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Year 2021, , 565 - 578, 17.12.2021


The Palestinian uprisings, Intifada, is one of the important milestones in the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. The first one began in 1987 and ended (at least at the official level) in 1993 with the Oslo Accords. The six years of protests affected both Israeli and Palestinian parts. In addition to the international area's criticism for Israel's brutal response, Israel's economy was also affected severely. Even though many Palestinians still criticize the Palestinian Authority for undermining the result of this series of protests, some argue that Oslo Accords are a significant gain for the Palestinians. Without concluding whether the negotiations went well, or Oslo Accords is a gain or a loss, this study argues that the economic aspect of protests was something that led the Israeli part to negotiate and agree with Palestine. This study examines some of the direct and indirect factors, such as the cost of general strikes, a boycott of goods, refusing to pay tax, and the rise in military expenditure.


  • Anti-Defamation League. (2016). “Europe and Israel: Where Politics and Economics Do Not Meet.”
  • Assaf, R. and Efraim, S. (1993). The Economy of Modern Israel: Malaise and Promise. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Bishara, A. (1989). Israel Faces the Uprising: A Preliminary Assessment. Middle East Report, 157, 6–14.
  • Central Bureau of Statistics. (2016). “Israel in Statistics 1948-2007.”
  • Cleveland, W. L., & Bunton, M. (2009). A history of the Modern Middle East. Boulder: Westview Press.
  • Cohen, E., (2014). Tourism and Terror: A case study: Israel 1948-2012. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 2(1), pp.13-26.
  • Don, P. (1988). “Intifadeh: The Palestinian Uprising,” Foreign Affairs, vol.66, 964.
  • Don, P. (1990). Intifada: The Palestinian Uprising. Boulder: Westview Press.
  • Edward, S. (1989). “Intifada and Independence,” Social Text, no. 22, 23-39.
  • Fielding, D. (2003). Counting the cost of the Intifada: Consumption, saving and political instability in Israel. Public Choice, 116(3), 297-312.
  • Fielding, D. (2003). Modelling political instability and economic performance: Israeli investment during the Intifada. Economica, 70(277), 159-186.
  • Fouad, M. (1990). “The Intifada in American Public Opinion.” In Intifada: Palestine at the Crossroads, ed. by Nassar, J. and Heacock, R. 241-256. New York: Praeger Publishers.
  • Hanna, S. (1988). “An Analysis of the Current Revolt” Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3: 3-13.
  • James, P. (1988). “Israel and the Intifadah: Points of Stress,” Middle East Report, no.154, 13-16.
  • Mansfeld, Y. (1994). The Middle East Conflict and Tourism to Israel, 1967–90. Middle Eastern Studies, 30(3), 646-667.
  • Neff, D. (2009). “Middle East History: It Happened in December; The Intifada Erupts, Forcing Israel to Recognize Palestinians,” The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs XVI (4): 81.
  • O’Neil, B. (1991). “The Intifada in the Context of Armed Struggle.” In The Intifada: Its Impact on Israel, the Arab World, and the Superpowers, ed. by Freedman, R. 37-69. Miami: Florida International Press.
  • Rigby, A. (2015). The First Palestinian Intifada Revisited. Sparsnas: Irene Publishing.
  • Rosen, H. (1991). “Economic Consequences of the Intifada in Israel and the Administrated Territories.” In The Intifada: Its Impact on Israel, the Arab World, and the Superpowers, ed. by Freedman, R. 370-400. Miami: Florida International Press.
  • Shalev, A. (1991). The Intifada Causes and Effects. Jerusalem: Westview Press.
  • Shlomo, S. (2005). “The Price of Occupation: The Cost of the Occupation to Israeli Society,” Palestine - Israel Journal of Politics, Economics, and Culture, vol. 12, 110-120.
  • Shlomo, S. (2008). The Cost of Occupation: The Burden of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 2008 Report. Tel Aviv: Adva Center, June 2008.
  • Shlomo, S. (2010). The Cost of Occupation: The Burden of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2010 Report. Tel Aviv: Adva Center.
  • Smith, C. D. (2004). Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Bedford/St. Martin's
  • World Bank. (2016). “GDP at Market Prices.”
  • Yanovskiy, K., Zatcovetsky, I., & Rotenberg, V.S. (2015). The First Intifada, the Oslo Accords, and the Escalation of Terror: Causalities Revisited.


Year 2021, , 565 - 578, 17.12.2021


Filistin’de yaşanan intifadalar, İsrail ile anlaşmazlığın en önemli yönlerinden birini temsil etmektedir. 1987'de başlayarak 1993'teki birinci Oslo Anlaşması ile sona eren ilk İntifada boyunca devam eden protestolar İsrail’i olduğu kadar Filistin bölgelerini de etkilemiştir. Bu süreçte İsrail'in orantısız şiddete dayanan yaklaşımı uluslararası kamuoyundan gelen eleştirilerin odağına otururken, ülke ekonomisini de büyük ölçüde etkilemiştir. Her ne kadar pek çok Filistinli, İsrail ile üst düzeyde ilk görüşmelere başlayan dönemin Filistin temsilcilerini halen protestoları sonucunu baltalamakla eleştirse de, Oslo Anlaşmalarının Filistinliler açısından önemli kazanımlar getirdiğini savunanların sayısı da azımsanmayacak düzeydedir. Bu çalışma, müzakerelerin nasıl yürütüldüğü veya anlaşmaların başarılı olup olmadığı konusunda sonuca varmadan, Birinci İntifada’nın ekonomik yönünün İsrail’in Filistin ile müzakere ve anlaşmaya varmasını tetikleyen temel motivasyonlardan biri olduğunu savunmaktadır. Çalışma, bu süreçte yapılan grevlerin maliyeti, malların boykot edilmesi, vergi ödemenin reddedilmesi ve askeri harcamalardaki artış gibi doğrudan ve dolaylı maliyetleri inceleyerek Birinci İntifadanın İsrail’e olan ağır ekonomik yansımalarını açıklamayı hedeflemektedir.


  • Anti-Defamation League. (2016). “Europe and Israel: Where Politics and Economics Do Not Meet.”
  • Assaf, R. and Efraim, S. (1993). The Economy of Modern Israel: Malaise and Promise. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Bishara, A. (1989). Israel Faces the Uprising: A Preliminary Assessment. Middle East Report, 157, 6–14.
  • Central Bureau of Statistics. (2016). “Israel in Statistics 1948-2007.”
  • Cleveland, W. L., & Bunton, M. (2009). A history of the Modern Middle East. Boulder: Westview Press.
  • Cohen, E., (2014). Tourism and Terror: A case study: Israel 1948-2012. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 2(1), pp.13-26.
  • Don, P. (1988). “Intifadeh: The Palestinian Uprising,” Foreign Affairs, vol.66, 964.
  • Don, P. (1990). Intifada: The Palestinian Uprising. Boulder: Westview Press.
  • Edward, S. (1989). “Intifada and Independence,” Social Text, no. 22, 23-39.
  • Fielding, D. (2003). Counting the cost of the Intifada: Consumption, saving and political instability in Israel. Public Choice, 116(3), 297-312.
  • Fielding, D. (2003). Modelling political instability and economic performance: Israeli investment during the Intifada. Economica, 70(277), 159-186.
  • Fouad, M. (1990). “The Intifada in American Public Opinion.” In Intifada: Palestine at the Crossroads, ed. by Nassar, J. and Heacock, R. 241-256. New York: Praeger Publishers.
  • Hanna, S. (1988). “An Analysis of the Current Revolt” Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3: 3-13.
  • James, P. (1988). “Israel and the Intifadah: Points of Stress,” Middle East Report, no.154, 13-16.
  • Mansfeld, Y. (1994). The Middle East Conflict and Tourism to Israel, 1967–90. Middle Eastern Studies, 30(3), 646-667.
  • Neff, D. (2009). “Middle East History: It Happened in December; The Intifada Erupts, Forcing Israel to Recognize Palestinians,” The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs XVI (4): 81.
  • O’Neil, B. (1991). “The Intifada in the Context of Armed Struggle.” In The Intifada: Its Impact on Israel, the Arab World, and the Superpowers, ed. by Freedman, R. 37-69. Miami: Florida International Press.
  • Rigby, A. (2015). The First Palestinian Intifada Revisited. Sparsnas: Irene Publishing.
  • Rosen, H. (1991). “Economic Consequences of the Intifada in Israel and the Administrated Territories.” In The Intifada: Its Impact on Israel, the Arab World, and the Superpowers, ed. by Freedman, R. 370-400. Miami: Florida International Press.
  • Shalev, A. (1991). The Intifada Causes and Effects. Jerusalem: Westview Press.
  • Shlomo, S. (2005). “The Price of Occupation: The Cost of the Occupation to Israeli Society,” Palestine - Israel Journal of Politics, Economics, and Culture, vol. 12, 110-120.
  • Shlomo, S. (2008). The Cost of Occupation: The Burden of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 2008 Report. Tel Aviv: Adva Center, June 2008.
  • Shlomo, S. (2010). The Cost of Occupation: The Burden of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2010 Report. Tel Aviv: Adva Center.
  • Smith, C. D. (2004). Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Bedford/St. Martin's
  • World Bank. (2016). “GDP at Market Prices.”
  • Yanovskiy, K., Zatcovetsky, I., & Rotenberg, V.S. (2015). The First Intifada, the Oslo Accords, and the Escalation of Terror: Causalities Revisited.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Hamdullah Baycar 0000-0002-8720-9995

Emrah Atar 0000-0003-1221-5415

Publication Date December 17, 2021
Submission Date August 29, 2021
Acceptance Date December 9, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021



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