What You Eat, Appetite, 48(3), 265-277.
  • Villamediana-Pedrosa, J. D., Vila-Lopez, N. ve Küster-Boluda, I. (2018). Secrets to Design an Effective Message on Facebook: an Application to a Touristic Destination Based on Big Data Analysis, Current Issues in Tourism, 22(15), 1841-1861.
  • Walsh, S. (2021, 12 Nisan). 52 Instagram Statistics and Facts for 2021. (Erişim: 01.10.2021).
  • Wiggins, S. (2002). Talking With Your Mouth Full: Gustatory Mmms and The Embodiment of Pleasure, Research on Language and Social İnteraction, 35(3), 311-336.
  • YouTube. (2020, 27 Mart). Carbo-Spicy Chicken Noodles Chicken Mukbang ASMR. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).
  • YouTube. (2021, 30 Eylül). ErikTheElectric. (Erişim: 30.09.2021).
There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yıldırım Yıldırım 0000-0002-5851-7788

Talha Doğan 0000-0003-1590-2456

Publication Date July 15, 2022
Submission Date January 7, 2022
Acceptance Date February 4, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Yıldırım, Y., & Doğan, T. (2022). #FOODPORN KAVRAMI VE SOSYAL MEDYA ILE İLIŞKISI. İmgelem, 6(10), 89-110.

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